DN - Film + Lit Sussex

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Personal Statement – Dominic Nagpal

I think a joint degree in English and Film Studies is perfect for me because of my
natural enthusiasm for both subjects. Watching films and being creatively involved in
the medium has always been part of my personality, and has developed as I've gained
more experience. Naturally, since the two art forms are interlinked, English is equally
interesting and inspiring to me, and supports my interest in journalism and

In media studies I have completed numerous coursework projects in which I've

worked on every stage of the production process from shooting to editing and
analysis. I take an active voluntary role in the department, and am creatively involved
in filmmaking out of school, where I've written, shot and edited various short films.
My enthusiasm for expressing myself through filmmaking stems from a long lasting
adoration of cinema. I take advantage of living in London by attending film seasons at
cinemas like the NFT, Prince Charles or ICA on an almost weekly basis to see limited
screenings or to take part in Q&A's with filmmakers. I have a lot to say on the subject,
and am receptive to all periods, genres and countries.

I am also an avid screenwriter, having written three feature length screenplays of

different genres. Writing these scripts as a recreational hobby has been very enjoyable
and liberating, and has allowed me to find my own style, take on my own inspirations,
and has enabled me to learn the more practical elements of screenwriting. Being
involved in independent projects such as these and gaining positive feedback from my
peers has immersed me further into my love of filmmaking.

I am interested not only in the creative aspect of English, but also in journalism. I am
the editor of the sixth form magazine, which is published every month. As well as
organising, editing and designing the magazine, I am an active contributor to it. My
interest in film journalism was strengthened during my work experience at the
Associated Press. On top of taking the English Literature A-Level, I attend Literary
Society at school, where we have discussed writers from George Orwell to Bob
Dylan. I spend much time reading novels, screenplays and plays, all of which are a
constant source of inspiration for me.

Last year I directed the year 12 theatre production of Ken Kesey's play, 'One Flew
Over The Cuckoo's Nest'. It was a completely independent project, and whilst having
no involvement from teachers was first daunting, I soon adapted and realised that the
greater responsibility I had also meant that I had larger creative control. It gave me
experience of everything from casting and auditions, to dealing with actors, technical
design, sets and costume. Translating the literary source to a visual medium was
particularly pertinent to me. Most importantly, it was an incredibly fun and creative
time, and the positive response to the performance was extremely encouraging. I
received a headmaster's commendation in recognition of my work on the production.

I am a website design enthusiast, and have developed a number of different sites,

some to publicize my short films. I have also gained extensive knowledge of
Macromedia Flash, and have been employed by software company Aleria to formulate
and animate short internet advertisements for them, which are then e-mailed to
potential clients.
Ultimately, I consider myself a very passionate and creative person, and I am
extremely enthusiastic about expressing my views or my art through whichever
medium I can. I would ultimately love to be involved in the film industry as a
screenwriter or a director. While I know the market is very difficult to get into, I have
huge drive to see my own work on screen, and have already begun to create scripts
and shorts. Through taking this joint degree, I hope to further extend my knowledge
of literature and cinema, share opinions with others, gain inspiration and discover
more about what makes these art-forms so fascinating to me.

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