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2. 3. 4.

Action Aid Malawi Adolescent Girls Literacy Association Adventist Development, Relief and Development
Africa Windmill


African Development and Education Foundation

African Institute of Corporate Citizenship


AGE Africa

10. 11. 12. 13.


Amitofo Caring Centre Aquaid Lifeline Association of Preschool Playgroups in Malawi Banja La Mtsogolo
Bilal Trust

15. 16.

Billy Riordan Memorial Trust Building With Books

Camfed Malawi

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23.


Canadian Physicians For Aid and Relief Care International Centre for Alternative for Victimized Women and children Centre for Community Organisation and Development Centre for Development and Research in Southern Africa Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation
Centre for Human Rights Education, Advice and Assistance

25. 26.

Centre for Youth & Children Affairs Centre of Environmental Policy and Advocacy
Chance for Change

28. 29. 30.


Child Legacy Internatioal Child Support Project Children of the Nations

Chinansi Foundation

32. 33.

Chingale Neno Recovery and Development Programme Chisomo Childrens Club



Christian Aid

35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41.

42. 43.

Christian Health Association in Malawi Christian Reformed World Relief Committee Christian Service Committee Churches Action In Relief and Development Circle for Integrated Community Development CitiHope International Civil Liberties Committee
Civil Society Education Coalition Network Clyde F. Green Foundation, Inc


Comitato Internazionale Per Lo Sviluppo Dei Pepoli (CISP)

Communities in Deveopment Activities

46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51.


Community for St. Egidio - ACAP Concern Universal Concern Worldwide Cooperazione International Coordination Unit for Rehabilitation of the Environment Council of St. Johns Ambulance - Malawi
Counselling of the Adolescent and Youth Organisation (CAYO)

53. 54.

Creative Centre for Community Mobilization Danchurch Aid

Development Action for Marginalized Rural Areas


Development Aid from People to People

Development Fund of Norway

59. 60.

Dignitas International
Direct Aid Association Kuwait Disabled Women Association in Africa

61. 62.
63. 64.

Drug Fight Malawi Education Development Center

Electoral Support Network (MESN) Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71.


Emmanuel International Environment Africa Every Child Eye of the Child Family Health International Family Planning Association of Malawi Federation for Disability Organisations in Malawi
Feed the Children Inc

73. 74.

Find Your Feet Foundation for Community Support services



Frank Mbedza Foundation

76. 77.

Fresh Water Project Friends of Mulanje orphans

Future Vision Ministries of Canada

79. 80. 81.


Gift of Givers Foundation Global Aids Interfaith Alliance Africa International Trust Goal Malawi
Good Neighbors International

83. 84. 85.


Goods for Good Inc Gorta Grace Farming Programme

H.E.L.P. Malawi

87. 88.

Habitat for Humanity Heifer Project International

HHK Mission

91. 92. 93.

Hygiene Village Project

I Tech Malawi ICAP - Nurse Education Partnership Initiative Institute for Policy Interaction


Inter Aide
Interchurch Organisation for Development Co-operation (ICCO)


International Group Association

International Support and Partnership for Health/St. Marys Hospital

98. Islamic Relief International 99. Japan Overseas Cooperative Association 100. John Hopkins University Centre for Communication Program
101. 102. 104. 105. JSI Research and Training Institute, Inc Kids' World Outreach Society Kuunika Foundation Malawi Landirani Trust

103. Kindle Orphan Outreach

106. Link Community Development 107. Lions Aid Norway

108. 109. 110. 112. 114. Lobbyist for Peace, Justice and Transparency Luke International Norway Maikhanda Trust Malawi Business Coalition Against HIV/AIDS Malawi Children Village

111. Malawi AIDS Counselling and Resource Organisation (MACRO) 113. Malawi Centre for Advice Research and Education on Rights 115. Malawi Enterprise Zones Association (MALEZA) 116. Malawi Human Rights Resource Centre (MHRRC)

117. 118. 119. 120. 121.


Malawi Interfaith AIDS Association (MIAA) Malawi Network of AIDS Services Organisations (MANASO) Malawi Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (MANET) Management Sciences for Health (MSH) Matunkha Development Centre
Mchenga Local NGO

123. Medecins Sans Frontiers-Belgium 124. Medicines Sans Frontiers France 125. Micro Loan Foundation
126. 128. Mineral and Appropriate Technologies Applicable in Malawi Mother Marys Children Centre

127. Ministry of Hope 129. Mother2Mother 130. Mponela Aids Information and Counselling Centre
131. 132. 134. 136. Mulanje Mountain Conservation Trust Munazzammat Al-Dawa Al-Islamia Nanzikambe Arts Development Organisation; National Development Institute

133. Namwera AIDS Coordinating Committee 135. National Association of Business Women 137. National Election Systems Trust 138. National Womens Lobby Group 139. Network of Organisation for Vurnerable and Orphaned Children
140. 142. New Life Behaviour Ministries Nzando Orphan Care

141. Norwegian Church Aid 143. 144. 145. 146.


Orphan Support Africa Orphan Widow, AIDS Campaign Organisation Oxfam PACT, Inc.
Pakachere Institute for Health and Devevelopment Communication

148. Pan African Civic Educators Network (PACENET) 149. Participatory Rural Development Organisation (PRDO)
150. 152. 153. Partners in Harvest/Iris Africa Peace in God People Federation for National Peace and Development

151. Partners In Health

154. 155. 156. 157.

Plan International Population Services International Progressio Project Concern International


158. Project Hope 159. Project Peanut Butter 160. Public Service Pensioners Association
161. 163. 165. 166. Pump Aid Rainbow Children Development Center Ruths Shawls Inc Samaritan Hand Foundation

162. Rafiki Foundation 164. Regional Schools and Colleges Permaculture Programmes

167. Save Orphans Ministries 168. Save the Children Foundation, USA
169. Save the Children International

170. Scottish International Relief 171. Self Help Development Africa

172. Seward Incorporated

173. Sight Savers International 174. Small Scale Livestock Promotion Programme 175. Smile Malawi
176. 178. Social Change and Development (SCAD) Socio-Cultural Association

177. Social Islamic Development 179. Solar Aid 180. SOS Children Village
181. Southern Africa AIDS Trust

182. 183. 184. 185.

186. 187. 188.

Stephano's Foundation Sub-Saharan Africa Family Enrichment Sue Ryder Foundation Sue Ryder International in Africa
Swedish Cooperative Centre Teethsavers International Temwa

189. 190. 191. 192. 193.


The Amai Aisha Trust Fund The Bible Society of Malawi The Chesney Trust The Citizen Network for Foreign Affairs The Hunger Project
The New Restoration Ministries International

195. The Samaritan Trust 196. The Story Workshop Educational Trust 197. The Swedish Organisation For Individual Relief SOIR
198. Theatre for a Change 5


Tiphedzane Community Support Organisation

200. Total Landcare 201. Tovwirane HIV/AIDS Organisation 202. Trocaire

203. 205. 206. Tubepoka Development Initiative (TDI) Village Reach Voluntary Services Overseas

204. Village of Hope Malawi Trust

207. War on Want Northern Ireland 208. Water Aid-Malawi Programme 209. Water for People
210. 211. Water Mission International Weltihungerhilfe

212. Wildlife and Environmental Care of Malawi 213. William J. Clinton Foundation
214. 215. Winrock International Institute Women for Fair Development (WOFAD)

216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222.

223. 224.

World Camp, Inc World Hope Internatioal World Medical Fund World Relief International World University Services Of Canada World Vision International Young Womens Christians Association of Malawi
Youth and Children's Rights Shield Youth Impact Malawi

225. Youth Net and Counselling (YONECO) 226. Zione Ministries

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