Sludge Process

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Domingo E. Boglosa, Jr.*

This paper about the activated sludge process is made to provide every PCO and WWTP operator and all individual, involve in the environmental protection particularly in the treatment of the wastewater that at present becomes a great contributor of water pollution in the rivers, lakes and ocean which are the basic source of marine life, the basic design and operation knowledge to be used in maintaining their respective WWTPs BOD Removal Efficiency as well as an overview about the life of the microorganism present in the wastewater treatment system. The activated sludge process is a wastewater treatment method in which the carbonaceous organic matter of wastewater provides an energy source for the production of new cells for a mixed population of microorganisms in an aquatic aerobic environment. The microbes convert carbon into cell tissue and oxidized end products that include carbon dioxide and water. In addition, a limited number of microorganisms may exist in activated sludge that obtains energy by oxidizing ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in the process known as nitrification. Bacteria constitute the majority of microorganisms present in activated sludge. Bacteria that require organic compounds for their supply of carbon and energy (heterotrophic bacteria) predominate, whereas bacteria that use inorganic compounds for cell growth (autotrophic bacteria) occur in proportion to concentrations of carbon and nitrogen. Both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria may exist in the activated sludge, but the preponderance of species is facultative, able to live in either the presence of or lack of dissolved oxygen. Fungi, rotifers, and protozoans are also residents of activated sludge. The latter microorganisms are represented largely by ciliated species, but flagellated protozoans and amoebae may also be present. Protozoans serve as indicators of the activated sludge condition, and ciliated species are instrumental in removing Escherichia coli from sewage. Additionally, viruses of human origin may be found in raw sewage influent, but a large percentage appears to be removed by the activated-sludge process.

Asst. Manager, Sales and Marketing Department/Technical Consultant Fluid Technologies and Environmental Management, Inc. (FTEMI)

The success of the activated-sludge process is dependent upon establishing a mixed community of microorganisms that will remove and consume organic waste material, that will aggregate and adhere in a process known as bio-flocculation, and that will settle in such a manner as to produce a concentrated sludge (return activated sludge, or RAS) for recycling. Any of several types of activated sludge solids separations problems indicate an imbalance in the biological component of this process. In the ideal "healthy" system, filamentous organisms grow within a floc (a large aggregate of adherent, or flocforming, microorganisms, such as bacteria) and give it strength, with few filaments protruding out into the surrounding bulk solution. In such a system, there is no interference with the compaction and settling rates of the activated sludge prior to its recycling.

Wastewater is an unavoidable by-product of the modern living. The composition of average Philippine water wastewater is about 99.95% water by weight, but the remaining 0.05% can do unlimited damage to our water ways and if left unchecked, can constitute a hazard to the public. In general, wastewater is composed of water, solids (dissolved and suspended) and bacteria. Some of these bacteria are potential disease carriers. If these solids and bacteria are not removed from the wastewater before it is discharged into a receiving body of water, the receiving body will become unsightly and give off unpleasant odor and, at worst, fish life will be destroyed and the water will become a health hazard. A wastewater treatment plant is built for the purpose of removing objectional material from wastewater so the treated plant effluent can be safely discharged to the receiving waters. The complexity and cost of activated sludge process designs preclude their use in large and small plants. For years, there was no satisfactory method to handle large and small wastewater flows. There was a need for a plant with the following characteristics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. High efficiency Reliability Odorless Minimum supervision requirements Low initial cost

Rated Aeration was developed to meet these specifications. Continued development of the rated aeration concept has led to improvement of the product available from economic and process efficiency standpoint.



Before discussing the activated sludge process, a definition of the terms we will be using is in order. Flow - Expressed in million gallons per day (MGD) or for small plants in gallons per day (GPD).This is the total volume of waste water which a given treatment plant must treat over a 24-hour period. - The biochemical oxygen demand is define as the amount of oxygen required by bacteria while stabilizing decomposable organic matter under aerobic conditions. The BOD test is widely used to determine the pollution strength of domestic and industrial waste water in terms of the oxygen that they will require if discharged into natural water courses in which aerobic conditions.


Suspended Solids -Suspended solids are those solids which are visible and in suspension in water, waste water or activated sludge. They are the solids which can be removed by physical or mechanical means, such as sedimentation or filtration. In waste water, they will include the larger floating particles and consist of seed, grit, clay, fecal solids, paper, sticks of wood, particles of food and garbage, and similar of time. Settle able Solids - Settle able solids constitute that portion of the suspended solids which are of sufficient size and weight to settle out in a given period of time. Mixed Liquor Settle able solids (MLSS) - Those solids in an activated sludge mixture this will settle in thirty minutes. pH - pH is a term used to express the intensity of the acid or alkaline condition of a solution. It is expressed as a number which ranges from 0 to 14.Below 7, the solution is acid, above 7 is alkaline, and at 7 the solution is neutral. The pH of domestic waste usually nearly neutral.

Aerobic - The term aerobic refers to those organisms which live and function in the presence of oxygen. The bacteria employed in the activated sludge process are such organisms and requires an aerobic environment. This environment is provided for them in the activated sludge process by supplying diffused air throughout the activated sludge mixture

If a sample of a wastewater were placed in a vessel and aerated over a period of time, the wastewater would lose its odor and become slightly brown in color. The development of a brown mass within the wastewater would be an indication of an activated sludge being developed within the liquid. The air is introduced to the liquid in order to provide the environment in which an aerobic biological mass would thrive. If a small sample of this brown mass were examined under the microscope, hundreds of microscopic organism would be seen. This brown floc is called activated sludge.

In activated sludge process, a tank is filled with wastewater and is then aerated to provide the aerobic environment required in order to develop an activated sludge. Wastewater is continually introduced into the tank and the development of a brown activated sludge is dependent on the amount of waste water that is treated in a particular aeration tank. Over a period of time, the amount of activated sludge developed within the aeration tank will increase depending upon the amount and strength of wastewater being treated. The micro-organisms developed or the activated sludge developed utilizes the contaminants in the wastewater for food, growth and reproduction. this activated sludge in the aeration tank which is commonly referred to as mixed liquor is then transferred to a final settling tank where separation of liquid and solids is effected by gravity sedimentation. the settled solids are quickly returned to the aerobic environment of the aeration tank in order to sustain the life of these micro-organisms, and the clarified effluent at the top of the final settling tank is withdrawn for discharge to a receiving body of water or for further treatment, if required. The mixed liquor from the aeration tank is introduced into the final settling tank at some point below the surface of the settling tanks. The design of a settling tank is such so that the rising velocity of the liquid flowing out the settling tank is considerably less than the settling velocity of the solid particles in the mixed liquor. In a continuous process activated sludge plant, the amount of activated sludge solids in the system will increase as wastewater is treated. In order to maintain a balance in the system between the activated sludge and the food (organics in the wastewater) that is coming into the aeration tank, it is necessary to remove some solids from the system. This excess sludge is generally wasted to a digester and in most plants aerobic digester is provided. In the aerobic digester the excess solids are aerated over a long period of time. In the absence of food some of these micro-organisms begin to die off and provide food for those micro-organisms which are sustained, but over the extended period of time there is generally a substantial reduction in the percentage of volatile solids in the waste sludge. The important factor in an aerobic digester is to provide as an end product a sludge which is readily dewaterable and is non- offensive in odor so that the plant operator can withdraw digested sludge from aerobic digester and put that sludge on a drying bed and expect a dry product in a reasonable period of time.


It should always be considered that the design conditions that have been assumed are fairly typical, but it should be keep in mind that the quality of a specific wastewater, as well as the various factors associated with specific locality, such as air temperature, wastewater temperature, and altitude may differ substantially from one plant to another. It was also assumed that the wastewater did not contain any substantial amount of toxic impurities that would preclude the normal functioning of the activated sludge process, with consequent removals of BOD and suspended solids that normally associated with this process. Design Basis - Generally in larger communities having wastewater flows of one (1) MGD or more, a person will generate 100 gallons of wastewater per day containing 0.17 pounds of BOD5. From a hydraulic loading and organic loading standpoint, this represents "One population equivalent (P.E.)." This equivalent population flow, 100 gallons per captia per day (gpcd), is generally accepted as the upper limit for domestic flow projection on a daily average basis for new wastewater systems serving large communities. Suspended solids (SS)

concentrations from domestic flows can be reasonably assumed to contain 0.2 pounds of suspended solids per capita per day. If the use of garbage grinders in a system is significant, then the design basis should be increased to 0.22 pounds of BOD5 and 0.25 pounds of suspended solids per capita per day. If wastewater flow data are not available, the design average daily flow shall be based on 75gpcd for communities with flows less than 1 MGD. An alternate method to determine design capacity could be justified by local water consumption records but shall not be less than 60 gpcd. These records should generally be based on the average monthly usage for the months of December, January, and February. Special consideration may be needed for communities with highly varying seasonal consumptive water use such as tourism and certain seasonal industrial uses. Projected wastewater flows for a community could be calculated by using 80 percent of the actual water consumption. Allowances shall be made for infiltration, inflow and significant commercial/ industrial waste flows which will be added to the per capita flow rate. If no actual data on infiltration is available, an assumed infiltration design allowance for existing sewers should be added to the design flow. For existing systems, the minimum infiltration design allowance for the existing sewers and service lines shall be no less than 200 gallons per inch of pipe diameter per mile of pipe per day. It is recommended that actual flow measurements to determine infiltration rates be conducted for those communities that have collector sewers that lie below the groundwater table.

A. AERATION TANK The volume requirement of aeration tanks are usually determined on the basis of a prescribed five day BOD loading that will depend upon the type of the activated sludge process being employed. Once the total aeration tank volumetric requirement has been determine, the number and size of tanks are next determined. Each aeration tank is considered upon as one individual treatment unit. A very commonly used cross section for an aeration tank is 15ft liquid depth and 30 ft. width. The 15ft liquid depth and 30 ft. width has more or less become the standard limitation and similar 30ft tank width has become the normal limitation on tank width when a wide band aeration system is utilized. In order to perhaps better explain the rationale behind these commonly used dimensional limitations, a review of some of the objectives and requisites of a diffused aeration system are to be considered. One of the two major objectives is to efficiently transfer oxygen to the mixed liquor. Although a 30 ft. x 15ft aeration tank is by no means the ideal size in order to accomplish this most efficiently, if one weighs the other economic factors, primarily the capital cost of the aeration tank structure itself and the associated mechanical equipment, this tank size in most instances gives a very favorable combination of capital and operation costs. From point of capital cost, it may be stated that the larger the cross section of an aeration tank, the less its cost per unit volume, but, of course, beyond a certain point, at which the number of treatment units is reduced, the construction cost is reduced at the expense of a certain degree of flexibility. This may or may not be important, depending upon the specific number of treatment units in a particular situation

aside from the fact that under otherwise identical conditions, that as the cross sectional area is increased, the oxygen transfer efficiency is decreased, the factor of circulating velocities in an aeration tank must also be considered. In addition to affecting the transfer of oxygen to the mixed liquor, he diffused aeration system also provides the energy for maintaining the solids in the mixed liquor suspended, and in general maintaining the mixed liquor in a substantially homogenous state. In order to maintain the contents of an aeration tank in a homogenous state, the minimum circulating velocity in any part of the tank should be at least one foot per second and preferably more. Therefor, in addition to striving to obtain the best economic balance between oxygen transfer efficiency, and tank size, the design engineer must also make certain that the quantity of air diffused per unit length of aeration tank at the balance point shall be sufficient to provide adequate velocities.
Standard loading factors for Activated Sludge process design


SLUDGE BOD MLSS 0.30 0.05 0.30 0.30

1.Conventional 2.Extended Aeration 3.Step Aeration 4.Complete mixing

Aeration tank volume (106 cu.ft) 0.42857 1.20 0.30 0.15

MLSS (Dry Bulb) 50,000 300,000 50,000 50,000

MLSS (mg/li) 1870 4006 2671 5342

Lbs. solids to final settling tank/clarifier 156,000 350,000 131,000 450,000

*lbs. solids = Net flow (MGD) * 8.34lbs/gal* MLSS (mg/li)

B. BASIC ACTUAL DESIGN DETENTION TIME REQUIREMENTS a. b. c d. e. f. Detention Time for Aeration Tank Detention Time for Aerobic Digester .Det. Time for Neutralization Tank Det. time for Equalization Tank Det. Time for settling tank Det. Time for Chlorine Contact Tank : : : : : : 15 to 17 hours 12 to 24 days 2hrs 4hrs variable 1hr

C. BASIC ACTUAL DESIGN FACTORS Q BOD5 Altitude Air Temp Wastewater temp. Alpha Beta = Flow rate in, CMD or MGD (variable) = After pre treatment, in mg/li (Variable) = 3000ft = -10: to 100:F = 60: to 85: = 0.9 (Assumed) = 0.85(Assumed)

Organic Nitrogen Chlorides Minimum D.O.

= 20mg/li = 300mg/li = 2mg/li

Activated Sludge Allowable Hydraulic Loads:

Allowable Hydraulic Loading Types of Activated Sludge Process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Conventional Step Aeration Contact Stabilization Extended Aeration Complete mixed aeration 35 50 50 12.5 100 Lbs. BOD5/1000cu.ft Transfer efficiency 11.6% 12.75% 11.6% 11.6% 13.1%

D. BASIC DESIGN FORMULAS Oxygen Requirements formula O2/day = (BOD20) + (MVLSS) Where: Alpha () = fraction of BOD20 removed oxidized for energy Assume alpha =0.50 Beta () = Oxygen for auto oxidation of biological mass Assume beta =0.125 BOD20 = (BOD5) (1.46) Lbs. MLSS = lbs. BOD5 0.30 AIR REQUIREMENTS: CFM = ( lbs. O2/day ) 1440 min/day x (1 Alt. Where: #O2/#Air Den Alt O2 deficit )

(1 ) trans.eff x O2 Deficit

(1 ) #O2/#Air x (1 ) Alpha

(1 ) Dens

= = = =

Ratio by weight of oxygen in air =0.23 Density at sea level and Ambient Temperature Correction for altitude O2 saturation in water @temperature O2 Saturation in Mixed liquor-D.O. level in mixed liquor = O2 sat. in water (O2 sat in water X Beta)-D.O. = 0.9 (assumed)


= O2 transfer in Mixed Liquor

O2 sat. in water = O2 saturation in mixed liquor = 0.85(assumed) O2 Saturation in water Den. = 0.07093 lbs./cu.ft (@100:F and sea level) Alt. = 0.891 (@3000ft) O2 = sat.of water at 85:F and 3000ft at chloride concentration of 300mg/li = saturation at sea level x Actual pressure 760mm Hg Cfm for aerator = 9.55 x lbs. O2 per day % Trans. Eff Oxygen Needed = (2*lbs. BOD)/24hrs Oxygen Trans. eff = 1.6 lbs. /shaft hip/hr. For Aerobic Digester/neutralization and Equalization Tank; Cfm requirements = 30scfm /1000 cu. ft. of water E. SETTLING TANKS /CLARIFIER In order the have a better design of the settling/clarifier tank the two major design criteria in the sizing of the final settling/clarifier tank of an activated sludge system, particularly the surface area, are the hydraulic loading and the solids loading. Commonly used hydraulic loading rate shall be in the range of 500 to 1000 gallons per day per square ft., usually depending upon the size of the plant, sometimes ,usually in relatively small plants, especially those where only one settling tank will be installed, hydraulic loadings below 500 gallons per square foot per day is the generally accepted standard. In the design, referring to the tabulated results, it may readily be seen that at a hydraulic surface area loading of 1000GPD per square foot, the solids loading is the determining design parameter for establishing the settling tank surface area, except in the conventional and step aeration of the activated sludge process. In contrast, at a hydraulic surface loading of 500GPD per square foot, solids loading are the controlling parameter, except in the case of the complete mix. Assume hydraulic surface loading of 500 and 1000 gpd/sq. For Settling Tank:
ACTIVATED SLUDGE PROCESS 1.Conventional 2.Extended Aeration 3.Step Aeration 4. Complete mixing Settling tank surface area,sq.ft 20lbs/ 7,800 17,500 6,500*** 22,500 Settling tank surface area,sq.ft 500gpd/sq. 20,000 20.000 20,000 20,000 Settling tank surface area,sq.ft 1000 gpd/sq. 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000


F. WWTP OPERATION 1. WASTE WATER TREATMENT PROCESS DESCRIPTION The waste waster treatment as describe below is Extended Aeration process. The unit operation involve in the process are:
Supernatant Line

Return Sludge line Equalization Tank

Scree ning Cham ber Neutralization

Excess Sludge Line


Aeration Tank

Settling Tank

Chlorine Contact Tank

Aerobic Digester Tank

Effluent (Treated Water) Dewatering Facility Filtrate line Waste sludge line

Sludge Cake


Equalization Tank


Static Bar Screen


2. Bar Screen Raw wastewater (influent) from the slaughter area goes into a sump pit or holding tank by gravity then pumped out into a Bar Screen Chamber where solid materials and large are screened/prevented from flowing with the influent.
Down feed with Diffusers

Raw Water Flow from screening Chamber

Equalization Tank

3. Neutralization Tank The raw wastewater enters into neutralization tank wherein the pH is being neutralized. The raw wastewater that has pH below 6 is considered acidic while raw wastewater that has pH over 9 is considered basic and those that as pH between 6-9 is considered neutral. The pH of the wastewater if acidic is being neutralized by adding caustic substance while if the pH of the water is basic it is being neutralized by adding acid.
Return Sludge canal Downfeed with Diffusers

Raw waterFlow

Aeration Tank


4. Equalization Tank Influent does not flow at a uniform rate and its characteristics are not constant with time. Any fluctuations in the influent flow rate and its characteristics will affect the efficiency of the subsequent treatment processes. Flow equalization is done to control the flow through each stage of the process allowing adequate time for biological treatment to take place. The pH of water is adjusted if necessary to a value (pH 7-9) that is ideal for subsequent biological treatment.
Supernatant line Handrail

From Equalization Raw Water enters

Settling Tank

Activated sludge and microorganism With Aeration system

5. Aeration Tanks The blower is allowed to operate continuously where the wastewater is oxidized forming biomass necessary for degradation process. Organic matter is converted by microorganism into carbon dioxide and water. Air is supplied uniformly into this tank by means of a positive displacement blower through the air bubble diffusers installed at the bottom of the tank. The upward movement of air bubbles stirs up the contents of the tank thereby preventing anaerobic condition that can upset the aerobic process.
Influent baffle Return sludge canal Effluent Baffle

Sludge hopper Handrail

Static Airlift Clear Water Canal

Activated Sludge From Aeration tank

Clear water To Chlorine Contact tank


6. Settling/Clarifier tank Inlet and outlet baffles are installed to allow a quiescent settling. After sometime, the clear supernatant liquid is passed to a Chlorination Tank. Portion of the settled sludge is returned back into the Aeration Tank to be utilized for further degradation process. Excess sludge is pumped into the Aerobic Sludge Digester and Sludge Drying Beds for disposal as
Concrete Baffle Handrail Clear water From Settling Tank


7. Chlorine Contact Tank Final effluent is disinfected to kill pathogenic organisms still present in the effluent. Treated effluent water will then flow into the Effluent Wet Well where water sample for testing may be secured.
Excess sludge Enters through Excess sludge canal Supernatant Line

Wasted Sludge To Dewatering Facility

Activated sludge With Aeration system


8. Aerobic Digester Excess sludge from the settling tanks will be siphoned into the Aerobic Digester where it shall be stored and stabilized. Aerobic digestion is a method of sludge stabilization in an open tank. Wasted Sludge
From Aerobic Digester Fine Sludge cake



Filtrate holding tank

To Aeration or Pre-aeration tank


9. Sludge Drying Beds Waste sludge from the activated process and from the Aerobic Digester are diverted into the Sludge Drying Beds where excess water will be drained by gravity. Filtrate will flow back into the sump. Dried Sludge will be extracted and hauled out as landfill or soil conditioner. 10. MAJOR PROBLEM USUALLY ENCOUNTERED IN THE WWTP OPERATIONS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE SOLUTIONS 1. PROBLEM: Aeration tank water becomes light in color compared to the usual brown color. ANSWER: The above problem indicates that there is a loss of solids in the aeration tank, probably from over wasting of sludge. The operator must then return to a start- up operation procedure until the mixed liquor solids concentration reaches the appropriate level. Sludge wasting should be adjusted to avoid wasting too many solids to the digester again.

2. PROBLEM: Aeration tank water appears black in color as compared to the usual brown color. ANSWER: The above problem usually indicates that the solids in the aeration tank are becoming septic due to an inadequate air supply or that the plant is being overloaded. First of all, check to make sure that the blower is operating properly and at full speed. Next, check the condition of the aerators (surface or submerge type) to be sure that the aerators are in good operating order. If the blower and diffuser or aerators are in good condition, check if the plant is being overloaded or if toxic material or substance is entering the plant. 3. PROBLEM: Solids are being carried over the weir in the plant effluent. ANSWER: The above abnormal situation can be the result of several different conditions: a. The concentration of the mixed liquor suspended solids may be too high. Check this with the settle able solids test. If the solids level is high, it will be necessary to waste more sludge to the aerobic digester. However, if solids are returning to the aeration tank from the digester through the supernatant return port, it will be necessary to remove sludge from the digester b. The plant may be hydraulically overloaded. If this is the case, and the plant is receiving flow from a lift station, it may be that enough of the wastewater flow is not being re-circulated through the wet well. This can be remedied by adjusting the flow splitter box to return more flow to wet well. c. The activated sludge may be a poor settling sludge. 4. PROBLEM Floating sludge solids on the Clarifier or settling tank surface. ANSWER: The color of these solids can be immediately be a guide to a solution of this problem a. The presence of the large quantities of light colored sludge on the final tank is usually an indication of over aeration of the mixed liquor suspended solids, and this can be confirmed by measuring the dissolved oxygen content of the mixed liquor, which would be very high. To correct this, the operator must reduce the amount of air being delivered to the aeration tank by reducing the blower output.


If there are very dark or black floating solids on the final surface, it is probable that these solids are being retained in the final tank for too long a period. Checks the conditions of the sludge discharging from clarifier sludge pump/settling tank travalift. It should be in a fresh condition, it must be no odor and brown in color. f the sludge is in good condition, it is possible then that rubber scrapper of the clarifier or the squeegee blades are not keeping the clarifier tank or settling tank slope clean. Probe the slopes, especially at the end of the clarifier or settling tank, to see if there has been any sludge builds up. If there is a build- up, push the sludge down the slope the build- up solids. If the problem continue to occur, the tank must be dewatered and the sludge pump must be checked carefully and replace if necessary ,also check the clarifier slope sludge scrapper and adjust it does not function well have it adjusted. If settling tank check the travalift squeegee as well as the intake bell and adjust if needed.

The basic knowledge about biological treatment particularly the Activated Sludge Process basic design and actual operation is not commonly available to every individual whom their advocacy is to protect the environment by reducing the pollutants present in every receiving body of water through an efficient wastewater treatment facility. The dream of protecting the environment can only be achieved by providing sufficient understanding about the problem and giving more venues to access the vital information that can enhance the respective skills in monitoring and maintaining the entire treatment facility. With this knowledge on basic design and operation of Activated Sludge process, it enhances the skill of WWTP operators/PCOs in responding immediately with accuracy in case the WWTP equipment has shut-down in their respective plant. These also give them a chance to enhance the efficiency of their Plants by installing newly purchased/repaired equipment with correct Capacity as required by the treatment system particularly for the aeration tank that serves as the heart of the entire WWTP. By knowing the most common major problems of the plants, it is now easy for the WWTP operator /PCO or any individual involve in environmental protection, to address the need of the plant and they will be able to modify the WWTP to address the need. This Technical lecture reveals a trend towards practical way of handling water pollution and provides the maximum benefit of accumulated experiences, eliminate knowledge inconsistency and set measures of quality control.

I. FEW ACTUAL WWTP REFERENCES : 1. 2. 3. 4. AZUCARERA DE DON PEDRO WWTP Nasugbu, Batangas PAMAYANAN NG DIEGO SILANG CENTRALIZED STP C-5 Taguig City Wyeth Philippines, Inc. WWTP Canlubang, Laguna Coca cola bottlers Philippines STP a. Davao b. Gensan c. Zamboanga d. Meycawayan, Bulacan e. Pangasinan

5. AMANPULO ISLAND RESORT STP II. THEORITICAL REFERENCES: J.E.CALLOS AND ASSOCIATES WEFTEC98 ASIA LECTURES AND ACTUAL DESIGNED ON STP/WWTP 16M Maya Arcade Building, 678 EDSA, Cubao Quezon City APHA. Standard methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 19 ed., American Public Health Association, Washington, DC.1995. Tchobanoglous G, Burton F.L. & Stensel HD., Introduction to process analysis and selection (Chapter 4). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment and Reuse, ed. G. Tchobanoglous, F.L. Burton & H.D. Stensel, McGraw-Hill: Boston, pp. 215-310, 2003 Water Environment Federation. 1996. Operation of municipal wastewater treatment plants. Manual of practice no. 11, vol. 2, 5th ed. Alexandria, Va.

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