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Wednesday Weekly Newsletter

Through working together, the best is yet to come

Issue 19 29th January 2014

Dear Parents, SAINSBURYS ACTIVE KIDS VOUCHERS Sainsburys ACTIVE KIDS vouchers will be provided from our local stores from 29th January to 20th May 2014. I hope you are aware that these make a huge difference to our school as they are collected keenly in order to purchase free resources for many areas of our curriculum. I would be very grateful if you would please try your very best to collect and return them to our school office. Dont be frightened to ask others in your queue if they have no need for them and get your friends and family all doing the same! I have set an ambitious target of 40,000 token to be collected! Your help is, as always, very much appreciated. LOST PROPERTY We seem to have acquired a lot of let over jumpers, cardigans and fleeces! All lost property from all classrooms and th cloakrooms will be out on tables in the KS2 hall Wednesday 5 February after school for all parents to collect any items that may belong to their children. Any items that are not collected will be either used for spares in school or donated to our funds 4 schools clothing bin. SCOUT GROUP 50 YEAR CELEBRATION If you were not aware, the school is to be 50 years old next year! The scout group that regularly meets at the rear of our school was established in the schools first year also. I have been asked to share this information with you and make a request for any old scouts, beavers or cubs that have been part of this organisation to contact Janet or Dave Chaplin on 01772 311276 . I am sure that they would love to hear any memorable stories or borrow any photographs nd that may tell a story over the past 50 years of the 2 Walton-le-Dale Scout Movement that has served our community so well. RED TIGER KARATE Over this week and the next, we shall be inviting Red Tiger Karate to our school to demonstrate in assemblies to our children a new community club that is hoping to launch itself at our school in the very near future. This will be a karate club that will be open to the wider community and all ages will be welcomed. Please keep your eyes open for more information this week and next which will be sent home to you. YEAR 5 CINDERELLA LOSTOCK HALL ACADEMY Our Year 5 children will be able to enjoy a visit to Lostock Hall Academy on Tuesday 11 February in the morning to see the production of Cinderella. SCHOOL COUNCIL MEETING The School Councillors will be meeting on Wednesday 5 February at 2.30pm. They will be keen to talk about a whole school improvement project, ideas from which will hopefully have been offered by you, the school community. Your ideas for improvement will no doubt help our school, but will also give the School Council a project to get their teeth into and submit towards a competition to Stephen Bercow, the Speaker of the Houses of Parliament. (See below) SCHOOL VOICE COMPETITION GREAT IDEAS WANTED NO REPLIES YET! Attached is a response form to enter a competition for the Speaker Awards. The Speaker of the House of Commons, Stephen Bercow, is interested in how children and school communities can make improvements to their own schools and communities through their full involvement. Our school council would love to hear your ideas and would like to consider these carefully as they consider taking on a whole school initiative and competing with schools across the
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country. Please feel free to add any ideas you have for the children of our school to tackle and return them to the office as soon as possible so that we can start thinking about our application! SPARE CLOTHES WANTED INFANT SIZED I am sure you are aware, that every so often children have accidents! We sometimes require a change of clothes to help our children get over these. If you also have any spare underwear that would fit our infant children (particularly for boys) this would be of great use to us. We would also would like PE Kits (just shorts and T-shirts), boys uniform pants and tops etc. Many thanks indeed! YEAR 1 AND 2 STORYTELLER VISIT Thank you to all who have paid so far towards our visit from the Storytellers. If you have not yet paid please can we st ask for your 3.50 donation by Friday 31 January. Thank you in advance. SCHOLASTIC BOOK CLUB Please can I remind you that all Scholastic book club order forms need to be handed in by Friday 31 January if you wish to purchase any books from the catalogue handed out a few weeks ago. This will be ordered and handed to your child as soon as it arrives. SWIMMING CONTRIBUTION We are very privileged here at Walton le Dale having our own swimming pool. As you are aware we rely on your voluntary contributions to help to keep our swimming programme running for your children, your contributions pay towards the cost of running the pool i.e. the heating of the pool and the chemicals etc. It also helps to pay towards employing a swimming teacher and a teaching assistant. We feel that it is not unreasonable to ask you to contribute a 1.00 each time your child swims. If you would like to contribute for this term it would be 12.00 all voluntary contributions are gratefully received. (Cheques payable to LCC please). CURRICULUM LETTERS Curriculum letters outlining what our classes are learning this term are being added to the school website under each of the class blogs. This allows parents to know what is being learned in each ye ar group. We hope you find this useful. POLITE PARKING We have had a small handful of parents who have persisted in parking over residents driveways which has caused irritation as they have tried to get to work in the mornings. Please show high levels of consideration when dropping your children off at school. PUNCTUALITY I would be very grateful if a real effort is made to ensure that your children are at school on time this term in an effort to reduce levels of lateness that were occurring last term. Children who regularly are late are monitored as it has a negative impact on their learning and others learning as they arrive late in class. Your support here would be very much appreciated. FOOTBALL/RUGBY KITS Please can you make sure if your child has a school football/rugby kit at home that it is washed and returned to school as soon as possible we still have a few outstanding and they are to be needed soon for forthcoming events. REPORT CARDS At the end of last term, you received a report card giving you a brief update on your childs attainment and effort. The teachers would be most grateful if you would sign this and then return as soon as possible. It is a card which will accumulate information over the year and will be sent to you again at the end of this spring term. SUPER PUPILS Congratulations to our Super Pupils from last week: Bison Class Mya Manatee Class -Aaron Falcon Class - Oliver

Eagle Class - Cara Jaguar Class Millie Leopard Class Isabelle Loris Class Joshua Kakapo Class - Sophie Gorilla Class - Patrick Orangutan Class - Joshua Elephant Class -Adam Rhinoceros Class Jorja Yours Sincerely,

C. Shields 4 February 5 February 6 February 7th February 11 February 12 February 24 February

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Year 3 Whitescar Caves trip School Council Meeting 2.30pm Multi Sports Academy visiting KS2 assembly Valentine Disco PTA (AMENDED DATE) Year 5 have been invited to watch Cinderella performed by Lostock Hall Academy Adrian Bowden Science show KS2 am KS1 pm Return to school Bison Class - Cricket coaching 2.00-3.15 5 weeks

25 February

5pm Governors Curriculum Committee 6pm Governors Resources Committee


26 February
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Scholastic Book Fair arrives -5 March Manatee Class - Cricket coaching2.00-3.15

3 March 6 March
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Y1 Educational Visit to Farmer Teds Global Renewables workshop Y6 World Book Day

10 March 13 March 17 March 24 March 25 March 31 March 1 April 3 April 4 April

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Y4 Educational Visit Imperial War Museum, Manchester Y6 Educational Visit Leyland Recycling Centre Health and Safety Governors Committee Parents Evening 3.30 7.30pm Bikeability - Bison Class - 9.30am-11.45am (Bicycles required) Full Governors Meeting 6pm Bikeability - Manatee Class - 9.30am-11.45am (Bicycles required) Brass Assembly 11am End of term

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