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LITURGY OF MARRIAGE RITES INTRODUCTORY RITE Commentator: Good afternoon to all. The sacra ent of atr! on"# $h!

ch ROLAND and LOWELA confer th!s sacra ent of %n!on on one another# e&alts and a'es d!(!ne the h% an lo(e# $h!ch !s the no)lest ele ent !n o%r l!(es. ROLAND and LOWELA are no$ %n!ted thro%*h th!s sacra ent+ the" $!ll no lon*er lo(e each other erel" as t$o h% an )e!n*s# )%t the!r lo(e $!ll )e transf!*%red and $!ll )e ,art!c!,ated !n God-s o$n lo(e. Th!s lo(e# $h!ch attracts the to each other-s sa'e# $!ll )e ade d!(!ne. Let %s therefore re.o!ce on th!s da" that the Lord has ade and ,ra" that the .o" that !s the!rs toda" a" re a!n $!th the and acco ,an" the all the da"s of the!r l!(es. /lease all r!se and s!n* $!th the cho!r.
Choir: S!n* March!n* 0 L!t%r*!cal entrance son*. Entrance of the Bridal Entourage:
Best man Groom with Parent Principal Sponsors Candles,Veil and Cord Sponsors Groomsmen and Bridesmaids Bible Bearer Ring Bearer Coin Bearer Flower Girls Maid of Honor Bride with Parent

Priest: In the na e of the Father# and of the Son# and the 1ol" S,!r!t All: A en2 Priest: The *race of o%r Lord 3es%s Chr!st# and the lo(e of God# and the fello$sh!, of the 1ol" S,!r!t )e $!th "o% all. All: And also $!th "o%. Priest: M" dear fa !l!es and fr!ends of ROLAND and LOWELA# th!s !s a *reat o ent of l!fe and lo(e. 4e are here toda" to $!tness the 1ol" Sacra ent of Matr! on"# $h!ch ROLAND and LOWELA $!ll confer to each other. 5efore God# th!s lo(e $!ll f!nd !ts f!rst c%l !nat!on !n the!r %t%al and !rre(oca)le 6YES7 as h%s)and and $!fe. Let %s then offer o%r than's to God for ha(!n* led the to*ether !n 1!s lo(e. Let %s ,ra" that 1e a" )less and consecrate the!r co !t ent so that the" a" freel" and lo(!n*l" ta'e %,on the sel(es the tas' the Lord has entr%sted to the .

Priest: M" )rothers and s!sters# co !n* to*ether as God-s fa !l"# $!th conf!dence# let %s as' the Father-s for*!(eness# for 1e !s f%ll of *entleness and co ,ass!on. All: I confess to Al !*ht" God# and to "o% " )rothers and s!sters that I ha(e s!nned thro%*h " o$n fa%lts# !n " tho%*hts# !n " $ords# !n $hat I ha(e done and !n $hat I ha(e fa!led to do# and I as' the 5lessed Mar" e(er (!r*!n# all the an*els and sa!nts# and "o% a" )rothers and s!sters to ,ra" for e to the Lord o%r God.

Priest: Ma" the Al !*ht" God ha(e erc" on %s# for*!(e o%r s!ns and )r!n* %s to e(erlast!n* l!fe. All:


A en

Choir: S!n* '"r!e Priest: Let %s ,ra"# Father# "o% ha(e ade the )ond of arr!a*e a hol" "ster"# a s" )ol of Chr!st-s lo(e for h!s ch%rch# hear o%r ,ra"ers for ROLAND and LOWELA. 4!th fa!th !n "o% and !n each other# the" ,led*e the!r lo(e toda"# a" the!r l!(es al$a"s )ear $!tness to the real!t" of that lo(e. 4e as' th!s thro%*h Chr!st o%r Lord# "o%r Son $ho l!(es and re!*ns $!th "o% and the 1ol" S,!r!t# One God fore(er and e(er. All: A en. /lease )e seated and l!sten to the $ord of God. the )oo' of Genes!s 9:8:;9< Commentator: All:

father and other and cl!n* to h!s $!fe# and the t$o of the )eco e one )od". The 4ord of the Lord+ Than's )e to God.

Res!onsorial Psalm Res,onse: The earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. 8. 1a,," the nat!on $hose God !s the Lord# the ,eo,le he has chosen for h!s o$n !nher!tance. 9. The e"es of the Lord %,on those $ho fear h! # %,on those $ho ho,e for h!s '!ndness. >. O%r so%ls $a!t for the Lord $ho !s o%r hel, and o%r sh!eld# for !n h! o%r hearts re.o!ce# !n h!s hol" na e $e tr%st+ <. Ma" o%r '!ndness# O Lord# )e %,on %s $ho ha(e ,%t o%r ho,e !n "o%. Commentator: /lease all r!se to honor the Gos,el. Choir: S!n* the Gos,el Accla at!on. Priest: The Lord )e $!th "o%. All: And also $!th "o% the 1ol" Gos,el accord!n* to Mathe$

LITURGY OF THE WORD Rea er: A read!n* fro The Lord sa!d: 6It !s not *ood for the an to )e alone. I $!ll a'e a s%!ta)le ,artner for h! .7 so the Lord God for ed o%t of the *ro%nd (ar!o%s $!ld an! als and (ar!o%s )!rds of the a!r and he )ro%*ht the to the an to see $hat he $o%ld call the + $hate(er the an called each of the $o%ld )e !ts na e. The an *a(e na es to all the cattle# all the )!rds of a!r# and all the $!ld an! als. 5%t none ,ro(ed to )e the s%!ta)le ,artner for the an. So the Lord cast a dee, s,ell on the an# and $h!le he $as aslee,# 1e too' o%t one of h!s r!)s and closed %, the ,lace $!th flesh. The Lord God then )%!lt %, !nto a $o an and the r!) 1e had ta'en fro the an. 4hen 1e )ro%*ht her to the an# the an sa!d: 6th!s one# at last# !s )one of " )ones and flesh of " flesh+ th!s one shall )e called =$o an- for o%t of =her an- th!s one has )een ta'en.7 That !s $h" a an lea(es h!s

Priest: A read!n* fro ?8@:>;AB All:

Glor" to "o%# O Lord+

Priest: So e /har!sees ca e %, to 1! and sa!d to test 1! # 6Ma" a an d!(orce h!s $!fe for an" reason $hate(erC7 1e re,l!ed# 61a(e "o% not read that !n the )e*!nn!n*# the creator ade the ale and fe ale and declared# for th!s reason a an shall lea(e h!s father and other and cl!n* to h!s $!fe# and the t$o shall )eco e one. Th%s#

the" are no lon*er t$o )%t one flesh. Therefore# let no an se,arate $hat God has .o!ned.7 Th!s !s the Gos,el of the Lord. All: /ra!se to "o%# O Lord 3es%s Chr!st.

Commentator: /lease all )e seated for the 1o !l". ? 1 O M I L Y B . . . . . after the ho !l" THE "ARRIAGE RITE LIGHTING THE CANDLES Commentator: Ma" I reD%est the Candle s,onsors to l!*ht the n%,t!al candles. The candle !s the s" )ol of Chr!st-s ,resence and *%!dance# $h!ch $e rece!(ed !n o%r )a,t!s . Ma" Chr!st-s ,resence and *%!dance lead ROLAND and LOWELA !n the!r $a"s. Ma" I no$ reD%est all the /r!nc!,al s,onsors to ,lease co e for$ard and stand at the )ac' of the *roo 0 )r!de to*ether $!th R!n* )earer# Co!n )earer 0 5!)le )earer. (The parents will present their son/daughter to the community) PARENTS: 5rothers and s!sters# $!th .o" $e ,resent to "o% ROLAND and LOWELA. 4e as' that "o% acce,t the as h%s)and and $!fe )oth no$ and fore(er. Priest: Dearl" )elo(ed ROLAND and LOWELA !n )a,t!s and conf!r at!on# "o% shared !n the l!fe and res,ons!)!l!t" of the Lord !n the cele)rat!on of the Last S%,,er "o%

re,eatedl" ,artoo' !n the ta)le of h!s lo(e. No$# "o% freel" co e to th!s co %n!t" to as' for !ts ,ra"er so that "o%r l!felon* to*etherness a" )e stren*thened )" the Lord. And "o% " )rothers and s!sters here ,resent# a" I as' "o% all to ,ra" and acce,t the as h%s)and and $!fe !n o%r Chr!st!an co %n!t". Priest: ROLAND and LOWELA# ,lease stand and !n the ,resence of the ch%rch here!n *athered. Ma" I as' "o% to ans$er tr%thf%ll" !n a%d!)le (o!ce the follo$!n* D%est!ons. SCRUTINY Priest: (to the bride) LOWELA ha(e "o% co e here freel" to )e %n!ted !n arr!a*e to ROLAND # $ho "o% $!ll lo(e and ser(e for the rest of "o%r l!feC

LOWELA: Yes# Father# I ha(e Priest: (to the groom) ROLAND# ha(e "o% co e here freel" to )e %n!ted !n arr!a*e to LOWELA# $ho "o% $!ll lo(e and ser(e for the rest of "o%r l!feC ROLAND: Yes# Father# I ha(e Priest: Are "o% resol(ed to carr" o%t "o%r res,ons!)!l!t" to the ch%rch and co %n!t" $ho ho,e that "o% $!ll care for the ch!ldren $ho o%r Creator God $!ll *!(e "o%# and that "o% $!ll rear the as la$;a)!d!n* Chr!st!an c!t!EensC ROLAND and LOWELA: Yes# Father# $e are.

Priest: ROLAND and LOWELA# )efore God and h!s ,eo,le# a" I as' "o% no$ to .o!n "o%r hands# and declare "o%r

!ntent!on to enter !nto co(enant !n the hol" sacra ent of atr! on". ROLAND: Personal #o$s% LOWELA: Personal #o$s% Priest: (to the bride) LOWELA# Do "o% acce,t to )e the $!fe of ROLAND here ,resent accord!n* to the la$ of o%r hol" other ch%rchC LOWELA: Yes# Father# I do. Priest: Do "o% *!(e "o%rself $holeheartedl" to h! LOWELA: Yes# Father# I do. Priest: (to the groom) ROLAND& Do "o% acce,t to )e the h%s)and of LOWELA here ,resent accord!n* to the la$ of o%r 1ol" Mother Ch%rchC ROLAND: Yes# Father# I do. Priest: Do "o% *!(e "o%rself $holeheartedl" to her as her h%s)andC ROLAND: Yes# Father# I do. Priest: Are "o% ,re,ared to sho%lder to*ether $!th h! res,ons!)!l!t!es of arr!ed l!feC ROLAND: Yes# Father# I a . Priest: No$# ,lease ,ra" to*ether the co(enant "o% ha(e to o%r God and co %n!t" here ,resent. ade the as h!s $!feC

Priest: Yo% /r!nc!,al s,onsors# ,lease e&,ress the "o% ha(e heardC


Dearl' (elo#e ROLAND and LOWELA& hea#en an earth are $itness to the *o#enant 'o, ha#e ma e- In the name o) the *omm,nit' here !resent& $e testi)' (e)ore Go an man that 'o, are no$ h,s(an an $i)e- We $holehearte l' a**e!t 'o,& an 'o, *an *o,nt on o,r !ra'ers an s,!!ortPriest: As $!tness of the ch%rch# I sole nl" conf!r and )less "o%r %n!on !n th!s co(enant. In the na e of the Father F and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t. All: A en2


Priest: Let %s ,ra". Merc!f%l Father# )less and 'ee, "o%r ser(ants ROLAND and LOWELA# *!(e the ,ros,er!t" !n l!fe as s" )ol!Eed )" the Arrhae# and let the atta!n to eternal l!fe# and to the one $ho $!ll $ear these r!n*s a" "o%r $orth" ! a*es )e !n the!r %nd"!n* lo(e and f!del!t". 4e as' th!s thro%*h Chr!st o%r Lord. AMEN2 All: A en2

(The priest sprinkles the arrhae and the rings with holy water) (The groom takes the brides ring from the priest and puts it on the brides ring finger and says)

ROLAND and LOWELA Grant& O Lor & that $e ma' (e one in min an heart )rom this a' )or$ar )or (etter& )or $orse& )or ri*her& )or !oorer& in si*+ness an in health all the a's o) o,r li)e<


LOWELA# ne(er $!ll I )etra" "o%r lo(e. 4ear th!s r!n* and ,r!Ee !t# for !t !s the ,led*e of " lo(e

and f!del!t". In the na e of the Father# and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t.
(The bride takes the grooms ring from the priest and puts it on the grooms ring finger and says)

Commentator: Ma" I reD%est the ,r!nc!,al s,onsors to ret%rn to the!r res,ect!(e seatsC

LOWELA: ROLAND ne(er $!ll I )etra" "o%r lo(e. 4ear th!s r!n* and ,r!Ee !t# for !t !s the ,led*e of " lo(e and f!del!t". In the na e of the Father# and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t.
(The groom holds the arrhae in cupped hands and says)

2EIL AND CORD CERE"ONY Commentator: Ma" I as' then the ne$l" $edded co%,le to ,lease 'neel do$n for the (e!l and the cord cere on". Ma" $e reD%est the (e!l s,onsors to ,lease co e for$ard and enfold ROLAND and LOWELA $!th the (e!l ROLAND and LOWELA the $edd!n* (e!l !s a s" )ol of ,%r!t" of arr!ed l!fe to $h!ch# God on 1!s ,ro(!dence has called "o%. Thro%*h the ,ass!n* of the "ears# let th!s (e!l )e a re !nder that "o% )elon* to each other and to one else# and that the lo(e "o% ha(e fro each other )eco e )ea%t!f%l !n self s%rrender that !s total and ,%re.
(after the placement)

ROLAND: LOWELA# I $!ll ne(er forsa'e "o%. I hand to "o% these Arrhae a s!*n that I $!ll loo' after "o%r $elfare and o%r ch!ldren-s. In the na e of the Father# and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t.
/The (ri e a**e!tin0 the arrhae an sa's1

LOWELA: I acce,t these and I ,ro !se to )e "o%r ,artner !n the r!*htf%l %se and d!s,os!t!on of o%r ater!al *oods. .LESSING OF THE .I.LE Priest: 1ea(enl" Father# )less th!s )!)le that Yo%r 4ord a" *!(e $a"s# and )%!ld the!r ho e accord!n* to "o%r tr%th !n Chr!st 3es%s. ROLAND and LOWELA rece!(e th!s )!)le as a s" )ol of "o%r )e!n* one and f%ll" s%) !tt!n* "o%r l!(es to the $!ll of the God. In the na e of the Father# and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t. ROLAND and LOWELA: A en. ?the Groom & Bride may greet each other with a kiss and they may kiss the hand of their parents and sponsors B

4e as' then the Cord s,onsors to ,lease co e for$ard and ,lace the s" )ol of %n!t" on the co%,le. ROLAND and LOWELA# "o% $!ll no$ )e )o%nd $!th the $edd!n* cord# a s" )ol of God-s lo(e )!nds "o%r heart and so%ls to*ether. Ma" "o%r lo(e *ro$ stron*er thro%*h freD%ent ,ra"ers to God $!th "o%r o$n *enero%s efforts and s,!r!t of self sacr!f!ce. PRAYER OF THE FAITHFUL Commentator: /lease r!se $h!le the ne$l" $edded co%,le re a!ns 'neel!n* for the /ra"er of the Fa!thf%l. Priest: Dearl" )elo(ed# to*ether let %s ,ra" to God for o%r ne$l"; arr!ed co%,le# ROLAND and LOWELA& for

the $hole ch%rch# for the $orld# and for the %n!t" of %s all. 4e $!ll sa" to 1! : Lor & hear o,r !ra'er. All: Lord # hear o%r ,ra"er.

,eace. Ma" she al$a"s follo$ the e&a ,le of the hol" $o en $hose ,ra!ses are s%n* !n the scr!,t%res. Ma"# ROLAND her h%s)and ,%t h!s tr%st !n her and reco*n!Ee that she !s h!s eD%al and co;he!r to l!fe e(erlast!n*# he al$a"s honor her and lo(e her as Chr!st lo(es h!s )r!de# the Ch%rch. All th!s $e as' thro%*h Chr!st o%r Lord. AMEN2 All: A en2

Lea er:HHHHHHHHHHHHHH 8. For ROLAND and LOWELA# $ho are %n!ted toda" !n arr!a*e# that the" a" l!(e to*ether !n *ood health and )e free fro dan*er. Let %s ,ra" to the Lord. /Res!onse1

9. That the" a" )e f!lled $!th lo(e# %nderstand!n*# and close colla)orat!on. Let %s ,ra" to the Lord. /Res!onse1 >. That the" a" )e re a!ned stron* !n tr%thf%lness# !n .o"# and !n the!r Chr!st!an l!fe. Let %s ,ra" to the Lord. /Res!onse1 <. That the" and all the arr!a*e co%,les here!n ,resent a" )e )lessed )" the s,!r!t $!th a)%ndant lo(e and .o". Let %s ,ra" to the Lord. /Res!onseB G. And for o%r lo(ed ones $ho ha(e *one )efore %s# that the" a" f!nd .o" !n the $edd!n* )anD%et of Chr!st and h!s Ch%rch. Let %s ,ra" to the Lord. /Res!onse1 Commentator: )less!n*. /lease re a!n stand!n* for the N%,t!al

Commentator: Ma" I reD%est the (e!l and cord s,onsors to ,lease re o(e the cord and the (e!l.


Cho!r: S!n* Offertor" son*. Priest: M" )rothers and s!sters# ,ra" that o%r sacr!f!ces )e acce,ta)le to God# the Al !*ht" Father. a"

All: Ma" the Lord acce,t the sacr!f!ce at "o%r hands# for the ,ra!se and *lor" of 1!s na e# for o%r *ood and the *ood of all 1!s ch%rch. Commentator: /lease all r!se. Priest: 1ea(enl" Father# loo' do$n $!th fa(or %,on "o%r )elo(ed ch!ldren. Ma" the" l!(e to )e *ood ,arents to the!r ch!ldren and *ood e&a ,les to the co %n!t"C At the end of a lon*# $ell;s,ent l!fe# re$ard the $!th eternal ha,,!ness to*ether $!th there lo(ed ones and all "o%-re fa!thf%l# $e as' th!s thro%*h Chr!st o%r Lord.

(The Priest extends his hands and says. . .)

Priest: Lo(!n* Father# "o% ha(e ade the %n!on of an and $!fe so hol" a "ster" that !t s" )ol!Ees the arr!a*e of Chr!st and h!s Ch%rch. Loo' $!th lo(e O Lord %,on th!s $o an# "o%r da%*hter LOWELA# no$ .o!ned to her h%s)and !n arr!a*e. In ans$er to her ,ra"er# *!(e her the *race of lo(e and

All: A en. EUCHARISTIC PRAYER: Priest: The Lord )e $!th "o%.


All: And also $!th "o%. Priest: L!ft %, "o%r hearts. All: 4e l!ft the %, to the Lord.

and sa!d: 6Ta+e this all o) 'o, an eat it- This is m' (o ' $hi*h $ill (e 0i#en ,! )or 'o,-3 4hen s%,,er $as ended# 1e too' the c%,. A*a!n# 1e *a(e "o% than's and ,ra!se# *a(e the c%, to h!s d!sc!,les and sa!d: 4Ta+e this all o) 'o, an rin+ )rom it- This is the *,! o) m' (loo & the (loo o) the ne$ an e#erlastin0 *o#enant5 it $ill (e she )or 'o, an )or all men& so that sins ma'(e )or0i#en- Do this in memor' o) me-3 Let %s ,rocla! the "ster" of o%r fa!th.

Priest: Let %s *!(e than's to the Lord o%r God. All: It !s r!*ht to *!(e h! than's and ,ra!se.

Priest: Father# all ,o$erf%l and e(er;lo(!n* God# $e do $ell al$a"s and e(er"$here to *!(e "o% than's thro%*h 3es%s Chr!st o%r Lord. Thro%*h 1! # "o% entered !nto a ne$ co(enant $!th "o%r ,eo,le. Yo% restored an to *race !n sa(!n* a "ster" of rede ,t!on. Yo% *a(e h! a share !n the d!(!ne l!fe thro%*h h!s %n!on $!th Chr!st+ "o% ade h! an he!r of Chr!st-s eternal *lor". Th!s o%t,o%r!n* lo(e !n the ne$ co(enant of *race s" )ol!Eed !n the arr!a*e co(enant that seal the lo(e of h%s)and and $!fe reflects Yo%r D!(!ne ,lan of lo(e. And so# $!th the an*els and all sa!nts !n hea(en# $e ,rocla! "o%r *lor" and .o!n !n the!r %nend!n* h" n of ,ra!se. Choir: S!n* 1ol" Commentator: /lease all 'neel. Priest: Lord "o% are 1ol" !ndeed# the fo%nta!n of all 1ol!ness. Let "o%r s,!r!t co e %,on these *!fts to a'e the hol"# so the" a" )eco e for %s the )od" and )lood of o%r Lord# 3es%s Chr!st. 5efore 1e $as *!(en %, to death# a death 1e freel" acce,ted# 1e too' the )read and *a(e to 1!s d!sc!,les

Choir: S!n* the Accla at!on. Priest: In e or" of 1!s death and res%rrect!on# $e offer "o% Father# th!s l!fe *!(!n* )read# th!s sa(!n* c%,. 4e than' "o% for co%nt!n* %s $orth" and stand !n "o%r ,resence and ser(e "o%. Ma" all of %s $ho share !n the )od" and )lood of Chr!st )e )ro%*ht to*ether !n the %n!t" of the 1ol" S,!r!t+ Lord# re e )er "o%r ch%rch thro%*ho%t the $orld+ a'e %s *ro$ !n lo(e# to*ether $!th 5ened!ct IJI# o%r /o,e# Anton!o o%r 5!sho, and all the )!sho,s and cler*" and the ent!re ,eo,le "o%r Son has *a!ned for "o%. Re e )er o%r )rothers and s!sters $ho ha(e *one to the!r rest !n the ho,e of r!s!n* a*a!n+ )r!n* the and all the de,arted !nto the l!*ht of "o%r ,resence. Re e )er o%r )rothers and s!sters $ho ha(e *one to the!r rest !n the ho,e of r!s!n* a*a!n+ )r!n* the and all the de,arted !nto the l!*ht of "o%r ,resence. 1a(e erc" on %s all# a'e %s $orth" to share eternal l!fe $!th Mar"# the (!r*!n other of God# $!th the

a,ostles# and $!th all the sa!nts $ho ha(e done "o%r $!ll thro%*ho%t the a*es. Ma" $e ,ra!se "o% !n %n!on $!th the and *!(e "o% *lor" thro%*h "o%r son 3es%s Chr!st. Thro,0h Him& $ith Him& an in Him& in ,nit' o) the Hol' S!irit& all 0lor' an honor is Yo,rs& Almi0ht' Father& )ore#er an e#erChoir: S!n* A en. Priest: M" fr!ends# let %s no$ .o!n to*ether# and ,ra" to God# o%r Father !n $ords that 3es%s ta%*ht %s. Choir: S!n* the Lords-s /ra"er. Priest: Del!(er %s Lord fro e(er" e(!l# and *rant %s ,eace !n o%r da". In "o%r erc"# 'ee, %s free fro s!n and ,rotect %s fro all an&!et" as $e $a!t !n .o"f%l ho,e for the co !n* of o%r sa(!or# 3es%s Chr!st. Choir: S!n* the Do&olo*". CO""UNION RITE: Priest: Lord 3es%s Chr!st# "o% sa!d to "o%r a,ostles: 6I lea(e "o% ,eace# M" ,eace I *!(e "o%.7 Loo' not on o%r s!ns )%t on the fa!th of "o%r ch%rch# and *rant %s the ,eace and %n!t" of "o%r '!n*do # $here "o% l!(e fore(er and e(er. All: A en. Priest: The ,eace of the Lord )e $!th "o% al$a"s. All: And also $!th "o%. Priest: Let %s offer the s!*n of ,eace. ?S!*n of ,eaceB Choir: S!n* La ) of God.

Commentator: /lease all 'neel. Priest: Ma" th!s !n*l!n* of the )od" and )lood of o%r Lord 3es%s Chr!st )r!n* eternal l!fe to %s $ho rece!(e !t. Lord 3es%s Chr!st# son of the l!(!n* God# )" the $!ll of the Father and the $or' of the 1ol" S,!r!t. Yo%r death )ro%*ht l!fe to the $orld. 5" "o%r 1ol" )od" and )lood# free %s fro all the s!ns and fro e(er" e(!l. Lee, %s fa!thf%l to "o% and to "o%r teach!n*# and ne(er let %s )e de,arted fro "o%. Th!s !s the La ) of God $ho ta'es a$a" the s!ns of the $orld+ ha,," are $e $ho are called to share 1!s s%,,er. Priest: Ma" the )od" and the )lood of Chr!st )r!n* %s to e(erlast!n* l!fe. All: A en. CO""UNION Choir: S!n* the co ?After co %n!on.


Commentator: /lease all r!se. Priest: Let %s ,ra". Lord# !n "o%r lo(e "o% ha(e *!(en %s th!s E%char!st to %n!te %s $!th one another and $!th "o%. As "o% ade ROLAND and LOWELA one !n the sacra ent of arr!a*e and !n the shar!n* of one )read and the one c%,. So no$ a'e the one !n lo(e for each other. 4e as' th!s thro%*h Chr!st o%r Lord. All: A en CONCLUDING RITE:

Priest: ROLAND and LOWELA# no$ that "o% ha(e rece!(ed the 1ol" Sacra ent of Matr! on"# I ad on!sh "o% to re a!n fa!thf%l to one another. LOWELA lo(e ROLAND # "o%r h%s)and and )e a *ood $!fe. /erse(ere !n fa!th# lo(e and hol!ness. ROLAND lo(e LOWELA# "o%r $!fe as Chr!st lo(es h!s ch%rch# and l!(e $!th her !n lo(e and f!del!t" al$a"s. FINAL .LESSING Priest: The Lord )e $!th "o%. All: And also $!th "o%.

All: Than's )e to God. Choir: S!n* recess!onal. ?The Ne$l" 4ed and the /r!nc!,al s,onsors s!*n the doc% ents.B PICTORIAL SE6UENCE
Co%,le $!th the off!c!at!n* /r!est The Co%,le Co%,le $!th the 5r!de-s /arents Co%,le $!th 5r!de-s Fa !l" Co%,le $!th 5oth /arents Co%,le $!th Groo -s /arents Co%,le $!th Groo -s Fa !l" Co%,le $!th Male /r!nc!,al S,onsors Co%,le $!th Male and Fe ale /r!c!,al S,onsors Co%,le $!th Fe ale /r!nc!,al S,onsors Co%,le $!th the $hole Ento%ra*e Co%,le $!th 5est an 0 Ma!d of 1onor Co%,le $!th 5r!des a!ds and Groo s en Co%,le $!th 5r!des a!ds# Groo s en# Flo$er G!rls and 5earers Co%,le $!th Candle# Je!l and Cord S,onsors Co%,le $!th Readers# Co entator and Offerors Co%,le $!th 5r!de-s Relat!(es Co%,le $!th Groo -s Relat!(es Co%,le $!th Fr!ends and Assoc!ates Co%,le $!th the Cho!r

Priest: God the eternal Father 'ee,s "o% !n lo(e $!th each other# so that the ,eace of Chr!st a" sta" $!th "o% and )e al$a"s !n "o%r ho e. All: A en Priest: Ma" "o%r ch!ldren )less "o%# "o%r fr!ends console "o%# and all l!(e !n ,eace $!th "o%. All: A en Priest: Ma" "o% al$a"s )ear $!tness to the lo(e of God !n th!s $orld so that the affl!cted and the need" $!ll f!nd !n "o% *enero%s fr!ends# and $elco e "o% !nto the .o"s of hea(en. All: A en Priest: And the Al !*ht" God )less "o% all# the Father# and of the Son# and of the 1ol" S,!r!t All: A en. Priest: O%r cele)rat!on has ended# *o !n ,eace and lo(e to ser(e the Lord and one another.

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