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University of Mindanao

Samsung Electronics Balance Scorecard

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in Management Advisory Services 2

Su mitted to! Prof" #evson Uy Porras

Su mitted y! Sharmaine #iane $" %alva Sarah Mae &am ong S'ara Ragunton Fe Soliva

(anuary 2)* 2)+, 2nd Sem +st -erm 2)+. / 2)+,

Company Background Samsung Electronics %o"* 0td is a South 1orean multinational electronics com2any headquartered in Su3on* South 1orea" Samsung has long een a ma4or manufacturer of electronic com2onents such as lithium5ion atteries* semiconductors* chi2s* flash memory and hard drive devices for clients such as A22le* Sony* 6-% and $o7ia" Also* Samsung is the largest manufacturer of mo ile 2hones and Smart2hones fueled y the 2o2ularity of its Samsung &ala8y line of devices" -he com2any is also a ma4or vendor of ta let com2uters* 2articularly its Android52o3ered Samsung &ala8y -a collection* and is generally regarded as 2ioneering the 2ha let mar7et through the Samsung &ala8y $ote family of devices" Moreover* Samsung has een the 3orld9s largest ma7er of 0%# 2anels since 2))2* the 3orld9s largest television manufacturer since 2)):* and 3orld9s largest manufacturer of mo ile 2hones since 2)++"

Balance Scorecard

EA!"# Customer Perspective 6igh quality 2erformance of 2roducts at reasona le and acce2ta le 2rice

Products are user5friendly

Strong rand image

Product leadershi2

Financial Accountability Perspective ;ear on year revenues gre3 2+"<<= from +:>"))tn to 2)+"+)tn ;ear on year net income im2roved ?."2>= from +.".<tn to 2."+@tn
RAA! +>">@= RAE! 2)".:= RAI! 2+"<<=

Strong mar7et 2osition

Internal Process Perspective Internal efficiency and maintaining rand loyalty

Buality control

S2eed to mar7et

Strong mar7eting strategy

Su22ly %hain Management

!earning and $ro%t& Perspective I$$ACA-IA$" %onstant focus on research and develo2ment Increase com2etitiveness in the mar7et Identifying customer needs and understanding mar7et 2lace

%om2etitor analysis

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