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John Mackey is an American businessman. He is the current co-CEO of Whole Foods Market, which he co-founded in 1980. Named the Young Entrepreneur of the Year in 2003, Mackey is a strong supporter of free market economics. He is one of the most influential advocates in the movement for organic food

Mr. John Mackey belongs to conscious leadership and is driven primarily by service to the firms purpose, rather than by power or money. Conscious capitalism is in terms of the four tenets or the four cardinal, core principles of it, which is, one, the business has the potential to have a higher purpose beyond merely making money. Not that thats not a good thing, but that its not limited to that. It can be more than that. The business should be managed on behalf of wider stakeholder groups, not just investors, so that includes customers, employees, suppliers, larger community, and all done with environmental integrity Conscious leadership: Conscious leadership which involves; the leaders are not there primarily to line their own pockets; they are there because they align with the mission. Theyre trying to fulfill the purpose of the business and they serve the stakeholders, so its a different attitude towards leadership. To be conscious means to be aware and mindful of oneself, of others and the world around us, to understand our circumstances and to decide how to respond to them in ways that honour our values, belief and feelings. Implicit in this is the notion that ones awareness determines ones predisposition to certain choices of action. The core building blocks that shape our awareness include: our values; our assumptions and beliefs; our attitudes and feelings and our responses. Collectively its defining these as core building blocks as ones orientation. It follows that ones orientation is central to

the capacity for consciousness and therefore integral to what we mean by conscious leadership. 2. Mackeys effort to justify his noble actions on grounds other than profit maximization looks bad to me. Mackey did everything he couldhes doing everything he can to be socially responsible and yet the zeitgeist-surfing schmucks, the professional placard carriers and the yellow-shirted lay-abouts still hate him. What deal do you make with yourself to skip work and protest the fact that others are working productively Whole Foods is the time and place of John Mackey and his employees. It is their community. The employees are voluntarily associating with Whole Foods, trading their skill, knowledge and hard work for the benefits Mackey and Whole Foods provide. Theythe employees, Mackey and Whole Foods managementare working this health care thing out. People make the same compensation, except for Mackey, he donate it all. He tends to make decisions by consensus.

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