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Railway Catenary Systems

Product Catalogue

Welcome to the RAILWAY CATENARY SYSTEM Centre of Competence.

PFISTERER provides perfect solutions for railway systems. The technology developed in-house for the production of safe and reliable railway electrification material offers a comprehensive program of clamps and compensating devices. This also includes all necessary auxiliary equipment and tools. We have extended this line to include a broad range of silicon and section insulators, as well as catenary geometry measuring devices. All these products are complemented by a full range of voltage detectors and grounding equipment. RAILWAY CATENARY SYSTEMS offers you connectors and systems for the electrification of railway lines:

Hangers and Connectors Insulators and Suspensions Tools TENSOREX System Safety Equipment

Excellent Products for Excellent Means of Transport.

PFISTERER has been supplying products for railway electrification for more than 30 years which has shaped our product program. Our products have been installed worldwide in subway, tramway and high-speed lines becoming a reference for Railway Administrations. The length of the subway, tramway and high-speed rail networks will more than double worldwide in the next 10 years due to an expanding market and changes in consumer demands. PFISTERER will be present in this growth supplying not only products but knowledge as well. Our products are adapted to customer needs providing application and design support. For example our patented TENSOREX system has demonstrated a definite improvement in catenary systems, introducing an innovative solution for the mechanical compensation of catenary cables, increasing efficiency and substantially reducing maintenance. Our hangers and connectors have been successfully installed by major Railway Administrations both in local tramway, and in high-speed lines satisfying demanding requirements and achieving a high grade of performance. Nowadays, silicon insulators are becoming more and more accepted due to their advantages: customized fittings, light weight, simple installation. And in safety equipment, we have increased our range including variants to cover all the different operating voltages of the Railway Administrations.


Solutions for Railway Electrification

Fixed Point Clamps Pages 23 - 24

Stitch Wire Clamps Pages 23 - 24 MW Anchor Clamps Pages 23 - 24

Hangers Pages 19 - 22

Steady Arm Clamps Page 29


Cantilever Fittings Page 46

Insulators Page 51

CW Anchor Clamps Pages 27 - 28

Safety Equipment Pages 62 - 96


Solutions for Spring Tensioning Devices

Fixing Brackets Pages 59 - 60

Insulators Page 51

TENSOREX Pages 53 - 58


Solutions for Tramway Electrification

Cantilever Supports Page 48

Parafil End Terminals Page 33

Delta Supports Page 48

Insulators Page 51

Cantilever Fittings Page 48

Delta Suspensions Page 35

Steady Arm Clamps Page 29



Catenary Connectors

Page | 14 50


Page | 51


Section Insulators

Page | 52


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

Page | 53 60


Measuring Equipment

Page | 61

Safety Equipment

Page | 62 96



Page | 97 107



Oberleitungsmaterial Spannungsprfer Catenary Connectors

Werkzeuge Insulators und Montagezubehr

Isolatoren Section Insulators



Page | 14 50

Compression Clamps Page 14 18

Hangers Page 19 22

Messenger Wire Clamps Page 23 26

Contact Wire Clamps Page 26 - 29

Contact Wire Splice Page 30

Feed Terminals Page 31

Other Clamps Page 32 37

Compression Joints Page 38 41

Cable Lugs Page 42 45

Aluminium Fittings Page 46 50

Page | 51


Insulators Page 51

Page | 52


Section Insulators Page 52



Fahrleitungsspannsysteme Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

Streckentrenner Measuring Equipment Spannungsprfer

Messgerte und Montagehilfsmittel Spannungsprfer Safety Equipment

Sicherheitstechnik fr Bahnnetze Tools



Page | 53 60


TENSOREX Page 53 54

TENSOREX-Phantom Page 55

TENSOREX C+ Page 56 60

Deflection Pulleys Page 60

Page | 61

Contact Wire Position Laser Measuring Equipment Page 61

Page | 62 96


Voltage Detectors Page 62 67

Earthing Poles Page 68 74

Earthing Devices Page 75 86

Earthing Clamps Page 87 89

Accessories Page 90 96

Page | 97 107


Manual Compression Tools Page 97 102

Electro-Hydraulic High Pressure Pumps Page 103 106

Come-along Clamps Page 107


Catenary Connectors

Compression Clamps

Compression Terminals (E-Clamps)

The compression terminals are used to feed power to the contact wire. As the terminals do not only have to give a good electrical contact but also safe mechanical support, they must be fitted and compressed with a bronze clip (see accessories) between the contact wire and the terminal. Material: E-Cu; uncoated surface Clasp: Bz


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Contact wire

appropriate die for compressing

appropriate die for removing


302 381 698 305 142 002 302 381 380 303 802 802 304 618 068 303 802 185 303 802 225 303 802 FC150 303 802 150 303 802 FC50 303 802 FC70 303 802 FC95 303 802 95 303 802 FC86 303 802 FC125 303 802 FC120 304 202 006 304 839 839 302 381 381 304 839 001

70 F 95 F 35 F 95 95 185 225 150 F 150 50 F 70 F 95 F 95 86,5 F 125 F 120 F bolts 120 F 95 F 95 F / 120

Ri80 - Ri120 Ri161 Ri80 - Ri120 Ri107 Ri65 - Ri100 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri80 - Ri100 Ri80 - Ri100 Ri80 - Ri120 Ri80 - Ri100

302 131 131 305 802 001 302 131 131 305 802 001 305 802 001 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 611.042.231 + 612.045.045 305 802 001 305 802 001 302 131 131 305 802 001

302 246 246 305 803 001 302 246 246 305 803 001 305 803 001 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 610.044.245 + 610.501.248 305 803 001 305 803 001 302 246 246 305 803 001

b a c a a a a a a

Please consult for other sections


Catenary Connectors

Compression Tap Connectors (C-Clamps) for Sections up to 120 mm2

The compression dead-end clamps are used to connect Cu or Bz cables with the same or different cross sections carrying full current. They are installed hydraulically with size III compression tools. Material: E-Cu, uncoated surface

Compression Clamps


Cable cross section 1 (mm2)

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 95 120 F 70 F / 95 50 50 35 F / 50 120 F 95 F / 120 70 F / 95 120 F / 150 120 F Staku 50 / 40 25 F / 35 70 F / 95 95 F / 120 70 35 F / 50 95 F / 120 70 F / 95 95 F 125 F 95 95 / 92 95 F / 120 95 F / 120

appropriate die for compressing

appropriate die for removing


303 120 95 F 303 120 120 303 028 028 302 827 827 304 614 278 302 776 354 302 777 777 302 776 355 302 776 776 303 134 001 304 993 135 303 404 404 304 594 840 302 776 909 304 800 003 304 800 004 304 800 800 304 800 910 304 800 438 303 95 95 F 303 95 125 F 303 398 397 303 405 405 304 800 906 304 993 139

120 120 120 F 150 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 / 70 F 50 / 70 Staku 70 70 70 70 70 F / 95 70 F / 95 95 95 95 95 / 92 95 F / 120 Cut 70 / 50

611.042.231 + 611.230.230 302 131 131 302 131 131 305 730 001 305 730 001 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 305 730 001 305 730 001 305 730 001 305 730 001 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 302 131 131 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 610 720 720 + 622 221 001 305 730 001 302 131 131 305 730 001

611.044.245 + 610.937.247 302 246 246 302 246 246 305 729 001 305 729 001 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 305 729 001 305 729 001 305 729 001 305 729 001 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 302 246 246 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 621 244 001 + 621 267 001 305 729 001 302 246 246 305 729 001

1 c i d g c e f l m k h b 1 1 a -

Please consult for other sections


Catenary Connectors

Compression Clamps

Compression Tap Connectors (C-Clamps) for Sections over 120 mm2

The compression dead-end clamps are used to connect Cu or Bz cables with the same or different cross sections carrying full current. They are installed hydraulically with size III compression tools. Material: E-Cu, uncoated surface
No. Cable cross section 1 (mm2) 303 150 125 F 303 150 95 303 150 150 303 150 95 F 303 150 150 F 304 331 331 303 185 120 F 303 185 95 303 185 125 F 303 185 185 303 185 150 303 185 150 F 303 185 240 F 303 185 95 F 303 225 185 F 303 225 185 303 225 225 303 225 95 F 303 225 125 F 303 225 95 303 225 225 F 303 240 185 303 240 120 F 303 240 240 F 303 240 225 303 240 95 303 240 150 F 303 300 95 F 303 300 225 303 300 185 303 300 240 150 150 150 150 150 150 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 185 225 225 225 225 225 225 225 240 240 240 240 240 240 300 300 300 300 Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 125 F 95 150 95 F 150 F Staku 92 / Cu 95 120 Flex 95 125 Flex 185 150 150 Flex 240 Flex 95 Flex 185 Flex 185 225 95 Flex 125 Flex 95 225 Flex 185 120 Flex 240 Flex 225 95 150 Flex 95 Flex 225 185 240 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 305 730 001 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 M. 303 240 Flex 611.042.231 + 611.230.230 M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex M. 303 240 Flex 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 305 729 001 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 D. 303 240 Flex 611.044.245 + 610.937.247 D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex D. 303 240 Flex 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 appropriate die for compressing appropriate die for removing Type

Please consult for other sections


Catenary Connectors

Aluminium C-Clamps
Compression Clamps
The aluminium compression clamps are used to connect aluminium cables with the same or different cross section carrying full current. Material: A2
No. Cable cross section 1 (mm )

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 50 - 70


50 - 70

Please consult for other sections

Clips are used to improve the electrical and mechanical connection between components (e.g. between compression E-Clamps and contact wire or with hangers on the messenger wire) Material: Bz
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 619 390 952 620 338 001 620 338 002 95 50 / 70 35


Catenary Connectors

Compression Clamps

Bimetallic Compression Clamp

This clamp is used to connect aluminium cables with copper cables. Material: Aluminium alloy Bimetallic CUPAL plate


Copper cable cross section (mm2) 50 50 50 70 95FLEX 95FLEX

Aluminium cable cross section (mm2) LA-110 LA-180 LA-280 LA-110 LA-180 LA-280


PB-50.110 PB-50.180 PB-50.280 PB-70.110 PB-95F.180 PB-95F.280


Bimetallic connection aluminium cable / copper cable


Catenary Connectors

Conductive Hangers Produced by Cold Forging

Tightening Torque (Nm) 25 25 25 25 25 30 ADIF: 64.313.100 AVE AVE CHINA AVE CHINA AVE TURKEY, CHINA AVE ADIF: 64.313.100 AVE, CHINA DB: Ebs 07.42.12-4 References

Hangers are used for the full current carrying suspension / connection between the contact wire and the messenger wire. Material: CuNi2Si or A2 Screws in A2



Messenger wire Contact wire cross section cross section (mm2) (mm2) 80 - 150 80 - 150 120 95 70 35 25 50

Hanger cable cross section (mm2) 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 * 10 - 25 *

625 012 CONJ 120 625 012 CONJ 95 625 012 CONJ 70 625 012 CONJ 35 625 012 CONJ 25 625 012 CONJ

Messenger wire clamp Messenger wire clamp Messenger wire clamp Messenger wire clamp Messenger wire clamp Contact wire clamp

625 012 CON 50CU ALE Messenger and contact wire clamp

* Splices, thimbles according to hanger cable section Please consult for other sections

Conductive Hanger


Catenary Connectors


Conductive Hangers Produced by Hot Forging

Hangers are used for the full current carrying suspension / connection from/to the contact wire on the messenger wire. Material: CuNi2Si Thimble, Splices in Cu Screws in A2


Messenger wire cross section (mm2) 95 - 120 150 - 185 35 300 120 - 150

Contact wire Hanger cable Tightening cross section cross section Torque (mm2) Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 Ri107 - Ri150 10 - 25* 10 - 25* 10 - 25* 10 - 25* 10 - 25* 10 - 25* (Nm) 30 30 30 30 30 30


305 859 120 305 859 002 305 859 35 305 859 300 305 859 POL

ADIF: 64.392.011 NETWORK RAIL ADIF: 64.392.013 ADIF: 64.392.012

305 859 002 70 70

* Splices, thimbles according to hanger cable section

Conductive Hanger


Catenary Connectors

Conductive Hanger Produced by Cold Forging Process

Hangers are used to suspend / connect the contact wire from / to the messenger wire. Material: CuNiSi




Contact wire

Messenger wire cross section (mm2) 95 35

Hanger cable cross section (mm2) Cu/Bz 25 Cu/Bz 25 Cu/Bz 25 Cu/Bz 25

G-VT.1 G-VT.2 625 016 VUP 625 015 VUP

Hanger clamps for messenger wire Hanger clamps for messenger wire Suspension clamps for messenger wire Hanger clamps for messenger wire Ri107 - Ri150

25 - 95 150 - 184


Catenary Connectors


Suspension Clamps for Messenger Wire

The suspension clamp is used to make hangers for 35, 70 und 120 mm2 messenger wire. Material: Cu A2 screws and nuts


Messenger wire cross section (mm2)

625 310 003 625 310 004 625 310 005

35 70 120

Suspension Clamps for Contact Wire and Messenger Wire

Full current carrying, easy to fit suspension hanger. They are installed with the mechanical crimping plier PRIMAT O2, O6T or hydraulic compression tool size III. Material: Cu alloy, uncoated, A2 screw
No. Contact wire Messenger wire cross section (mm2) 302 823 003 302 825 825 303 848 002 Ri80 - Ri120 Ri80 - Ri120 Ri80 - Ri120 50 50 70 - 95 Hanger cable cross section (mm2) Bz 10f Bz 25 Bz 16 Clamp length (mm) 56 63 68 10 13 13 Die

Hanger with Suspension Rod

Easy to fit hanger clamp for insulated suspended sliding bow-shaped hanger. Material: CuNi2Si
No. Contact wire Rod diameter (mm) EPEN 108 Ri80 - Ri150 5

Suspension Support
Material: Polyoxymethylen (POM)
No. Description


Suspension Support


Catenary Connectors

High Mechanical Working Load Clamps

Messenger Wire Clamps
Tightening Torque (Nm) 20 20 20 Weight (kg) 0.362 0.362 0.362 DB: Ebs 07.42.42 Bl.1 NETWORK RAIL AVE AVE References

This clamp is used for high mechanical loadapplications providing afullcurrent connection as: Messengerwire anchor cable (Z-cable) Fixed point Stitch wire Material: CuNi2Si Screws inA2



Main cable cross section (mm2)

Derived cable cross section (mm2) 25 / 70 50 / 95 70 / 120

332 321 003 332 321 005 -

KP 25/70 KP 35/120 KP 35/120#

25 / 70 25 / 95 70 / 120

Fixed point clamp

Stitch wire clamp

Messenger wire anchor clamp


Catenary Connectors

Messenger Wire Clamps

Messenger Wire Z-Cable Anchor Clamp

This clamp is used to anchor de messenger wire with the Z-cable.
ID-code Anchoring cable cross section (mm2) GPF2 70/150 70 - 150

Parallel Groove Clamps

These clamps are used for fixed point and to connect two cables.


Cable cross section 1 (mm2)

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) AL-253 48 - 72

322 213 213 322 235 235

AL-95 153 - 184

Connection and Dead End Binding Terminals

These clamps are used to connect the anchor cable (Z-cable) with the messenger wire. Material: CuNi2Si A2 screws and nuts A2 washers NBR O-ring
No. Cable cross section 1 (mm2) KP 2x50 50 Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 50

Stitch Wire Clamp

This clamp is used to connect the messenger wire with the stitch wire
ID-code. Messenger wire cross section (mm )

Stitch wire clamp (mm2) 25 - 35

23-5530 VKP

120 - 150


Catenary Connectors

Four Wire Connector

The clamp is used as a parallel or cross clamp.

Angle between axes


Cable cross section 1 (mm )


Cable cross section 2 (mm )


XC 614001

50 - 70

50 - 70


Connecting Clamps for Cu Cables

These clamps are used to connect two copper cables. Material: Cu alloy
No. Cable cross section 1 (mm )

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 150 - 400 35 - 150

EPC 15.40 V1 EPC 35.15

150 - 400 35 - 150

Connection Clamp
This clamp is used to connect two copper cables. Material: Brass A2 screws and nuts

No. HLT 10-22 V

Cable cross section 1 (mm2) 35 - 300

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 35 - 300


Messenger Wire Clamps / Contact Wire Clamps

Catenary Connectors

Messenger Wire Clamps / Contact Wire Clamps

Bolt Electrical Connection Clamps

This clamp is used to provide afullcurrent connection between: Messengerwire andfeeding cable Contact wire andfeeding cable Material: Brass Screws inA2


Messenger wire cross section (mm2) 95 - 300

Feeder cable cross Contact wire cross Tightening Torque Weight section section (mm2) 95 - 300 95 - 300 (mm2) Ri 80 - 150 (Nm) 65 65 (kg) 0.5 0.5


HC 107 VM * HC 107 VM *


* Codes according to section

CW and MW connections in jumper


Catenary Connectors

Contact Wire Z-Cable Anchor Clamps

This clamp is used to anchor the contact wire to the Z-cable. Material: CuNi2Si Screws inA2

Contact Wire Clamps



Contact wire cross section Ri 80 - 150 Ri 80 - 150

Anchoring cable Number of bolts Tightening cross section Torque (mm2) (Nm) 2 1 65 65 70 - 150 70 - 150

Weight (kg) 0.44 0.22


325 102 001 -

GPF 70/150 GPF 70/150M


Z-cable anchorage


Catenary Connectors

Contact Wire Clamps

Contact Wire Separator Produced by Cold Forging

The contact wire separator is used to separate two contact wires. Material: CuNi2Si

No. GS.35 GS.40 GS.50 GS.170 GS.200

Width (mm) 35 40 50 170 200

Contact wire section Ri 80-150 Ri 80-150 Ri 80-150 Ri 80-150 Ri 80-150

Please consult for other sections

Contact Wire Separator Produced by Hot Forging

The contact wire separator is used to separate two contact wires. Material: CuNi2Si, A2

No. G-1T2

Width (mm) 80

Contact wire section Ri 80-150

Please consult for other sections

Mid-Point Anchor Clamp for Contact Wire

The anchor clamp is used as a fixed point clamp to connect the Z-cable to the contact wire. Material: CuNi2Si A2
No. 75.05.02 A Cable cross section (mm2) 70 Ri 85-150 Contact wire section

Please consult for other sections


Catenary Connectors

Steady Arm Clamps

This clamp is used to mount the contact wiire with the steady arm with bolts. Option: hexagonal bolts. Material: CuNi2Si A2 screws

Contact Wire Clamps



Contact wire cross section Ri80 - Ri150 Ri80 - Ri150

Pivot outside diameter (mm) 24.5 16

Pivot inside diameter (mm) 16 10.5

Tightening Torque (Nm) 38 38

Weight (kg) 0.198 0.175


304 741 001 304 742 001

G-1T G-1TA

ADIF: 74.024.400 SBB, CHINA AVE

Hexagonal bolts version available, please consult.

Pivot for G-1T

Pivot for G-1TA

G-1T on high speed


Catenary Connectors

Contact Wire Splice

Contact Wire Splice, Screw-In

The screwed on overhead traction wire splice is used to connect grooved overhead traction wires with full tension. Material: High strength copper alloy CuNiSi clamping jaws A2 screws Uncoated surface



Contact wire cross section (mm2) Ri80 - Ri120 80 / 120

Number of screws 6 6


Tightening Torque (Nm)

Weight (kg) 0.5 0.9


302 537 537 -

302 537 537 IT

M10 M10

44 44

ADIF: 64.311.150 RFI 774/215

Contact Wire Splice, Riveted

The riveted overhead traction wire splice is used to connect grooved overhead traction wire with full tension. It is fitted hydraulically with size III compression units. Material: High strength copper alloy clamping jaws CuNiSi Copper rivet Uncoated surface



Contact wire cross section (mm2) Ri65 / 80 / 100 / 120 65 / 120

appropriate insert for compressing 302 346 346 (DB 4 N) -

appropriate insert for removing 302 345 345 (DB 4 L) -

Number of Weight rivets (kg) 4 6 0.37 -


302 391 391 -

302 910 910

DB 07.42.23 -


Catenary Connectors

Feed Terminals for Conductor Cables

Feed Terminals
Material: Al alloy


Cable cross section 1 (mm2)

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 200 250 350 400 480 100 152 564 - 645 564 - 645 25 - 56 35 - 200 35 - 300 50 - 150

HGT2 630 200 V HGT2 630 250 V HGT2 630 350 V HGT2 630 400 V HGT2 630 480 V HGT2 645 100 V HGT2 645 152 V HGT2 645 V HGT2 800 645 V PTA 25.56 PTA 35.200 PTA 35.300 PTA 50.150

630 630 630 630 630 564 - 645 564 - 645 564 - 645 800 25 - 56 35 - 200 35 - 300 50 - 150

Feed Terminals for Fitting to Conductor Rails

For connecting feed lines to conductor rails. Material: Al alloy


Conductor cross section (mm )


Screw length (mm) 60 70 100 130

SAT 32 V1 SAT 32 V2 SAT 32 V3 SAT 32 V4

630 630 630 630


Catenary Connectors

Other Clamps

Wedge-Shaped End Terminals

Wedge-shaped end terminals are used for the tension-proof tensioning of copper and copper alloy contact wires and conductor cables (except for copper magnesium alloys, e.g. RIM contact wires) or steel cables. Material: Cast aluminium Including: For contact wire and conductor cables: Wedges, Material Bz cable bags, Material Al/Cu For steel cables: Wedges, Material Al
No. Cable diameter (mm) GA-10.12 GA-10.8 12 8 - 12 Hole (mm) 20 20

Wedge Clamp for Contact Wire

This Wedge end clamps is used for the tension-proof tensioning of contact wires. Material: CuNi2Si, A2
No. Bolt diameter (mm) 75.05.03 A 16 Contact wire section (mm2) 80 - 150

Duo Wedge Terminal Clamp

These clamps are used to strain all types of feeders and line feeders in all overhead line constructions. Material: Clamp bodies, clamping jaws, cover AlMgSi1 screws, nuts electroplated steel split pin E-Cu Other types of duo wedge terminal clamps are available on request.
No. Nominal force (kN) 439 171 004 439 171 006 437 582 001 437 582 002 100 40 50 50 Conductor range (mm) 20,1 - 22,5 20,1 - 22,5 16,0 - 18,0 14,0 - 15,9 Cable cross section (mm2) 240 Al LA-280 LA-180 LA-110 / LA-145


Catenary Connectors

Support Clamp
Other Clamps
This clamp is used to suspend all types of feeders and line feeders in their supported position in all overhead line constructions. Material: Recess, compression piece AlMgSi1 A2 hexagonal screws
No. Type Cable cross section (mm2) 438 591 001 438 618 002 438 618 006 c a c 240 Al 185/30 Al/St 240 Al 185/30 Al/St 240 Al 185/30 Al/St

Parafil End Terminal

The parafil end terminals are used to be mounted on parafil cables. Material: Aluminium or stainless steel Pins in A2


Parafil diameter (mm) 7 11 13

Application Headspan suspensions Cantilever+Headspan Cantilever+Headspan

References Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway

Cantilever Parafil Terminal


Catenary Connectors

Other Clamps

Parafil Clamp
These clamps are used to be mounted on parafil cables. Material: Main bodies in polyamide with 30% glass fiber reinforced) Bolt, screws in A2

No. CPS-11 CPS-13

Parafil diameter (mm) 11 13

References Oran Tramway Oran Tramway

Ball-and-Socket Union Joint

This union joint is used to connect mechanically two parts lie parafil clamps and delta supports. Material: A2
No. CL16 References Oran Tramway

Delta suspension in headspan

Delta suspension in headspan


Catenary Connectors

Delta Suspensions
The delta suspensions are used to maintain the contact wire in tramways. Material: Parafil cable Thimble in Cu CW clamps in A2 or Cu
No. SD-1500 SD-3000 SD-1500P SD-3000P Length (mm) 1500 3000 1500 3000 Parafil diameter (mm) 7 7 7 7 Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway References

Other Clamps

Please consult for other lengths / parafil diameters

Simple delta suspension


Catenary Connectors

Other Clamps

Cone Coupling for Induction Joint

This cone coupling is used to provide electrical connection between the rail and an aluminium cable or a copper cable. Advantages of PFISTERER solution: Suitable for copper cables or bimetallic bolts Easy to mount No special tools required to mount the cone coupling on rail Material: Brass Mounting description: Cone coupling ( 2 & 3 ) mounted into the rail 1 . Bimetallic bolt 4 or a copper cable mounted with a hammer. Compression of 4 4 and the lug 6 on an aluminium cable. bimetallic bolt 4

1 3

2 4

7 5 6

No. V 15B V 14B

Drilling Diameter (mm) 22.5 19

Bolt Diameter (mm) 12 12

Cu cable section (mm2) 95 95

2 & 3

Bimetallic connection

Copper cable connection


Catenary Connectors

Connecting Clamp of Horizontal or Vertical Cable to Electrode or Tube

Material: Bronze Bolts inox
No. GPX.2014 GPP.2014 Electrode diameter (mm) 16 - 20 16 - 20 Cable cross section (mm2) 35 - 120 35 - 120

Other Clamps

1 2 2

Earthing Clamp to Main Electrode

Material: Copper alloy Bronze Bolts inox
No. TCT5.120X2.18 Sections (mm2) 95 - 185 Conductor diameter (mm) 14


Catenary Connectors

Compression Joints

Tension-Proof Compression Joints for Grooved Contact Wires and Copper Cables
The crimp connections are used to form a full-tension connection between DIN 48201 Cu cables and hold the cable with at least 85 % of the breaking load specified in VDE 0210. Fitting up to 95 mm2 is installed with the PRIMAT 06T manual crimping plier. Above that it is installed hydraulically with size III compression tools. Material: E-Cu, uncoated surface
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 300 952 952 95 Ri100 19H KP.MC 8-8 8-8 Contact wire Tool code no. Number of compressions, Number of compressions, mechanical hydraulic

Compression Joints, Cu, Tension-Proof, for Copper Cable

The crimp connections are used to form a full-tension connection between DIN 48201 Cu cables and hold the cable with at least 85% of the breaking load specified in VDE 0210. Fitting up to 95 mm2 is installed with the PRIMAT O6T manual crimping plier. Above that it is installed with hydraulically size III compression tools. Material: E-Cu, uncoated surface DB drawing no.: Ebs 20.01.17
No. Conductor cross section, max (mm2) 300 950 950 300 951 001 300 953 953 300 954 954 300 955 955 300 956 956 300 957 957 305 513 002 305 573 002 50 70 120 150 95 25 Conductor cross section (mm2) 50 70 120 150 182 / 185 210 / 228 / 240 299 / 300 95 25 14 16 22 25 30H KP.MC 34H KP.MC 38H KP.MC 20 10 6-6 6-6 8-8 12-12 4-4 4-4 5-5 5-5 6-6 7-7 4-4 Tool code no. Number of compressions, mech. Number of compressions, hydraulic


Catenary Connectors

Compression Joints, Cu
for non-tension connections. For DIN 48201 compliant circular stranded copper cables and circular stranded/sectorshaped stranded copper conductors in compliance with DIN VDE 0295. Dimensions according to DIN 46267 Part 1.

Compression Joints
Number of compressions, mech. / hydr. 2-2/2-2/2-2/1-1 2-2/1-1 2-2/1-1 3-3/1-1 3-3/1-1 4-4/2-2 4-4/2-2 4-4/2-2 Tool code no. hexagonal Number of compressions, hexagonal mech. Number of compressions, hexagonal hydraulic 14 18 22 3-3 4-4 4-4 1-1 2-2 2-2


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Conductor diameter (mm) 2,7 - 3,3 3,5 - 4,2 4,5 - 5,3 5,6 - 6,6 6,6 - 7,9 7,7 - 9,1 9,3 - 11 11,0 - 12,9 12,5 - 14,5 13,9 - 16,2

Tool code no.

300 891 891 300 892 892 300 893 893 300 894 894 300 895 895 300 896 896 300 897 897 300 898 898 300 899 899 300 900 900

6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150

5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Compression Joints, Cu
with through hole for non-tension connections of medium-voltage cables. The compression joints are suitable for paper and plastic-insulated cables. They have double markings and can be either round compressed or hexagonally compressed, depending on the cable type and voltage level.



Conductor cross section

Conductor Tool code no. diameter, max

Tool code no. round

(mm2) 305 303 001 305 305 001 305 307 001 uncoated uncoated uncoated 50 95 150

(mm) 9 12,5 15,8 14 / 12HR 18 / 16HR 22 / 21HR 12 HR 16 HR 21 HR


Catenary Connectors

Compression Joints

Tension-Proof Compression Joints for Grooved Contact Wires and Bronze Cables
The crimp connections are used to form a full-tension connection between grooved overhead traction wires and bronze cables Bz I II. They are installed hydraulically with size III compression tools. Material: High strength copper alloy CuNiSi Uncoated surface
No. Contact wire Conductor cross section (mm2) 304 584 584 304 585 585 Ri100 Ri80 50 Bz I-II 50 Bz I-II 17 17 3-3 3-3 Die Number of compressions, hydraulic

Tension-Proof Compression Joints for Bronze Cables and Staku Cables

The crimp connections are used to form a full-tension connection between bronze cables Bz I-II and Staku cables Staku I-III to comply with the strength specified in VDE 0115. Absolute fatigue life is achieved by an appropriate design of the inside of the sleeve. They are fitted hydraulically with size III compression tools.


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 25 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 35 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 50 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 70 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 95 Bz I-II 120 Bz I-II 50 Bz I-II


Number of compressions, hydraulic

300 293 293 300 294 294 300 295 295 300 296 296 300 297 297 303 801 801 304 887 887

25 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 35 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 50 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 70 Bz I-II, Staku I-III 95 Bz I-II 120 Bz I-II 50 Bz I-II

13 15 17 19 21 23 17

3-3 3-3 3-3 3-3 4-4 4-4 3-3

Compression Joints for Bronze Cables and Male Threads

Material: Brace (CuNi2Si F64)


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Terminal bolt


Number of compressions, hydraulic

Length (mm)

623 284 001 623 393 001

50 Bz I-II 95 Bz I-II, Ri100

M20 M20

17 21

3 4

84 100


Catenary Connectors

Compression Joints, St, Non-Tension

Compression Joints
Number of compressions, hydraulic wide Number of compressions, hydraulic narrow 2-2 3-3 6-6 7-7 Number of compressions hydraulic St Tool no. St 6-6 6-6 4-4 4-4 2-2 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 4-4 7 13 15 15 17H.KP.MC 15 15 17 15 21

The crimp connections are used to form a non-tension connection between solid steel wires and steel cables. Material: St A2
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 303 427 427 304 222 001 95 F St Wire diameter (mm) 10 Cable cross section 2 (mm2) 95 F St 19 16 2-2 2-2 Die Number of compressions, hydraulic

Compression Joints, Al
For strong connections in aluminium cables conforming to DIN 48201, Part 5. Material: Al Dimensions in according with DIN 48085, Part 2. Al pressure connectors are supplied filled with additive and sealed in film.
No. Surface Conductor cross section, max (mm2) 301 036 036 301 039 039 uncoated uncoated 120 240 Conductor diameter, max (mm) 14,0 20,3 25 34 - / 7-7 Tool code no. Number of compressions, mech. / hydr.

Compression Joints, Al/St, Tension-Proof

DIN 48085 compression joints are used to form a full-tension connection of Al/St cables as per DIN 48204. They are installed hydraulically with size III compression tools. Material: C15K steel sleeve Zinc-plated surface Al sleeve AlMgSi Uncoated surface
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 305 231 004 305 509 016 305 509 018 305 522 025 305 525 004 305 231 011 305 231 015 305 231 017 305 232 001 305 232 004 LA 56 LA 110 LA 180 LA 280 LA 380 185/30 240/40 300/50 44/32 105/75 9-9 9-9 6-6 7-7 8-8 6-6 7-7 8-8 5-5 5-5 16 25 28 34 42H.KP.MA 30 34 38 25 34 Number of compressions hydraulic Al Tool no. Al


Catenary Connectors

Cable Lugs

Compression Cable Lug, Al

The Al compression cable lugs are used to connect Cu NYY cables. Material: Al Uncoated surface
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 305 738 001 305 738 002 50 70 22b 22b 1 1 Die Number of compressions, hydraulic

Compression Cable Lug Connector, Cu

The Cu compression cable lugs are used to connect Cu NYY cables and steel cables. Material: Cu Tin-plated surface
No. Conductor cross section (mm2) 305 075 002 305 075 003 305 075 075 50, Cu 70, Cu 95 F, Steel cable 19 19 19 2 2 2 Die Number of compressions, hydraulic


Catenary Connectors

Compression Cable Lug, Cu, Uncoated

Cable Lugs
Tool code no. 6 8 8 8 8 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 18 18 18 18 20 20 32 20 22 22 22 22 25 25 25 25 28 28 28

DIN 46235 for DIN 48201 compliant circular stranded copper cables and DIN VDE 0295 compliant circular stranded/sector-shaped stranded copper conductors.


Terminal bolt diameter (mm)

Conductor cross section, max (mm2) 10 16 16 16 16 25 25 25 25 35 35 35 50 50 50 50 70 70 70 95 95 95 95 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 185 185 185 185 240 240 240

Conductor diameter (mm) 3,5 - 4,2 4,5 - 5,3 4,5 - 5,3 4,5 - 5,3 4,5 - 5,3 5,6 - 6,6 5,6 - 6,6 5,6 - 6,6 5,6 - 6,6 6,6 - 7,9 6,6 - 7,9 6,6 - 7,9 7,7 - 9,1 7,7 - 9,1 7,7 - 9,1 7,7 - 9,1 9,3 - 11,0 9,3 - 11,0 11 - 9,3 11 - 12,9 11 - 12,9 11 - 12,9 11 - 12,9 12,5 - 14,5 12,5 - 14,5 12,5 - 14,5 12,5 - 14,5 13,9 - 16,2 13,9 - 16,2 13,9 - 16,2 13,9 - 16,2 15,5 - 18,0 15,5 - 18,0 15,5 - 18,0 15,5 - 18,0 17,8 - 20,6 17,8 - 20,6 17,8 - 20,6

300 001 001 300 002 002 300 002 003 300 004 004 300 004 005 300 006 006 300 006 007 300 008 008 300 008 009 300 010 010 300 010 011 300 012 012 300 013 013 300 013 014 300 013 015 300 016 016 300 017 017 300 017 018 300 019 019 300 021 021 300 021 022 300 023 023 300 023 024 300 025 025 300 025 026 300 025 359 300 027 027 300 028 028 300 028 029 300 028 592 300 030 030 300 031 031 300 031 032 300 031 033 300 031 593 300 034 034 300 034 035 300 034 036

6 6 8 10 12 6 8 10 12 8 10 12 8 10 12 16 10 12 16 10 12 16 20 12 16 10 20 12 16 10 20 12 16 20 10 12 16 20


Catenary Connectors

Cable Lugs

Compression Cable Lug, Cu, Tinned

DIN 46235 for DIN 48201 compliant circular stranded copper cables and DIN VDE 0295 compliant circular stranded/sector-shaped stranded copper conductors.


Terminal bolt diameter (mm)

Conductor cross section, max (mm2) 25 25 50 50 50 70 70 95 95 120 120 150

Conductor diameter (mm) 5,6 - 6,6 5,6 - 6,6 7,7 - 9,1 7,7 - 9,1 7,7 - 9,1 9,3 - 11,0 9,3 - 11,0 11 - 12,9 11 - 12,9 12,5 - 14,5 12,5 - 14,5 13,9 - 16,2

Tool code no.

300 008 289 300 008 297 300 013 261 300 013 262 300 016 263 300 017 265 300 019 266 300 021 268 300 021 269 300 025 272 300 025 273 300 028 275

10 12 10 12 16 12 16 10 12 12 16 12

10 10 14 14 14 16 16 18 18 20 20 22

Flat Cable Connection Terminal

Material: Al alloy


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Number of holes

Connection width

178 SCP 000 178 SCP 001 178 SCP 099 178 SCP 100 178 SCP 400 178 SCP 500 SPTC 2x70-153R SPTC 2x70-153R1 SPTC 4x70-153R SPTC 4x70-153R1

2 x 150 - 225 2 x 120 - 185 2 x 240 - 300 2 x 185 - 300 2 x 400 2 x 500 2 x 70 - 150 2 x 70 - 150 4 x 70 -150 4 x 70 - 150

1x 4x 1x 4x 4x 4x 1x 4x 1x 4x

70 70 78 76 80 80 70 76 70 76


Catenary Connectors

Screw-In Cable Lug for Aluminium Cable

Cable Lugs
Material: Al alloy


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Number of holes

Connection width

178 SAP 099 178 SAP 100 HGT2 645 35 6x1V1 HGT2 645 35 6x2V1

2 x 185 - 300 2 x 185 - 300 2 x 645 2 x 645 x 2

1x 4x 2x 4x

70 76 75 75

Brass Screw Cable Lug

Material: Brass


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Number of holes

Connection width

300 317 L 330 318 L 330 944 L 331 245 L

70 - 120 150 - 310 70 - 120 150 - 310

1 1 1 1

40 40 40 40

Bi-Metal Bolted Cable Lug

Material: Al/Cu


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Number of holes

Connection width

330 380 330 381 330 916 330 951

70 - 120 150 - 250 70 - 120 150 - 250

1 1 1 1

40 40 40 40

Notch Type Cable Lugs for Full Current Carrying DB Hanger

Material: Cu
No. Die

625 307 001

DB 10K


Catenary Connectors

Aluminium Fittings

Aluminium Fittings for Railway Cantilever

PFISTERER provides the whole cantilever aluminium pipe system. Material: Aluminium alloy

1 4 9

3 5



6 7 8




Description Top support Bottom support Threaded end fitting Eye support Eye support Eye clamp Ball-and-socket Clevis end fitting MW support Hook clip Adjustable steady arm support Steady arm straight Suspension clamp

For diameter tube (mm) 55 55 70 70 55 55 55 55 -

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Please consult us for other cantilever configurations


Catenary Connectors

Suspension Clamp for Earthing Cable

These clamps are used to hang the aluminium earthing cable. Material: Aluminium
No. GSLA 11-21 C GSLA 11-21 C V1 Material Aluminium Aluminium Earthing cable section (mm2) LA110-LA230 LA110-LA380 AVE AVE ADIF: 64.319.100 References

Aluminium Fittings

Aluminium suspension clamp

Wedge Clamp
The wedge clamps have been developed to tension conductor wires on overhead catenary systems. Material: High strength aluminium alloy
No. 406 594 594 406 594 595 406 594 597 406 598 602 406 598 604 406 594 003 406 598 598 406 598 599 BR References A B C D E F AS AL Wire diameter (mm) 9.0 - 10.7 10.8 - 12.5 14.4 - 16.1 16.2 - 18.2 20.5 - 22.5 18.3 - 20.4 9.0 - 10.7 10.8 - 12.5 Working load (kN) 90 90 90 90 90 160 90 90 Copper or Steel Copper or Steel Copper or Steel Aluminium Aluminium Copper or Steel Aluminium Copper or Steel Conductor Wire

Wedge Clamp Body

No. 438 158 001 438 158 002 For wire diameter up to (mm) 9.0 - 24.5 24.5 - 32


Catenary Connectors

Aluminium Fittings

Delta Support for Tramway

PFISTERER provides delta suspensions support for tramways. Material: Main body in aluminium alloy Plasticified aluminium alloy Wheel in Polyamide or Nylon
No. BS-01TRV BS-02TRV PS-01TRV Description Delta support for cantilever Delta support for cantilever with wheel Delta & CW support for cantilever & head span Tube Diameter References (mm) 55 55 Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway

Delta suspension support

CW support in overlap

Aluminium Fittings for Tramway Cantilever

PFISTERER provides a full range of fittings for tramway cantilever. Material: Aluminium alloy

No. AO-55TRV SGM-C323 RG-01TRV SA-55TRV SBU-03-55

Description Eye clamp Cantilever Support Swivel with clevis Steady arm support Support for 3 tubes

Tube diameter (mm) 55 55 55

References Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway Oran Tramway

Steady arm support SA55TRV

Eye clamp AO55TRV

Swivel with clevis RG01TRV


Catenary Connectors

Contact Wire Support

Aluminium Fittings
CW support on tube PFISTERER provides a full range of contact wire support for cantilever and head span in tramway. Material: Main body in Aluminium alloy or PVC Polyamide Stainless steel
No. PS-11.500T PS-13.500T QC-09T SCA-55HC Description CW support for 11 mm parafil CW support for 13 mm parafil CW support for 11 mm and 13 mm parafil Insulated Steady arm support for 55 mm tubes Application Head span straight Head span straight References Oran Tramway Oran Tramway

Head span smooth curved Oran Tramway Overlap Oran Tramway

CW support on parafil

CW on parafil in smooth curved


Catenary Connectors

Aluminium Fittings

Connecting Clamp from Horn Gap Discharger to Earthing Electrode

Material: Aluminium
No. Main cable Main cable diameter (mm) 330 869 869 Stainless steel 9 L-110 LA 110 Branch cable Branch cable diameter (mm) 14

Consult for other sections

Connecting Clamp from Horn Gap Discharger to Messenger Wire

Material: Aluminium and stamped copper plate
No. Main cable Main cable diameter (mm) 330 869 869 Stainless steel 9 Cu Branch cable Branch cable cross section (mm2) 95

Metallic Pole Fixing Clamp

Material: Aluminium alloy Bolts inox
No. GTLA.11.21 Cable LA 110 - 280 Conductor diameter (mm) 14 - 21

Cross Terminal (Metallic Pole Fixing)

Material: Aluminium alloy
No. SXHAT.149 Sections LA 110 - L 110 Conductor diameter (mm) 14



Railway Silicone Composite Insulators

Composite silicone insulators for high speed, railway and tramway lines with the following advantages: Light weight Anti-vandalism Self cleaned with rain Suitable for polluted areas Easy to store and handle Manufactured according to IEC standards



Power frequency withstand (wet) 1 min (kV) 35 22 65 38 65 60 70 115 205 95 135 175 146 380

Minimum creepage distance (mm) 305 94 406 305 300 570 610 1238 1476 1241 1200 1597 1200 2784

Max. tensile load (STL) (kN) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 60 135 N/A N/A N/A

Specified mechanical load (SML) (kN) 30 54 25 135 135 3 135 54 N/A N/A 60 70 54

Specified cantilever load (SCL) (kN) 8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8 10 13.5 N/A N/A

Approx. References Weight (kg) 2.4 0.5 5.5 2.2 1.5 2.2 10.1 3.1 5.7 6 4.7 14.9 1.6 13.2 Eurotunnel AVE AVE ADIF ADIF/Poland Oran tramway

(kV) AM-0750TRV 144 034 092 144 034 025 144 034 064 144 034 066 144 034 037 144 034 038 144 034 001 144 034 018 144 034 003 144 034 147 144 034 259 144 034 029 144 034 015 0.75 1.5 3 3 3 15 15 25 25 25 25 25 25 50

Please ask for our complete railway insulators catalogue

High speed cantilever insulators

High speed traction insulator

Tramway insulator



Material: Steel or aluminum end fittings Silicone insulators with fiberglass rod core


Section Insulators

3 kV Section Insulators, Single Contact Wire

0.6 - 3 kV DC railway catenary section insulator for low speeds With an insulating rod made of GRP/PTFE Which can be replaced when worn Copper skids Stainless steel spark conductors For single railway catenary with a height adjustment device


Contact wire (mm2)

Insulating length (mm) 955 955

Total length (mm) 1820 1820

Distance between arcing horns (mm) 60 85

Total Width (mm) 180 180

Weight (kg) 15.0 17.0

305 422 DDH SD2 305 422 DDH SD2 IT

107 107

Section Insulators

3 kV Section Insulators, Double Contact Wire

0.6 - 3 kV DC railway catenary section insulator for low speeds with an insulating rod made of GRP/PTFE which can be replaced when worn copper skids Stainless steel spark conductors for single railway catenary with a height adjustment device


Contact wire (mm2)

Insulating length (mm) 955 955

Total length (mm) 1820 1820

Distance between arcing horns (mm) 60 85

Total Width (mm) 220 220

Weight (kg) 20.0 22.0

305 422 DDH DD2 305 422 DDH DD2 IT

107 107


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

TENSOREX Spring Charged Tensioning System

Modern railways place new demands on tensioning systems: High-speed lines with numerous tunnels require tensioning devices that easily integrate in the tunnel geometry. To an ever increasing extent, urban transport systems are being designed with a focus on aesthetic aspects and require tensioning devices that blend inconspicuously into the overall scheme. TENSOREX, the spring-operated tensioning system offers solutions for both applications. Further advantages: Use of spring tensioning devices for constant tension in contact wires and/or bearer cables Suitable for temperature ranges and many span lengths Minimum storage and maintenance costs Constant tension over entire length of lines Highly accurate Suitable for all types of catenary poles Easy to install - reduced manpower Moving parts inaccessible - no protective cage required Optional equipment: Telemonitoring system on request

TENSOREX is a patented automatic tensioning system that uses spring power to exert a constant tension on contact wire and/or bearer cable. Thus the expansion caused by changes in temperature when switching from day to night as well as seasonal changes is compensated and the mechanical load in the railway catenary is kept at a constant level.




Tensile force (kN)

Regulating length (mm) 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450

Weight (kg) 96,0 100,0 106,0 118,0 118,0 110,0 117,0 116,0 115,0 120,0 128,0 161,0 158,0 149,0 150,0 155,0

305 442 001 305 442 002 305 442 003 305 442 004 305 442 005 305 442 006 305 442 007 305 442 008 305 442 009 305 442 010 305 442 011 305 442 012 305 442 013 305 442 014

000 700 238 000 700 301 000 700 061 000 700 095-S 000 700 095 000 700 115 000 700 205 000 700 194 000 700 302 000 700 192 000 700 303 000 700 305-S 000 700 178 000 700 304 000 700 193 000 700 305

6 7,5 10 11,3 11,3 12 12,8 13 13,8 14,3 15 18,6 18,8 20 21 22,5


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

TENSOREX is a patented automatic tensioning system that uses spring power to exert a constant tension on contact wire and/or bearer cable. Thus the expansion caused by changes in temperature when switching from day to night as well as seasonal changes is compensated and the mechanical load in the railway catenary is kept at a constant level.



Tensile force (kN)

Regulating length (mm) 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750

Weight (kg) 150,0 160,0 190,0 200,0 203,0 200,0 206,0 220,0 247,0 247,0 262,0 262,0

305 443 002 305 443 003 305 443 004 305 443 005 305 443 006 305 443 007 305 443 008 305 443 009 305 443 010

000 700 173 000 700 301 000 700 088 000 700 117 000 700 352 000 700 356 000 700 353 000 700 176 000 700 033 000 700 354 000 700 355 000 700 355-S

5 7,5 10 12 13,8 14,3 15 15,8 18,8 20 22,5 22,5


305 443 001 305 443 011 305 443 012


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

TENSOREX Phantom PH 800

Tensorex-Phantom specially for railway catenarys for trams and buses is a patented automatic tensioning system which takes up considerably less space. The tensioning system is easily installed inside the circular mast. The vertical components are very well protected by the mast.


Tensile force (kN)

Regulating length (mm) 800 800 800 800

Mast sub frame included

Set up for street lighting

Weight (kg)

000 700 253 000 700 253-1 000 700 253-2 000 700 253-3

15 15 15 15

yes yes yes yes

yes yes -

1079,0 1110,0 1085,0 1116,0


TENSOREX Phantom PH 1000

Tensorex-Phantom specially for railway catenarys for trams and buses is a patented automatic tensioning system which takes up considerably less space. The tensioning system is easily installed inside the circular mast. The vertical components are very well protected by the mast.


Tensile force (kN)

Regulating length (mm) 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Mast sub frame included

Set up for street lighting

Weight (kg)

000 700 251 000 700 252 000 700 252-1 000 700 252-2 000 700 252-3

10 7 7 7 7

yes yes yes yes

yes yes yes

435,0 860,0 867,0 891,0 897,0


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

TENSOREX C+ is a patented, automatic tensioning system that uses the force of a coil spring to constantly tension the railway catenary and/or bearer cable. It therefore effectively compensates the expansion caused by fluctuating daytime and nighttime temperatures as well as the change in the seasons while keeping the tension at a constant level. Advantages: Very compact, small size: Easy and fast handling from stock to installation site Fast installation It could be lifted up to the poles head by a tackle. No needs of crane Low visual impact Device without weight: Free space at ground level around the pole Vandalism proof No maintenance requested Accuracy: Low hysteresis effect over pull [P] value Purely mechanics: It does not need power supply or /and refill oil or gas No influence from the temperature variation Safe and monitoring: It is possible to provide a monitoring system that read pull, position and temperature values remote them to the office
No. Description TR C+ 250/1350 TR C+ 375/1200 spec. TR C+ 400/1100 TR C+ 400/1125 TR C+ 450/750 TR C+ 450/1000 TR C+ 450/1000 TR C+ 450/1200 TR C+ 450/1320 TR C+ 450/1380 TR C+ 450/1425 TR C+ 450/1500 TR C+ 450/1640 TR C+ 450/1800 TR C+ 450/1875 TR C+ 450/2000 TR C+ 450/2100 TR C+ 450/2250 TR C+ 450/2400 TR C+450/2475 TR C+ 500/2250 TR C+ 550/800 TR C+ 550/1200 TR C+ 550/2000 TR C+ 550/2750 TR C+ 600/600 TR C+ 600/2250 TR C+ 600/2400 TR C+ 600/2500 TR C+ 650/1100 TR C+ 650/1125 TR C+ 650/1640 TR C+ 650/2150 TR C+ 650/2200 Compensating length (mm) 000 700 674 000 700 422 000 700 486 000 700 487 000 700 420 000 700 421 000 700 441 000 700 425 000 700 671 000 700 772 000 700 426 000 700 423 000 700 459 000 700 735 000 700 774 000 700 424 000 700 427 000 700 776 000 700 738 000 700 739 000 700 490 000 700 664 000 700 475 000 700 457 000 700 453 000 700 497 000 700 782 000 700 478 000 700 488 000 700 494 000 700 680 000 700 438 000 700 449 000 700 450 250 375 400 400 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 450 500 550 550 550 550 600 600 600 600 650 650 650 650 650 Tensile force (kgf) 13.5 12 11 11.25 7.5 10 10 12 13.2 13.8 14.25 15 16.4 18 18.75 20 21 22.5 24 24.75 22.5 8 12 20 27.5 6 22.5 24 25 11 11.25 16.4 21.5 22 180 180 120 120 150 180 180 150 90 120 150 180 90 150 150 120 120 Weight (kg) 90 90 90 90 90 90 120 120 120 RFI RET / RFI BVG / LVG ADIF ADIF / RFI ADIF ADIF / RFI ADIF ADIF / RFI ProRail / RFI ADIF RFI ADIF ADIF RFI NETWORK RAIL: 091/029007 References



Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems


No. 000 700 456 000 700 740 000 700 751 000 700 452 000 700 435 000 700 498 000 700 476 000 700 496 000 700 479 000 700 484 000 700 441 000 700 437 000 700 439 000 700 455 000 700 672 000 700 454 000 700 778 000 700 440 000 700 744 000 700 442 000 700 433 000 700 436 000 700 673 000 700 485 000 700 780 000 700 434 000 700 748 000 700 749 000 700 750 000 700 669 000 700 493 000 700 489 000 700 684 000 700 666 000 700 663 000 700 683 000 700 492 000 700 667 000 700 480 000 700 477 000 700 481 000 700 482 000 700 491 000 700 681 000 700 483 000 700 432

Description TR C+ 650/2250 TR C+ 700/1050 TR C+ 700/1575 TR C+ 700/2100 TR C+ 750/450 TR C+ 750/600 TR C+ 750/750 TR C+ 750/800 TR C+ 750/850 TR C+ 750/900 TR C+ 750/1000 TR C+ 750/1100 TR C+ 750/1200 TR C+ 750/1250 TR C+ 750/1320 TR C+ 750/1375 TR C+ 750/1380 TR C+ 750/1425 TR C+ 750/1425 TR C+ 750/1440 TR C+ 750/1500 TR C+ 750/1640 TR C+ 750/1680 TR C+ 750/1800 TR C+ 750/1875 TR C+ 750/2000 TR C+ 750/2100 TR C+ 750/2400 TR C+ 750/2475 TR C+ 800/450 TR C+ 800/1400 TR C+ 840/1800 TR C+ 900/500 TR C+ 900/750 TR C+ 900/800 TR C+ 900/1100 TR C+ 900/1200 TR C+ 900/1500 TR C+ 950/850 TR C+ 1000/600 TR C+ 1000/750 TR C+ 1000/1000 TR C+ 1000/1100 TR C+ 1000/1125 TR C+ 1000/1500 TR C+ 1100/1000

Compensating length (mm) 650 700 700 700 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 800 800 840 900 900 900 900 900 900 950 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1100

Tensile force (kgf) 22.5 10.5 15.75 21 4.5 6 7.5 8 8.5 9 10 11 12 12.5 13.2 13.75 13.8 14.25 14.25 14.4 15 16.4 16.8 18 18.75 20 21 24 24.75 4.5 14 18 5 7.5 8 11 12 15 8.5 6 7.5 10 11 11.25 15 10

Weight (kg) 180

References ADIF ADIF

180 120 120 120 120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 180 180 180 180



90 150 180 120 120 120 150 150 180 120 120 120 150 150 150 180 150



Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems



Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

Attachments for TENSOREX C+ Attachment for Lattice Poles


000 700 463

Attachments for Building Walls and Various Types of Steel Poles


000 700 416


Attachments for Steel or Concrete Circular Masts (Strap Retainer)


000 700 414

Attachments for Steel or Concrete Circular Masts (Crossbar and U-Bolt)

No. ID-code Diameter (mm) 305 444 012 000 700 408 000 700 408-1 000 700 408-2 160 215 - 219 229


Overhead Contact Line Tensioning Systems

Attachments for Steel Square and Peiner Masts


000 700 415

Attachments for two TENSOREX C+ for Steel or Concrete Circular Masts


000 700 461

TENSOREX C+ and Deflection Pulleys

Deflection Pulley Set


Deflection pulley


Washers (2x)

Fork Suspension Material suspension pins

RT-100 U

RT-102 U

RT-103 U

RT-104 U

RT-105 U

RT-106 U



Measuring Equipment

Contact Wire Position Laser Measuring Equipment

The laser railway catenary position measuring unit is used to determine (without touching) the height of the contact wires over the upper rail edge and lateral position (zigzag) using laser measuring technology. The measurements can be taken when the railway catenary is live regardless of weather conditions. The International version of the unit is designed for the standard rail gauge of 1435 mm, for height measurements between 4 and 6 m and for maximum contact wire lengths of +/- 75 cm. The local public transport version of the unit is designed for the standard rail gauge of 1435 mm, for height measurements between 4 and 6 m and for maximum contact wire lateral position of +/- 60 cm. Versions with wheels are also available. Other track gauges are available on demand. The measuring accuracy for height and side position measurements is +/- 5 mm. The measuring device is also available with bluetooth so the measuring data can be send to the PC.
No. ID-code Track width (mm) 304 132 001 304 132 002 304 132 003 304 132 007 304 132 008 GLI-6PK.FI GLI-6PK.B GLI-6PK GLI-6PK.60 1435 1435 1000 1435 1524 1435 Measuring range, on the side (mm) +/- 750 +/- 600 +/- 450 +/- 600 +/- 600 +/- 750 case incl. Ebgw 03.41 Bluetooth Data information DB-Drawing no.

Contact Wire Position Laser Measuring Equipment
Stagger measuring Height measuring


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5H

The KP-Test 5H capacitive voltage detector has universal high voltage application for nominal voltages from 30 to 420 kV. It indicates the presence of operating voltage when brought into contact with the conductor. The KP-Test 5H voltage detector is distinguished by its high level of user-friendliness and user safety. Technical description: Available for different ranges of nominal voltages from 30 to 420 kV Can be used in rain and snow Particularly loud, integrated audible signal for reliable voltage tests even in a noisy environment Extremely bright LEDs in clear layout to prevent confusion Maximum resistance to interference fields through the use of a high-quality contact electrode extension Extensive self-test functions at switch-on Available separately for use with existing insulating poles Available complete with suitable insulating poles in any overall length or carrying length Insertion depth Ai = 898 mm Nominal frequency 50 Hz, optional 60 Hz The KP-Test 5H is constructed and type-tested to Standard IEC 61243-1. The KP-Test 5H Series voltage detector is also available with a carrying case on request. Other versions with deviating nominal voltages, ranges of nominal voltage, frequencies and languages are available on request.



Nominal voltage Un (kV)

Insulating length LI (mm) 975 1802 1802 3220 3850 3850

Total length LG (mm) 2478 3700 3700 5118 5748 5748

Transporting length LT (mm) 1485 1855 1855 2050 2050 2050

Number of suitable bag insulating poles

930 250 001

0136 0167 0048 0008 0078 0038

33 - 66 kV / 50 Hz 66 - 132 kV / 50 Hz 110 kV / 50 Hz 110 - 220 kV / 50 Hz 220 - 420 kV / 50 Hz 400 kV / 50 Hz

1 2 2 3 3 3

B5 B2 B2 B2 B2 B2

Voltage Detectors

930 250 001 930 250 001 930 250 001 930 250 001 930 250 001


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors for Railway Systems

Electric railway systems around the world are operated with different voltage systems. PFISTERER can supply voltage detectors for all common voltage systems. 15 kV at 16.7 Hz 25 kV at 50 Hz 1500 V DC 3000 V DC Voltage supply for trolley lines Voltage supply for urban rail systems with third rail Depending on type, our voltage detectors are suitable for use on railway catenaries and power lines as well as on switchgear.

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5R 25 kV for Catenaries

The KP-Test 5R 25 kV 50 Hz capacitive voltage detector designed for use on railway catenaries. It indicates the presence of operating voltage when brought into contact with the conductor. Technical Description: Bright LEDs for clear recognition Particularly loud, integrated audible signal Extensive self-test functions at switch-on Contact electrode in hook form with contact pin for optimum contact with the catenary For single-phase networks Versions in other languages or with other signal mode are available on request.
No. Version Total length LG (mm) 930 300 001 0007 4795 Transporting length LT (mm) 2460 B3 suitable bag Carrying bag included

Voltage Detectors


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5R 25 kV for Catenaries, Separable

The KP-Test 5R 25 kV 50 Hz capacitive voltage detector designed for use on railway catenaries. It indicates the presence of operating voltage when brought into contact with the conductor. For transport in service vehicles the voltage detector can be dismantled into five separate components. Technical Description: Bright LEDs for clear recognition Particularly loud, integrated audible signal Extensive self-test functions at switch-on Separable contact electrode in hook form with point-contact for optimum contact with the catenary For single-phase networks Versions in other languages or with other signal mode are available on request.



Total length LG (mm)

Transporting length LT (mm) 1100

suitable bag

Carrying bag included

930 300 601




Voltage Detectors


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5R DC

The KP-Test 5R DC double-pole voltage detector is designed for use on the catenary systems of DC voltage railways. It indicates the presence of operating voltage when brought into contact with the conductor. With its extensive, integrated self-tests, the KP-Test 5R DC voltage detector ensures maximum user safety. Technical description: Double-pole type for the catenary systems of DC voltage railways with nominal voltages between 500 and 4,000 V DC Second pole designed with practical magnetic connection to rail (cable length = 6.5 m) Hook-type contact electrode with high-quality contact pin for optimum contact Self-test at switch-on also checks the connecting cable Can be used in rain and snow Integrated audible signal for reliable voltage tests even in a noisy environment Extremely bright LEDs in clear layout to prevent confusion Induced AC voltage signal detection Voltage testing possible even with a high proportion of leakage current on disconnected contact wires Available separately without insulating pole Available separately without insulating pole, but with additional adapters Available complete with three-piece insulating pole (poles RP1 and UP; total length about 5,000 mm), or five-piece insulating pole (poles RP2, RP3, RP4 and UP; total length about 4,880 mm) Available with convenient carrying case Other versions with deviating nominal voltages, ranges of nominal voltage and languages are available on request.



Nominal Voltage DC Un (V)

Transporting length LT (mm) 2450 2450 2450

Number of insulating poles

suitable bag

930 350 001 930 350 001 930 350 001

0097 0085 0077

650 - 750 1500 3000

2 2 2

B3 B3 B3 (incl.)

Voltage Detectors


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5R DC dual

The KP-Test 5R DC dual double-pole voltage detector is similar in design to the KP-Test 5R DC. In addition, this voltage detector can be switched between two nominal voltage ranges in two steps. This allows a larger system range to be covered even when there is a high proportion of leakage current. The KP-Test 5R DC dual has two selectable voltage steps. Step 1: Selected by briefly pressing the On button LED indicator: 1 x green Step 2: Selected by pressing and holding the On button LED indicator: 2 x green Deliberate voltage level selection at switch-on and the related self-test ensure that the KP-Test 5R DC dual displays safe, clear indications. Technical description: Double-pole type for the catenary systems of DC voltage railways with nominal voltages between 500 and 4,000 V DC Second pole designed for practical magnetic connection to rail (cable length = 6.5 m) Voltage range selectable Hook-type contact electrode with high-quality contact pin for optimum contact Self-test at switch-on also checks the connecting cable Can be used in rain and snow Integrated audible signal for reliable voltage tests even in a noisy environment Extremely bright LEDs in clear layout to prevent confusion Induced AC voltage signal detection Voltage testing possible even with a high proportion of leakage current on disconnected contact wires Available separately without insulating pole Available separately without insulating pole, but with additional adapter Available complete with three-piece insulating pole (poles RP1 and UP; total length about 5,000 mm), or five-piece insulating pole (poles RP2, RP3, RP4 and UP; total length about 4,880 mm) Available with convenient carrying case Other versions with deviating nominal voltages, ranges of nominal voltage and languages are available on request.
No. Version Nominal voltage DC Nominal voltage DC Transporting Level I Level II length Un (V) Un (V) 1200 1200 1200 1,500 1,500 1,500 LT (mm) 1111 2450 1111 1111 2450 1111 2 4 2 4 B1 B3 B1 B1 B3 B1 Number of insulating poles suitable bag

Voltage Detectors

930 350 501 930 350 501 930 350 501 930 350 501 930 350 501 930 350 501

0007 0008 0009 0010 0011 0012

600 600 600 750 750 750


Safety Equipment

Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5 DC

The KP-Test 5 DC double-pole voltage detector is suitable for use on the switchgear of DC voltage railways as well as railway systems with a third rail. It indicates the presence of operating voltage when brought into contact with the conductor. With its extensive, integrated self-tests, the KP-Test 5 DC voltage detector ensures maximum user safety. It also provides maximum ease of operation. Technical description: Double-pole type for use on the switchgear of DC railways as well as on railways with a third rail and nominal voltages between 500 and 4,000 V DC Self-test at switch-on also checks the connecting cable Can be used in rain and snow Integrated audible signal for reliable voltage tests even in a noisy environment Extremely bright LEDs in clear layout to prevent confusion Induced AC voltage signals detected Other versions with deviating nominal voltages, ranges of nominal voltage and languages are available on request.



Nominal voltage UN

Total length LG (mm) 815

Transporting length LT (mm) 572

Cable length (mm) 1000

suitable bag

930 370 001


750 V DC


Voltage Detectors


Safety Equipment

Insulating Poles for Railway Voltage Detectors

These insulating poles can be used with all voltage detectors of the KP-Test 5R series. This allows optimum configuration of the voltage detectors for the respective application. Technical description: Hex connection for KP-Test 5 Series voltage detectors Yellow or white varnished FRP tubes with optimum leakage values

Insulating Pole Base Parts for Three-part Voltage Detectors, Type RP1
Insulating pole base part with end cap, hand guard and plug-in connection for insulating pole upper parts UP.


Total length LG (mm)

Insulating length Length of handle Diameter of insulating element Li RP1 (mm) 480 480 LH (mm) 1465 1965 d (mm) 33 33

620 780 002 620 780 001

1950 2450

Insulating Pole Base Parts for Five-part Voltage Detectors, Type RP2
Insulating pole base part with end cap, hand guard and plug-in connection for insulating pole intermediate parts RP3.


Total length LG (mm)

Length of handle LH RP2 (mm) 955

Diameter of insulating element d (mm) 43

623 930 001


Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Insulating Pole Intermediate Parts for Five-part Voltage Detectors, Type RP3
Insulating intermediate part with plug-in connection for insulating pole intermediate parts RP4.


Total length LG (mm)

Length of handle LH RP3 (mm) 955

Diameter of insulating element d (mm) 43

623 929 001


Insulating Pole Intermediate Parts for Five-part Voltage Detectors, Type RP4
Insulating base part with plug-in connection for insulating pole upper parts UP.


Total length LG (mm)

Insulating length Length of handle Diameter of insulating element Li RP4 (mm) 65 LH RP4 (mm) 945 d (mm) 43

623 929 100


Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Insulating Poles for Voltage Detectors KP-Test 5R DC and KP-Test 5R DC dual

Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

In-Service Tests for Voltage Detectors

Depending on national regulations in the country concerned, in-service tests are required for phase comparators with nominal voltages above 1 kV. In Germany, these are obligatory under the Electrical installations and equipment (BGV A3) accident prevention regulations. Voltage detectors must then, within a maximum period of six years, be submitted to another in-service test and specified checks. The appendix of Standard IEC 61243-1 gives a description of these tests. PFISTERER have been successfully carrying out these in-service tests in their own testing facility for many years. The voltage detectors are tested according to the specifications, and immediately adjusted or repaired if necessary. Whenever extensive repairs are necessary, we give a cost quotation. When the tests are completed, the results are documented in detail. To request an In-service test, please contact your local sales representative. Customers in Germany are requested to use the following mailing address: PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH Bereich Wiederholungsprfung Bahnhofstrae 30 89547 Gerstetten - Gussenstadt Germany




200 000 200 200 000 200 200 000 200 200 000 200 200 000 200 200 000 200

0009 0099 0077 0083 0075 0280

KP-Test II KP-Test III KP-GLI KP-Test II Railway KP-Test II USE KP-Test 5

Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Switching Poles
These switching poles are suitable for use on installations with nominal voltages up to 110 kV. Technical description: Suitable for indoor and outdoor installations Plastic actuating bolt and hand guard End cap made of non-slip rubber Switching pole made of yellow fibreglass reinforced polyester tubing The switching poles are designed to Noem DIN VDE 0681 Parts 1 and 2.


Nominal voltage Un (kV)

Total length

Length of insulating element LI (mm) 525 525 525 525 525 1300 1300 1300

Length of handle LH (mm) 400 530 635 750 750 635 750 750

Diameter of insulating element d (mm) 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33

LG (mm) 1008 1508 2008 2508 3008 2008 2508 3508

364 035 004 364 035 005 364 035 035 364 035 036 364 035 037 364 035 042 364 035 043 364 035 008

30 30 30 30 30 110 110 110

Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Earthing Poles for Railway Systems

Earthing poles for railway systems are used for connecting railway earthing devices. To do this, the earthing terminals are brought up to the contact wire. These earthing poles are marked with red stripes on a white background. This allows optimum identification of the work site. Technical description: Contact wire earthing terminals held by spindle and cross-pin Receiving head with roller locking device allows the earthing pole to be easily attached / detached from the contact wire earthing terminal Robust construction for use in railway applications

Telescoping Earthing Poles, two-piece

Earthing poles for railway systems, in two-piece design. These earthing poles are used mainly for transformers and railway power lines. They are continuously adjustable.


Length range (m)

Pole length Transporting Insulating extended length length L (mm) 3500 5000 LT (mm) 1800 2600 LI (mm) 500 500

Weight (kg) 3.8 4,3

DB drawing number

362 744 001 1,8 - 3,0 362 744 744 2,6 - 5,0

3 Ebgw 01.17 3 Ebgw 01.12

Telescoping Earthing Poles, three-piece

Earthing poles for railway systems, in three-piece design. The upper section of this earthing pole is continuously adjustable. A slider enables the connection between the earthing pole and the contact wire earthing terminal to be locked. The earthing pole can thus be used to mark the work site.


Length range (m)

Pole length extended L (mm) 5080 7000

Transporting length LT (mm) 2000 3200

Insulating length LI (mm) 500 500

Weight (kg) 5.2 5.2

362 745 745 362 745 002

2,0 - 5,0 3,2 - 7,0

Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Earthing Poles, five-piece

Earthing pole for railway systems in five-piece design. Because of the short carrying length, this type is suitable for transport in all common passenger vehicle types. The connection between the earthing pole and the contact wire earthing terminal can be locked using a slider. The earthing pole can thus be used to mark the work site.


Length range Pole length (m) L (mm) 4892

Transporting length LT (mm) 1100

Insulating length LI (mm) 500

DB drawing number

364 784 001


3 Ebgw 01.22

Earthing Poles


Safety Equipment

Earthing and Short-circuiting Devices

According to IEC 61230:2008, portable devices for earthing, or earthing and shortcircuiting, are manually useable devices which, without forcible guidance are brought towards connection points of components of electrical systems for the purpose of earthing and short-circuiting, and then connected to these. They consist of earthing and short-circuiting devices (E&S devices) and earthing poles, and represent an essential factor in the realisation of the five basic safety rules for work to be performed in the absence of harmful voltage. PFISTERER earthing and short-circuiting devices are manufactured to user requirements in accordance with IEC 61230. The right input specification therefore, is accordingly important for the correct configuration.Procedure for the determination of the earthing and short-circuiting device 1. Number of conductors to be earthed: If on a three-phase system all three lines need to be earthed, a 3-pole earthing and short-circuiting device should be chosen.2. System short-circuit current: For the determination of the required conductor cross-section the maximum system short-circuit current needs to be determined. 1-pole 2-pole 3-pole 4-pole

Short-circuiting- / Earthing cable

Highest permissible short-circuit current (A)

3. Line clamp: Solid neutral Compensated network time period (s) This clamp connects the earthing cable with theover conductor to be earthed. Line clamps earthing (impedance neutral can be selected from earthing) the summary tables. The maximum short-circuit currents (Ik /1s) 2s 1s >0.5s must agree for the earthing and short-circuiting cables as well as for the clamps! 4. Earthing clamp: 35 / 35 35 / 35 4900 6900 10000 This clamp connects the earthing cable to the connection point of the earthing system. 50 / 50 clamps can be 50 / 25 7000tables. The 9900 14000 Earthing selected from the summary maximum short-circuit currents match short-circuiting cables as well as for the 70 / 70 (Ik /1s) must 70 / 35 for the earthing and9800 13800 19500 clamps!
95 / 95 95 / 35 13200 18700 26500 25 / 25 25 / 25 3500 4900 7000


Earthing Devices

5. Cable 120 / 120 lengths: 120 / 50 16700 23700 33500 The length of the cables can be determined individually according to the particular 150 / 150 150 / 50 20900 29600 42000 requirements. The length of an earthing and short-circuiting device should be at least 1.2 times the distance between the two connection points. Nevertheless, the cable lengths should be kept as short as possible as a short-circuit incident can cause strong deflections to occur.


Safety Equipment

Earthing and short-circuiting devices are available in 1- to 5-pole versions with the following types of conductor insulation: PVC (transparent) standard SILICONE (transparent) TPE (orange) 6. Exchangeability: The connecting cluster in a signal colour serves as protection against inadvertent touching and mechanical damage to the fastened connecting piece. When necessary, conductor lengths with mechanical damage can be replaced by PFISTERER or at lower cost by the user in accordance with the instruction manual. 7. Durability: Extensive and durable protection against the penetration of moisture is achieved by compressing the insulation in the broadened area at the back of the compression cable lug.

conductor 2 line fixed point 3 line clamp 4 short-circuiting cable 5 connecting cluster 6 earthing cable 7 earthing clamp 8 earthing fixed point 9 earthing system 10 receiving head 11 insulating part 12 black marking 13 handle 14 end cap

3 10

11 12

5 6

7 8 13 14

 arthing and short-circuiting devices are designed for only one exposure to the rated E short-circuit current. Short-circuiting cables of multi-pole earthing and short-circuiting devices must have the  same cross-section. The length of an earthing and short-circuiting device should be at least 1.2 times the  distance between the two connection points. The cable lengths should also be kept as short as possible as a short-circuit incident can cause strong deflections to occur. If earthing and short-circuiting devices are connected in parallel with conductors in  order to achieve a particular total conductor cross-section, the following conditions must be met: - equal conductor lengths and cross-sections - same connection hardware and locations - installation of the devices close together with parallel cable routing -f or each conductor the rated capacity is to be de-rated to a value corresponding to 75% of the conductor cross-section In the following section earthing and short-circuiting devices without clamps will be described. For the line and earthing clamps, please refer to the summary tables. Deviating versions with different conductor types, conductor cross-sections, clamps and lengths are available on request.

Earthing Devices


Safety Equipment

Overview Earth Clamps

No. Type Max. cross section (mm2) 364 811 001 A1 150 (mm) (mm) 16 (mm) (mm) (mm) Max. short- Clamcircuit ping current range lk 1 s (kA) 29,6 (mm) 16 Clamping width (mm) Weight

(g) 656

364 544 002



16 - 22


16 - 22


360 419 004



2 - 30

2 - 30


2 - 30


360 416 002



2 - 20


2 - 20


360 628 002



2 - 22


2 - 22


360 414 001





5 - 20

2 - 20


2 - 20



361 346 001





5 - 20

2 - 20


2 - 20



364 704 004





5 - 20

2 - 20


2 - 20



364 704 003





5 - 20

2 - 20


2 - 20



364 714 002





5 - 25

2 - 25


2 - 25



Earthing Devices

361 657 001





361 657 002





361 659 010





361 659 011






Safety Equipment

Overview Line Clamps

No. Type Max. cross section (mm2) 364 904 001 P1 120 (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) 4 - 20 (mm) Max. short- Clamcircuit ping current range lk 1 s (kA) 23,7 (mm) 4 - 20 Clamping width (mm) 48 Weight

(g) 382

364 903 001



6 - 32


6 - 32



360 330 002




5 - 20


5 - 20

5 - 20


2 - 20



360 332 001




5 - 20


5 - 20

5 - 20


2 - 20



360 333 002




5 - 25


5 - 25

5 - 25


2 - 25



364 309 005



4 - 23

4 - 23


4 - 23



363 245 006



4,5 - 35

4,5 - 35


4,5 - 35



364 459 009



10 - 85


10 - 85



360 335 003



10 - 32

10 - 32


10 - 32



Earthing Devices

360 335 004



10 - 32

10 - 32


10 - 32



363 091 297



10 - 25


10 - 25



363 245 010



15 - 60

15 - 60


15 - 60




Safety Equipment

Overview Rail Earth Clamps for Railway Systems

No. Type Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2) 363 322 005 R50 50 Rail type Max. shortcircuit current lk 1 s (kA) 40 (lk 0,12s) Clamping range (mm) Clamping width (mm) Weight

(g) 2128

364 901 001



13,8 (lk 1s)


364 868 001



40 (lk 0,12s)


Overview Contact Wire Earth Clamps for Railway Systems

No. Type Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2) 363 418 003 P50 120 (mm) 4,5 - 35 Max. shortcircuit current lk 1 s (kA) 23,7 Clamping Clamping Weight range width (mm) 4,5 - 35 (mm) 34 (g) 814

361 499 001



Ri80 - 150

36,5 (lk 0,12s)



361 499 499



Ri80 - 150

36,5 (lk 0,12s)



362 947 947



Ri80 - 150

23,3 (lk 0,12s)



Earthing Devices


Safety Equipment

Single-Pole Earthing and Short-Circuiting Cables

Utmost flexibility for assembling customer-specific earthing and short-circuiting devices. With a range of more than 25 line and earth clamps, conductor cross-sections are available from 25 to 150 mm2 in any length. The standard conductor lengths are: Earthing cable: c = 5,000 mm For line and earth clamps please refer to the summary tables.



Cable cross section (mm2)

Max. short-circuit current IK 1s (kA) 4.9 6.9 9.9 13.8 18.7 23.7 29.6

369 201 001 369 201 001 369 201 001 369 201 001 369 201 001 369 201 001 369 201 001

0024 0029 0001 0113 0002 0115 0520

25 35 50 70 95 120 150

Earthing Devices


Safety Equipment

Three-Pole Earthing and Short-Circuiting Conductors with Cross-Section-Reduced Earthing Conductor

Utmost flexibility for assembling customer-specific earthing and short-circuiting devices. With a range of more than 25 line and earth clamps, conductor cross-sections are available from 25 to 150 mm2 in any length. The standard conductor lengths are: Short-circuiting cables: a = b = d = 600 mm Earthing cable: c = 1500 mm For line and earth clamps please refer to the summary tables.

(mm )

IK 1s (kA) 9.9 13.8 18.7 23.7 29.6

369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001

0020 0066 0067 0697 0700

50 / 25 70 / 35 95 / 35 120 / 50 150 / 50


Earthing Devices



Cable cross section

Max. short-circuit current

Safety Equipment

Three-Pole Earthing and Short-Circuiting Conductors with Non-Reduced Earthing Conductor Cross-Section
Utmost flexibility for assembling customer-specific earthing and short-circuiting devices. With a range of more than 25 line and earth clamps, conductor cross-sections are available from 25 to 150 mm2 in any length. The standard conductor lengths are: Short-circuiting cables: a = b = d = 600 mm Earthing cable: c = 1500 mm For line and earth clamps please refer to the summary tables.

Earthing Devices
No. Version Cable cross section (mm2) 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 369 203 001 0062 1539 1027 0109 1640 0206 2048 25 / 25 35 / 35 50 / 50 70 / 70 95 / 95 120 / 120 150 / 150 Max. short-circuit current IK 1s (kA) 4.9 6.9 9.9 13.8 18.7 23.7 29.6


Safety Equipment

Earthing Devices for Railway Systems

Earthing devices that meet the highest quality and reliability requirements are a prerequisite for work on the overhead lines of electric railways. PFISTERER has been developing and producing earthing devices for railway systems for decades, and symbolises this kind of quality and reliability. Through an optimised process, we are able to supply the widest variety of types of earthing devices. Technical description: Earthing devices for mainline railways with AC or DC voltage, as well as for underground railways and trolley lines Copper earthing and short-circuiting cables available with cross-sections from 25 mm2 to 150 mm2 Earthing and short-circuiting devices available for non-protruding earthing Optimised protection against damage and atmospheric influences on cable ends Components suitable for various types of application Components dimensioned for high short-circuit currents

Railway Earthing Devices for Overhead Lines

This railway earthing device is designed for use on overhead catenaries. It can be used for contact wire heights between 4.8 and 6.25 m. The use of rail earthing clamp R50 allows non-protruding earthing, thus allowing diesel locomotive operation in earthed conditions. Technical description: Depending on type, this railway earthing device is made up of the following components: 1 contact wire earthing clamp, 361 499 001 1 rail earthing clamp, 363 322 005 1 earthing cable, 8.5 or 12 m long, 362 138 138 1 suspension hook, 360 453 453 1 telescopic type earthing pole (two-piece), 362 744 744



Length of earthing cable (m)


DB drawing number

364 845 001 364 845 006 364 845 002

with telescopic earthing 8.5 pole, 2-piece without earthing pole 8.5

3 Ebgw 01.11 3 Ebgw 01.11

with telescopic earthing 12 pole, 2-piece and suspension hook for earth wire without earthing pole with suspension hook for earth wire 12


Earthing Devices

364 845 005


Safety Equipment

Railway Earthing Devices for Overhead Lines (Automobile Type)

This railway earthing device is designed for mobile use and is suitable for transport in cars and service vehicles of emergency services and fire brigades. The use of rail earthing clamp R50 allows non-protruding earthing, thus allowing diesel locomotive operation in earthed conditions. To secure the working site the earthing pole and the ratchet can be removed. Technical description: Transport length of 5-piece earthing pole approx. 1,100 mm Short-circuit capacity Ik = 36.5 kA/ 0.12 s Depending on type this railway earthing device consists of the following components: 1 segmented earthing pole, No. 364 784 001 2 rail earthing clamps, No. 363 322 005 2 contact wire earthing clamps, No. 361 499 001 2 short-circuiting cables 50 mm2, length 8.5 m or 12 m, with red marking flags 1 storage case for earthing pole, No. 364 786 001 1 storage case for 2 earthing devices, No. 364 785 001



Length of earthing cable (m)


DB drawing number

364 766 001

with plug-in type earthing pole, 5-piece with plug-in type earthing pole, 5-piece


3 Ebgw 01.21

364 766 004


Railway Earthing Devices for Railway Power Lines

This railway earthing device is designed for use on railway power lines. Technical description: It is made up of the following components: 1 Telescopic type earthing pole, two-piece, No. 362 744 001 1 Earth clamp U2, No. 361 346 001 1 contact wire earth clamp P50, with feeler rod, No. 363 418 003 1 short-circuiting cable 50 mm2, length 4 m

Earthing Devices
No. Length of earthing cable (m) 363 571 571 4 3 Ebgw 01.23 DB drawing number


Safety Equipment

Railway Earthing Devices for Transformers

This railway earthing device is designed for use on pole-mounted transformers on overhead lines. Technical description: This railway earthing device is made up of the following components: 1 telescopic type earthing pole, 362 744 001 2 earth connection clamp U2, 361 346 001 2 line connection clamps P4, 360 332 001 2 short-circuiting cables 50 mm2, length 4 m


Length of earthing cable (m)

DB drawing number

364 844 001

3 Ebgw 01.16

Railway Earthing Devices for Construction Machines

This railway earthing device is suitable for the protective earthing of construction machines. Technical description: It is made up of the following components: 1 earth terminal clamp U2, 361 346 001 1 rail earthing clamp R50, 363 32 005 1 short-circuiting cable 50 mm2, length 12 m

No. Length of earthing cable (m) 364 843 001 12 3 Ebgw 01.15 DB drawing number


Earthing Devices

Safety Equipment

Single-Pole Earthing and Short-Circuiting Cables

Fitted on both sides with compression type cable lugs with 30 angled palms and 13 mm mounting hole for M12 connecting screw. The conductor egress at the mouth of the cable lugs is provided with bending protection.


Cable cross section (mm2)

Max. shortLength of Non-protruding circuit current earthing cable Ik 0,12 s (A) 36500 36500 36500 (m) 8.5 12 13 -

DB drawing number

362 138 138 362 138 529 362 138 004

50 50 50

3 Ebgw 01.11 3 Ebgw 01.11 -

Suspension Hook
For non-protruding suspension of earthing wire.


DB drawing number

360 453 453

3 Ebgw 01.11

Earthing Devices


Safety Equipment

Rail Earthing Clamps

PFISTERER offers a range of rail earthing clamps for railway lines.

Rail Earth Clamps R50

This rail earthing clamp is suitable for all rail base gauges. The small overall height of 35 mm below the rail base makes removal of gravel unnecessary. A separate handle allows easy placing of the clamp and protects the earth wire connection. When tightening the clamp, the annular cutting edge cuts through layers of dirt and oxide, thus ensuring reliable contact. The counter-surface, a hardened metal tip, is spring-mounted and insulated. The clamp is therefore flame-resistant in the event of a short circuit.


Max. cross section Max. short-circuit With of connected cable current ratchet (mm2) Ik 0,12 s (A) 40000 40000 -

Weight (g) 2128 1706

DB drawing number

363 322 005 363 322 006

50 50

3 Ebgw 01.13 -

Rail Earth Clamps R51

This rail earthing clamp is designed as an earthing magnet for use on trolley lines.


Max. cross section of Max. short-circuit connected cable current (mm2) Ik 1 s (A) 13800

Weight (g) 5000

364 901 001


Rail Earth Clamps R52

These rail earthing clamps are suitable for use on grooved rails.

Earthing Clamps


Max. cross section of Max. short-circuit connected cable current (mm2) Ik 0,12 s (A) 40000

Weight (g) 858

364 868 001



Safety Equipment

Contact Wire Earthing Terminals

PFISTERER offers contact wire earthing clamps for railway earthing devices. These contact wire earthing clamps are designed for connection to various contact wires. Technical description: Contact wire earthing clamps for grooved, circular and shaped contact wires as well as for twin contact wires Screw spindle of A2 stainless steel ensures reliable contact between clamp and contact wire Compact, robust design Easy handling Earthing poles available for attaching all types of contact wire earthing clamps

Contact Wire Earthing Clamp P50

This contact wire earthing clamp has a twist-proof earthing cable terminal at the front. The frame and thrust block are finely grooved to ensure secure electric contact and firm mechanical grip even when the conductors are corroded. Technical description: Conductor range 4.5 35 mm With feeler rod for verifying absence of voltage to railway-internal specifications


Max. cross Max. short- Clamping section of circuit range connected current cable (mm2) Ik 1 s (A) 23700 (mm) 4,5 - 35

Clamping width


DB drawing number

(mm) 34

(g) 814 4 Ebgw 01.26

363 418 003 120

Contact Wire Earthing Clamp P51

This contact wire earthing clamp is fitted with a flexible spindle and is used for grooved, circular or shaped conductors. Technical description: With feeler rod for easy application onto the contact wire The spring-mounted thrust block is connected to the M12 connecting screw on the back by means of flexible copper straps 361 499 002 with shortened feeler rod

Earthing Clamps


Max. cross Max. short- Contact section of circuit wire connected current cable (mm2) Ik 0,12 s (A) 36500 36500 Ri 80 - 150 Ri 80 - 150

Clamping width


DB drawing number

(mm) 30 30

(g) 1070 1010 3 Ebgw 01.14 -

361 499 001 50 361 499 002 50


Safety Equipment

Contact Wire Earthing Clamp P52

This contact wire earth clamp is fitted with a rigid spindle and is used for grooved, circular or shaped conductors. Technical description: With feeler rod for easy application onto the contact wire The spring-mounted thrust block is connected to the M12 connecting screw on the back by means of flexible copper straps


Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2)

Max. shortContact wire circuit current

Clamping width


Ik 0,12 s (A) 36500 Ri 80 - 150

(mm) 30

(g) 942

361 499 499


Contact Wire Earthing Clamp P53

This contact wire earthing clamp is designed for use on twin contact wires.


Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2)

Max. shortContact wire circuit current

Clamping width


Ik 0,12 s (A) 23300 Ri 80 - 150

(mm) 30

(g) 1968

362 947 947


Earthing Clamps


Safety Equipment

Earthing and Line Fixed Points

PFISTERER has a range of both earthing and line fixed points. Special line fixed points on request. Maximum installation torque M10: 33 Nm M12: 56 Nm M16: 135 Nm

Ball Pin, Straight, with Outside Thread

According to DIN 48088 Part 1. Technical description: German Railways licence 4 Ebgw 01.24 360 938 095 DB-No. 00 157 503 360 938 939 DB-No. 00 157 495 360 384 003 DB-No. 00 621 849


Max. cross section Head diameter of connected cable (mm2) (mm) 20 20 20 25 25 25 25 25

Thread length (mm) 28 38 48 25 28 38 48 55

Thread G M12 M12 M12 M16 M12 M12 M12 M16

Width across flats (SW) 22 22 22 27 27 27 27 27

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 23700 23700 29600 29600 29600 29600 29600

for line clamp

360 382 004 360 382 005 360 382 006 360 938 095 360 384 002 360 384 003 360 384 004 360 938 939

120 120 120 150 150 150 150 150

360 330 002 360 330 002 360 330 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 332 001 360 333 002

Ball Pin, Straight, with Inside Thread

According to DIN 48088 Part 1.

No. Max. cross section Head diameter of connected cable (mm2) 612 633 005 612 633 004 360 786 003 615 820 001 615 822 001 95 120 120 150 150 (mm) 20 20 20 25 25 Thread G M10 M12 M16 M12 M16 Width across flats Max. short-circuit current (SW) 22 22 24 27 27 Ik 1 s (A) 18700 23700 23700 29600 29600 360 330 002 360 330 002 360 330 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 for line clamp


Safety Equipment

Ball Pin, Angled, with Outside Thread



Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2)

Head diameter Thread length Thread (mm) 20 25 20 (mm) 38 45 35 G M12 M12 M12

Width across flats (SW) 24 27 24

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 13800 18700 13800

for line clamp

360 784 001 360 385 001 360 786 001

45 90 90

70 95 70

360 330 002 360 332 001 360 333 002 360 330 002

Ball Pin, Angled, with Inside Thread



Max. cross section of connected cable (mm2)

Head diameter (mm) 25 20 20

Thread G M12 M12 M12

Width across flats (SW) 27 24 24

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 18700 13800 13800

for line clamp

360 385 002 360 786 002 611 370 001

45 90 45

95 70 70

360 332 001 360 333 002 360 330 002 360 330 002

T-Bolts, Straight, with Outside Thread

suitable for universal line clamp P3.



Max. cross section Diameter of connected cable (mm2) (mm) 15 15

Width (mm) 30 30

Thread length (mm) 28 48

Thread G M12 M12

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 23700

360 372 001 360 372 002

120 120


Safety Equipment

T-Bolts, Straight, with Inside Thread

suitable for universal line clamp P3.


Max. cross section of Diameter connected cable (mm2) (mm) 15 20

Width (mm) 30 58

Thread G M12 M12

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 29600

615 805 001 610 670 001

120 150

T-Bolts, Angled, with Outside Thread

suitable for universal line clamp P3.


Max. cross section Diameter of connected cable (mm2) (mm) 15 15 15

Width (mm) 30 30 30

Thread length (mm) 28 48 38

Thread G M12 M12 M12

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 23700 23700

360 567 001 360 567 002 600 925 001

120 120 120

T-Bolts, Straight, with Outside Thread

suitable for multi-purpose line clamp P5.



Max. cross section Diameter of connected cable (mm2) (mm) 20 20

Width (mm) 58 58

Thread length (mm) 28 48

Thread G M12 M12

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 29600 29600

360 386 001 360 386 002

150 150


Safety Equipment

Cylindrical Earthing Bolt with Outside Thread

According to DIN 48088, part 2. with annular groove. suitable for terminal sockets type A1 (No. 364 811 001) and A2 (No. 364 544 002). Diameter = 16 mm


Thread G

Thread length (mm) 40 40 25

Width across flats (SW) 22 27 27

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 29600 29600 29600

360 407 407 360 408 408 360 408 003

M12 M16 M16

Cylindrical Earthing Bolt with Inside Thread

According to DIN 48088, part 2. with annular groove. suitable for terminal sockets type A1 (No. 364 811 001) and A2 (No. 364 544 002). Diameter = 16 mm


Thread G

Width across flats (SW) 22

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 29600

610 923 001


Earth Coupling Bolt with Radial Groove

According to DIN 48088 Part 2. Suitable for connection bolts Type A1 (No. 364 811 001) and Type A2 (No. 364 544 002). Diameter = 16 mm


Width across flats (SW)

Length (mm) (mm) 145

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 29600


360 409 409



Safety Equipment

Earthing Connector M12, with Outside Thread

According to DIN 48088 Part 5.


Width across flats (SW)

Length (mm) (mm) 60

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700

360 421 421


Earthing Connector M12, with Inside Thread

According to DIN 48088 Part 5.


Length (mm) (mm)

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700

360 425 615


Earthing Connection Bolts

According to DIN 48088 Part 5.


Width across flats (SW)

Length (mm) (mm) 85 110 145

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 23700 23700

361 206 206 361 206 001 361 206 002

27 27 27

Hex Bolts M12

According to DIN 48088 Part 5.



Width across flats (SW)

Length (mm) (mm) 40 65 110

Max. short-circuit current Ik 1 s (A) 23700 23700 23700

621 007 003 621 007 004 621 007 005

27 27 27


Safety Equipment

Thread Adapter M12 / M10

suitable for all PFISTERER clamps, for the attachment of compression cable lugs with 10 mm spade drilling.


Width across flats (SW)

Length (mm) (mm) 37

360 480 482


Line Fixed Point for High-Voltage Overhead Lines

Line fixed points serve as an aid for attachment of line clamps to high-voltage equipment up to 420 kV. They are available in various sizes in curved, straight and hooked form or for bundle conductors in Copper or Aluminium versions. Further versions are available on request, whereby the conductor diameter should always be stated.

360 365 020



Safety Equipment

Carrying Cases for Earthing and Short-Circuiting Poles

These storage cases are used for the safe transport and dust-free storage of earthing and short-circuiting devices.


Width (mm)

Height (mm) 300 350 230

364 785 005 364 785 001 364 785 004

400 520 1000

Storage Cabinet for Voltage Detectors and Earthing Devices

This storage cabinet is designed for the storage of voltage detectors, earthing and short-circuiting devices and earthing rods. It protects the stored equipment against harmful environmental impact and theft by third parties. Maximum storage volume: 2 voltage detectors for overhead lines incl. carrying case 2 telescopic insulating poles 2 railway earthing devices (set) The storage cabinet is designed for fixing on walls or masts. Material: Sheet steel, galvanized and paint coated


Dimensions (mm)

DB drawing number

364 807 001

320 x 464 x 3000

3 Ebgw 04.42




Manual Compression Tool PRIMAT O2

Mechanical, open design. The open design of the compression head enables the compression tool to be put on and taken off the connection to be compressed without removing the dies. Compressible cross sections: Copper up to 35 mm2 Aluminium up to 50 mm2 Accessories: Case for mechanical hand compression tool, PRIMAT 02 and dies Holder for mechanical hand compression tool, PRIMAT 02 for clamping the tool into a vice


Total length (mm)

Nominal compression force (kN) 25

303 088 088


Dies for Compressing Notched Sleeves and Notch Type Cable Lugs for 10 mm2 Hangers
PRIMAT O2 hand compression tool for oval compression joints. The tool is used for fitting compression sleeves and compression cable lugs for currentstable hanger connections, 10 mm2 Bz flex.


Conductor cross section (mm )


Tool code no.


304 328 328

10 Bz flex

DB 10 K

Case-hardening steel, burnished

Dies for Compressing Dead Ends and Compression Joints into an Oval Shape
For oval compression, for hand compression tool, mechanical, PRIMAT 02. The tool is used to compress Cu compression dead end bindings and compression joints into an oval shape.


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)


303 414 402

16 Cu / Bz F

16 PO

Case-hardening steel, burnished

Manual compression tools



Hexagonal Compression Dies

For mechanical crimping pliers for copper and steel compression joints. Compression die, burnished surface for manual crimping plier: Type O2D, width 25 mm, compression width 5 mm


Tensile compressible cross section, Cu (mm2) 10 16 25 35 6

Non-tensile compressible cross section, Cu (mm2) 10 16 25 35 6

Tool code no.

Compression width (mm) 5 5 5 5 5


303 109 109 303 109 110 303 109 111 303 109 400 303 109 468

6 8 10 12 5

Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished

Storage Case
content not included. For storing mechanical crimping pliers and dies.


Suitable for

303 552 552

Mechanical hand operated compression tool O2 and 12 dies

Bracket for Manual Compression Tool PRIMAT O2


Manual compression tools

303 683 683



Manual Compression Tool Type O6

The manual crimping plier is equipped with a C-shaped crimping head that can be rotated through 360. The telescopic handle is released and tightened by simply turning for infinitely variable length adjustment.


Total length

Nominal Cross section Al compression force (kN) 60 (mm2) 16 - 150

Cross section Cu Code no. Cu (mm2) 6 - 185 25

Code no. Al

Hexagonal dies max. width (mm)


(mm) 303 871 002 540 - 750

(kg) 3,2



Oval Compression Tools

For mechanical crimping pliers I653, copper compression tap-off connectors (H-shaped) and copper twin compression cable lugs. Die, burnished surface.


Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)

Conductor cross section (mm2) 10 RE 16 RE / 10 RM 16 25 / 16 F 35 50 70


300 463 464 300 463 465 300 463 466 300 463 467 300 463 468 300 463 469 300 463 471

8 PO 10 PO 12 PO 16 PO 18 PO 20 PO 22 PO

5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished Case-hardening steel, burnished

Die O6T for Compressing Oval Sleeves on Current-Stable Bz Hangers

No. Tool code no. Compression width (mm) 305 726 001 16 PO 13 Conductor cross section (mm2) 16 F Case-hardening steel, burnished Material


Manual compression tools


Dies for Compressing Cable Lugs onto Full Current Carrying Bz Hangers with the O6T Hand Compression Tool


Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)

Conductor cross section (mm2) 16


305 725 001



Case-hardening steel, burnished

Hexagonal Compression Dies O6T


Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)

Tensile compressible cross section, Cu (mm2) 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 120 150

Non-tensile compressible cross section, Cu, max (mm2) 6 10 16 25 35 50 70 95 95 120 150 185

300 438 438 300 438 439 300 438 441 300 438 443 300 438 445 300 438 447 300 438 448 300 438 449 300 438 450 300 438 451 300 438 452 300 438 453

5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20 22 25

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Manual compression tools



Manual Crimping Plier GO6T

PFISTERERs manual crimping pliers have a C-shaped 360 swivel compression head. For the infinitely-variable length adjustment of the new type of telescopic handles, these are loosened and tightened respectively by turning.


Total length

Nominal compression force (kN) 60

Cross sections Cross sections Code no. Al Cu Cu

Code no. Al

Hexagonal dies max. width (mm)


(mm) 303 871 003 550 - 760

(kg) 3,3

16 - 150

6 - 185




Oval Compression Tools GO6T

For mechanical crimping pliers I653, copper compression tap-off connectors (H-shaped) and copper twin compression cable lugs. Die, burnished surface.


Conductor cross section (mm2)

Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)

300 379 001 300 378 384 300 378 383 300 378 382 300 385 386

10 50 35 25/16 F 70

10 PO 20 PO 18 PO 16 PO 22 PO

13 5 5 5 5

Manual compression tools



Hexagonal Compression Dies

For mechanical crimping pliers for copper and steel compression joints. Compression die, burnished surface for manual crimping plier: Type G06T, width 38 mm, compression width 5 mm


Tensile compressible cross section Cu (mm2)

Non-tensile compressible cross section Cu (mm2) 95 10 16 150 185 25/16 F 35 50 6 70 120

Tool code no.

Compression width (mm)

300 353 364 300 353 354 300 353 356 300 366 367 300 366 368 300 353 358 300 353 360 300 353 362 300 353 353 300 353 363 300 366 366

10 16 120 150 25 35 50 6 70 95

18 6 8 22 25 10 12 14 5 16 20

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5

Storage Case
content not included. For storing mechanical crimping pliers and dies.
No. Suitable for

305 293 001

Mechanical hand operated compression tool O6, GO6, GO6-300 and 15 dies

Manual compression tools



Electro-Hydraulic High-Pressure Pumps EHP

The high-pressure pump is fitted in a handy carrying case. The well-proven double-hose system (flow and return) with control valve and oil-tight coupling joint for connecting a compression head completes the equipment in this component. A pressure relief valve protects the high-pressure pump against overload. The electric motor has a power consumption of 500 W. The 5 m long connecting cable is suitable for use on construction sites.


Operating Voltage (V AC)

Hose length (mm) 3000 4000 8000 3000 8000

Operating pressure (bar) 850 850 850 850 850

Hydraulic oil volume (cm )


Weight (kg) 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6 9,6

305 853 012 305 853 013 305 853 016 305 853 014 305 853 017

220 220 230 110 110

650 650 650 650 650

Two Stage High Pressure Pumps

With size III compression head. The high pressure unit with an operating pressure of 850 bar for manual operation (hand or foot operated) is mounted in a reclined position on a galvanised U-frame. The high pressure hose is equipped with an oil-tight coupler for connecting the compression head. The pump operates with rapid feed up to the start of compression, i.e. few working strokes are required. A pressure relief valve prevents overloading of the press. Two different versions are available standalone or for attaching to a ladder. Accessories: Case for high pressure press Pressure gauge, 0-1000 bar



Hose length (mm)

305 800 002 305 800 003 305 800 010 305 800 011 305 800 012

Suspend on conductor Suspend on conductor Free fitting Free fitting Free fitting

3000 4000 2000 3000 4000

No. Description

High Pressure Pumps

305 762 001 546 022 002

Storage Case Control manometer for two stage high pressure pump



Compression Head, Hydraulic, Size III

This compression head is fitted with a coupling plug for an oil-tight connection to the hose.
No. Power stroke (mm) 305 678 009 22,5 Nominal compression force (kN) 240

Hydraulic Die Heads 850 bar

Hydraulic die heads 850 bar with oil-tight coupling plug for two-stage high-pressure pump ZHP, electro-hydraulic high-pressure pump EHP and battery-operated hydraulic highpressure pump AHP with pump connection (coupling joint).



Operating Power stroke pressure (bar) (mm) 16

Nominal compression force (kN) 60

Compressible cross section Al (mm2) 16 - 150

Tensile compressible cross section Al/St (mm2) 25/4 - 120/20

Compressible cross section Cu (mm2) 6 - 185


(kg) 3,1

305 671 003



High Pressure Coupling

1. Coupling plug for an oil-tight connection to the compression head 2. Coupling joint for a manual hydraulic high pressure compression for oil-tight connection to the high-pressure hose 3. Coupling joint for an oil-tight connection to the reflux valve in high- pressure compression with a double hose system

High Pressure Pumps



Operating pressure (bar)

Male thread

Internal thread

305 066 066 305 067 001 305 067 067

Coupling plug Coupling joint Coupling joint

850 850 850

M15 x 1 M14 x 1,5 -

M15 x 1



Dies for High Pressure Presses, Hydraulic, Size III for Compressing Tap Connectors and Feeder Terminals
With guide, for high pressure compression, hydraulic, size III, for releasing compression tap connectors (C terminals, X terminals) and compression feeder terminals (E terminals).


Tool code no.

Tool code OT

Tool code UT

Compression width (mm)

302 131 131 304 282 139 305 730 001 305 802 001

DB 3 X -

E1/C2 E1/C2

C2 E1

44 18 44 44

Dies for High Pressure Presses, Hydraulic, Size III for Removing Tap Connectors and Feeder Terminals
With guide, for high pressure compression, hydraulic, size III, for releasing compression tap connectors (C terminals, X terminals) and compression feeder terminals (E terminals).
No. Tool code no. Tool code OT Tool code UT Compression width (mm) 302 246 246 304 343 001 305 729 001 305 803 001 DB 3 - L X-L C2 E1 E1/E2/C1/C2 E1/E2/C1/C2 44 50 44 44

Dies for High Pressure Presses, Hydraulic, Size III for Riveting Contact Wire Splices
With guide, for high pressure compression, hydraulic, size III. For riveting contact wire splices.
No. Tool code no.

302 346 346

DB 4-N / UIC-107

Dies for High Pressure Presses, Hydraulic, Size III for Riveting Contact Wire Splices

High Pressure Pumps


Tool code no.

302 345 345

DB 4-L / UIC-107



Dies for High Pressure Presses, Hydraulic, Size III for Shearing off 18 - 22 mm Steel Bolts
With guide, for high pressure compression, hydraulic, size III. For shearing off 18-22 mm steel bolts


Tool code no.

302 318 318

DB 5-S

Hexagonal Compression Dies

For hydraulic high pressure compression tools for copper, aluminium and ACSR compression joints. Tool surface, burnished
No. Tool code no. Compression width (mm) 300 608 004 300 608 005 300 608 006 300 608 007 300 608 008 300 608 009 300 608 010 300 608 011 300 608 012 300 608 013 300 608 014 300 608 015 300 608 016 300 608 017 300 608 018 300 608 019 300 608 020 300 608 021 300 608 022 300 608 023 300 608 024 13 14 15 16 17 18 19/14 20 21 22B Al 22 23 25 27 28 30 32 34 38 42 44 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 34 14 14 14 14 14 17 17 17 17 17 17

High Pressure Pumps



Come-along Clamps
No. Diameter of conductor (mm) 330 736 736 330 737 737 330 738 738 330 739 001 330 659 637 330 659 638 330 661 639 330 640 663 3.0 - 8 5.0 - 11 8.0 - 16 14.0 - 23 9.4 - 10.2 10.9 - 12 13.0 - 13.6 15.5 - 16.3 Conductor cross sections (mm2) 6 - 35 16 - 70 50 - 150 150 - 300 50/8 70/12 95/15 150/20; 120/20 Permissible load (kN) 10 10 25 35 17 17 25 35

Come-along Clamps


PFISTERER worldwide
PFISTERER S.A. Av. Velez Sarsfield 464 C1282AFR Buenos Aires Argentina Phone +54 11 4306 3595 PFISTERER Ges.m.b.H. Augasse 17 1090 Wien Austria Phone +43 1 3176531 0 PFISTERER Power Connection Systems (Beijing) Co., Ltd. Unit 518, Landmark Tower 2 8 North Dongsanhuan Road Chaoyang District 100004 Beijing China Phone +86 10 6590 6272 0 PFISTERER Representative Office Budova Mediahall Bidlaky 20 63900 Brno Czech Republic Phone +420 533 337 190 PFISTERER SAS 35 avenue dItalie BP 10045 68311 lllzach Cedex France Phone +33 389 319029 PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH Rosenstrae 44 73650 Winterbach Germany Phone +49 7181 7005 0 PFISTERER Representative Office Bg u. 3-5. 1022 Budapest Hungary Phone +36 1 251 3441 PFISTERER s.r.l. Via Sirtori 45 d 20017 Passirana di Rho (MI) Italy Phone +39 02 93158 11 PFISTERER Korea Branch Room 1930, Kwanghwamun Officia Building 163 Shinmunro-1ga, Jongno-Gu Seoul 110-999 Korea Phone +82 2 3276 2630 PFISTERER Sp. z o.o. ul. Pogodna 10 05-850 Piotrkwek May Poland Phone +48 22 72241 68 PFISTERER Representative Office Krasnopresnenskaya nab., 12 Entrance 6, office 921 123610 Moscow Russia Phone +7 495 258 1350 PFISTERER (Pty.) Ltd. 9 Willowton Road Pietermaritzburg 3201 South Africa Phone +27 33 397 5400 PFISTERER UPRESA S.A.U. Calle Industria 90-92 08025 Barcelona Spain Phone +34 93 4367409 PFISTERER Komponent & System AB Flygfltsgatan 2 12830 Skarpnck Sweden Phone +46 8 7240 150 PFISTERER SEFAG AG Werkstrasse 7 6102 Malters, Luzern Switzerland Phone +41 41 4997 272 PFISTERER Representative Office P.O. Box 184090, Gate 7, Floor 3 Hamarain Center, Dubai United Arab Emirates Phone +971 4 2690147 PFISTERER Ltd. Unit 9, Ellesmere Business Park Off Swingbridge Road Grantham NG31 7XT Lincolnshire United Kingdom Phone +44 1476 578657 PFISTERER Representative Office 7625 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 306 Bethesda, MD, 20814 Maryland USA Phone +1 240 482 4955

042 381 501 (EN) 03/2013

2013 PFISTERER Kontaktsysteme GmbH |

Concept and Design: VISCHER & BERNET | Stuttgart

We Can Assume no Liability for Printing Errors/Subject to Technical Modification

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