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What is ERP?
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP is a way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system.

What is SAP ERP?

The ERP software application from SAP helps to improve operational efficiency and productivity of business processes of the enterprise. SAP ERP is a world-class fully integrated application that fulfills the core business needs of midsize companies and large organizations across all industries and mar!et sectors. "t helps enterprises li!e yours perform financials human capital management procurement and logistics product development and manufacturing and sales and service supported by functionality for analytics corporate services and end-user service delivery.

What is SAP ?
SAP stands for Systems Applications and Products in #ata Processing. SAP application provides the capability to manage financial asset and cost accounting production operations and materials personnel plants and archived documents.

This unit deal with the navigation of SAP and helps you through the SAP interface.


An SAP screen can contain the following simple screen elements%

Command field: &ou can start applications directly by entering their Transaction 'ode in the command field (this is hidden as default). &ou can find the transaction code for an application either in the overview menu on the SAP Easy Access screen in the status bar (see below). Men !a": The menu bar is the top line of any primary window in the SAP system. The menus shown here depend on which application you are in. These menus may also contain cascading menus. Standa"d tool!a"% The pushbuttons in the standard toolbar are shown on every SAP screen. "f they are not available in an application push buttons that you cannot use on that screen are deactivated. "f you place the cursor over a pushbutton for a short time the system displays a flag with the name or function of the pushbutton. "f appropriate the corresponding function !ey setting is also displayed.

Title !a"% The title bar names the function that you are currently in. A##li$ation tool!a"% This shows the pushbuttons available in the application that you are currently in. Che$%!o&es% 'hec!bo+es allow you to select several options from a group of fields. Radio ! ttons% &ou can only select one option. Ta!% This allows you to organize several screen areas to improve the clarity. Stat s !a"% The status bar displays information on the current system status such as warnings and errors. &ou can also change the display variant to show for e+ample the transaction code of the transaction you are currently in. ,ther elements include for e+ample in# t fields and # sh! ttons.

SAP CLIENT: The client is the highest level in the SAP System hierarchy. 'lients are a commercially organizationally and technically self-contained unit within an SAP System and definition of the same is obligatory. 'lients have their own master records and set of tables. Specifications that are made or the data that is entered at this level are valid for all company codes and for all other organizational structures. SAP Software contains only tables and charts (Appro+. */ 000). Client ''' This client is the SAP reference client. "t is constantly e+tended and must not be changed by customers. "t can be used as a bac!-up copy.

Client ''( 'lient 00$ is a copy of client 000 with the e+ception that customers can ma!e changes here ('ustomizing). Client ')) 'lient 022 is reserved for SAP access to customer systems to provide remote diagnosis services such as Early-3atch4 and 5oing 6iveTests. Client ''' $ontains the follo*in+ defa lt settin+s: O"+ani,ation-s#e$ifi$ data 'lient 000 contains an e+ample for each organizational unit. The !ey is uniform 0$ 00$ 000$ and so on. O"+ani,ation-inde#endent data 'lient 000 contains e+tensive default settings so that you can actually Start operating with a lot of these settings. "n the "mplementation 5uide ("75) an attribute indicates which settings have to be made. Lo+ On Clients: &ou log on with a three digit client !ey. The client must contain a user master record. E+% 'lient /0082008100.

"n SAP Two menus9 $. SAP 7enu *. SAP "75 7enu SAP Men % This will be used by SAP 'ustomer for SAP End user operation (Production 'lient). 3e can bifurcate SAP Software sub-module-wise. 8:;S7: < 5eneral 6edger 8:;=7: < Accounts payable 8:;#7: < Accounts Receivable 8:AS7: < Asset Accounting SAP IMG Men % This menu will be used by 'onsultants for customization. "75 means "mplementation 5uide.


(/ 0EFINE COMPAN1 : 2NO3(4

(Transaction 'ode can be entered in 'ommand ;ield with prefi+ of 8: for all Transaction 'odes. >ere prefi+ 8: will close the current session and go to ne+t session. "n case of 8, the e+isting session (screen) will be minimized and can go to ne+t session. 3e can open ma+imum 2 sessions in 8, mode.) The ,rganizational Structure is defined within the 'orporate Structure segment of the "75. ,rganizational ?nits can be created directly or by copying and if necessary modifying e+isting ,rganizational Structures. Establishing the ,rganizational Structure in the system tends to be the responsibility of the ;"8', team on implementations. "t must be created before other modules begin their wor! because they are dependent on the 'ompany 'ode definition. "n SAP defining 'ompany is optional. @ut defining 'ompany 'ode is compulsory. >ere 'ompany means in SAP 6anguage we call it as "nternal Trading Partner. After defining 'ompany 'odes (branches of the 'ompany) we assign all 'ompany 'odes to 7ain 'ompany for 'onsolidation purpose.

Path: SPR, ("75)A Enterprise StructureA#efinitionA;inancial AccountingA #efine 'ompany Select B:ew EntriesC 'ompany 2) 'ompany :ame >A6#6 (Alphanumeric 'haracter limits% >industhan Aeronautics 6imited

(;ill up all other details if available) 'ity :ew #elhi

'ountry 6anguage 'urrency

": E: ":R SAV E


A 'ompany 'ode is an independent accounting entity in R8- for e+ample a company within a corporate group. "t is designated by a four-digit alphanumeric !ey. @alance sheets and profit E loss statements reFuired by law are created at the company code level.

'ompany 'ode is important in SAP ;"', 'onfiguration. ;or e+ample @>E6 is 'ompany 'ode for @harath >eavy Electricals 6td. "n every step of configuration SAP as!s for 'ompany 'ode. :ormally 'ompany codes will be defined numerically. (**$0 11$0 *000 -000 and the li!e) >ere we have referred (567 as 'ompany code for 8AL Inte"national Ltd. Path% SPR,A Enterprise StructureA #efinitionA;inancial AccountingA#efine 'opy #elete 'ompany 'ode. #ouble 'lic! on BEdit 'ompany 'ode #ataC Ste#s :Select Ne* Ent"ies 'ompany 'ode #escription 'ity 'ountry 'urrency 6anguage (567 8AL Inte"national ltd9 :an+alo"e IN INR EN Sa;e "n big screen enter company name and address Enter 'ountry IN < it is an mandatory entry ) Ente"


Edit Copy Delete Check Co p!"y Code #TC$ %NEC&')

Same path as above. 3e go to this option only in the following cases. $) To copy foreign company 6edgers. (Pre-defined in SAP). *) To copy one 'ompany 'ode to another company code (3e have done configuration of @angalore 'o. 'ode and same configurations want to copy to >yderabad company code.) -) To delete 'ompany 'ode. Sele$t 5nd i$on <After selecting wait until cloc! reading is completed. SAP contains more than */ 000 Tables and 'harts.) ;rom 'ompany 'ode (Press ;.) '''(2(''' (This is std source you have to copy from this code only) To 'ompany 'ode (567 Ente" 7essage% - 'ontinue organization obHectI Select =es 7essage% - 'opy 586 A8c I


Select J1es>? (in case you want to copy foreign (or E+isting 'ompany 'ode) ledgers.) 7essage% - Allocate local 'urrency to Target 'ompany codeI Select =es Type INR (or as per 'ountry specification) "gnore message Enter Enter 7essage% J'opy :o. RangesIK Select @1es>? Enter EnterL
6/ Assi+n Com#an= Codes to Com#an= 2NO3()

Select BPositionC Type B'ompany 'ode(s)C Assign 'ompany (bheldl) to all 'ompany 'ode(s). And SAVE9

: siness A"ea


: siness A"ea will be defined to get segment wise reports of 'ompany activities. These @usiness Areas and Profit 'entre Accounting are meant only for company internal reporting purposes. End-user has to define @usiness Area for each transaction while ma!ing entries. @usiness Area is optional for any 'ompany may be Product-wise (Soap #etergents etc. ) or Region-wise (@angalore >yderabad etc. ). @usiness Area is independent. ,nce defined can be used by any number of company codes. @usiness area and Profit 'entre Accounting both are meant for internal reporting purpose. 6/ Path :De(i"e B)*i"e** A+e! T C:2NO3'6 SPR, A Enterprise Structure A #efinition A;inancial A8cing A #efine @usiness Area Sele$t :ew Entries @usiness Area #escription $$00 :orth @us Area $$*0 South @us Area T?R@ Turbine @us Area S,AP Soap @us Area SAVE Fis$al 1ea" Va"iant


Fis$al 1ea" Va"iant% M- is system defined Accounting year stands for Apr to 7arch N . Special Periods.(suits "ndian type industries). . Special Periods is meant for ma!ing entries li!e posting audit any adHustment entries 'losure entries and the li!e. After 7arch ($* th period) system will not allow to ma!e entries for the month of 7arch as system gets loc!ed. @ut end-user has to ma!e entries related to 7arch by mentioning in period field $-8$.8$18 or $2. All these entries will go to 7arch Period only. =. Stands for Oan to #ec Accounting &ear with . Special Periods where foreign countries refer =.. ("f you want to create your own Accounting &ear and assign to 'ompany 'ode T'% 8:,@*G. Select :ew Entries and define any * characters select year-dependent in no. of posting periods mention $* and Spl. Posting periods as . and Save. :ow select your Mariant (* 'haracters) and clic! on BperiodsC left side. :ow fill up month no. of days period and year shiftment (here you have to define -$ for periods after #ecember which indicates data belongs to #ecember) and Save. To assign ;iscal &ear Mariant to 'ompany 'ode T'%8:,@-D.)


A**i," Fi*c!l Ye!+ -!+i!"t to co p!"y code

T C: 2NO:6A

Path :SPR, A;inancial A8cingA ;inancial A8cing 5lobal SettingsA6edgersA;iscal year E posting periodAassign company code to fiscal year Mariant . Sele$t Position 'ompany 'ode (567 Enter V6 Sa;e

Cha"t Of A$$o nts:


1) Edit Ch!+t o( Acco)"t* T C:2NO:(6 Path :SPR, A ;inancial A8cing A 586 A8cing A 586 A8c 7aster A8c Preparations A Edit 'hart A8c 6ist <Cha"t of A$$o nts% means list of ledgers created9/ Select 'hart of Accounts #escription 7aintain language 6ength of 586 A8c no. Ne* Ent"ies (567 Cha"t of A2$ fo" (567 En+lish ) (2 stands for :o. of digits assigned for ledger Accounts. 7a+imum $0 digits can be defined in SAP.) 'ontrolling "ntegration Man al $"eation of $ost element Sa;e


2) A**i," Ch!+t o( A%c to co p!"y code T C :2NO:)5 Path: - same as above Sele$t Position Type company code (567 Ente" Type company code ($*-.) in chart8a8c column Sa;e &,? 'A: ASS"5: SA7E '>ART ,; A'',?:TS T, #";;ERE:T ',7PA:& ',#ES @?T T>E TAR5ET ',7PA:& ',#ES S>,?6# >AME T>E SA7E A'',?:T":5 &EAR.


0efine A$$o nt G"o #

D) De(i"e Acco)"t G+o)p Path% - same as above T C: 2NO:07 Sele$t Ch!+t o( A%c $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. :ew Entries A%c G+o)p S'P6 RSP6 S'6: ?:S6 '6PR ;AST 'AST A'#: SA6E ,T>R ":'R R7': N! e Share 'apital A8c Reserves E Surplus Secured 6oans ?nsecured 6oans 6iabilities E Provision ;i+ed Assets Assets 6oans E Advance Accumulated #epreciation Sales ,ther "ncome "ncr8#ecr in Stoc! Raw material consumption

F+o A%c No $00000 $00$00 $00-00 $00.00 $00100 *00000 *00$00 *00*00 -00000 -00$00 -00*00 .00000

To A%c No $000GG $00$GG $00-GG $00.GG $001GG *000GG *00$GG *00*GG -000GG -00$GG -00*GG .000GG

$*-. $*-. $*-. $*-. $*-.

PRS: 7ER5 A#7: ":TR #EPR

Personnel staff cost 7anufacturing E+penses Administrative E+penses "nterest #epreciation

.00$00 .00*00 .00-00 .00.00 .00100

.00$GG .00*GG .00-GG .00.GG .001GG Sa;e

3hile assigning ;rom E To numbers for Account group starting number $<6iabilities *<Assets -<"ncome and .<E+penses category. This Account 5roup represents PE6 Account E @alance Sheet. TO COP1 ACCO.NTS GRO.P% 2NO:07 $. "dentify the 'hart of Accounts which you want to copy. Say for e+ample $*-. *. Select Position -. Type in 'hart of Accounts J$*-.K "gnore Accounts 5roup .. J$*-.K Accounts 5roup will be displayed in proper manner. 1. Select all Accounts 5roup one by one by clic!ing (by 7ouse) which you want to copy on $st column (the sFuare bo+ before 'hart of Accounts column). 2. :ow press ;2 D. :ow it is copied to screen. Replace the e+isting 'hart of Accounts (J$*-.K) by your 'ompany 'ode very carefully. (#onCt hit Enter =ey while replacing your 'ompany 'ode.) /. After all replacing now hit Enter !ey. G. :ow Sa;e the #ata.



P"ofit B Loss A$$o nt #r. To E+penses 6edgers Total / 00 000 @alancing Amount (:et Profit) * 00 000 @y "ncome 6edgers Total $0 00 000 'r.

This :et Profit should be transferred to @alance Sheet 6edger% Retained Earnings A8c. This transfer function will done by =ey JPK


:alan$e Sheet 6iabilities Retained Earnings A8c * 00 000 Assets

/) De(i"e Ret!i"ed E!+"i",* A%c Path: Same path as above 'hart of A8c 'ompany 'ode (567 PBL A2$ A2$ No9 3 (''(''

T C: 2NO:46

Save (message% JAccount $00$00 is not createdK this means simply we are assigning Retained Earnings 6edger :umber and we have not created any 6edger. ,nce we start creating 5eneral 6edger first create this Retained Earnings Account as it is SAP Processing 6edger.) :ow "gnore the message and enter >ere we have defined Account :o. $00$00 because this Retained Earnings A8c ledger comes under Reserves and Surplus Account 5roup hence we have defined first 6edger :umber in Accounts 5roup. >ere C3D is SAP delivered !ey. "t activates carry forwards of Profit to @alance Sheet and it also activates to create PE6 6edgers.


G) De(i"e Po*ti", Pe+iod -!+i!"t (Here we are going to activate Accounting Periods for postings ) T C:2NO::O Path: SPR,A;inancial A8cingA;inancial A8cing 5lobal SettingA6edgerAfiscal year E Posting PeriodAPosting periodA#efine variant for ,pen Posting Period Sele$t :ew Entries Va"iant Name (567 Va"iant fo" (567 Sa;e Ope" . Clo*e Po*ti", Pe+iod*

'&/Ope" . Clo*e Po*ti", Pe+iod* Path: Same as above Sele$t :ew Entries -!+i!" A F+o To Pe+ Ye! t + (567 E ( 5'( ( Maintainin+ Postin+ Pe"iods

T C :2NO:45 Pe+ Ye! + (5 5'( 5 Pe+ Ye! + (6 5'( 5 Pe+ Ye! + () 5'( 5 Sa;e


;or technical reasons for each posting period variant you need an entry .N. that is valid for all account types. The columns for the account number interval must be empty. The period intervals defined for the .N. entry specify the periods that can be posted to in a variant. 3hen you enter the posting date in the document header the system uses the entry for the account type .N. to chec! whether the period determined can be posted to. "f all account types are to be open at the same time the minimum entry .N. is sufficient. (Practically this posting periods will be open by each month-wise. "n the period $ column define 'urrent 7onth and 'urrent &ear and period * define 'urrent 7onth and 'urrent &ear with BNC mar! in Account Type. :ow End user can ma!e entries only in that 'urrent 7onth and not permitted to post in the previous8ne+t month. And for special posting periods there will be no such restrictions.) O#en Postin+ Pe"iod fo" C ""ent Month onl=% A**i," po*ti", pe+iod 0!+i!"t to co p!"y code


#ifferent 'ompany 'odes can be assigned with same posting period variant provided all 'ompany 'odes uses the same Accounting year.

$$) A**i," po*ti", pe+iod 0!+i!"t to co p!"y code Path: Same as above T C: 2NO::P Sele$t Type Position 'ompany code 'ompany code (567 Ente" (567 Sa;e 0o$ ment T=#e%

$$a/ 0efine 0o$ ment T=#e% (T'%8:,@AD) These #ocument Types are system defined. "f reFuired we can define our own #ocument Type. "n Accounts language we call types of Mouchers. ;or e+% Purchase

Moucher Sales voucher #ebit 7emo Moucher 'redit 7emo Moucher and the li!e. ,nce we receive the Mouchers we mar! manually the Moucher numbers and then we ma!e entries in computer. "n SAP 6anguage we call Mouchers as #ocument Type. And these #ocument Types should be assigned with :o. Ranges (3ithout this :o. Range the system will not allow you to ma!e any entries.) Purpose of :o. range is the system will do automatic numbering for all the entries. @ut while defining number ranges for each document type we have to define respective document type number while defining number ranges in number column. These #ocument Types we are going to treat in A8cs Payables A8cs Receivables and Asset Accounting. *) De(i"e Tole+!"ce G+o)p (o+ G%1 A%c T C :2NO:A' Path: SPR,A;inancial A8cingA586 A8cingA@usiness TransactionA ,pen "tem 'learingA'learing #ifferencesA#efine Tolerance 5roup for 586 A8c (Purpose of this 5 6 Tolerance is if there is any payment difference (under-payment or over-payment) in ledgers this configuration will account automatically the difference amount.) Co/Code $*-. Select G+o)p :ew Entries De*c+iptio De2it " Tolerance $00 group for $*-. C+edit $00 $ 3 D+ $ Sa;e 3 C+

0efine Tole"an$e G"o # fo" Em#lo=ees:


(5a/9 0efine Tole"an$e G"o # fo" Em#lo=ees9 TC:2NO:A7 (This configuration depicts permitted postings for Endusers) Select Ne* Ent"ies Enter 'ompany 'ode "gnore Tol 5roup "n per document column enter GGGGGGGGGG "n item document column enter GGGGGGGG "n percentage column enter 1Q :ow Sa;e data. This configuration enables end-users to ma!e entries.(Employees means here SAP-End ?sers. Through this option we can control End-?sers postings per #ocument. ;or e+ample if we define $ 00 000 in amount per document field End user will not be able to post amount more than $ 00 000 per voucher.) 3e can assign as per category-Accounting 'ler!s Accounts 7anager (Transaction 'ode%8:,@1D) the tolerances by defining tolerance group. ;or e+ample% Tolerance group A@'$ and configure the following tolerances% (3e do this controlling of SAP End user postings at the time of 5o6ive.) A$$o ntin+ $le"%s:

100 000 units of local currency per document $00 000 units of local currency per open item 1Q cash discount 3e can define tolerance group A@'* and assign following tolerances% A$$o ntin+ mana+e": $ 000 000 units of local currency per document 100 000 units of local currency per open item $0Q cash discount

Field Stat s Va"iant:%


Field Stat s Va"iant% >ere we are going to copy Moucher fields from SAP source for end-user operation purpose (to ma!e Moucher entries) this is more concerned with #ocument type where all voucher formats will be copied to our 'ompany code. >ere we can ma!e fields as Suppress (fields will not be displayed) ReFuired (mandatory fields) or ,ptional as per company policy8reporting option. $-) M!i"t!i" Field St!t)* -!+i!"t T C$ %NOBC4

Sele$t '''( (Select means you have to clic! before 000$ column) and then P"ess F) #elete 000$ and type (567 ('ompany 'ode) Ente" 'lic! on Co#= All Ente" B Sa;e Select Position Type (567 ('ompany 'ode ) Select (567 ('ompany 'ode ) #ouble clic! on J;ield Status 5roupK (left side) #ouble clic! on @ Gene"al Te&t <G''(/> #ouble clic! on BGene"al 0ataD (@lue 6ine)


Select ReFuired Entry Radio @utton for Te&t Select ne+t group icon (to the left top) Select ReFuired Entry for : siness A"ea Sa;e #o the same procedure for G''4 also9 $.) A**i," Field St!t)* -!+i!"t (o+ Co p!"y Code T C$%NOBC5 Select Position Type $*-. ('ompany 'ode ) "n ;ield Status Mariant column Type $*-. ('ompany 'ode ) Sa;e9 (4/ 0efinin+ No9 Ran+es fo" 0o$ ment T=#es: TC:2NF:N(2NO:AA '( (system defined) and #ocument Type SA both are same stands for 5 6 Entries. 3( stands for Recurring Entries (means End-user use this option to ma!e entries which will occur every month li!e Rent payments loan Payments where the End users store ready-made Hournal entries in SAP and while ma!ing entries Hust they will change #ate and post it.) 35 stands for Sample #ocument entries. (This option will be used by Enduser for storing Provisional Entries). 5o to document type <2NO:AA) type #oc. Type SA Enter. Select SA clic! on *nd icon (#etails icon). Remember :o. Range (system define) now clic! on :o. range information. Enter 'o. 'ode% $*-. (if you !now particular document type no. start from here by using T-'ode%8:;@:$) Select *nd "nterval ('hange "nterval button) Select "nterval @utton ("nsert "nterval button) "n :o. column type 0$ (5 6 Entries)) &ear% *0$$ ;rom :o. (!eep cursor in this column and press ;.. &ou will find "ntervals starting with :o.$ Hust hit Enter !ey.) :ow move the cursor to To :o. column. #elete GGGGGGGG and type $000 or any increasing :o. "n the ne+t column donCt type anything (in 0 column). This 0 column gives the status of

entries. (i.e. number of entries made.) Oust move the cursor from bo+. :ow hit Enter !ey and Save. "gnore messages and hit Enter. (Same way you can define for P$ and P* also. 0$(SA) is compulsory for any company whereas P$ E P* is optional.)



5eneral 6edger contains two segments% $. 'hart of Account Segment *. 'ompany 'ode Segment.



To create 5eneral ledgers type Transaction 'ode 8:;S00 in 'ommand ;ield. &ou have to enter first 5 6 Account :o. to create and type 'ompany 'ode and then Select to the right -rd icon (create). Then you have to select icon in Accounts group field by clic!ing on it. Select right Accounts 5roup for each 6edger. ;or e+ample to create 'ash Account 6edger Select 'urrent Assets group. And then in Short Te+t (mandatory) type 6edger :ame% 'ash Account. The long te+t can be used if 6edger name is too long. Then clic! on 'ontrol #ata Tag Select 6ocal 'urrency 'hec! @o+es for all 'learing Accounts (3hen you are selecting ,pen "tem 7anagement 'hec! @o+ select this local currency chec! bo+ also.). #efine sort !ey as the case may be and select 6ine "tem display 'hec! @o+ for all types of ledgers. 'lic! on 'reate8@an!8interest Tag Enter in ;ield Status 5roup ;ield 500$850018502D as the case may be depending on nature of ledgers. :ow Sa;e9 (3hile configuring 6edgers carefully read Page :o. *G).


C+e!tio" o( Ge"e+!l 1ed,e+ A%c*

T C$%NFS&& So+t 6ey &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' &&' Fld7St*7 G+o)p G&&' G&&' G&&5 G&&' G&&' G&&' G&&5 G&&' G&&' G&&' G&&' Select Check Bo8 Rele0!"t c!*h (lo9 Op/Ite M,t Rele0!"t to C!*h Flo9 Op/Ite Op/Ite Op/Ite M,t M,t M,t

G%1 A%c 1ed,e+ N! e No $00$00 Retained Earnings A8c $00000 EFuity Share 'apital *00$00 'ash A8c .00$00 .00-00 $00100 $00-00 .00.00 $00101 $00102 $0010D Salaries A8c Rent A8c ,8S E+p "#@" loan A8c "nterest A8c T#S Ta+ Payable A8c Service 'harges Ta+ Payable Edn 'ess Payable A8c


G%1 A%c No $0010 $ *00$* 0 *00$0 $ *00$1 0 -00$0 $ *00$$ $ -0000 0 $0010 * $0010 *00$* 1 *000$ 0 *000$ $ *000$ * *000$ *000$ . *000$ 1 *00*$ $

1ed,e+ N! e Sundry 'reditors A8c "nv. Raw 7aterial A8c "'"'" @an! A8c Adv to Mendors A8c 'ash #iscount Received A8c Sundry #ebtors A8c Sales A8c Adv ;rom 'ustomer A8c Sales Ta+ Payable A8c

So+ t 6ey &'2 &&' &&' &'2 &&' &<' &&' &<' &&'

Field Reco"cili!tio St!t)* " A%c Type G+o)p G&:; -e"do+ G&&: G&&5 G&:; G&&' G&:; G&2= G&:; G&&' G&&' G&&; G&:; G&:; G&:; G&:; G&&; G&:; A**et A**et A**et A**et A**et C)*to e+ OIM C)*to e+ -e"do+ Rele0!"t c!*h (lo9

Purchase Ta+ Paid A8c &&' 6and A8c @uilding A8c Plant E 7achinery A8c ;urniture E ;i+tures A8c Mehicle A8c 'apital 3or! in Progress A8c Acc #epn @uilding &'> &'> &'> &'> &'> &'> &'>


*00*$ * *00*$ *00*$ . -00$0 0 -00$$ 0 -00$$ $ .00-$ 0 .00-$ $ .0010 0 *00$2 0 $00.0 0

Acc #epn Plant E 7 Acc #epn ;urniture Acc #epn Mehicle Asset Sale 'learing A8c-Rev Profit on Asset Sale 6oss on Asset Sale

&'> &'> &'> &'> &'> &'> &'>

G&:; G&:; G&:; G&52 G&52 G&52 G&&' G&&' G&&' G&:; G&&'

A**et A**et A**et

6oss #ue to Scrapping &'> #epreciation A8c &'>

Sundry #ebtors @ill of &<' E+change A8c "'"'" @ill #iscount &&'

C)*to e+ Op it ,t


(9 :alan$es in Lo$al C ""en$=: Sele$t this $he$%!o& fo" all :alan$e Sheet Led+e"s e&$e#t S nd"= C"edito"s? S nd"= 0e!to"s and "elated led+e"s <*he"e fo"ei+n e&$han+e is in;ol;ed/9 This sele$tion is o#tional fo" othe" Led+e"s9 If =o a"e sele$tin+ O#en Item Mana+ement Che$%!o&? sele$t this :alan$es in Lo$al C ""en$= $he$%!o& also9 59 Ta& Cate+o"= Che$%!o&: 0efine F <sta"/ he"e to a$ti;ate VAT fo" Sales and P "$hases Led+e"s9 This sho ld !e done afte" $onfi+ "in+ VAT9 69 Re$on$iliation A$$o nt T=#e: Sele$t this $he$%!o& onl= in $ase of Re$on$iliation A$$o nts9 i9e9? fo" S nd"= C"edito"s Led+e"s sele$t Vendo"s? fo" S nd"= 0e!to"s Led+e"s sele$t C stome"s and fo" Assets Led+e"s sele$t Assets9 Sele$t in Field Stat s G"o # G')A fo" all Re$on$iliation A$$o nts9


79 O#en Item Mana+ement Che$%!o&: Sele$t this Che$%!o& onl= fo" Led+e"s @to !e $lea"ed>9 Fo" e&am#le? led+e"s li%e Pa=a!les? O tstandin+ E&#enses? GR2IR A$$o nts and Clea"in+ A$$o nts9 Led+e"s to !e $lea"ed in a sho"t *hile- li%e A dito"s Fees Pa=a!le? :on s Pa=a!le? Rent Pa=a!le and the li%e sele$t this O#en Item Mana+ement Che$% :o&9 GR2IR A$$o nt < nde" MM Mod le/: Goods Re$ei#t and In;oi$e Re$ei#t A$$o nt9 On$e *e "e$ei;e mate"ials? *e $he$% *ith In;oi$e *hethe" mate"ials s ##lied as #e" In;oi$e? i9e9? G antit=? G alit=? et$9? at this sta+e? *e ma%e #a"t #a=ment to Vendo"9 An= sho"ta+e o" lo* G alit= in mate"ials s ##lied? *e hold the #a=ment9 On$e it is $lea"ed f"om Vendo"? *e ma%e !alan$e #a=ment9 GR2IR A$$o nt is the !est e&am#le fo" CO#en Item Mana+ementD9 49 Line Item 0is#la= Che$% !o&: Sele$t this Che$%!o& fo" all t=#es of Led+e"s? as it +i;es 0ate-*ise Led+e" #"into t? *hi$h is m st fo" Re$on$iliation20ate*ise Ve"ifi$ation of A$$o ntin+ ent"ies9 )9 So"t He=: S=stem defined9 Sele$t ''( fo" all +ene"al t=#es of Led+e"s9 '(5 fo" S nd"= C"edito"s Led+e"s? '6( fo" S nd"= 0e!to"s Led+e"s and '(I fo" Assets t=#e led+e"s9 This So"t He= is the !asis fo" Led+e" #"o$essin+9 A9 Field Stat s G"o #: T=#es of led+e"s: - fo" Cash2:an% t=#e Led+e"s sele$t G''4 and Rele;ant to Cash Flo* $he$% !o& - Re$on$iliation A$$o nts: Sele$t G')A <o" G'(5/ fo" S nd"= C"edito"s? S nd"= 0e!to"s And Assets Led+e"s9 - An= othe" t=#es Led+e"s sele$t G''(9 - Fo" Assets ha;in+ no de#"e$iation G''A - Fo" Sales2Re;en e t=#e of Led+e"s sele$t G'5J9 I9 Inte"est Indi$ato" Che$%!o&: 0efine Inte"est I0 he"e afte" $onfi+ "in+ Inte"est Cal$ lation9

To dis#la= al"ead= $"eated Led+e"s: "n ;S00 option select in tool bar Settings->ierarchy #isplay. Then in Popup bo+ select #isplay Accounts Radio @utton and hit enter * times. :ow in 'ommand ;ield type 8:;S00 and Enter. :ow you will find Accounts 5roup in left hand side. To display 6edgers created clic! on A8cs 5roup icons. To close this option select Settings->ierarchy #isplay in pop-up bo+ select #o not #isplay Accounts Radio @utton and hit Enter * times. :ow in 'ommand ;ield type 8:;S00 and Enter. &ou will come to normal screen. G L Ent"ies% (Post =ey .0 stands for #ebit Post !ey 10 stands for 'redit system defined)

:ow Oournal entry% Rent A8c #r 1000 To 'ash A8c 1000 (@eing Rent paid for the month ofL..) TC:2NF-'5 Enter #oc #ate (current #ate8Moucher #ate) Posting #ate (on which date you are ma!ing entry)(Press ;. first and then press ;* to get current #ate.) Post!ey .0 Account (Press ;. Enter and select which Account you want to #ebit (Rent A8c) Enter "n Amount 1000 @usiness Area% (clic! on icon in the same field and select. @ut the same @us Area should be selected in the 'redit entry also.) Te+t% (narration) Rent Paid for the month of L.. Post!ey 10 Account (same procedure and select A8c to be credited ('ash A8c) Enter "n amount R (This BStarC copies amount from #ebit entry) @us Area % (same as in #ebit entry) Te+t% N (This BNC copies te+t from #ebit entry) Enter. "n top (Tool @ar) Select #ocument-Simulate Oournal entry will be displayed. To post Sa;e9 #ocument is posted.

To ;ie* Led+e": TC:2NFS('N Enter 5 6 A8c :o. (;or which you have made entry) 'o. 'ode $*-. ;iscal &ear *0$$ @us Area %( which you have selected while ma!ing entries) "n Top left you will find one cloc!-type icon clic! on this (E+ecute) icon. 6edger will be displayed. :LOCHING G L MASTER% (Purpose of this bloc!ing is no End-user should ma!e entry to these 6edgers which they are not authorized to ma!e entry.)

"n T'%8:;S00 option first type in 5 6 A8c :o. field which 6edger(s) you want to bloc! and select in Top-5 6 Account-@loc! &ou will be displayed with bloc!ing option. Select all 'hec! @o+es and Sa;e9 Try to ma!e entry to these 6edger(s) through T'%8:;-0*. To remove @loc!ing same procedure deselect all the 'hec! @o+es and Sa;e9

E?ERCISE$ TO COP1 COMPAN1 CO0E TO COMPAN1 CO0E This configuration is to copy 5eneral 6edgers and :o. Ranges from one company code to another. @y doing this configuration one can save time in creating 5eneral 6edgers and :o. Ranges for new company code. @ut both the company codes should have same accounting year. >ere Source 'ompany 'ode means from which company code you want to copy. ("n the source company code you should have done 5 6 'reations and :o. Ranges.) Procedure% $. 'reate :ew 'ompany 'ode *. 5o to 8:E'0$ Select *nd "con. ;rom 'o. 'ode % (Select Source 'o. 'ode to 'opy) To 'o. 'ode% (:ew 'o. 'ode) Enter. -. 7essage% 'opy 56 AccountsI Select J&esK .. 7essage% 'opy :o. RangesI Select J&esC 1. 'reate 'hart of Accounts 8:,@$- for :ew 'ompany 'ode 2. Assign Source 'o. 'ode 'h of Accounts to :ew 'o. 'ode 8:,@2* D. Assign ;ield Status Mariant of Source 'o. 'ode to :ew 'o. 'ode (8:,@'1) :ow in :ew 'ompany code view 6edgers % 5o to 8:;S00 Miew :o. Ranges copied% 5o to 8:;@:$ C stomi,ation of Fo"ei+n Com#an= Code:


$. 'reate 'o. 'ode for Australia-based company. E+% *000 *. 8:E'0$. Select *nd "con (copy organization obHect). -. ;rom% $000 To% *000 .. copy 5 6 I Select J&esK 1. 'hange local 'urrencyI J&esK #efine A?# 2. "gnore messages hit Enter. D. Transport :o. RangesI J&esK. Enter /. Assign Accounting &ear =. for 'o. 'ode *000 G. 8:,@2*. Assign in both the columns ":T and 5=R to 'o. 'ode *000 $0. Assign Posting period Mariant $000 to 'o. 'ode *000 $$. 8:,@'1 Assign $000 to 'o. 'ode *000 $*. 8:;S00. 'hec! 5eneral 6edgers. Client-le;el $onfi+ "ation% 'onfiguration done at client-level can be assigned to any company code(s) if it is matching the reFuirement. E+ample% 'hart of Accounts ;iscal &ear Mariant ;ield Status Mariant "nterest "# Ta+ Types Account group for Mendors8'ustomers etc. Com#an= $ode le;el $onfi+ "ation% 'onfiguration done at company code level cannot be assigned to any company code. E+ample% 5eneral 6edgers Mendor8'ustomer :ame etc. @ut can be copied to other company code(s).


This foreign currency posting is not a configuration wor! but the system will not accept any foreign currency conversion entries until you define foreign currency rates. 5 < stands for Standard Translation at @an! @uying Rate @ < stands for J J @an! Selling Rate 7 < stands for J J Average Rate P < stands for J J 'ost A8c planning (3hole activation and defining foreign currency rate depends on #ate) 0efine T"anslation Ratio fo" C ""en$= T"anslation% T'%8:,@@S

Select J&K for the message. Select :ew Entries E+Rate Type 5 Malid Ratio Ratio To ;rom ;rom ?S# ":R 0$.0..*0$ $ $ $ @ ?S# ":R 0$.0..*0$ $ $ $ Sa;e9 (>ere Ratio $ activates the system for calculation) >ere we are activating ?S#. "f 'ompany having any business transaction with Oapan activate &en for Australia activate here A?# and the li!e. Then only we can define rates in E+change rates. Ente" E&$han+e Rates% (This will be done by the End-users on everyday8defined days.) T'%8:,@0/ Select :ew Entries E+Rate 5 @ 7 Malid ;rom 0$.01.*0$ $ 0$.01.*0$ $ 0$.01.*0$ $ "ndirect Suotation (@lan!) (@lan!) (@lan!) ;rom ?S# ?S# ?S# #irect Suotation .1 ./ .D To ":R ":R ":R ;rom To

Sa;e9 (:ormally 'ompanies prefer 7 Type E+change Rate.) To ente" t"anslation Ratio% T'%8:,@AD Select Position Enter #oc Type% SA Select SA Select in top #etails @utton ?nder #efault Malues- E+ Rate type%7 Sa;e.

:ow pass an entry (;-0*) with changing currency from ":R to ?S# (below 'ompany 'ode) and view ledger also.

1) The+e !+e t9o type* o( i"te+e*t c!lc)l!tio" B!l!"ce I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio"$ S type @)*ed (o+ G%1 A%c* (If the Co. has taken oan fro! "ank# to ca cu ate Interest a!ount to pa$ .) %) Ite I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio"$ P type @)*ed (o+ -e"do+*%C)*to e+ (If pa$!ent is overdue fro! Custo!ers or due fro! &endors here we define Interest.)

("nterest indicator may be defined by any * characters 9 ;or each Rate of "nterest you have to define different "nterest "#s and separate 6oan 6edgers/ Gene"al Led+e" A2$ :alan$e Inte"est Cal$ lation ') De(i"e I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio" type T C$ %NOB4: Select :ew Entries "nterest "ndicator :o. or :ame SI :ame (5K P A "nterest 'alculation type% S Sa;e 2) P+ep!+e A%c B!l!"ce I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio" Select :ew Entries "nterest "ndicator SI "nterest 'alculation ;reFuency '( 'alendar type G Select @alance plus "nterest chec! bo+ T C$%NOBAA

Sa;e <) De(i"e Re(e+e"ce I"te+e*t R!te T C$ %NOBAC Select :ew Entries Reference "nterest Rate SI(5K Short or 6ong te+t $*Q 7onthly #ate ;rom '(2'725'(( 'urrency INR Sa;e

4) De(i"e Ti e Depe"de"t Te+ * Select :ew Entries

T C$ %NOB>'

"nterest "ndicator SI 'urrency INR Effective ;rom '(9'795'(( SeFuential :umber ( Te+t Select C"edit Inte"est :alan$e Inte"est Cal$ lation method Reference "nterest Rate SI(5K Select :e+t Screen @utton "nterest "ndicator SI 'urrency INR

Effective ;rom '(9'795'(( SeFuential :umber 5 Te+t Select 0e!it Inte"est :alan$e Inte"est Cal$ lation method Reference "nterest Rate SI(5K Sa;e 1) De(i"e I"te+e*t R!te -!l)e* Select :ew Entries Reference "nterest Rate Effective ;rom "nterest Rate T C$ %NOB>< SI(5K '(9'795'(( (5

Sa;e 2) C+e!tio" o( G%1 A%c*$ ')G 1 A%c No/ '&&<&&#A"de+ A%c* G+o)p$ Sec)+ed 1o!") IDBI 1o!" A%c #A(te+ de(i"i", FSG$G&&57 De(i"e I"te+e*t I"dic!to+ B SIC/ 2) G 1 A%c No/ 4&&4&& I"te+e*t P!id A%c #)"de+ A%c* G+o)p$ I"te+e*t) <) G 1 A%c No/ 2&&'&' ATI B!"k C)++ A%c #)"de+ C)++e"t A**et*) "f you have already created above ledgers Hust assign "nterest "ndicator to 6oan 6edger.) ;) P+ep!+e G%1 A%c B!l!"ce I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio" T C$ %NOB-2 Select Symbol button Select Account button 'hart of Account (567 Ente" '''5 INR 7''7'' 5''' INR 5''('( Sa;e9 <These 000* ("nterest paid) and *000 (5 6 Account paid) are system defined.)

#To k"o9 the +e*)lt* o( I"te+e*t c!lc)l!tio"7 9e h!0e to !ke 2 e"t+ie*$ '/ 1o!" +ecei0ed (+o B!"k !"d 2/ Rep!y e"t o( lo!"/ B)t yo) h!0e to !ke the*e e"t+ie* i" the p+e0io)* o"th7 #I( yo) !+e i" Sept/ o"th !ke the*e t9o e"t+ie* o" '*t o( A), lo!" +ec0d !"d lo!" +ep!id o" <& th o( A),/ Re!*o" i*7 yo) h!0e to c!lc)l!te I"te+e*t (o+ o"e o"th/ Yo)+ E"t+y7 1o!" +ecei0ed !"d lo!" +ep!y e"t *ho)ld h!0e !t le!*t <& d!y* ,!p/) >) !) M!ke ! Do)+"!l e"t+y (o+ +ecei0i", lo!" T C$%NFE&2

Posting =ey .0 Stands for #ebit and Posting =ey 10 Stands for 'redit.

#ocument #ate 0$.0/.*0$$ ( one month previous date ) Posting #ate 0$.0/.*0$$ #ocument Type SA 'ompany 'ode (567 Posting =ey 7' 5''('( Ente" Amount (''''' @usiness Area (Select from system) Te+t being loan received from "#@" ban! Posting =ey 10 6oan A8c no.(''6'' Ente" Amount F @usiness Area (Select from system) Malue #ate% 0$.0/.*0$$ Te+t E Ente" #ocument-Simulate- Sa;e 2) M!ke ! Do)+"!l e"t+y (o+ +ep!y e"t o( lo!" i"*t!ll e"t #ocument #ate -$.0/.*0$$ Posting #ate -$.0/.*0$$ #ocument Type SA 'ompany 'ode (567 Posting =ey 7' "#@" loan A8c (''6'' Amount $*100 @usiness Area Select from system st Te+t being $ installment paid to loan a8c Posting =ey 4' 5''('( Amount F @usiness Area (Select from system) Malue #ate% -$.0/.*0$$ Te+t E Ente" #ocument-Simulate- Sa;e (:ote% @usiness Area should be the same) G) To Run I"te+e*t C!lc)l!tio" T C$ %NF/52 'hart of Accounts $*-. 586 A8c :o (''6'' (6oan A8c) 'ompany 'ode $*-. 'alculation Period ;rom '(9'I95'(( To 6(9'I95'(( 'urrency INR Select Standa"d Inte"est Cal$ lation



Select Additional :alan$e Select Post Inte"est Settlement Select .#date Maste" (Session :ame% This is a temporary name Hust to run the interest cycle and once interest is posted this session name will disappear. >ence you can define any numeric or alphabetic as session name.) Session :ame TMariantU (74) Sa;e Mariant (74) #escription "nterest for the month Sa;e E+ecute ('lic! on left top cloc! type "con). (:ow SAP will display chart relating to entries made and interest amount to post) "n Toolbar select System-Service-@atch "nput-Session ('lic! on Session) Select Mariant (Session name) (74) Select Process Select Radio @utton #isplay Errors ,nly Select Process ("f you have made @usiness Area as mandatory system will display voucher entry or else select JE+it @atch "nput SessionK.) Enter Te+t @eing "nterest Posting Posting =ey 4' 6oan A8c 5''('( Ente" Enter @usiness Area Ente" Enter Te+t @eing "nterest Posting for the month Posting =ey 7' "nterest A8c 7''7'' Ente" Enter @usiness Area Ente" Amount F Te+t E Ente" Enter @usiness Area Ente" B Sa;e Select E+it @atch "nput Session

To 0e+i(y yo)+ e"t+ie* ,o to T C$ FS'&N 586 A8c :o. 7''7'' <Che$% 5''('(? (''6'' also/ 'ompany 'ode (567 ;iscal &ear 5'(( @usiness Area T @usiness Area should be the same U

E+ecute(clic! on 'loc! type "con on top left/ you can see the report on your screen. ;or repeated practice of "nterest 'alculation in the same 'o. 'ode create same - 5eneral 6edgers i.e. @an! 6oan A8c @an! 'urrent Account and "nterest Paid A8c with different 5 6 numbers. E+9 &ou have already practiced with $00-00 @an! 6oan A8c *00$0$ @an! 'urrent A8c and .00.00 "nterest paid A8c. :ow create 56s $00-0$ *00$0* E .00.0$.


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