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Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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Dfinir the mesh of visualization of the results of a dynamic substructuring. In the case of the cyclic dynamic substructuring, the mesh is created by using whole or part of the meshes (mesh of visualization) of the structure sector then by repeating it in a cyclic way to reconstitute total structure. In the case of the general dynamic substructuring, the mesh is created by using whole or part of the meshes (mesh of visualization) of various substructures then by associating them so as to reconstitute total structure. The meshes used (called meshes of visualization) are not necessarily support of a finite element. This ma es it possible to use meshes of visualization of reduced number, different from the meshes of computation, and representing coarsely the form of the structure (s eleton). !ne can also create a s eleton starting from another s eleton which one will amalgamate certain nodes of the application interfaces according to a criterion of pro"imity. #estriction$ The meshes of visualization must be defined starting from nodes supporting of the degrees of freedom of computation (there is no interpolation of the results). Warning: The use of operand TOUT='OUI' can lead to big performance issues. Always pri ilege the call by specifying the mesh groups implied in the skeleton! particularly when the meshes of under structures constitute only one small portion of the complete mesh. This operator creates a structure of data of type skeleton.

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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skeleton [skeleton] =DEFI_SQUELETTE 1. Cyclic substructuring / CYCLIQUE = _F ( / MODE_CYCL = mode_c cl / MES! = m"ll $%_SECTEU& = n'_sect SECTEU& = _F ( ( ) $ET = *+led, ) -&OU._M/ = 01m", TOUT = 2OUI3, 4 2. Conv ntion!l substructuring / MODELE_-E$E = mo0ene, " SOUS_ST&UC = _F ( " $OM = nom_sst15c, [k$] ( /) $ET = *+led, ) -&OU._M/=01m" , [l_01_m"+lle] / TOUT = 2OUI3, 4, $OM_-&OU._M/ = _F ( $OM = 2n"med6, [k$] SOUS_ST&UC = nomsst, -&OU._M/ =01m" , [l_01_m"+lle] 4, #. D $inition by !n %isting s& l ton [skeleton] [modele_0ene] [mode_c cl] [mes#] [&$] [l_m"+lle] [l_01_m"+lle]



" / SQUELETTE = skeleton, ( &ECO_-LO%/L= _F ( / TOUT = 2OUI3, [de*ect] / -&OU._$O_7 = 01no7, SOUS_ST&UC_7 = nom_sst157, -&OU._$O_9 = 01no9, SOUS_ST&UC_9 = nom_sst159, ( .&ECISIO$ = / 81ec, / 7:D;<, ( C&ITE&E = / 2&EL/TIF3, / 2/%SOLU3, ( DIST_&EFE = d+st_1e*e, ' $OM_-&OU._M/ = _F ( $OM = 2n"med6, [k$]

[01o58_no] [k$] [01o58_no] [k$] [&] [de*ect] [de*ect] [&]

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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SOUS_ST&UC = nomsst, -&OU._M/ = 01m", 4 ' E=CLUSIF = /2OUI3 /2$O$3 ( TITLE = 2t+tle (

[k$] [l_01_m"+lle] [de*ect] [k$]

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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Date : 12/07/2011 Page : '/8 &# : U'(2'(01 R)isi ! : *7+'


Oprandes #ubstructuring &key word factor '(')*+,-.
Oprande )ODE_C*CL
MODE_CYCL = moc %oncept mode_c cl resulting from a computation in cyclic substructuring.


Operand )ES+,-._SECTEU/
M/ILL/-E = m"ll %oncept m"+ll"0e_sd"ste1 used to define the s eleton. It is accompanied by the ey word $%_SECTEU&, integer which gives the number of repetitions of this mesh to obtain complete structure of the s eleton.


/ey word SECTEU/

SECTEU& &ey word factor for the creation of a s eleton starting from a result of the mode'cycl t 8e produces by MODE_ITE&_CYCL ()*.+,.-+.. /llows to define on the basic sector the list of the meshes of visualization which will be repeated in a cyclic way.

%.1.%.1 Operands TOUT 0 -ET 0 0/OU1_)2 ' / TOUT Toutes the meshes of the mesh of the basic sector will be meshes of visualization. ' / ) $ET = *+led 0iste of the meshes of visualization of the basic sector. ) -&OU._M/ = 01m" 0iste of the mesh groups of visualization of the basic sector.


'on entional substructuring

Oprande )ODELE_0E-E
MODELE_-E$E = mo0ene 1om of the concept modele_0ene resulting from DEFI_MODELE_-E$E ()*.2+.-,. defining the total structure on which one wishes to define the s eleton.


/ey word SOUS_ST/UC

SOUS_ST&UC &ey word factor for the creation of a s eleton following a computation by conventional dynamic substructuring. /llows to define on each substructure of the generalized model the list of the meshes of visualization.

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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%.".".1 Operand -O) ' $OM = nom_st15c 1om of substructure. It must be identical to the one of the names of substructures defining the generalized model (see DEFI_MODELE_-E$E ()*.2+.-,.). %."."." Operands TOUT 0 -ET 0 0/OU1_)2 ' / TOUT Toutes the meshes of the mesh of substructure will be meshes of visualization. ' / ) $ET = *+led 0iste of the meshes of visualization of substructure. ) -&OU._M/ = 01m" 0iste of the mesh groups of visualization of substructure.


/ey words SQUELETTE and /ECO_0LO.2L

ey word SQUELETTE defines an initial concept of standard s eleton where one will amalgamate the nodes of the interfaces by ey word &ECO_-LO%/L, either all these nodes (TOUT = 2OUI3), or selectively a nodes group 01no7 (operand -&OU._$O_7) of the substructure nom_sst157 (operand SOUS_ST&UC_7) with a nodes group 01no9 (operand -&OU._$O_9) of the substructure nom_sst159 (operand SOUS_ST&UC_9). These substructures must belong to the concept of the modele'gene t 8e informed by operand MODELE_-E$E. The s eleton modified by fusion will be the result of operator DEFI_SQUELETTE.


Operands DIST_/EFE 0 C/ITE/E 0 1/ECISIOfusion will be made according to a criterion of pro"imity either absolute (compared to d+st_1e*) or relative (compared to d+st_1e*>81ec).


/ey word -O)_0/OU1_)2

Dans le cas o3 one modifies an initial concept of standard s eleton (entered by ey word SQUELETTE) by a fusion of the nodes of the interfaces (by means of ey word &ECO_-LO%/L), one can then recover mesh groups (entered by operand -&OU._M/) in the substructure nomsst (entered by operand SOUS_ST&UC) in their naming new of mesh group (operand $OM) in the s eleton result.


/ey word E3CLUSIF

Dans the case of a computation per conventional substructuring, only. 4y putting E=CLUSIF=6OUI3, one removes the mesh groups resulting from the initial meshes in the final s eleton.

the command file which follows computes, by two methods of substructuring, the modes of bending of a plate embedded in its center$ cyclic method, common method.

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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Then by command DEFI_SQUELETTE, there is creation of a mesh of visualization (mesh skeleton). /fter having e"pressed the results in physical space, mesh of visualization and results are versed in a file &ESULT/T with format ID5/6.


'ommand file
? ? CO)1UT2TIO- 12/ SU.ST/UCTU/I-0 C*CLIQUE ? ? COM.UT/TIO$ DES E+0en modes CYCLIQUES ? mod_c = MODE_ITE&_CYCL (%/SE_MOD/LE= '"mo, $%_MODE = @, $%_SECTEU& = A, CO$$ECTIO$ = _F (D&OITE =6D&OITE3, -/UC!E =6-/UC!E34, COM.UT/TIO$ = _F (TOUT_DI/M =6OUI6, $M/=_F&EQ = 94, I$FO = 74 ? ? C/E2TIO- OF t4 )ES+ OF CO)1UT2TIO? sB5el7 = DEFI_SQUELETTE (MODE_CYCL= mod_c , SECTEU& = _F (-&OU._M/= 2COM.UT/TIO$644 ? ? C&E/TIO$ OF t#e MES! OF CISU/LIS/TIO$ ? sB5el9 = DEFI_SQUELETTE (MODE_CYCL= mod_c , SECTEU& = _F (-&OU._M/= 2CISU/L644 ? ? &ESTITUTIO$ DES &ESULT/TS SU& LES MES!ES SQUELETTES ? mod0l7 = &EST_SOUS_ST&UC (&ESU_-E$E= mod_c , SQUELETTE= sB5el74 mod0l9 = &EST_SOUS_ST&UC (&ESU_-E$E= mod_c , SQUELETTE= sB5el94 ? 7 ? CO)1UT2TIO- 12/ SU.ST/UCTU/I-0 CL2SSIQUE ? ? COM.UT/TIO$ OF M/C&O;ELEME$T ? m"cele = M/C&_ELEM_DY$/ (%/SE_MOD/LE= '"mo4 ? ? COM.UT/TIO$ OF -ene1"l+Ded model ? mode0e = DEFI_MODELE_-E$E ( SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM=6C/&&E73, M/C&_ELEM_DY$/= m"cele4, SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM=6C/&&E93,

M/C&_ELEM_DY$/= m"cele, /$-L_$/UT= (EF: , F: , F:44,

SOUS_ST&UC= ($OM=6C/&&E<6, M/C&_ELEM_DY$/= m"cele, /$-L_$/UT= (7GF: , F: , F:44, SOUS_ST&UC= ($OM=6C/&&EA6, M/C&_ELEM_DY$/= m"cele, /$-L_$/UT= (9HF: , F: , F:44, LI/ISO$=_F (SOUS_ST&UC_7=6C/&&E76, SOUS_ST&UC_9=6C/&&E96, I$TE&F/CE_7 =6-/UC!E6,
,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

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I$TE&F/CE_9 =6D&OITE64, LI/ISO$=_F (SOUS_ST&UC_7=6C/&&E96, SOUS_ST&UC_9=6C/&&E<6, I$TE&F/CE_7 =6-/UC!E6, I$TE&F/CE_9 =6D&OITE64, LI/ISO$=_F (SOUS_ST&UC_7=6C/&&E<6, SOUS_ST&UC_9=6C/&&EA6, I$TE&F/CE_7 =6-/UC!E6, I$TE&F/CE_9 =6D&OITE64, LI/ISO$=_F (SOUS_ST&UC_7=6C/&&EA6, SOUS_ST&UC_9=6C/&&E76, I$TE&F/CE_7 =6-/UC!E6, I$TE&F/CE_9=6D&OITE644 ? I 5 C/E2TIO- OF t4 )ES+ OF 6ISU2LIS2TIO-


= DEFI_SQUELETTE (MODELE_-E$E=MODE-E SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM =6C/&&E76, -&OU._M/= 2CISU/L64, SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM =6C/&&E93, -&OU._M/= 2CISU/L64, SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM =6C/&&E<3, -&OU._M/= 2CISU/L64, SOUS_ST&UC=_F ($OM =6C/&&EA3, -&OU._M/= 6CISU/L644


,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_SQUELETTE Resp !sa"#e : $at%ieu &ORUS

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3sultats graphs

Dforme du mode 2 sur le maillage de calcul

Dforme du mode 2 sur le maillage squelette

Maillage de calcul

Maillage squelette

!ne presents above the meshes of computation and skeleton of the plate embedded with respectively the modal deformed shapes of the second mode.

,ar!i!g : T%e tra!s#ati ! pr -ess use. ! t%is /e"site is a 0$a-%i!e Tra!s#ati !0( It 1a2 "e i1pre-ise a!. i!a--urate i! /% #e r i! part a!. is pr )i.e. as a - !)e!ie!-e( Li-e!se. u!.er t%e ter1s 3 t%e 45U FDL 6%ttp://///(g!u( rg/- p2#e3t/3.#(%t1#7

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