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Titre : Oprateur DEFI_GRILLE Responsab e : Danie e !OLO"#O

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Date : 22/03/2011 Page : 1/3 ! : $%&2%&02 R'ision : ()1*


Dfinir a grid starting from a mesh. A grid is a particular type of mesh for which the nodes all are aligned according to the directions of a local base. The operator produces a concept of the type roasts.

+arning : T,e trans ation pro-ess use. on t,is /ebsite is a 0"a-,ine Trans ation0& It 1a2 be i1pre-ise an. ina--urate in /,o e or in part an. is pro'i.e. as a -on'enien-e& Li-ense. t,e ter1s o3 t,e G4$ FDL 5,ttp://///&gnu&org/-op2 e3t/3. &,t1 6

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_GRILLE Responsab e : Danie e !OLO"#O

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Date : 22/03/2011 Page : 2/3 ! : $%&2%&02 R'ision : ()1*

[grid] =DEFI_GRILLE ( , o in ormation [DEFA&'] [mesh] MAILLAGE=ma #Impression !I"F#=

$ %, $( , $) ,

+arning : T,e trans ation pro-ess use. on t,is /ebsite is a 0"a-,ine Trans ation0& It 1a2 be i1pre-ise an. ina--urate in /,o e or in part an. is pro'i.e. as a -on'enien-e& Li-ense. t,e ter1s o3 t,e G4$ FDL 5,ttp://///&gnu&org/-op2 e3t/3. &,t1 6

Titre : Oprateur DEFI_GRILLE Responsab e : Danie e !OLO"#O

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Date : 22/03/2011 Page : 3/3 ! : $%&2%&02 R'ision : ()1*


Oprande MESH
MAILLAGE=ma m+ : mesh to be used for the definition of the grid the mesh m+ must be regular, such as all its nodes are aligned according to the directions of a local base. That imposes restrictions on the type and the shape of the elements which can be used to define the mesh m+: one can use only elements QUAD with form s!uare or rectangular in "D and of elements #$%A& with form cubic or lengthened in 'D. (o restriction on the form of the field defined by the mesh m+ is imposed, i.e. the field should not be forcing a s!uare or a rectangle in "D and a cube where a parallelepiped in 'D. #owe)er all the elements must be connected between them and the field cannot be formed by se)eral parts which are not connected. The local base of the grid according to which the nodes are aligned is computed automatically.


Operand INFO
$% $( , , no printing on file -ME..AGE/ printing on file -ME..AGE/, $) , length of the smallest edge of the mesh m+ of the computed local base

printing on file -ME..AGE/, same information as in I"F#=) as of the array of connection and distances from the nodes of the grid

+arning : T,e trans ation pro-ess use. on t,is /ebsite is a 0"a-,ine Trans ation0& It 1a2 be i1pre-ise an. ina--urate in /,o e or in part an. is pro'i.e. as a -on'enien-e& Li-ense. t,e ter1s o3 t,e G4$ FDL 5,ttp://///&gnu&org/-op2 e3t/3. &,t1 6

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