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Andrew Davis & Paul De Guzman 8B History Fair Notes Nelson Mandela: Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela is a great part

of our history. He was formed the first black government, he helped the South Africans go against apartheid, which was a certain segregation going on in South Africa since the black people were second class citizens in their own country! Nelson was with the ANC, which he was currently president of, and with all the hard work, he broke the apartheid. Nelson went through many tough things like going to jail for 20 years, but he took the risk, and he made it worth. Nelson mandela was born July 18, 1918 to a family of 18. He had 13 brothers and sisters due to his father and his 4 wives, but he was the youngest out of all his brothers. He was born in a village named Mvezo, in Umtatu. Then went to South Africas Cape Province. His nickname was Rolihlahla, which in his language Xhosa, it meant Troublemaker. A few years later, he was called Madiba, which is what his clan called him. His great grandfather, from his fathers side, was ruler of Thembu people in the Transkeian territories, which is now the modern day Eastern Cape Province. Nelson got his name from his great grandfathers son, or his grandfather. His name was Mandela, so they originally named Nelson, Mandela. But since he was baptised as a Methodist, one day on his first day of school, his British teacher gave everyone English names, which was common to the Africans back then. And the name Mandelas English teacher gave him, was Nelson at 7. When he first thought about it, he thought about why would he be chosen for a name like Nelson. Nelson stated that his early life was dominated by custom, ritual, and taboo, and so, Mandela set off to live with his mothers kraal, in the village of Qunu. He became a cattle boy, spending allot of time with other boys. When Mandela was about 9, his father came to stay with

Andrew Davis & Paul De Guzman 8B him in Qunu, but later died by what Mandela thinks is Lung disease. His mother took him to the Great Place, a palace at Mqhekezweni where his mother trusted a man, named Chief Jongintaba Dalindyebo. There, Mandela was raised with Chief and his son, Justice, and his daughter Nomafu. He felt as if Jongintaba and his wife Noengland treated him as their own child. Going to church with his new family every Sunday, Christianity became a big part of Mandelas life. He attended a new Methodist school near the palace where he learned English, Xhosa, history and geography, eventually, he had grown a love for African history. When he turned 16, he and Justice traveled to Tyhalarha to undergo the circumcision ritual that symbolically marked their transition from boys to men; the right over, he was given the name "Dalibhunga". Mandela began his secondary education. He went to Clarkebury Boarding Institute, which was the second largest school for black Africans in Thembuland. He wanted to gain a higher skill on becoming privy councillor for the Thembu royal house. In 1937 he moved to Healdtown, a Methodist college in Fort Beaufort, Justice came along with him too. After a while he switched colleges, again, and moved to University of Fort Hare for his BA, Bachelor of Arts, degree. The college was an elite black institution. It was located in Alice, Eastern Cape with about 150 students. There, he studied English, anthropology, politics, native administration and Roman dutch law, all in just one year! He had continued his sports interest, which he had for a while, and took ballroom dancing and did a play about Abraham Lincoln. He was part of the World War by becoming a vocal supporter of the British war efforts. When Mandela returned home, he found out that Jongintaba had made marriages for both him and Justice. In order to get out of it, they both left to Johannesburg in Queenstown and arrived there safely, April of 1941. For higher education, Mandela went to ANOTHER college

Andrew Davis & Paul De Guzman 8B called the University of South Africa where he worked on his bachelors degree at night. In 1943 Jongintaba came to ask Mandela for forgiveness, while he was returning back to Thembuland, he died during the winter of 1942. Sad part is, Mandela and Justice arrived one day late for the funeral. After passing his BA exams, he went back to Johannesburg instead of going back to Thembuland, and followed a political path of becoming a lawyer rather than a privy councillor. Believing blacks should have the exact same rights as any person would, Mandela made the African National Congress Youth League(ANCYL) on Easter Sunday of 1944. Lembede as president and Mandela as a member of the executive committee. On October 5, 1944, Mandela married Evelyn Mase, and rented a house together in Orlando in early 1946. They had their first child together, named Madiba Thembi Thembikile who was born in the month of FebruaryMy birthday month - in 1946. They had another child named Makazwie in 1947, who later died from Meningitis 9 months after her birth. In July 1947, Lembede also died, while being rushed to the hospital, hes fulfilled his job as the president of the ANCYL though. Now Mandela was secretary. After the Transvaal Executive Committee the Defiance Campaign, the Transvaal ANC Presidency, the Congress of the People and the Treason Trials, and Umkhonto we Sizwe and the African tour, came imprisonment for Nelson. On August 5, 1962, police captured Mandela and jailed him in Johannesburgs square prison. He was charged for leaving the country without permission as well as inciting workers strikes. Mandela, tried to use the court trial as a showcase to ANCs moral opposition on racism, while supporters demonstrated outside of court. While in jail, Nelson got a hearing from Winnie, about his LLB(Bachelor of Laws) degree from University of London. This all began October 15, 1962. On July 11, 1963 police raided liliesleaf farm, arrested everyone they found, and uncovered paperwork about MKs activities, some even had Mandela involved.

Andrew Davis & Paul De Guzman 8B They were trialed in the Pretoria Supreme Court and Rivonia Trial on October 9th, Mandela and his partners were charged for sabotage and conspiracies to violently overthrow the government. Their chief prosecutor was Percy Yutar, which wanted them to receive death penalty. Percy tried really hard to get Mandela and his crew Something, he even upped the date of the trial from December until February 1964, trying to gain so much evidence and speakers, which he did in fact. James Kantor, was the only one innocent of all charges, Mandela and his crew agreed that they planned sabotage, but denied that they ever agreed to take this to war against the government. Mandela, and two of his crew members, were found guilty of all charges and were sent life to prison, other than a death row. Mandela was sent to a prison on Robben Island, where he was harassed physically and verbally by wardens, living on damp concrete, and forced to sleep on a straw mat. After prison, more prison stuff, and more prison related stuff(Sorry for skipping a lot, but there wont be enough space if I write everything) Mandela proceeded on his tour, meeting supporters and politicians from everywhere. He also appeared at a concert, and met many famous people like the President of the United States, George W. Bush, and encouraged countries to support sanctions against the apartheid government. Sadly, he died on December 5, 2013, he was 95 years old(a few days ago). Hes met many foreign country leaders and still encourages the countries about racism, apartheid, segregation, hes stood up for it in South Africa and it worked, now hes helping the world with it too.

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