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Co-designthe simultaneous design of hardware and software to meet system Ob+ecti'es. *hus far, we ha'e taken the computing platform as a gi'en- by adding accelerators, we can customi.e the embedded platform to better meet our application/s demands. As illustrated in 0igure 1.2, a # $ accelerator is attached to the # $ bus. *he # $ is often called the host. *he # $ talks to the accelerator through data and control registers in the accelerator. *hese registers allow the # $ to monitor the accelerator/s operation and to gi'e the accelerator commands. *he # $ and accelerator may also communicate 'ia shared memory. If the accelerator needs to operate on a large 'olume of data, it is usually more efficient to lea'e the data in memory and ha'e the accelerators read and write memory directly rather than to ha'e the # $ shuttle data from memory to accelerator registers and back.

HARDWARE ACCELERATES & NETWORKS Accelerators Accelerated system design Distributed Embedded Architecture Networks for Embedded Systems Network based design Internet enabled Systems. CPUs AND ACCELERATORS One important category of E ! rocessing element" for embedded multiprocessor is the accelerator. An accelerator is attached to # $ buses to %uickly e&ecute certain key functions. Accelerators can pro'ide large performance increases for applications with computational kernels that spend a great deal of time in a small section of code. Accelerators can also pro'ide critical speedups for low(latency I)O functions. *he design of accelerated systems is one e&ample of hardware/software

An accelerator is not a co(processor. A co(processor is connected to the internals of the # $ and processes instructions as defined by op(codes. An accelerator interacts with the # $ through the programming model interface- it does not e&ecute instructions. Its interface is functionally e%ui'alent to an I)O de'ice, although it usually does not perform input or output.

accelerator is too slow, then adding the accelerator may not be a net gain. Once we ha'e analy.ed the system, we need to 3oth # $s and accelerators perform computations re%uired by the specification- at some le'el we do not care whether the work is done on a programmable # $ or on a hardwired unit. *he first task in designing an accelerator is determining that our system actually needs one. 4e ha'e to make sure that the function we want to accelerate will run more %uickly on our accelerator than it will by e&ecuting as software on a # $. If our system # $ is a small microcontroller, the race may be easily won, but competing against a high(performance # $ is a challenge. 4e also ha'e to make sure that the accelerated function will speed up the system. If some other operation is in fact the bottleneck, or if mo'ing data into and out of the design the accelerator itself. In order to ha'e identified our need for an accelerator, we must ha'e a good understanding of the algorithm to be accelerated, which is often in the form of a high(le'el language program. 4e must translate the algorithm description into a hardware design, a considerable task in itself. 4e must also design the interface between the accelerator core and the # $ bus. *he interface includes more than bus handshaking logic. 0or e&ample, we ha'e to determine how the application software on the # $ will communicate with the accelerator and pro'ide the re%uired registers- we may ha'e to implement shared memory synchroni.ation operations- and we may ha'e to add address generation logic to read and write large amounts of data from system memory.

0inally, we will ha'e to design the # $(side interface to the accelerator. *he application software will ha'e to talk to the accelerator, pro'iding it data and telling it what to do. 4e ha'e to somehow synchroni.e the operation of the accelerator with the rest of the application so that the accelerator knows when it has the re%uired data and the # $ knows when it has recei'ed the desired results. ACCELRATED SYSTEM DESIGN VIDEO ACCELERATOR In this section we use a 'ideo accelerator as an e&ample of an accelerated embedded system. Digital 'ideo is still a computationally intensi'e task, so it is well suited to acceleration. 5otion estimation engines are used in real(time search engines- we may want to ha'e one attached to our personal computer to e&periment with 'ideo processing techni%ues. ALGORITHM AND REQUIREMENTS

4e could build an accelerator for any number of digital 'ideo algorithms. 4e will choose block motion estimation as our e&ample here because it is 'ery #omputation and memory intensi'e but it is relati'ely easy to e&plain. 3lock motion estimation is used in digital 'ideo compression algorithms so that one frame in the 'ideo can be described in terms of the differences between it and another frame. 3ecause ob+ects in the frame often mo'e relati'ely little, describing one frame in terms of another greatly reduces the number of bits re%uired to describe the 'ideo.

SPECIFICATION *he specification for the system is relati'ely straightforward because the algorithm is simple. 0igure REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SYSTEM 1.67 defines some classes that describe basic data types in the system8 the motion 'ector, the macro block, and the search area. *hese definitions are straightforward. 3ecause the beha'ior is simple, we need to define only two classes to describe it8 the accelerator itself and the classes are shown in 0igure 1.69. *he #. *hese # makes its

memory accessible to the accelerator. *he accelerator pro'ides a beha'ior compute(m' ! " that performs the block motion estimation algorithm. 0igure 1.2: shows a se%uence diagram that describes the operation of compute( m' ! ". After initiating the beha'ior, the accelerator reads the search area and macro block from the ARCHITECTURE *he accelerator will be implemented in an 0 ;A on a card connected to a #/s #I slot. Such accelerators can be purchased or they can be designed from scratch. If you design such a card from scratch, you ha'e to decide early on whether the card will be used only for this 'ideo accelerator or if it should be made general enough to support other applications as well. #- after computing the motion 'ector, it returns it to the #.







compressor, it is probably easiest to use images, not 'ideo, for test data. =ou can use standard 'ideo tools to e&tract a few frames from a digiti.ed 'ideo and store them in > E; format. Open source for > E; encoders and decoders is a'ailable. *hese programs can be modified to read > E; images and put out pi&els in the format re%uired by your accelerator. 4ith a little more cle'erness, the resulting motion 'ector can be written back onto the image for a 'isual confirmation of the result. If you want to be ad'enturous and try motion estimation on 'ideo, open source 5 E; encoders and decoders are also a'ailable. DISTRIBUTED EMBEDDED ARCHITECTURE A distributed embedded system can be organi.ed in SYSTEM TESTING *esting 'ideo algorithms re%uires a large amount of data. <uckily, the data represents images and 'ideo, which are plentiful. 3ecause we are designing only a motion many different ways, but its basic units are the E and the network as illustrated in 0igure 7.?. A E may be an instruction set processor such as a DSP, CPU, or microcontroller, as well as a nonprogrammable unit such as the ASICs used to implement PE 4. An I)O de'ice such

as PE 1 !which we call here a sensor or actuator, depending on whether it pro'ides input or output" may also be a E, so long as it can speak the network protocol to communicate with other Es. *he network in this case is a bus, but other network topologies are also possible. It is also possible that the system can use more than one network, such as when relati'ely independent functions re%uire relati'ely little communication among them. 4e often refer to the connection between Es pro'ided by the network as a communication link. *he system of Application runs. *he distributed embedded system does not ha'e memory on the bus !unless a memory unit is organi.ed as an I)O de'ice that speaks the network protocol". In particular, ad'antage Es does not fetch instructions o'er the of this fact when network network as they do on the microprocessor bus. 4e take Es and networks forms the hardware platform on which the

performance@the speed at which Es can communicate o'er the bus would be difficult if not impossible to predict if we allowed arbitrary instruction and data fetches as we do on microprocessor buses. WHY DISTRIBUTED 3uilding an embedded system with se'eral Es talking o'er a network is definitely more complicated than using a single large microprocessor to perform the same tasks. So why would anyone build a distributed embedded systemA All the reasons for designing accelerator systems also apply to distributed embedded systems, and se'eral more reasons are uni%ue to distributed systems. In some cases, distributed systems are necessary because the de'ices that the Es communicates with are physically separated. If the deadlines for processing the data are short, it may be more cost(effecti'e to put the Es where the data are located rather than build a higher(speed network to carry the data to a distant, fast E.

An important ad'antage of a distributed system with se'eral # $s is that one part of the system can be used to help diagnose problems in another part. 4hether you are debugging a prototype or diagnosing a problem in the field, isolating the error to one part of the system can be difficult when e'erything is done on a single # $. If you ha'e se'eral # $s in the system, you can use one to generate inputs for another and to watch its output.

Networks are comple& systems. Ideally, they pro'ide high(le'el ser'ices while hiding many of the details of data transmission from the other components in the system. In order to help understand !and design" networks, the International Standards Organi.ation has de'eloped a se'en(layer model for networks known as Open Systems Interconnection !OSI" models. $nderstanding the OSI layers will help us to understand the details of real networks.

*he se'en layers of the OSI model, shown in 0igure 7.6, are intended to co'er a broad spectrum of networks and their uses. Some networks may not need the ser'ices of one or more layers because the higher layers may be totally missing or an intermediate layer may not be necessary. Bowe'er, any data network should fit into the OSI model. *he OSI layers from lowest to highest le'el of abstraction are described below. P !s"#$l% *he physical layer defines the basic properties of the interface between systems, including the physical connections !plugs and wires", electrical properties, basic functions of the electrical and physical components, And the basic procedures for e&changing bits. D$&$ l"'(% *he primary purpose of this layer is error detection and control across a single link. Bowe'er, if the network re%uires multiple hops o'er se'eral data links, the data link layer does not define the mechanism for data integrity between hops, but only within a single hop.

Ne&)o*(% *his layer defines the basic end(to(end data transmission ser'ice. *he network layer is particularly important in multi hop networks. T*$'s+o*&% *he transport layer defines connection( oriented ser'ices that ensure that data are deli'ered in the proper order and without errors across multiple links. *his layer may also try to optimi.e network resource utili.ation. Sess"o'% Sessions pro'ides mechanisms for controlling the interaction of end user Ser'ices across a network, such as data grouping and checks pointing. P*ese'&$&"o'% *his layer defines data e&change formats and pro'ides transformation utilities to application programs. A++l"#$&"o'% *he application layer pro'ides the application interface between *he network and end(user programs.

A point-to-point link establishes a connection between e&actly two Es. oint to(point links are simple to design precisely because they deal with only two components. 4e do not ha'e to worry about other Es interfering with communication on the link. 0igure 7.2 shows a simple e&ample of a distributed embedded system built from oint(to(point links. *he input signal is sampled by the input de'ice and passed to the first digital filter, F?, o'er a point(to(point link. *he results of that filter are sent through a second point(to( point link to filter F6. *he results in turn are sent to the HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURES Distributed embedded systems can be organi.ed in many different ways depending upon the needs of the application and cost constraints. One good way to understand possible architectures is to consider the different types of interconnection networks that can be used. output de'ice o'er a third point(to(point link. A digital filtering system re%uires that its outputs arri'e at strict inter'als, which means that the filters must process their inputs in a timely fashion. $sing point(to(point connections allows both F? and F6 to recei'e a new sample and send a new output at the same time without worrying about collisions on the communications network.

It is possible to build a full-duplex, point(to(point connection half that can be used for simultaneous only one(way communication in both directions between the two Es. !A duple& connection allows for

course reassemble the complete data message from the packets. NETWORKS FOR EMBEDDED SYSTEM Networks for embedded computing span a broad range of re%uirements- many of those re%uirements are 'ery different from those for general(purpose networks. Some networks are used in safety(critical applications, such as automoti'e control. Some networks, such as those used in consumer electronics systems, must be 'ery ine&pensi'e. Other networks, such as industrial control networks, must be e&tremely rugged and reliable. Se'eral interconnect networks ha'e been de'eloped especially for distributed embedded computing8 D *he I6# bus is used in microcontroller(based systems. D *he #ontroller Area Network !#AN" bus was de'eloped for automoti'e electronics. It pro'ides megabit rates and can handle large numbers of de'ices.

communication." A bus is a more general form of network since it allows multiple de'ices to be connected to it. <ike a microprocessor bus, form of packets as illustrated in 0igure 7.C. A packet contains an address for the destination and the data to be deli'ered. It fre%uently includes error detection)correction information such as parity. It also may include bits that ser'e to signal to other Es that the bus is in use, such as the header shown in the figure. *he data to be transmitted from one E to another may not fit e&actly into the si.e of the data payload on the packet. It is the responsibility of the transmitting di'ide its data into packets- the recei'ing E to E must of Es connected to the bus ha'e addresses. #ommunications on the bus generally take the

D Ethernet and 'ariations of standard Ethernet are used for a 'ariety of control applications. In addition, many networks designed for general( purpose computing ha'e been put to use in embedded applications as well. In this section, we study some commonly used embedded networks, including the I6# bus and Ethernet- we will also briefly discuss networks for industrial applications. I,C B-s *he I6# bus is a well(known bus commonly used to link microcontrollers into systems. It has e'en been used for the command interface in an 5 E;(6 'ideo chipwhile a separate bus was used for high(speed 'ideo data, setup information was transmitted to the on(chip controller through an I6# bus interface. I6# is designed to be low cost, easy to implement, and of moderate speed !up to ?:: E3)s for the standard bus and up to C:: E3)s for the e&tended bus". As a result,

it uses only two lines8 the serial data line (SDL for data and the serial clock line (SCL , which indicates when 'alid data are on the data line. 0igure 7.1 shows the structure of a typical I6# bus system. E'ery node in the network is connected to both S#< and SD<. Some nodes may be able to act as bus masters and the bus may ha'e more than one master. Other nodes may act as sla'es that only respond to re%uests from masters. E'ery I6# de'ice has an address. *he addresses of the de'ices are determined by the system designer, usually as part of the program for the I6# dri'er. *he addresses must of course be chosen so that no two de'ices in the system ha'e the same address. A de'ice address is 1 bits in the standard I6# definition !the e&tended I6# allows ?:( bit addresses". *he address ::::::: is used to signal a general call or bus broadcast, which can be used to signal all de'ices simultaneously. *he address ????:FF is reser'ed for the e&tended ?:(bit addressing scheme- there are se'eral other reser'ed addresses as well.

A bus transaction comprised a series of ?(byte transmissions and an address followed by one or more data bytes. I6# encourages a data(push programming style. 4hen a master wants to write a sla'e, it transmits the sla'e/s address followed by the data. Since a sla'e cannot initiate a transfer, the master must send a read re%uest with the sla'e/s address and let the sla'e transmit the data. *herefore, an address transmission includes the 1(bit address and ? bit for data direction8 : for writing from the master to the sla'e and ? for reading from the sla'e to the master. !*his e&plains the 1(bit addresses on the bus." *he format of an address transmission is shown in 0igure 7.9. A bus transaction is initiated by a start signal and completed with an end signal as follows8 D A start is signaled by lea'ing the S#< high and sending a ? to : transition on SD<.

D A stop is signaled by setting the S#< high and sending a : to ? transition on SD<. Bowe'er, starts and stops must be paired. A master can write and then read !or read and then write" by sending a start after the data transmission, followed by another address transmission and then more data. *he basic state transition graph for the master/s actions in a bus transaction is shown in 0igure 7.?:. *he formats of some typical complete bus transactions are shown in 0igure 7.??. In the first e&ample, the master writes 6 bytes to the addressed sla'e. In the second, the master re%uests a read from a sla'e. In the third, the master writes ? byte to the sla'e, and then sends another start to initiate a read from the sla'e. 0igure 7.?6 shows how a data byte is transmitted on the bus, including start and stop e'ents. *he transmission starts when SD< is pulled low while S#< remains high. After this start condition, the clock line is pulled low to initiate the data transfer. At each bit, the clock line goes

high while the data line assumes its proper 'alue of : or ?.An acknowledgment is sent at the end of e'ery 7(bit transmission, whether it is an address or data. 0or acknowledgment, the transmitter does not pull down the SD<, allowing the recei'er to set the SD< to : if it properly recei'ed the byte. After acknowledgment, the SD< goes from low to high while the S#< is high, signaling the stop condition.

ETHERNET Ethernet is 'ery widely used as a local area network for general(purpose computing. 3ecause of its ubi%uity and the low cost of Ethernet interfaces, it has seen significant use as a network for embedded computing. Ethernet is particularly useful when #s are used as platforms, making it possible to use standard components, and when the network does not ha'e to meet rigorous real( time re%uirements. *he physical organi.ation of an Ethernet is 'ery simple, as shown in 0igure 7.?C.*he network is a bus with a single signal path- the Ethernet standard allows for se'eral different implementations such as twisted pair and coa&ial cable.

simultaneously listens, and if it hears another transmission that interferes with its transmission, it stops transmitting and waits to retransmit. *he waiting time is random, but weighted by an e&ponential function of the number of times the message has been aborted. 0igure 7.?H shows the e&ponential back off function both before and after it is modulated by the random wait time. Since a message may $nlike the I6# bus, nodes on the Ethernet are not synchroni.ed@they can send their bits at any time. I6# relies on the fact that a collision can be detected and %uashed within a single bit time thanks to synchroni.ation. 3ut since Ethernet nodes are not synchroni.ed, if two nodes decide to transmit at the same time, the message will be ruined. *he Ethernet arbitration scheme is known as Carrier Sense !ultiple "ccess with Collision Detection (CS!"/CD . *he algorithm is outlined in 0igure 7.?G. A node that has a message waits for the bus to become silent and then starts transmitting. It be interfered with se'eral times before it is successfully transmitted, the exponential back off techni#ue helps to ensure that the network does not become o'erloaded at high demand factors. *he random factor in the wait time the chance that two messages will repeatedly interfere with each other.

*he ma&imum length of an Ethernet is determined by the nodes/ ability to detect collisions. *he worst case occurs when two nodes at opposite ends of the bus are transmitting simultaneously. 0or the collision to be detected by both nodes, each node/s signal must be able to

tra'el to the opposite end of the bus so that it can be heard by the other node. In practice, Ethernets can run up to se'eral hundred meters. 0igure 7.?1 shows the basic format of an Ethernet packet. It pro'ides addresses of both the destination and the source. It also pro'ides for a 'ariable(length data payload.

re%uired for many distributed networks. 5any embedded networks are designed for low cost and therefore do not pro'ide e&cessi'ely high communication speed. If we are not careful, the network can become the bottleneck in system design. In this section we concentrate on design tasks uni%ue to network(based distributed embedded systems. 4e know how to analy.e the e&ecution time of programs and systems of processes on single # $s, but to analy.e the performance of networks we must know how to determine the delay incurred by transmitting messages. <et us assume for the moment that messages are sent reliably@we do not ha'e to retransmit a message. *he message delay for a single message with no contention !as would be the case in a point(to(point connection" can be modeled as tm I tx Jtn Jtr !7.?"


Designing a distributed embedded system around a network in'ol'es some of the same design tasks we faced in accelerated systems. 4e must schedule computations in time and allocate them to Es. Scheduling and allocation of communication are important additional design tasks

4here tx is the transmitter(side o'erhead, tn is the network transmission time, and tr is the recei'er(side o'erhead. In I6#, tx and tr are negligible relati'e to tn, as illustrated by E&ample 7.6.

D If the network uses fair arbitration, the network If messages can interfere with each other in the network, communication delay becomes difficult. In general, because we must wait for the network to become a'ailable and then transmit the message, we can write the mess$.e del$! as ty I td Jtm waiting for the network to 3ecome a'ailable. *he main problem, therefore, is calculating td. *hat 'alue depends on the type of arbitration used in the network. D If the network uses fi&ed(priority arbitration, the network a'ailability delay is $nbounded for all but the highest(priority de'ice. Since the highest(priority de'ice always gets the network first, unless there is an application(specific limit on how long it will transmit before relin%uishing the network, it can keep blocking the other de'ices indefinitely. !7.6" 4here td is the network a$ailability delay incurred a'ailability delay is bounded. In the case of round(robin arbitration, if there are N de'ices, then the worst case Network a'ailability delay is N (tx +tarb), where tarb is the delay incurred for arbitration. tarb is usually small compared to transmission time. E'en when round(robin arbitration is used to bind the network a'ailability delay, the waiting time can be 'ery long. If we add acknowledgment and data corruption into the analysis, figuring network delay is more difficult. Assuming that errors are random, we cannot predict a worst(case delay since e'ery packet may contain an error. 4e can, howe'er, compute the probability that a packet will be delayed for more than a gi'en amount of time. Arbitration on networks is a form of prioriti.ation. In a rate(monotonic communication scheme, the task with the shortest deadline should be assigned the highest priority in the network.

Our process scheduling model assumed that we could interrupt processes at any point. 3ut network communications are organi.ed into packets. In most networks we cannot interrupt a packet transmission to take o'er the network for a higher priority packet. As a result, networks e&hibit priority in'ersion like that introduced in #hapter H.4hen a low(priority message is on the network, the network is effecti'ely allocated to that low(priority message, allowing it to block higher(priority messages. *his cannot cause deadlock since each message has a bounded length, but it can slow down critical communications. *he only solution is to analy.e network beha'ior to determine whether priority in'ersion causes some messages to be delayed for too long. Of course, a round(robin arbitrated network puts all communications at the same priority. *his does not eliminate the priority in'ersion problem because processes still ha'e priorities.

*hus far we ha'e assumed a single-hop network: A message is recei'ed at its intended destination directly from the source, without going through any other network node. It is possible to build multi-hop networks in which messages are routed through network nodes to get to their destinations. !$sing a multistage network does not necessarily mean using a multi(hop network@the stages in a multistage network are generally much smaller than the network Es." 0igure 7.?7 shows an e&ample of a multi( hop communication. *he hardware platform has two separate networks !perhaps so that communications between subsets of the Es do not interfere", but there is no direct path from routed through ? to G.*he message is therefore 2, which reads it from one network and

sends it on to the other one. delays through multi(hop systems is 'ery difficult. 0or e&ample, the time that the message is held at computational load of must handle. 2 depends on both the 2 and the other messages that it

Scheduling and allocation of computations and communications are clearly interrelated. If we change the allocation of computations, we change not only the scheduling of processes on that Es but also potentially the schedules of Es with which they communicate. 0or e&ample, if we mo'e a computation to a slower E, its results will be a'ailable later, which may mean rescheduling both the process that uses the 'alue and the communication that sends the 'alue to its destination. INTERNET/ENABLED SYSTEMS Some 'ery different types of distributed embedded system are rapidly emerging@ the %nternet-enabled embedded system and %nternet appliances. *he Internet is not well suited to the real(time tasks that are the bread and If there is more than one network, we must allocate communications to the networks. 4e may establish multiple networks so that lower(priority communications can be handled separately without interfering with high( priority communications on the primary network. butter of embedded computing, but it does pro'ide a rich en'ironment for nonreal(time interaction. In this section we will discuss the Internet and how it can be used by embedded computing systems. INTERNET

*he I'&e*'e& P*o&o#ol 0IP1 is the fundamental protocol on the %nternet. It pro'ides connectionless, packet(based communication. Industrial automation has long been a good application area for Internet(based embedded systems. Information appliances that use the Internet are rapidly becoming another use of I embedded computing. Internet protocol is not defined o'er a particular physical implementation@it is an internetworking standard. Internet packets are assumed to be carried by some other network, such as an Ethernet. In general, an Internet packet will tra'el o'er se'eral different networks from source to destination. *he I allows data to flow and indi'idual works at the seamlessly through these networks from one end user to another. *he relationship between I networks is illustrated in 0igure 7.?9. I in

routing to the destination, which are then sent to the d!t! lin" and #$ysic!l layers. A node that transmits data among different types of networks is known as a router. *he router/s functionality must go up to the I layer, but since it is not running applications- it does not need to go to higher le'els of the OSI model. In general, a packet may go through se'eral routers to get to its destination. At the destination, the I layer pro'ides data to the transport layer and ultimately the recei'ing application. As the data pass through se'eral layers of the protocol stack, the I packet data are encapsulated in packet formats appropriate to each layer.

network layer. 4hen node A wants to send data to node 3, the application/s data pass through se'eral layers of the protocol stack to send to the I . I creates packets for

written in the form &&&.&&.&&.&&. *he names by which users and applications typically refer to Internet nodes, such as, are translated into I addresses 'ia calls to a Domain &ame Ser$er, one of the higher(le'el ser'ices built on top of I . *he fact that I works at the network layer tells us that it does not guarantee that a packet is deli'ered to its destination. 0urthermore, packets that do arri'e may come out of order. *his is referred to as best-effort routing. Since routes for data may change %uickly with subse%uent packets being routed along 'ery different paths with different delays, real(time performance of I can be hard *he basic format of an I packet is shown in 0igure 7.6:. *he header and data payload are both of 'ariable length. *he ma&imum total length of the header and data payload is HG,G2G bytes. An Internet address is a number !26 bits in early 'ersions of I , ?67 bits in I 'H. *he I address is typically to predict. 4hen a small network is contained totally within the embedded system, performance can be e'aluated through simulation or other methods because the possible inputs are limited. Since the performance of the Internet may depend on worldwide usage patterns, its real( time performance is inherently harder to predict.

*he Internet also pro'ides higher(le'el ser'ices built on top of I . *he 'ransmission Control (rotocol ('C( is one such e&ample. It pro'ides a connection oriented ser'ice that ensures that data arri'e in the appropriate order, and it uses an acknowledgment protocol to ensure that packets arri'e. 3ecause many higher le'el ser'ices are built on top of *# , the basic protocol is often referred to as *# )I .

0igure 7.6? shows the relationships between I and higher(le'el Internet ser'ices. $sing I as the foundation, *# is used to pro'ide )ile 'ransport (rotocol for batch file transfers, *ypertext 'ransport (rotocol (*''( for

4orldwide 4eb ser'ice, Simple !ail 'ransfer (rotocol for email, and *elnet for 'irtual terminals. A separate transport protocol, +ser Datagram (rotocol, is used as the basis for the network management ser'ices pro'ided by the Simple NETWORK MANAGEMENT PROTOCOL.

*he Internet pro'ides a standard way for an embedded system to act in concert with other de'ices and with users, such as8 One of the earliest Internet(enabled embedded systems was the laser printer. Bigh(end laser printers often use I to recei'e print +obs from host machines. D ortable Internet de'ices can display 4eb pages, read email, and synchroni.e #alendar information with remote computers. D A home control system allows the homeowner to remotely monitor and #ontrol home cameras, lights, and so on. Although there are higher(le'el ser'ices that pro'ide more time(sensiti'e deli'ery mechanisms for the Internet, the basic incarnation of the Internet is not well suited to hard real(time operations. Bowe'er, I is a 'ery good way to let the embedded system talk to other systems. I pro'ides a way for both special(purpose and standard programs !such as 4eb browsers" to talk to the


embedded system. *his nonreal(time interaction can be used to monitor the system, set its configuration, and interact with it. INTERNET SECURITY #onnecting an embedded system to the Internet opens up the system to the same sorts of attacks that are made on #s and ser'ers e'ery day. Bowe'er, attacks on embedded systems can destroy not only information but also the physical de'ices connected to the embedded processor. D.ung listed se'eral e&ample attacks that caused significant damage8 D A work infected the computer network of the #SF railway, causing all trains in the 4ashington, D# area to be shut down for a half day. D A worm disabled the computer(based safety monitoring system at the Da'is( 3esse nuclear power plant in Ohio.

D A former consultant to a waste water plant in Australia used its computers to Kelease one million liters of sewage into the area waterways. *hey point out that security can be enforced at all le'els of the network stack. ;eneral network security principles can be applied to Internet(enabled embedded systems- 'arious industrial standards also deal with measures specific to industrial networks.

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