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1997 to present: During this time I have covered various roles in Cf mostly as Italy Order Desk Team Leader

During !"1# I implemented an upgrade to the idataple$ ro%ot: The ne& upgrade allo&ed delivery %lock and check availa%ility to %e run at item level ' idataple$ order can %e made up %y hundreds of items ( thus saving am enormous amount of time to the Order Desk ' The solution &ill run also overnight ( In !"1! I &as a%le to implement an automated solutions &here %y )ap feed Dls directly via an *utomatic Operator: The *utomatic Operator runs 7 days a &eek end and eliminates the need to have a person in the Desk logging in to Dls and feed the data from )ap in to Dls +anually I introduced this solution to the I,+ -reenock Innovation *&ard and I &on the 1st pri.e: I &as a%le to do so %y keeping asking around and then finding out a Team Located in -ermany specialised in creating not It solutions ' interfaces %et&een )ap and Dls &ould have cost around /"k ( 0ere %elo& I have pasted the a&ard 1ustification:

Innovations Improving Everyday Life On Thursday 19th April the Greenock site hosted its latest Innovation Review with four Innovators participating in the event. The entries were sub itted frou Alan !yllie "A#$%& To y O'(onnell and )rian Gavin "*$*%& !il a (aley "I$*% and *arlo *ultrera "I$*%& within categories +Think Tea , and +Think *lient,. )arry #cGugan& *o unications& Training and Innovations #anager welco ed everyone and thanked both innovators and -udges for taking the ti e to attend. )arry re arked on the range of Innovations and the professionalis of all presentations& .As usual the Innovations were very creative and the presenters were e/tre ely passionate and enthusiastic about their Innovations. !e really do have so e very talented individuals on $ite0. Gildas Robert1Rocher "*R# Operations #anager I)# Global 2rocess (elivery%& Anthony Ti ons "A#$ $ervice 3ine 45(* $ector (elivery #anager6 7inancial $ervices%& and 8 sly

#ullin "Global 8/ecution #anager $TG 9 I$* Operations and 2ure7le/ $yste s%& had the difficult task of -udging the Innovations and selecting a winner and runner1up. :owever& after uch deliberation& they agreed the following ; Anthony provided general feedback& thanking everyone for their attendance& saying <The =uality of the presentations and the entrants were great. I have been on all sides of the Innovations progra e now& having been an Innovator& an Innovation *oach and now a -udge. I was very i pressed with all the Innovators.< And the winner is6 Winner: *arlo *ultrera > 7or 1? years people had been using a te porary solution where they had to anually take infor ation fro one syste "*)$% and transfer it to another "(3$%. Only two people had the eans to perfor this task and this was therefore a real continuity concern. *arlo was the driving force behind finding a solution to the proble and not giving up when he ca e up against obstacles. The new process is uch ore efficient and is in a stable& anaged and supported state. This was the first ti e 8 sly had -udged an Innovations Review& and he was ost i pressed by the innovations. :e recognised that each sub ission related to his area of work and was therefore very encouraged. :e said& <All the Innovations dealt with everyday issues affecting e ployees& and the Innovators did not accept that they couldn't be resolved. In particular the winning Innovator had shown great deter ination and gone outwith his co fort @one to develop a business case and ulti ately provide a solution. The delays in the process had significant financial i plications which have now been resolved

3rom 4ovem%er end of !""9 till *pril !"1" I acted as standing manager for )& Dept due to my +anager %eing temporarily assigned to Info 5rint 5ro1ect in !""7 I managed to automate the Italy Direct Landing 5oint )hip report : This report is vital as it allo&s the invoicing team to %ill the Customers: ,efore the automation took place an operator had to run the report daily using o%solete I%m Italy Tsoc and send it via mail6 This improvement freed up time to my Team to focus on operations and increase Customer value added task !""76 &ith the Direct activity transfer from I%m Italy to -reenock I %ecome %oth Channel and Direct team Leader for Italy 8 )ince Italy 4ational Direct Order +anagement scenario &as affected %y many local deviations &hich re9uired comple$ e$tra activities6 I managed to study and improve those processes6 in particular: During !""/ *fter the sales of 5cd Company to Lenovo I acted as : series Channel Team Leader for Italy and I%eria 8 -reece 2 Israel During !""# I acted as %oth Italy Team Leader and : series Order +anager !""1 I &as nominated Italy Team Leader 199; to !""16 I &as Cfr responsi%le to manage Customers orders 2 ,acklog +anagement 8 *nalysis of claim and creation of relevant credit notes if applica%le

1997 to 199; &orked for I%m via agency: During 1997 the Order Desk &as %eing transferred from Country to -reenock: +y original task &as to assimilate all the kno&ledge on ho& to analyse claims and process credit notes 1997 to 1997: )tudied at <ames =att college &here I achieved 04C *ccounting ' conversion from Italian *ccounting Certificate( 199! to 199/> I &orked in a local factory in ,eith 19;7 to 1991> I 1oined the Italian 4avy through applications 2 I studied naval telecommunication and I reached the ranking of sergeant 19;" to 19;7> I attended the )chool of *ccounting in Italy &here I gained the e9uivalent ,ritish Certificate of 04C in *ccounting During my e$perience as Team Leader I learnt ho& to prioritise my tasks6 manage &orkload redistri%ution 6 deal &ith auditor re9uests 2 ,usiness control 8 &ork &ith processes and all tasks related to managing a Team: I al&ays looked for opportunity to find &eaknesses in processes and find &ay of improvement 0o%%ies: I en1oy practicing physical sports 2 1ogging and hill &alking

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