Jan 22 Rocket

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January 22 - Open House Planning Meeting

January 23 - Spirit Wear Orders DUE
January 23 - iPad Information Meeting 6:30PM Cafeteria
January 24 - Half Day / Jean Day
January 26 - Open House 10AM-2PM (please make every effort to attend)
Monday 1/27 Spirit: Favorite sports team shirt (gym day)
Tuesday 1/28 Spirit: Mis-Match day
Wednesday 1/29 Spirit: St. Mary Spirit (all things black and gold)
Thursday 1/30 Spirit: Crazy hat day (after mass) and Board games
Friday 1/31 Spirit: Comfy-cozy day

The Geography Bee took
place on Tuesday,
January 21 at 9:00 AM.
The students who
participated are listed
below. Congratulations
to Bailey Brinker for her

Lauren Majlinger-8
Madeline Maki-8
Austin Albertson-7
Michael Murray-7
Robby Foster-6
Mason Gullen-6
Bailey Brinker-5
Alex Szczechowski-5
Kelsey Beggs-4
Grace Piesz-4

A great tip from Mrs. Furtah!

I wanted to let you know about a great website that compiles lists of free and
reduced price apps for kids. You can even subscribe, and they'll send you the lists
for free/reduced price apps daily. I've been stocking up my iTunes account with
such apps for the iPad roll out. However, I can't "give" or "share" the apps that I've
downloaded. If you want to start preparing, sign your child up for a free iTunes
account now. You can also use a family account if youd like, but remember Apple
doesnt allow more than 10 devices TOTAL to be connected to it, so you may want
to create one for just the students. You can start downloading these great
educational and fun apps now too, while they're free. Go to http://
smartappsforkids.com to sign up or take a look.

For instructions on how to create an iTunes account without a credit card
(HIGHLY suggested), please see the Tech page of the St. Mary website, or visit this
address: http://is.gd/3Zs990

You can also point your QR reader to this code for instant access:
The iPads are coming to your classroom in mid-January! Be prepared by reviewing the iPad Acceptable Use
policy. We have it on our tech page (link is above). You will only need to return the signature page. After the
iPads arrive you will need to return the signature page, the insurance and show your teacher that an acceptable
case has been acquired, and your student will be allowed to take the iPad home.

Frequently Asked iPad Questions:
Q: "What kind of a case is best for my child?"
A: It doesn't matter which case you choose, as long as it is a protective case which covers all sides and back.
Q: "If I don't have a case, will my child still use an iPad?"
A: The short answer is yes. We want all students to be able to utilize the iPads. They will be able to use them in
class, but not take them home until the insurance deposit is paid and the case is in the classroom.
Q: "How much is insurance?"
A: Under advisement from Apple, we have decided to take a "self-insured" approach. Each student will be asked to
pay $20 per year toward insurance. This will cover repairs and breakage should it occur. Whatever is not used
from insurance will be placed in a fund to replace the iPads when the life cycle of the current devices is over.
Q: "Can my child put games on their iPad?"
A: Yes, they can. They can customize it to their liking, but it must be school-age appropriate. If there is a question
on what can be put on the iPad, please email Mrs. Stager at tstager@catholicweb.com..

SMART Tuition-Yes, you do have an account!

ALL Families have an account on SMART tuition! Please be aware that if you are behind in your tuition,
late fees ARE accruing at the rate of $35 per month. These fees are payable to SMART and are not a
function of the school nor can we waive or refund them. Watch your mail and/or email for invoices from
them and respond to them promptly to avoid late fees or other penalties. If you signed up for EFT
withdrawal from your bank account, be aware that they come from SMART and not St. Mary School. Your
account information is available online at www.smarttuition.com, our school code is 12130

If you have any questions please contact Beth in the parish ofce.
Thank you

Jean Day for Pennies for Playground & Food Bank Friday, January 24:
This Friday, January 24, students & staff may wear jeans along with a school
appropriate casual top of their choice. You may also wear: spirit wear, bucket filler or
an 8
grade shirt. They must bring a $1.00 donation to benefit the Pennies for
Playground AND an item for the Food Bank.
Since Preschool children do not wear a uniform they may also participate in a Food
Bank offering, (optional), by bringing in a food item needed below (you do not need to
pay the $1.00).
The Food Bank items that are requested: Boxed Potatoes, Canned Meat, Jelly,
Peanut Butter, Pudding & Rice. Please turn in both donations to your homeroom
teacher. Thank you from your St. Mary PTO.

Sacramental News
The Confirmation Candidates are half way through their confirmation prep. During their last Sunday
Session they did their Saint report/boards on their chosen Confirmation Saint name. We began class with
the Catechist sharing their Saint boards, and then the candidates got busy with their own reports. When
they were finished we prayed a litany with their Saint names. Please continue to pray for all of our
Sacramental students as they continue their journey to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and Jesus in the
Eucharist in the spring.

!"#"$%& ()*+" ,-$.)/*0-$ 1)"12
SevenLh grade aL SL. Mary ls a pre-sacramenL year. SLudenLs are requlred Lo compleLe 6 hours of servlce
along wlLh verlcauon forms Lo be compleLed, 2 hours of Adorauon and hosL Lhe Conrmauon recepuon.
Any servlce LhaL ls noL compleLed Lhls year wlll roll over lnLo Lhelr 8
grade SacramenLal year along wlLh
uncompleLed Adorauon. lorms for Adorauon are found on Lhe Lable ln Lhe back of church or slgn ln and
mark sacramenLal sLudenL.

34)5% ,-//6$4-$ 7*$+4+*%"52
llrsL communlon candldaLes are Lo compleLe 2 hours of Adorauon, forms should be Lurned lnLo Lhe
CaLechlsL Leacher, Mr. Mlsslg, for credlL.

8/1-)%*$% 9*%"52
lebruary 2- Conrmauon Sesslon 9:30am-11:30am
lebruary 8- !LSuS uA? (llrsL Communlon 8eLreaL) 10am-2pm, reglsLrauon beglns aL 9:43.
llrsL Communlon 8eLreaL, Lheme, l am Lhe 8read of Llfe". CandldaLes and aL leasL one parenL are
requlred Lo auend. nC slbllngs please. uon'L forgeL your banner.
!"#$ &'(#
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