Drag Your Excel Tutorial - One Page

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1o lmporL your kls vla an excel or csv flle, arrange Lhem lnLo Lhe exacL followlng columns order

(Columns wlLh * are mandaLory, oLhers are opLlonal):

!"#$%&"'%( *+, -.#$ /.0$1'23 !$&42"50"'% 60.20 7"#$ 82$9:$%43 !"2$40"'% ;112$1.0"'% <%"0 7.21$0 =.>:$(???
8"$>@ -.#$ !$&42"50"'% 8'2#.0
ulmenslon lf you have daLa for dlfferenL dlmenslons (l.e: 8eglon>CounLry>ClLy,
Company > SlLe, roducL > Sub-Product etc) you can enter them before
the KPI Name column.
noLe: ?ou can enLer up Lo 3 ulmenslons (3 columns flrsL columns of Lhe
kl name
WhaL ls your kl name?
use a hyphen (-) Lo breakdown Lo subdlvlde an lndlcaLor ln more deLalled
granularlLy. lL ls parLlcularly useful when you need/have more deLall on Lhe
kl. 1hls wlll allow you Lo perform !"#$$%!&'( *(+$,-#- and Lo geL beLLer and
deeper recommendaLlons on your lacklng performances.
lor Lxample, a subdlvlslon of Lhe kl Average Talk Time lnLo breakdowns
could be :
Average Talk Time by : Agent, Status, Group etc
noLe: ?ou can use consecuLlve hyphen for mulLlple breakdowns (l.e.: nb of
sales - roducL A -AgenL x)
uomaln ?ou can organlze your kls lnLo convenlenL caLegorles. Slmply Lype Lhe
category name of your KPI and you will be able to filter by in the
uescrlpLlon uo you have a descrlpLlon for Lhls kl? lL wlll appear ln bulleL lnfo nexL Lo
Lhe kl name
SLarL 1lme
WhaL ls Lhe Llme perlod for Lhe flrsL value of Lhe kl?
@@A##A33 (l.e: 31/01/14)
WhaL ls Lhe frequency of Lhe measure of Lhls kl? Pow Lhe values are
Cne of : Daily,
Weekly, Monthly,
Quarterly, Yearly
lf Lhe scores go up ls LhaL a good or bad Lhlng? Lxample: a CusLomer
ComplalnLs kl should have a 'mlnlmlze' dlrecLlon as Lhe fewer Lhe
complalnLs Lhe beLLer lL ls. Powever a Sales 8evenue kl should have a
'maxlmlze' dlrecLlon as more sales ls a good Lhlng. MeLrlcs lndlcaLors llke #
of employees should have 'none' dlrecLlon.
Cne of: Maximize,
Minimize, None.

Pow should your kl be aggregaLed? 1he aggregaLe funcLlon ls used Lo
deLermlne over a selecLed perlod of Llme, lf Lhe kl values are LoLaled or
Cne of: Sum,
WhaL ls Lhe kl formaL? MosL kls have a formaL or symbol such as
currency, percenLage or Llme. 8especL Lhe formaL:
Cne of: 1234,
1234.56, 12%,
12.34%, $1,234.56,
1,234.56, 01:12:02
1argeL uo you have a LargeL for Lhls lndlcaLor? CLherwlse leave lL blank and lf
Lhere ls a dlrecLlon Lo Lhe kl, Lhe sysLem wlll calculaLe auLomaLlcally a
LargeL based on your pasL 6 monLh real performances.

value1 lnpuL Lhe flrsL value
value2 Input the second value etc.

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