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Types of Risks

With regards insurability, there are basically two categories of risks; i. speculative or dynamic risk; ii. pure or static risk

Speculative or Dynamic Risk

Speculative (dynamic) risk is a situation in which either profit OR loss is possible. Examples of speculative risks are betting on a horse race, investing in stocks/bonds and real estate. In the business level, in the daily conduct of its affairs, every business establishment faces decisions that entail an element of risk. The decision to venture into a new market, purchase new equipments, diversify on the existing product line, expand or contract areas of operations, commit more to advertising, borrow additional capital, etc., carry risks inherent to the business. The outcome of such speculative risk is either beneficial (profitable) or loss. Speculative risk is uninsurable. Pure or Static Risk The second category of risk is known as pure or static risk. Pure (static) risk is a situation in which there are only the possibilities of loss or no loss, as oppose to loss or profit with speculative risk. The only outcome of pure risks are adverse (in a loss) or neutral (with no loss), never beneficial. Examples of pure risks include premature death, occupational disability, catastrophic medical expenses, and damage to property due to fire, lightning, or flood.

It is important to distinguish between pure and speculative risks for three reasons. First, through the use of commercial, personal, and liability insurance policies, insurance companies in the private sector generally insure only pure risks. Speculative risks are not considered insurable, with some exceptions.

Second, the law of large numbers can be applied more easily to pure risks than to speculative risks. The law of large numbers is important in insurance because it enables insurers to predict loss figures in advance. It is generally more difficult to apply the law of large numbers to speculative risks in order to predict future losses. One of the exceptions is the speculative risk of gambling, where casinos can apply the law of large numbers in a very efficient manner.

Finally, society as a whole may benefit from a speculative risk even though a loss occurs, but it is harmed if a pure risk is present and a loss occurs. For instance, a computer manufacturer's competitor develops a new technology to produce faster computer processors more cheaply.

As a result, it forces the computer manufacturer into bankruptcy. Despite the bankruptcy, society as a whole benefits since the competitor's computers work faster and are sold at a lower price. On the other hand, society would not benefit when most pure risks, such as an earthquake, occur. Types of Pure (Static) Risk The major types of pure risk that are associated with great economic and financial insecurity include; personal risks; property risks; and liability risks.

Personal risks are risks that directly affect an individual. They involvethe possibility of loss or reduction of income, of extra expenses, and the elimination of financial assets. There are four major personal risks; i. ii. iii. iv. premature death old age poor health unemployment

Premature death risk is defined as the risk of the death of the head of a house hold with unfulfilled financial obligations. These can include dependents to support, a mortgage to be paid off, or children to educate. Old age is a risk of insufficient income during retirement. When older workers retire, they lose their normal amount of earnings. Unless they have accumulated sufficient assets from which to draw on, they would be facing a serious problem of economic insecurity. Risk of poor health includes both catastrophic medical bills and the loss of earned income. The cost of health care has increased substantially in recent years. The loss of income is another major cause of financial instability. In cases of severe long term disability, there is a substantial loss of earned income, medical bills are incurred, employee benefits may be lost, and savings depleted. The risk of unemployment is another major threat to most families. Unemployment can be the result of a industry cycle downswing, economic changes, seasonal factors and frictions in the labor market. Regardless of the cause, unemployment can create financial havoc in the average families by way of loss of income and employment benefits. Property risk Property risk is the risk of having property damaged or loss from numerous perils. Property loss can occur as a result of fire, lightning, windstorms, hail, and a number of other causes.

Liability risks Liability risks are another important type of pure risk that many people face. More than ever, we are living in a litigious society. One can be sued for any frivolous reason. One has to defend himself when sued, even when the suit is without merit. Fundamental Risks and Particular Risks Fundamental risks affect the entire economy or large numbers of people or groups within the economy. Examples of fundamental risks are high inflation, unemployment, war, and natural disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Particular risks are risks that affect only individuals and not the entire community. Examples of particular risks are burglary, theft, auto accident, dwelling fires. With particular risks, only individuals experience losses, and the rest of the community are left unaffected. The distinction between a fundamental and a particular risk is important, since government assistance may be necessary in order to insure fundamental risk. Social insurance, government insurance programs, and government guarantees and subsidies are used to meet certain fundamental risks in our country. For example, the risk of unemployment is generally not insurable by private insurance companies but can be insured publicly by federal or state agencies. In addition, flood insurance is only available through and/or subsidized by the federal government.

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