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Nastavni predmet: Odjeljenje: Nastavna jedinica: ip nastavnog sata: Nastavne metode: Nastavna sredstva: #ociolo)ki o%lici rada: Odgojn Materijalni: o Funkcionalni: obrazov Odgojni: ni zadaci: # vo dn i di o: G( av ni di o:

na dan: 11.12.2013.

Engleski jezik IIIg Module 4- Grammar Focus: Present Perfect and Past simple Practice e!tual" reading" discussion" listening #tudent$s %ook" &' recording" Mini dictionar( &om%ined o practise using positive and negative opinion adjectives o use t*e Present Perfect and t*e Past #imple tenses appropriatel( o talk a%out sport ORGANI A!I"A NASTAVNOG SATA:

Gra$$ar S%$$ar& '. Gra$$ar

*e contrast s*o+n is %et+een t*e Present Perfect used to talk a%out events t*at *appened at an unspecified past time" +*ic* are sometimes also called ac*ievements or e!perience" and t*e Past #imple used to refer to events t*at *appened at a specified past time" eit*er directl( indicated or defined %( t*e conte!t, Most Present Perfect e!amples also s*o+ a more or less direct link %et+een t*e past event and t*e present situation" e,g, t*e sentence They have come a long way from the poor area in California where they were born tells us t*at at present t*e( aren$t poor an( more and don$t live in a poor area, #uc* a link is a%sent in t*e case of t*e Past #imple, *e lesson also presents four adver%s traditionall( linked +it* t*e Present Perfect (ever, never, yet, already) and +ord order related to t*em, -o+ever" teac*ers s*ould avoid presenting t*ese adver%s as t(pical onl( of t*e Present Perfect as t*e( are also used +it* ot*er tenses" especiall( ever and never, e,g, My grandmother never liked sweets. Will you ever stop smoking

E)*rci+* 1 !"# W$%&'( $pinion ad)ectives ./0 positive: aggressive" %rilliant" calm" fast" intelligent" skilful" strong negative: a+ful" %oring" overrated" slo+" useless" +eak 1f an( major sporting event is in t*e ne+s or *as %een in t*e ne+s recentl(" use t*is to introduce t*e t*eme, 2sk students +*at t*e( t*ink of t*e sports people involved, 3ead t*roug* t*e 4e( 5ords +it* t*e class, 3emind students to use t*e Mini-dictionar( to c*eck t*e meaning of an( ne+ +ords, 2sk t+o students to read aloud t*e e!ample dialogue, #tudents t*en +ork in pairs" talking a%out t*eir sporting *eroes and *eroines, *e pairs feed %ack to t*e class and find out +*ic* sports stars are t*eir favourites, E)*rci+* 2 #tudents look at t*e p*otos and sa( +*at t*e( kno+ a%out t*e 5illiams sisters, 3ead t*roug* t*e 6uestions +it* t*e class so students kno+ +*at information to look out for +*en reading t*e article, #ee if students can predict an( of t*e ans+ers, #tudents t*en read t*e article and ans+er t*e 6uestions, For 6uestion 7" encourage t*em to give reasons for +*ic* sister is t*e %etter pla(er no+, E)*rci+* 3
#tudents discuss titles for t*e article in small groups, Eac* group selects its %est title and presents t*is to t*e class" giving reasons for t*e title, *e class votes for t*e %est title, #tudents add ne+ information a%out t*e sisters, 5rite t*e ne+ facts on t*e %oard, #tudents discuss +*et*er t*e ne+ information can go into e!isting paragrap*s in t*e article or +*et*er ne+ paragrap*s are,

2sk students to read t*e article again and make a note of +ords connected +it* tennis and sport, av r, ni di o:
#tudents feed %ack to t*e class, 5rite t*e +ords on t*e %oard" e,g, win*won, (grand slam) title, beat, number (one) in the world. #tudents t*en make sentences a%out ot*er sports stars using t*e +ords on t*e %oard,

Pr*+*n-a-ion . E)*rci+* '

3emind students of t*e use of t*e Present Perfect in 8esson 4 (+,ve tidied my room) for a past action +*ic* *as a present result, #tudents complete t*e ta%le using t*e Present Perfect and t*e Past #imple" referring %ack to t*e article if t*e( +is*, E/TRA A!TIVIT0: 1ang%ag*

Izvo4a5 na+-av*: Adnan M%ja3i67 8ro9.

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