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All Things Current: What you'll find in your Jan.

29, 2014, edition

DEVELOPMENT Community groups are pushing for a city-owned warehouse on S Street to e rede!e"oped into a pro#ect that wi"" incorporate pu "ic par$ing% &Dupont Current' (oggy )ottom Current* ED+C,T-ON District education officia"s said at a D%C% Counci" round ta "e that they.!e identified some initia" princip"es to guide the p"anned o!erhau" of D%C% Pu "ic Schoo"s oundaries and feeder patterns% &a"" editions* /istoric Preser!ation 0e!iew )oard mem ers "ast wee$ praised an am itious proposa" to reno!ate and e1pand the Du$e E""ington Schoo" of the ,rts' ut withhe"d forma" support pending a second hearing ne1t month% &2eorgetown Current* ENV-0ONMENT 32reen infrastructure4 so"utions cou"d a"ter two ma#or tunne" pro#ects to contro" sewage o!erf"ow in 0oc$ Cree$ and the Potomac 0i!er% &a"" editions* L-5+O0 L-CENS-N2 ,dams Morgan.s District c"u remains c"osed after a urst of New 6ear.s !io"ence% &Dupont Current* POL-T-CS ,t-"arge D%C% Counci" mem er Vincent Orange descri es his !ision of the District ha!ing a Super )ow"-worthy sports and entertainment comp"e1' part of a series on po"icy positions of mayora" candidates% &a"" editions* ,nita )onds. cha""engers in the at-"arge D%C% Counci" primary are 7uestioning her record' ut she stands ehind her "egis"ati!e achie!ements% &a"" editions* Vincent 2ray touted his ear"y chi"dhood education record during his remar$s at the +%S% Conference of Mayors% &a"" editions* P+)L-C S,(ET6 Two months after a pedestrian was se1ua""y assau"ted near a wooded !acant "ot in (riendship /eights' the property owner has e1tensi!e"y pruned trees and c"eared under rush to impro!e safety there% &a"" editions* T0,NSPO0T,T-ON Metro is wary of a proposa" to turn a deteriorating' "arge"y unused us station in Che!y Chase into a garden center' ut may see$ other commercia" offers% &Northwest Current' Dupont Current* )+S-NESS 0estaurateur Pau" 0uppert p"ans to open his second eatery on +pshur Street in ,pri"' adding to his recent"y opened ar' Petworth Citi8en and 0eading 0oom% &a"" editions* ON T/E M,09ET Edward 0% Murrow.s former home in 9ent is a!ai"a "e for :;'<=>'???% &a"" editions* OP-N-ON &a"" editions* Editoria"@ The District needs a "aw for c"earing sidewa"$s that it can actua""y enforce% Editoria"@ Metro.s su way station 3adoption4 p"an yie"ds great promise for engaging the community% Sherwood@ P"anned meta" detectors at a""par$s are yet another need"ess concession to unreasona "e security fears%

SPO0TS &Northwest Current' 2eorgetown Current* St% ," ans running star Tai Dinger has won his second-straight 2atorade cross-country runner of the year award for his ath"etic and academic achie!ements% Sidwe"" gir"s as$et a"" is ho"ding on to a winning record despite the "oss of "ast year.s "eader' and aims to trump e!en its performance from "ast season% , pair of recent !ictories has esta "ished St% Aohn.s oys as$et a"" as a BC,C contender% D-SP,TC/ES )ur$e oasts impro!ed midd"e schoo" as$et a""' Stoddert fifth-graders !isit the Thai Em assy' and other reports from "oca" schoo"s% &a"" editions* ,LSO -N T/E C+00ENT Crime report ,d!isory neigh orhood commission reports and agendas 0eports from "oca" citi8ens associations Ca"endar of the wee$.s e!ents C"assified ads and ser!ice directory Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. The Current comes out in print e!ery Bednesday and is posted on"ine on Thursdays at currentnewspapers%comCarchi!e%php and issuu%comCcurrentnewspapers% To reach The Current with a news tip' correction' ad!ertising in7uiry' or other 7uestion or comment' emai" newsdes$Dcurrentnewspapers%com or ca"" ;?;-;EE-F;;<%
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