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Learn The Power Of Resisting Women Copyright (c) 2007 Ignite Ha e yo!

hear" the saying #woman want what they can$t ha e%& 's( any woman an" they wi)) inform yo! that this is tr!e* +y resisting yo! are creating a cha))enge to a woman which wi)) ma(e her e,treme)y attracte" to yo!* When I say resist from- what I am saying is )earn how to say .O to woman* Ha e yo! notice" with those fema)es that yo! ten" to not /e attracte" to or "on$t )i(e at a))that the more yo! resist the more they persist% When a woman as(s yo! to "o somethinggo a/o!t an in"irect way of "oing it* Ha e f!n with it- "on$t "o what they as( of yo!- p)ay with them* ')ways (eep women won"ering an" a)ways ma(e yo!rse)f !npre"icta/)e /eca!se as soon as yo! /ecome pre"icta/)e to women- yo! /ecome /oring* Learning to say .O to woman is the one most powerf!) thing yo! can "o* I am not s!ggesting that yo! /e an assho)e a/o!t it an" a)ways not gi e a woman what she wants- I am saying to gi e her what she wants /!t not when she wants it /eca!se yo! "eci"e what happens an" when it happens* 0!st thin( a/o!t it- how often "o yo! see a g!y say no to a woman% I ha e /een interacting with women /efore an" they ha e "roppe" something on P1RPO23 an" a)) the men 4L33 to /e the first one to pic( it !p for her* I ha e e en see women )oo( at the ma)e as if to say- #what yo! are 5!st going to stan" there- pic( it !p*& They wi)) say #can yo! pic( that !p for me p)ease%& When a woman as(s yo! 6!estions "on$t gi e her a "irect answer- a)ways gi e her an in"irect answer* It gets them thin(ing instea" of thin(ing that they (now e ery sing)e )itt)e "etai) a/o!t yo!r entire )ife* If yo! can )earn if a woman is testing yo! or not then yo! are one step ahea" of her* 'n" yes if yo! "i" not (now 'LL WO73. test an" p)ay games !nconscio!s)y an" conscio!s)y* 'nother secret way to resist from women is to /e /!sy- "on$t preten" to /e /!sy either /eca!se it won$t wor( )ong term* 'ct!a))y /e /!sy in )ife an" "on$t a)ways "itch yo!r p)ans for a woman- if yo! ha e something to "o then "o it* I ha e hear" women say that they H'T3 IT when they ha e ca))e" !p their /oyfrien" an" sai" #hey what are yo! "oing%& an" they ha e sai" #I was going to go o!t with the /oys /!t I wi)) come see yo! instea"*& ' woman wi)) /e far more attracte" to yo! if yo! )earn how to say #I can$t right now I am /!sy- /!t I can come o er )ater if I get time*& Women wi)) try an" change yo!r p)ans* They ha e to see how "etermine" yo! are an" how important 8O1R LI43 is to yo!* I am not s!ggesting that yo! h!rt a woman$s fee)ings an" resist at e ery sing)e sit!ation that occ!rs- 5!st )earn when the appropriate times are to resist an" this wi)) come thro!gh e,perience* There was a 6!ote from Car) 0!ng #What yo! resist persists*& 2o )earn how to /e p)ayf!) an" ha e f!n with women* 9on$t /e )i(e most men who gi e them e erything that they want when they want it /eca!se yo! wi)) in time fin" that yo! wi)) /e nothing /!t a pro i"er to the woman- an" /e !nf!)fi))e"* Ignite is the owner of 9atingcoresecrets*com- which specia)i:es in attracting /ea!tif!) women* Here men can )earn how to attract women an" a)so !n"erstan" how a woman$s min" wor(s* ;o here for more "etai)s< http<==www*"atingcoresecrets*com

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