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A1 Listening Listen to what the man and the woman are talking about.

Arrange the sentences given into the correct order and write down what each of them are saying: Woman: Excuse me, is Piccadilly Circus far from here? Man: It is about half a mile away from here. Notes: Excuse me, is... far from here? Piccadilly Circus It is about half a mile away from here Listening A2 You will hear a recording and answer 5 multiple choice questions. Listen to Rebecca and Adam planning a night together. For each question, choose the correct answer. 1. Rebecca and Alan decide to meet on? 1. Wednesday 2. Friday 3. Thursday 2. They decide to 1. Go out for a drink. 2. Go out for dinner. 3. Stay in and watch a DVD. 3. The Orange Tree is on 1. Church Road. 2. Potter Street. 3. Love Lane. 4. They will meet at 1. Ten past seven.

2. Seven twenty. 3. Twenty to seven. 5. Rebecca met Charlie 1. on a skiing holiday. 2. at a party. 3. at the sports center.

B1 listening You listen to a telephone conversation. Read the questions carefully before you listen. Susan is telephoning a travel agency. World bridges Travel Agency Ltd. Enquiry form Enquiry regarding holiday in___________________ Number of people: _________________ Kind of accommodation needed: _______________________ Requirements____________________ Price (): ____________ Location: ______________________ Customers name: _______________ Enquiry made in:______________ When would Susan and her friends travel cheaper?_________________________ How far from the beach is the accommodation offered? _____________________ Who has already visited Greece? ________________________ What will Susan have to do before phoning Arnold again? _____________________

B2 listening You will hear a radio report about a new type of air transport. For questions 1-10, complete the sentences. Write no more than three words and/or a number.

1. It will take 37 hours for the new form of transport to travel from London to_______________ 2. Unlike crowded jets, the Aircruise will allow passengers to travel in___________________ 3.The Aircruise can travel something_________________. at low altitudes if there is

4. Hydrogen fuels the airship and also provides__________________________ for the people on board. 5. The airship disaster at Hindenburg killed____________________________ people. 6. Scientists are keen to develop transport options which both______________________________ and environmentally friendly. 7. The Aircruise will carry a total of________________________ passengers. 8. The luxury features on board include private apartments, a bar and a___________________________ 9. Compared to airports, the Aircruise has the potential to land closer to_______________________________ 10. The concept is getting a lot of attention from a Korean company which makes___________________________ are

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