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SkaDate 9 Update Manual

Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

SkaDate 9 Update Manual Stage 1: File system updating (should be run via SSH only)
We strongly recommend you to backup your current SkaDate package 1. Download skadate_diff.tar.gz from Customer Area; 2. Upload skadate_diff.tar.gz via FTP to your server account root directory; 3. Login to your server account via SSH and unpack it using tar -zxf file_name.tar.gz command; 4. After skadate_diff.tar.gz is unpacked, skadate_diff directory will appear. It will contain 3 directories: old, new, reports. 5. Download the package (for example: skadate-9.0.2500.tar.gz) corresponding to your current build from Customer Area (You can find your build number in 'internals/'. Find const variable PACKAGE_VERSION in this file); 6. Upload it via FTP to skadate_diff/old directory and unpack it through SSH using tar -zxf file_name.tar.gz command; 7. Go to Customer Area and download the package of build you want to update your current version to; 8. Upload it via FTP to skadate_diff/new and unpack it through SSH using tar -zxf file_name.tar.gz command; 9. Set 777 permissions for skadate_diff/reports directory using chmod 777 file_name command; 10. Go to skadate_diff/ directory via SSH with the cd directory_name command; 11. Run this command: php index.php client full_path_to_directory_where_your_current_site_is _installed (for example: php index.php client /home/account_name/public_html/); 12.Go to skadate_diff/reports directory via FTP and see client_report.txt file . In this
file you will see the list of files added, rewritten, files you need to merge and files

you need to delete; 13.Files should be merged via merge program, for example: AraxisMerge (merging is - comparing the default file of the new build with the one modified by you and bringing it in compliance with the new build.);

SkaDate 9 Update Manual

Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

There is a great number of merging programs. Let's take Meld (Linux) as an example. This program interface makes the two files comparison process easy. The work station of this program (just like the one of the other programs) consists of two


The files for merging have to be taken from the "The list of files to merge:" section in reports/report.txt. Let's see how it works with profiles.php file. You should open the selected file from the 'new' directory in the left window. Open the same file from the 'current' directory in the right window.

The program will detect differences in these two files, and highlight them. Your task is to find out what kind of changes these are. If the changes will not negatively affect the functionality of the modifications you made to the file - you can simply transfer the code from the 'new' file to the 'current' one by clicking on the arrow.

SkaDate 9 Update Manual

Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

In case you find out that overwriting the file will compromise your modification - you should copy the code from the 'new' file and paste it to the 'current' file in a way that will not affect the custom changes you made. 14. Delete the content of old and new directories. Enter the old directory (cd old/) and remove the content with rm -rf * command. The same should be done for the new directory.

SkaDate 9 Update Manual

Copyright 2005-2012 Skalfa eCommerce. All rights reserved

Stage 2: Database Update.

We strongly recommend you to backup your database. 1. Go to Customer Area and download from_8vXXX_to_8vYYY.tar.gz archive from the folder with the new build; 2. Upload this archive to the directory where the software is installed via FTP and unpack it through SSH using tar -zxf file_name.tar.gz command; 3. After from_8vXXX_to_8vYYY.tar.gz archive is unpacked, update directory will appear; 4. Set 777 permissions for the following directory: update/log using chmod 777 file_name.tar.gz command; 5. Open the following URL in the browser:; 6. In the drop down menu choose proper update; 7. Select Update Type: a) Standard Update (Recommended): This type includes all database sections update (Languages, Documents structure, Database tables); b) Advanced Update: You should select manually what database sections should be updated; 8. Language matching step. Select what languages will be updated. Site Languages (your site languages that should be updated) should be matched with Update Languages (languages updated it the latest build);

Note: Be careful while Language matching. Since incorrect matching will lead to loss of some/all language values.
9. Make sure proper permissions (777) for update/log directory are set and

database backup is made. The site update will run after you click Next; 10. Click Finish to complete the update process. As soon as the site cache is regenerated, you will be directed to the site index page. The site update is completed.

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