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Summary of Opening Two Minutes

We see a girl walking down a dark street. Through extreme close-ups and shaky camera movements, a sense of tension is created. She is continuously looking behind her as if something or someone is following her. A close up of her expression reveals that someone is there and that she is in trouble. Through abstract and shaky camera movements combined with her scream we sense that she is attacked. Without revealing too much we cut to black. We immediately cut to a close up of the same girls face. A blank and melancholy expression covers her face as she stares straight ahead. No movements apart from a slight zoom out. We see a sudden, split-second close-up of her violently brushing her teeth. We cut back to her face. No sound and calm nature. The camera is still slightly moving away from her. Another sudden and fast shot occurs, this time a close-up of her eye as she puts her make-up on. We cut back to her face, the camera still revealing more of her surroundings. We see that she is in a dark room. As the interrupting shots now get more frequent, shots of her brushing her hair, the shower turning on and her necklace being put on are all shown. All have a disturbing and violent nature about them and the fact that they are all being shown very suddenly and closely gives a sense of enigma as to what is actually going on. In between all of these shots we are constantly cutting back to the girl in the dark room. Her face remains expressionless throughout, however, as the camera gradually moves away from her we get more of a sense of her surroundings. Now shots of the girl stretching her feet, legs and arms begin to take place, all the while cutting back to her in the room. We also see abstract and awkward shots of her dancing in an open space. We cut back to her face. As the camera continues to move away from her, it is revealed that she is sitting in a wheelchair. The sudden and fast shots of her dancing are now contrasted with the still and slow image of her sitting in a dark room unable to move from her wheelchair. The opening two minutes end with us cutting to black after a whirlwind of confusion and sense of enigma. The shot of the girl sitting in the room, first a close-up that then turns into a wider shot revealing the wheelchair, will be one continuous shot timed to two minutes so that I edit the other interrupting shots over the top. This opening will resemble the girl sitting in her wheelchair after she has been rescued from the abduction, thinking back to the morning of the attack. The dance shots will represent her lack of freedom now that she is unable to do what she loves. When the screen goes black after this opening, the film starts showing the frost-covered neighborhood.

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