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Department of Business Administration Guide Book for Term Project Report

Prepare Report Under These Outlines: How to Form Term Project Report / Explanation Title Cover Bind your report with cover having printed or pasted title page. Title Page The title page of the report will include: The names of the business organization Logo of the business organization The name of the student&session The date of the final report Name of the university Logo of the university

Preface In this section give an introduction of your report. Discuss and define the purpose of doing your report. State the benefits of this report. Dedications If you wish, you may include a page with a brief note of dedication of help received from particular persons i.e. your parents, family members, friends, teachers. Acknowledgements Indicate the names of your supervisor and teachers from your university and organization under the supervision of which you prepare your report and get acknowledgement (signatures) from them. Executive Summary An Executive Summary deals with every section of the report in a short form. It can be called as micro image of the report. An executive summary is overview of the complete report which helps the reader to get quick glance at the report before reading it in detail. Everything important that you have done, discovered and concluded should be mentioned, but briefly and concisely. It includes the following: A brief introduction of the organization Summarized your work Table of Contents List the important headings and sub headings in the report with page numbers. Work done by student Detail description of the operations/activities done by the student. Conclusion In this section you are required to describe the organization according to your evaluation/assessment in the light of critical and SWOT analysis.

Recommendations In this section you are required to suggest a solution for all the problems or discrepancies that are found in the organization that you have pointed out in critical and SWOT analysis.

Limitations Mention the difficulties (time, cost, sources, etc.) that are faced by in preparing this report. Bibliography (reference &sources used) In this section provide all the references and sources that you have used for data collection for your internship Report. Annexes At the end of your report, attach all of the supportive material you have used for the preparation of your report, like any brochures, forms, drafts, newsletters, interviews, questionnaires etc. Glossary Describe the basic TERMS that you experienced during yours internship program. Important Note: Complete all the required parts of your report. The report should be in 1.5 lines spacing typed on A4 size 75 gram paper with bold headings and sub headings, with margins set at top, bottom and right 1 inch whereas left margin should be 1.5 inch. Minimum words required for internship report are 10,000 words. Font size 12 Times New Roman. Chapter heading font size ---22-26, Topic heading font----18, Sub heading font---14, Time New Roman -Program specialization, current mailing address and student ID should be clearly mentioned in the report. Students can submit their report only once that will be considered as final and marked accordingly. Rules for writing the report

Do not write theoretical excerpts from textbooks! Describe what you exactly did there and what experiences you have gained throughout your work. The report should be original, no photocopies are accepted. Plagiarismand cut copy paste is not allowed. You can include graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations in your report; however they should not cover more than 1/3 of the page. Larger graphs, pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations should be given as an Appendix.

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