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If an item possesses one or more abilities, the attached personality may use those abilities. Note: that effects generated by the item are considered to have been generated by the attached personality. This is particularly important if the effect generated by an item is considered an innate ability (counts as the personality's spell for the turn) or a special order (limited to one per per turn).

Rokugan is a land of high fantasy and heroic adventure. Such a land would be incomplete without items of power. Rokugan's history is replete with legendary items that are missing or presumed lost, as well as those items which remain in the hands of the various clans. Lost items sometimes turn up in the hands of some hero or even a total unknown during an epic battle, while clan controlled items are rarely seen outside the possession of an important member of that clan. Items can build upon the strengths of a personality, reduce the effect of a weakness, or take advantage of an opponent's weakness. ln Clan War, they usually provide abilities, special rules, skills, traits, and/or combat modifiers to the personality to whom they are attached.

Items, like personalities often have associated traits. Following are the traits and their related effects: Armor: These items replace the



During army construction, as an army pays for the personality or unit to whidr the item is to be attached, the cost of the item must be paid out of the koku allotment for the army' The item is then attached to the selected personality, paying attention to any restrictions associated with the item. Personalities with the creature or Oni trait may not attach items unless the item specifics say otherwise. Items that do not include the Unique trait are considered non-unique and an army may have two of each such item. Writs are the exception (see Writ trait). Note that items may not be moved between personalities or units. If the personality who possesses an item is killed, the item may not be claimed by another personality on either side of the conflict. Any combat modifiers (ATT and DAM modifiers) provided by the item apply to Attacks made by the attached personality, as appropriate.

personality's existing armor (with no change to ATN, unless the item provides ATN modifiers). A personality may normally attach only one item with the armor trait Bloodsword: Bloodsword identifies the item as one of the powerful weapons forged by the shugenja Iuchiban some 500 years ago. Each such item bears great power, but there is always a price for its use. Elemental: Identifies the item as being elemental in nature. This trait does not transfer to the personality. Nemuranai: These are items that have been inhabited by a spirit of some power. They range greatly in ability and purpose, depending on the power of the spirit within. Because nemuranai are spirits, they sometimes have their own agenda. Tattoo: Imbued with the magical forces of a kami, these tattoos grant supernatural powers to those who invoke their power. Tattoos may only be attached to units with the Tattooed trait.

Section 6 - Items


Unique: Items with the Unique trait are limited to one of that item per army. An army may include multiple Unique items, but no more than one of any specific Unique item. Weapon: These normally replace a

Akodos No-Dachi
Nemuranai, Unique, Weapon
Kiso: Only a Lion personality of at least Glory 5 may attach Akodo's NoDachi. Kiso: The attached personality gains Tactician l. If the personality already has Tactician he gains +l to his Tactician rating Kiso: Immediately prior to drawing Tactical cards during the end phase, this Personality may become Spent to allow his player to select one Tactical card from their Tactical deck. This action replaces the player's normal Tactical card draw - the player may not draw cards during this End phase. Kiso (SO): This personality becomes Spent. The personality's player may select one tactical card from his discard pile and shuffle it into his tactical deck.

personality's normal weapon (either close combat or ranged attack) unless the personality has no similar weapon to replace (ag" if the personality is adding a ranged attack weapon and did not previously have a ranged attack, that personality does not lose his close combat weapon). A profile is not altered when a weapon is replaced except to add any new ATT and DAM modifiers provided by the weapon item. Unless otherwise stated in his profile, a personality may attach only one weapon item, adding any combat modifiers provided by the item to his existing modifiers. Writ: Writs are magical writings that grant instant, if temporary benefits to the persons or units who invoke their power. An army may include any number of wits, though no personality may possess more than one of any specific type of writ (such as the Writ of Command).

COST: 50

Ancestral Yari of the Shiba

Nemuranai, Unique, Weapon
Kiso: Only a Phoenix personality of at least Glory 5 may attach the Ancestral Yari of the Shiba. Kiso: No model in the personalities unit may be targeted by Maho spells or innates. Kiso: The personality gains +1 ATT and +2 DAM. Ability: Fast Strike during Combat.

COST: 45

Ancient Spear of the Naga

Nemuranai, Unique, Weapon
Kiso: Only a Naga Warlord or Nage personality of at least Glory 5 may attach the Ancient Spear of the Naga. Kiso: This personality gains +1 ATT and +1 DAM in close combat Kiso: This personality gains Battle +1, Leadership +1, and Tactician +1. If personality does not have one or more of these skills, they gain the skill(s) at a rating of 1. Ability: Fast Strike during Ranged Attacks (if they have Ranged Attacks) and Close Combat.

Items with the Nemuranai trait are generally seen as powerful items and the possessing personality is treated with a measure of awe. This translates into greater Honor for that personality's army. An army that includes one or more Nemuranai gains honor for each such item: I Honor is gained for each item with a printed cost of less than 50 2 Honor is gained for each item with a printed cost of 50 or more.


COST: 65

Banner of Courage
Banner, Unique
Ability: Once per battle, this unit gains the trait Fearless until the end of the Turn.

A personality's VP value is increased by the number of Nemuranai items attached to that personality at the beginning of the battle (see Victory Points). Note: that not all items are nemuranai and that non-nemuranai items do not increase a personality's VP.
COST: 30

Victory Points

Section 6 - Items


Banner of Fear
Banner, Nemuranai, Unique
Kiso: Only a personality with a personal honor below 2 may attach the Banner of Fear. Ability: The personalitys unit gains Fear 0 while the personality is in possession of the Banner of Fear.

Banner of Fear
Banner, Nemuranai, Unique
Kiso: Only a personality with a personal honor below 2 may attach the Banner of Fear. Ability: The personalitys unit gains Fear 0 while the personality is in possession of the Banner of Fear.

COST: 50

COST: 50

Broken Sword of the Scorpion

Nemuranai, Unique
Ability: Once per battle, this unit gains the trait Fearless until the end of the Turn.

Banner of Fear
Banner, Nemuranai, Unique
Kiso: Only a personality with a personal honor below 2 may attach the Banner of Fear. Ability: The personalitys unit gains Fear 0 while the personality is in possession of the Banner of Fear.

COST: 30

COST: 50

Banner of Courage
Banner, Unique
Ability: Once per battle, this unit gains the trait Fearless until the end of the Turn.

COST: 30

Section 6 - Items

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