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DATOS INFORMATIVOS 1.1. II. EE. : 094 SHILCAYO 1.2. Grado/Seccin : 2 A, B, D 1.3. Duracin : 4 HORAS. 1.4. Fecha : 09 /18/10/13 1.5. Tema : MY FUTURE PLANS 1.6. Docente : LIC. YOVANY ELISABETH VILLANUEVA BARBOZA. 1.7. Tema Transversal : Educacin con identidad e interculturalidad para un mejor aprendizaje.


CAPACIDADES Y ACTITUDES: CAPACIDADES CONOCIMIENTOS APRENDIZAJES ESPERADOS Expresin y Grammar Describe y discute planes futuros. comprensin oral Future GOING TO. Comprende el texto e identifica el uso de Comprensin de textos Pronunciation and GOING TO. Produccin de textos intonation Escribe un texto hablando acerca de sus Vocabulary related to planes futuros. the topic ACTITUDES ANTE EL AREA Valora los eventos culturales de nuestra Regin San Martn

Reconoce y valora el multiculturalismo y los diferentes dialectos de la Regin.

App1: T. greets students
Teacher Students - Good afternoon students - Good afternoon teacher - How are you today? - Fine, thanks App2: Teacher asks for the date: Whats the date of today? And writes on the board First: teacher read the date and students repeat after her and Second: only the Students. Teacher repeats the date then one volunteer read the date. Teacher Students - Today is Monday or Tuesday Wednesday - Today is wednesday App 3: Teacher talks about her plans when she was at high school: When I was at high school I am thinking about my future. I am going to study Language I am going to be a language teacher I am going to go to the University of San Martin App 4: Teacher asks what do you think is todays topic? Then the teacher writes the topic on the board: TALKING ABOUT THE PLANS App 5: Teacher shows the new vocabulary: Nursing Psychology Languages Law Education Medicine Civil Engineering App 5: Teacher sets up the situation: Ok. Ss I have a friend his name is Juan, he is in the high school, he is thinking about his plans he is going to be a English teacher, he is going to study in the National University of San Martn Do you want to know more about him and his plans? App 6: Teacher presents a reading

My name is Juan Flores. I am 16 years old. I study at Shilcayo High School. I am in 5 grade. When I finish high school, I am going to be a Professional, I am going to go to the National university of San Martn, I am not going to study Law because I am going to study language and I am going to be an English Teacher.

Teacher repeats the reading and asks to students repeat after her App 8: Teacher asks questions about the reading and she takes out the structure What is his name? What grade is he? What is he doing? What is he going to be? Where is he going to go to study? What is he going to study? App 9: Teacher presents the interrogative and negative form. AFFIRMATIVE FORM Subject Verb to be Going to P. V Complement I am going to Go UNSM You are going to go UNSM He/she is going to go UNSM INTERRGATIVE FORM: Verb to be Subject Going to P. V Complement am I going to Go UNSM? are You going to go UNSM? is He/she going to go UNSM? NEGATIVE FORM: Subject Verb to be not Going to P. V Complement I am Not going to Go UNSM You are Not going to go UNSM He/she is Not going to go UNSM App 10: Teacher asks to students and she shows more examples: What are you going to study? Language I am going to study Nursery Engineering What are you going to be? a teacher I going to be A nurse An engineer Where are you going to go? UNSM I am going to go to UCV Institute

I. Read the reading Karlas Plans and answer the question about it

I have a new partner, her name is Karla, she is from Bellavista but she studies in Tarapoto at Santa Rosa high school when she finishes high school she is going to study at the National University of San Martin, she is going to be an engineer and she is going to study Information Technology, because its interesting. a) Whats her name? b) Where is she from?

c) Where is she going to study? d) What is she going to be? e) what is she going to study?

II. Write about your plans: III. Make the plan about your partner mentioning his or her name Where is she or he going to study? What is she or he going to be? What is she or he going to study?


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