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*Koushik Sau, **Sridhar D, ***Sanjiv Kumar

ABSTRACT Like other part of the world, usage of social media is growing rapidly among various age groups using Internet actively in India. Social media has good and bad qualities within it. Occupational therapist can use social media effectively to promote their professional qualities through media based activities in the virtual forum. Social media such as Internet based access is cost effective, consumer friendly, communicates faster and reaches everyone around the world by few clicks but Occupational Therapist should use these media with utmost cautious. This article is a try to summaries some perception about ethical and legal issues on social media users among occupational therapy practitioners in India. KEYWORDS: Social Media, Occupational Therapy, Ethics, Privacy Issue, India


Social media (SM) concepts gained more attention in everyones life as a recent past1. The concept defines SM as mobile phone and web-based platform that enable individual or group of people to communicate actively to interact and exchange of user generated contents . Though SM become synonymous

with social network site, SM has been more powerful in terms of consumer technology. Various types of social media exist in the present day scenario. Virtual world in social networking sites like Facebook or Google +, Blog like BlogSpot, Micro blog like twitter, collaborative projects like wiki, content

Scientific Research Journal of India Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014

communities like YouTube, Virtual social world like second life, image hosting website like Flicker, PowerPoint presentation and document sharing website such as Slide share and professional networking like LinkedIn3,4. Individuals can shared or obtained information in different formats like text, picture, video and audio4. These forms of information offer various platforms to provide personal statements, creating an interest group, ensuring

second after email and served as the First time Internet uses by among active Internet users of India6. Though top eight metro cities contribute 34% of SM users, however, 66% of users in India belong to other small cities. Almost one fourth (24%) SM users were from the small town with population less than two lakhs6. It is a common belief that young adult rules SM platform7 but according to resent findings showed older men uses SM with 65% penetration level compare to young adult 84% penetration6 level, which is a quite high ratio in a country like India. Experience and budding occupational therapists can utilize the SM site to promote their profession practice

cooperation and sharing information, which is considered to be an important tool for communication2,4. 2 SOCIAL MEDIA IN INDIA: Easy access to information and

and knowledge. They should be cautious regarding advantages and disadvantages while using the social media.

communication technology (ICT) through computer and mobile access technology is growing every year in all regions of the world and as well as in India. One out of four

2.1 Benefits of social media: SM helps people to connect and collaborate with virtual communities. These communities offer an opportunity to reach out to their audience with a stroke of key from any place at a given time. This form of connectivity increases more individual and group interaction between social media user2 and also elevates electronic communication like face-to-face communication5. Through SM, everyone has access to explore other

persons in the world uses SM and in India, more than 60 million people are currently using various SM sites for communication and exploration . It is estimated in India around 66 million people are going to be a SM user by the June, 2013 . According to report published by the Internet and mobile association of India (IAMAI) 2012, 74 % of active Internet users from urban in India use SM and number of user
6 6

increasing every day due to growing Internet penetration through Smartphones and consequent mobile internet use6. IAMAI report (2012) revealed that SM usage ranked

geographical and physical boundaries with few clicks via mobile8 or computer gadgets, enhances the broadcast of health- related information to general public5,9 and also used

ISSN: 2277-1700 Website: URL Forwarded to:

in teaching and advocacy9.

effectively used by occupational therapists for various purposes in professional practice4, 7, 12,
13, 14

2.2 Problems with social media: Like other technological inventions, SM can be used in good or bad ways7 which is like a mirror that reflects what best or worst we post on it9,10. Occupational therapists should be aware about their tweet, blog post, Status update or photos, video uploads in any social media not only reflect user, but it also reflects ones employer and profession7. It can blur the boundary between an individuals professional and personal life10, 11. Any form of post in the SM site will become easy accessible for wider audience beyond the up-loader aim to reach friends and colleagues of their domain. Once uploaded information is difficult

. Professional bodies of an occupational

therapists in different countries are using SM for promotion, marketing purposes and, even encouraging their members to use it for professional growth4, therapists4.
7, 12, 13, 14, 15

, with a

specific SM guidelines for the occupational In recent years, Indian

occupational therapists are also using different SM like BlogSpot, Facebook, and twitter as one of the daily routines. According to Kaplan and Haenlei3 SM has two major components that are social and media, and both are important for an occupational therapy profession.

SM is an essential

professional activity for present generation13, . It helps to develop small and large among other fellows






impossible to delete those content in future11, .


occupational therapist who has a similar interest, and specialists discuss the knowledge base for academic and clinical practice issues in occupational therapy14 and also develop virtual communities with
13, 14

Sometimes an unwanted post or adverse comments from individual against


professionals or profession as a whole can ruin ones image and difficult to control12, Propagation information regarding and frivolous .



undisclosed misleading

professionals, organization to learn and share the mutual benefits7, . Occupational

rumours2 regarding professional or profession may create the bad image among others due to high accessible by others, and precaution can avoid circumstantial errors.

therapist can also be a part of virtual communities such as Community for stroke patient older adult Autism and play an advocacy role as when it required7, 12. Media is another major component in which






occupational therapist can make use of SM for marketing and promotional activities4,
13, 15

media: SM is much more which than has a tool for and


This will helps the individual to access target audiences and widening the communication



Scientific Research Journal of India Volume: 3, Issue: 1, Year: 2014

range4. Now a days, Indian consumers have a role to select their preferred health care provider. To educate consumer regarding occupational therapy services and its benefits. In this regard, every occupational therapist should be in the participatory mode to promote and market15,

World federations of Occupational therapy (WFOT) code of ethics clearly mention that confidentiality should not disclose without consumer consent17. All India Occupational Therapy Associations (AIOTA) in their code of ethics also declare that occupational therapist should maintain confidentiality about consumer information18. Occupational

along with their clinical and

academic practice. It also helps to develop strategic partnerships and collaboration with other organizations4, 9. Media platforms can be used for political advocacy It for helps the the therapists7.

therapist can only disclose private information of client with his verbal or written consent19,20. Other international occupational therapy

national bodies suggested that if there is any legal requirement or consumers information helpful for general public, then it shared19,


occupational therapist to provide necessary information directly to their potential

can be

. According to 2011 Information

customers any time frame and place. It is a time-saving mechanism and economical when compare to any other form of media that breaks through geographical barriers in few clicks4.

technology rule23, any leakage of healthrelated information like medical record, patients history of the physical,

psychological and mental health conditions of an Indian citizen will be confined to imprisonment for six months term or a fine up to rupees one lakh or both2, 21.

2.4 Ethical consideration using social media by the occupational therapist: Due to the recent high SM growth rate in India among other professionals, occupational therapist may not afford to be distant from SM usage because the report showed that active Internet user spent more than 28 minutes every day in India . In this view, the occupational therapist should use SM in absolute sensitivity towards customer and profession5,9 with legal obligation, which may arise various laws pertaining to information privacy2.

2.6 Professional Concern: Occupational therapist should be aware about the SM norms, ethical obligation and legal formalities while using this platform with professional identity. Using social media for professional related practice issue not only reflects the individual practitioner but it also reflects profession and employers12, 13. In this view, the occupational therapist should

scrutinize well before posting in any social media platform about themselves, others and profession9.

2.5 Customer concern:

ISSN: 2277-1700 Website: URL Forwarded to:

3. SUMMARY/CONCLUSION: SM is a common practice in the modern day among professionals. Occupational therapist should understand the appropriate use of SM is shared responsibility for every individual9 because each one represents their profession by some means13. One should be aware about SM, followers and also essential to maintain separate accounts for professional and personal usage4. Each one of us should follow organization policies and ethical obligations to maintain consumer privacy and confidentiality at all time. We recommend that occupational

professional responsibilities while using SM. In India, there are few guidelines available for SM usage professionally and not specified to individual occupational disciplines . In September 2011, the Department of Information Technology under Government of India released guidelines for using social media only for the government organization2, and these guidelines are not made for occupational therapist or any other health profession. However, these guidelines can be adapted for the occupational therapy11 also.

profession, therapy

especially or any

like other

therapist must maintain their dignity and

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CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: *Assistant Professor- Senior Scale, Department of Occupational Therapy, School Of Allied Health

Sciences,, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India. Email: ** Department of Occupational Therapy, School Of Allied Health Sciences,, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India. *** Department of Occupational Therapy, School Of Allied Health Sciences,, Manipal University, Manipal, Karnataka, India.


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