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Caritor (incorporated and head quartered in the USA) is a global IT consulting company with operations in the
USA, UK, Asia Pacific, and South Africa with 8 Offshore Development Centers in India at Bangalore and Chennai.
Our revenue for the fiscal year 2004 was US $87 Million with 2400+ Caritorians (as of March 2005) spread across
the globe
Caritor is committed to creating and shaping leaders who will help there customers make distinctive, lasting and
substantial improvements to their business.

Company actively enable and nurture the development of leaders by helping exceptional people build deep
knowledge and skills. These skills can then be applied to a wide range of challenges and opportunities. As a
Caritorian, you will be offered the opportunity to make a real and meaningful difference, working in a lifelong
community of distinction that is shaped by shared values.

• Financial Services

• Telecommunications

• Ream and Consumer Product

• Public Sector

are some of the areas concentrated

For more information visit:


I am hariprasad. I got Caritor after a long struggle. Their pattern is

1) Aptitude test
2) GD
3) Tech interview
4) HR interview

Aptitude test contains 45 qns and 60 mins : most of them r agarwal type.but they are really confusing

About 1200 candidates attended the test. Out of which 360 were shortlisted for GD. Each GD batch
includes 12 members. My topic was "should VIP's visit disaster places or not". They told first to introduce
everyone. Then given the topic. Finally they asked everyone to conclude
Finally they selected 6 of 12 including me from my gd batch

Then Tech interview

asked abt the project,small puzzle etc
also asked to write a program to output the unique elements of an array
then some small C pgms are given and asked it's output
tat's all in tech interview
next HR
they asked general HR qns like achievement in life etc
finally they asked if I have any qns?Ch et an aS
I asked two questions and interviewer explained it

Finally they selected 60-70 candidates

They r looking commn skills,tech ability,behaviour etc. So try hard. It's my 8th attempt. My failures are
Satyam, Igate, L&T, US Technologies, Procsys, Infosys, Accenture

So friends be confident in ur skills and work hard. Success will be yours

gd luck to all



I am a student as of now we had been called for the off campus selection held by Caritor
India Pvt Limited. When we reached there we were shocked to see the number of colleges
invited i mean the interview was held at Andhra Pradesh level.

we had an aptitude comprising of two pprs-one, aptitude, comprising of stuff from r.s
aggarwal and tyra and the second paper was technical C questions each section had 30
questions and there wasnt any negative marking but then we were given only 1 min per
question. After half an hour the first question sheet was taken away and then the technical
was given.

The aptitude wasnt bad..but was time guys aspiring for caritor pls do work on
ur time management. The c questions were relatively easy.mostly stuff from yeshwant
kanitkar, so do ur c well!!

I was not expecting , so was chill..they said they wud announce the results at the end of the
day and tht too on the net i wasnt expecting so was kinda bindaas but to my surprise i was
shortlisted from about 3000 students. about 250 ppl frm various disciplines were selected

we were called for the GD and interview the next day..

the topics were general and were related to the current affairs-topics like cellphone ban in
colleges, petroleum products being subsidised, china threat to india, foreign coaches for sports
(tht was my topic)

well the success mantra to this was be cool, confident and crisp. keep smiling ,dont be
nervous and be a very good listener. i cleared my GD and was then asked to wait for my
technical round

I was called by the hr interviewer who was pretty friendly and cool. He dint make us feel
nervous, made us feel very comfortable as I was from IT background me and two others were
drilled on subjects ranging from algorithms, data structures, networks, operating systems,
microprocessors, databases and general HR.

The guy was looking if we knew the concepts and wasnt very particular abt the code of the
programs being asked. The ECE background people were asked abt microprocessors and
transducers and stuff. They were looking for people with a strong concept and for people who
get things right in the first attempt. That was their criteria from day1
They invited people with minimum 65% and who had cleared all their subjects in the first
attempts! some how for the technical, b sure that if u r sure of the answer then do say,but
then if u dont its better to remain silent than to fumble!!

being cool and confident helped me..they said us to assemble in the seminar hall!!!
when we went there to our surprise we had to give a written essay on "your career
aspirations-what do u want to achieve in your life" ,the word limit being 100 words. they were
very specific about what they wanted.

we were then made to wait for the results to be announced..

and luckily I was selected amongst a group of 100+ students

they short listed only 31 students, we were given a presentation then on what caritor is as an
institute and about the organisation.

the non-IT students were to take up testing and the IT guys had to join as programmers they
gave u a years time to think over and the offers they offered were pretty good

all in all they say "ALLS WELL THAT ENDS WELL"

hope my experience does help ..

(Paper Submitted By : Sandhya)

Caritor Pattern, GD and Interview Experience

I attended the off-campus of Caritor, held at NIE,Mysore in the last week of august. Test was open for all students of
CS, EC, Mech, EE, IS and Instrumentation. Cut-off was 65% in all semester, all subjects must've been cleared in first

Question paper pattern:

Total time was 60min. Two different question papers will be given and one white paper to work out the answers. The
answering sheet is of multiple choice type where
we've to put a "X" mark on correct choice.College ID was a must and those who forgot bring theirs were mercilessly
sent out, inspite of having other proof
like marks card along with drivers license etc.,
NO -ve marks. Paper-2 was given about 15 min. after we started answering paper-1. We can switch between papers.

Quantitative aptitude: 30 questions.All simple stuff direct from R. S. Aggarwal Questions were on ratio and
proportions, family relationship, bankers discount, areas and

I attended the off-campus of Caritor, held at NIE, Mysore in the last week of august. Test was open for all students of
CS, EC, Mech, EE, IS and
Instrumentation. Cut-off was 65% in all semester, all subjects must've been cleared in first attempt.

Question paper pattern:

Total time was 60min. Two different question papers will be given and one white paper to work out the answers. The
answering sheet is of multiple choice type where we've to put a "X" mark on correct choice.College ID
was a must and those who forgot bring theirs were mercilessly sent out, inspite of having other proof like marks card
along with drivers license etc.,

NO -ve marks. Paper-2 was given about 15 min. after we started answering paper-1. We can switch between papers.

Quantitative aptitude: 30 questions.All simple stuff direct from R. S. Aggarwal Questions were on ratio and
proportions, family
relationship, bankers discount, areas and volumes,pipes and cisterns, complete the number series.
Logical reasoning: 15 questions. Few questions on data sufficiency, ref. the verbal and non-verbal reasoning by R. S.
Aggarwal. and remaining on assertion and reasoning type.

I got some 20 correct in paper-1 and some 5-7 correct in paper-2. I was called for the GD that afternoon itself. Some 30
odd were shortlisted for GD. The topic of GD was hardwork and sincerity.A group was 8-9 people was made and were
allowed to talk while others had to wait in
other room.I said hardwork and sincerity go hand-in-hand and both are important, while some argued that hardwork
alone or sincerity alone is
sufficient. In GD the most silent people were selected!!!!!!!!. I was then
shortlisted for interview the next day in Bangalore in Caritor office.

the panel had the HR lady and a techie guy.The guy asked me why I wanted to shift to IT while I am a Mech., grad. I
said growth potential, money, air-conditioned office........

The guy then asked questions regarding microprocessor

and other electronics stuff.
I said I am a mech., guy I don't know Microproc.
You can ask C prog., or any question based on mech.

The guy kept on asking stuff from electronics and other hardcore comp sc. stuff. I gave up. I answered all questions
with a big "I DON'T KNOW". Walked out.

By looking at their faces and their attitude I could make out that they didn't want to
hire guys from non-IT branch. The interview and all was just an eye-wash.So, non-IT
guys consider this seriously before attending Caritor test.Finally about 10 people
from EE and CS branch were selected.

olumes,pipes and cisterns, complete the number


Logical reasoning: 15 questions. Few questions on data
sufficiency, ref. the verbal and non-verbal reasoning
R. S. Aggarwal. and remaining on assertion and
reasoning type.

I got some 20 correct in paper-1 and some 5-7 correct in paper-2. I was called for the GD that afternoon itself. Some 30
odd were shortlisted for GD. The topic of GD was hardwork and sincerity.A group was 8-9 people was made and were
allowed to talk while others had to wait in other room.I said hardwork and sincerity go hand-in-hand and both are
important, while some argued that hardwork alone or sincerity alone is sufficient. In GD the most silent people were
selected!!!!!!!!. I was then shortlisted for interview the next day in Bangalore in Caritor office.
the panel had the HR lady and a techie guy. The guy asked me why I wanted to shift to IT while I am a Mech., grad. I
said growth potential, money, air-conditioned office........

The guy then asked questions regarding microprocessor and other electronics stuff. I said I am a mech., guy I don't
know Microproc. You can ask C prog., or any question based on mech.

The guy kept on asking stuff from electronics and other hardcore comp sc. stuff. I gave up. I answered all questions
with a big "I DON'T KNOW". Walked out.

By looking at their faces and their attitude I could make out that they didn't want to hire guys from non-IT branch. The
interview and all was just an eye-wash.So, non-IT guys consider this seriously before attending Caritor test.Finally
about 10 people from EE and CS branch were selected.

Caritor Test Pattern

Recruitment Pattern

There are two sections The aptitude and tachnical

1. aptitude(30 minutes,30 questions)

• verbal
• .word_____word

There would be five options,out of which one word would belong to the same categorie
the remaining words.
• logical reasoning (like GRE,but easy)

• non-verbal
1.what would be the next figure in the sequence
• quantitative


• time and work(easy)

• allegation and mixture

a's concentration is 10%,b's 20%,c's 30%. The liquids are mixed in the ratio
1:2:3.the resultant concentration of the mixture is 23%.find each's
concentration.(I am not sure about the numbers)
• time and distance
in a 100m race 'a' is ahead of 'b' by 10feets.if the speed of b is increased by 3m/s
she is ahead of 'a' by 10feets in 120m race.find the speed of 'a'
• .age(easy)

• data interpretation


2. c or c++(it's your choice to choose one,30 minutes,30 questions) it was bit

• pointers

• function pointer

• structure

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