49 Animal Respiration (Definitions)

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Glossary (Science Vocabulary) Animal respiration


Vas respiratorias


Pathways which lead the air from the outside into the lungs and from lungs to the environment.

Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi

Alveolus Alveoli

Alvolo Alvolos

Part of lungs where gas change (gaseous interchange) is produced, that is, the oxygen passes into the blood and the carbon dioxide passes from the blood to the lungs.

Branchial respiration

Respiracin branquial

Respiration of aquatic animals where gas exchange takes place through the gills.


Respiracin Process in which animals inhale oxygen from the outside, and then exhale carbon dioxide.

Branchial !rea"hin# Tracheal !rea"hin# C$"aneo$s !rea"hin# P$l%onary !rea"hin#

Cellular respiration Respiracin celular Mitochondrial process by which living beings use the oxygen to obtain the energy stored in organic biomolecules.

Cutaneous respiration

Respiracin cutnea

Annelid and amphibian respiration in which gas exchange is carried out through the moist wet damp skin.

Exhalation Breathing out

Exhalacin Process which expels the air outside the body.


Branquias Respiratory organs of many aquatic animals.

In"ernal #ills Ex"ernal #ills

Inhalation Breathing in

Inhalacin Process which introduces the air into the lungs.


Pulmn Respiratory organ in many air! breathing animals.

Operculum Opercula

Oprculo Oprculos

"ough flap that covers and protects the gills in bony fish.

Respiratory system Respiratory tract

Aparato respiratorio

#et of organs responsible for introducing the oxygen $needed to carry out cellular respiration% and expelling the carbon dioxide.


Espirculo Openin on the insect exos!eleton "hich allo"s air to enter the trachea#

Trachea Tracheae

$rquea $rqueas

Inva inations o% the insect exos!eleton that lea& the air %rom spiracles to the tracheoles#

Tracheal respiration

Respiracin traqueal

&nsect respiration in which gas exchange is carried out through the tracheae.


$raqueola 'mall tube "hich penetrates cells to chan e "ith them ox( en an& carbon &ioxi&e#

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