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KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: This Contract made and entered into this ____ day of __________, 200__ by and between: BOSSINI, a corporation existing under Philippine Laws with business address at ______________________________________________________________ represented herein by _________________________________________________________ and hereinafter referred to as the SUPPLIER; nd PHILIPPINE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (PDEA), a go!ernment agency under the "ffice of the President, #epublic of the Philippines with business address at $% $orthside #oad, $ational &o!ernment Center, 'rgy( Pinyahan, ))00 *ue+on City represented by ______________________________________hereinafter referred to as the CLIENT; ,%T$-..-T/: ,/-#- ., the CL%-$T created the 0niform and -1uipment .tandardi+ation Committee 20-.C3, to come up with the prescribed 0niform for its organic personnel4 ,/-#- ., pursuant to #esolution $o( 200567)260), the 0niform and -1uipment .tandardi+ation Committee 20-.C3 agreed and resol!ed to recommend the P8- Prescribed 0niform as designed by the .0PPL%-#4 ,/-#- ., the .0PPL%-# is a business entity directly engaged in supplying ___________ 2indicate products3 to !arious clients in accordance with their specific instructions and orders4 ,/-#- ., the CL%-$T is in need of a supplier of Prescribed 0niform for its "rganic Personnel4 ,/-#-9"#-, in !iew of the foregoing premises and consideration, the parties agreed to underta:e the following:

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the abo!e premises, the parties ha!e agreed and do hereby agree with each other, as follows: )( The .0PPL%-# shall supply P8- green polo shirt with the following description and terms: a( $ame of %tem: b( Color: P8- Polo .hirt 2indicate exact green shade3

c( ;aterial: indicate material specification 2fabric, buttons, print3 d( Logo indicate specifications, dimension measurement of letters located at the bac: and the dimension of logo in front d( Price: Php____________

2( The CL%-$T shall issue the .0PPL%-# the corresponding Purchase "rder 2P("(3 which shall set out the following: a( CL%-$T: Company< gency $ame ddress and contact number 'rief description of item<s to be purchased Terms of payment 28eposit and full payment3 Period<Time of initial and full deli!ery

b( .0PPL%-#: Company< gency $ame ddress and contact number "ther company details =( deli!ery period of ________________ shall be allotted from the time of receipt by the .0PPL%-# of the final list of si+es for the items to be ordered for 1uantities ranging from __________ pieces( 8eli!ery time for any order in excess of the said 1uantity shall be ad>usted accordingly to be indicated in the Purchase "rder 2P("3 as stated in the preceding paragraph(

?( 0pon submission of the necessary Purchase "rder, the CL%-$T shall ma:e an initial @0A down payment of the total contract price in the form of ; $ &-# C/-CB or C ./ and has a obligation to pay and settle the @0A balance in the upon full deli!ery of the items to be supplied( @( The .0PPL%-# shall issue the necessary "fficial #eceipt 2"(#3 receipt of the full and final payment( to the CL%-$T upon

C( %t is understood that the design as agreed by the parties cannot be sold to nor copied for the benefit and use of any entity other than the CL%-$T( %f in case such polo shirt be used, sold or distributed wittingly or unwittingly by the .0PPL%-#, the latter shall forfeit to the CL%-$T the sum of "$- /0$8#-8 T/"0. $8 P-.". 2P)00, 000(003 and the contract shall be terminated automatically( %t shall be the obligation of both parties to protect the design as hereto agreed from any unlawful or unauthori+ed use or replication(

7( .hould there be any defect, flaw or blemish on the shirt, that will be disco!ered within _____________2indicate time frame3 from the time of deli!ery, the .0PPL%-# shall endea!or to ma:e the necessary replacement of the said defecti!e item within__________wor:ing days from receipt of the notice by the CL%-$T( Pro!ided, that the said period for replacement or repair shall be ad>usted depending on the !olume of the items should the same exceed ______ pieces per wor:ing wee:( 9ailure to raise any of the grounds set forth herein for repair or replacement within the said 2indicate time frame3____________ period shall release<exonerate the .0PPL%-# from any liability(

5( The term of this agreement shall commence on ___________________ and shall remain !alid for a period of six 2C3 months or until ________________( That the CL%-$T has the option to pre6terminate this contract pro!ided that the same is due to gross negligence on the part of the .0PPL%-# in the performance of the pro!isions of the agreement( That notice of termination of contract be in writing and shall be gi!en to the other party thirty 2=03 days prior to the expiration of this contract or pre6termination date( %n the absence of a written notice of termination of contract from either party thirty 2=03 days before the expiry date of the agreement period, this contract is for all purpose deemed automatically

renewed for a similar period(


ny information disclosed by parties in this agreement is strictly considered to be confidential in nature( Therefore, the other party agrees to :eep such information secret and confidential and not to use such information except for the purposes contemplated in this contract( )0( ny amendment or modification to this contract shall be made in writing and sub>ect to confirmation by the contracting parties(

))( -ither the .0PPL%-# or the CL%-$T shall be relie!ed or excused from its obligation during any period that their performance is pre!ented through delays by the following: ct of &od, war, terrorist acti!ities, bloc:age #e!olution, riot, insurrection, ci!il commotion .tri:e, loc:out, fire, flood, storm, tempest &o!ernment restriction and regulation

)2( ny amendment, re!ision, change or modification of any clause of this agreement shall be made in writing signed by the duly authori+ed representati!e of both parties( )=( %f a pro!ision of this contract is ruled by a competent court as in!alid and therefore of no legal force and effect, such in!alidity shall not affect the enforceability and applicability of its other pro!isions( )?( VENUE IN CASE OF LITIGATION E %n the e!ent of litigation in connection with this contract, the !enue shall be in the proper courts of *ue+on City( )@( ATTORNEYS FEES E %n case of litigation arising from or in connection with this contract, an amount e1ui!alent to 2@A of the amount claimed shall be paid to the other party as attorneyFs fee( )C( That in case the parties shall, subse1uent to the signing of this contract agree on additional terms and conditions, the same shall be attached hereto and shall form part hereof(

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto ha!e set their signatures this _____day of ___________________ at _______________, Philippines(

BOSSINI (pl ! "#$"%&'( %)*pl('( #&*( )+ %)*p&#,) PHILIPPINE DRUG ENFORCEMENT AGENCY (PDEA)



N&*( )+ p-( "$(#' )- CEO )VP )+ '.( %)*p&#,/&0'.)-"1($ "2#&')-, 333(pl(& ( "#$"%&'( p-)p(- $( "2#&'")#)333


.igned in the presence of: ____________________ ____________________

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES) CITY OF 33333333333333333333333) S!S! BEFORE ME, a $otary Public, for and in ________________________, Philippines, personally appeared: $ ;CTC< P ..P"#T $"( PL C- %..0-8 8 T-

______________ _______________ ___________ _________________________ ______________ _______________ ___________ personally :nown to me and to me :nown to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, consisting of _____ pages on which this ac:nowledgement is written, and ac:nowledged to me that the same is their free and !oluntary act and deed( WITNESS MY NOTARIAL HAND AND SEAL this ________ day of_______________, 200D in ___________________________, Philippines(

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