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Prologue Dragonss Win from the Enders Game Soundtrack is playing in the background during the opening narration. Narration (try to get these first two lines in under a minute) 1 NARRATOR Earth... left in devastation. We had destroyed our planet, not only through conflict but through excess. In the waning days of civilization, the leaders of humanity created three arks-vessels to carry the remnants of the human race to a safe, new home. The mistakes we made could not happen again... as we had done on so many rocks and planets in our own solar system. CONTINUED NARRATION, ARTWORK OF THE SCENE FLASHES ON SCREEN 2 NARRATOR (CONTD) We had to find a new place to live, a new place from which we could survive. But for our journey, we were confined to those three ships-Maria, Rose, and Sina. For now, they... were our home. Sounds of footsteps of multiple people, all walking to the bridge of the Maria. ERWIN SMITH (firm, annoyed) Why didnt you tell me earlier, Lieutenant? HANJI ZOE Our sensors only just now spotted them. ERWIN SMITH We need to alert the bridge crew; damn communicators arent working. We.. are under attack. HANJI ZOE 6 Yes, sir.


We go back to narration. 7 NARRATOR Though the journey was through the void of space itself... it was not without incredible dangers. Radiation, meteors, and malfunctions within the ships computers. These were the basic issues with space travel and could be handled by any capable crew. But nothing could have prepared the humans for what lay beyond the spiral arm... the Titans. Back to the scene where Erwin and Hanji are attempting to walk to the bridge. More footsteps before they stop abruptly. 8 9 KABIR Identify yourself! ERWIN SMITH Im Commander Erwin Smith, and this is Lieutenant Commander Hanji Zoe. KABIR You dont have authorization to enter the command deck. ERWIN SMITH Excuse me?! KABIR My orders are crystal clear. No one is to enter the command deck. ERWIN SMITH (increasingly frustrated) Were under attack- you will let us enter. Now. Back to narration. 14 NARRATOR Just as creatures in the oceans exist, even in the deepest of trenches, so too did monsters thrive in the depths of space. As the humans grew closer to their destination, it became increasingly clear that the nebula they had to travel through was all too filled with these deadly creatures. (MORE)


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3. NARRATOR (CONT'D) Powered only by strong boosters, a course change was unthinkable. But that decision... came at a price.

Were now at (2:30) in the song. 15 ERWIN SMITH What the hell is the meaning of this?! Im the Commander of the Galactic Corps! KABIR I dont care who you are. My superiors outrank you. HANJI ZOE Erwin, perhaps some physical stimuli would do the trick? ERWIN SMITH Ah, good thinking, Lieutenant. Erwin makes a grunt as he punches Kabir out; Kabir makes an ah or oof sound when that happens. We hear his body fall to the ground. 19 HANJI ZOE They dont make cadets like they used to, huh? ERWIN SMITH No time for games. Lets go. HANJI ZOE Absolutely!!!!! After you, Commander. We hear the sound of the mechanical door opening (maybe the star trek door sound), to the surprise of a few people inside. 22 ADMIRAL PAKE (surprised gasp) What the hell are you doing here?! ERWIN SMITH Order an evacuation at once. The ships under attack. ADMIRAL PAKE Under attack? Were disconnecting deck 55 and 56, well lose it quickly.




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ERWIN SMITH Theyre too fast. If you dont evacuate everyone, the entire ship will be lost. ADMIRAL PAKE Evacuation means moving 8,000 human beings at the same time! Its impossible! An alarm is heard.



ERWIN SMITH If you do nothing, /everyone/ will be lost. ADMIRAL PAKE (pause, before he grunts in indecision) I-I just cant do it! ERWIN SMITH If you dont have the guts, then /I/ will. He walks over to another station quickly, pressing a button, which makes a beep sound.




COMPUTER VOICE Emergency. Emergency. All residents are ordered to evacuate. This is not a drill. ADMIRAL PAKE W-what did you do?! COMPUTER VOICE (O.S.) Please follow the red lights to the escape pods. Allow women and children first. Emergency. Emergency. Proceed to the escape pods. ERWIN SMITH What you should have done thirty minutes ago! ADMIRAL PAKE How will the rest of them survive? T-theres barely enough food to keep ANY of our ships people alive!

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ERWIN SMITH Id rather us live in despair then die in hopelessness. EXT. EVACUATION POD DOORS.


MIKASA Eren! Get in the pod! Were running out of time! EREN No!! Moms not here yet! We have to wait for her! I know shes coming! GRISHA Listen to your sister, get in! Grisha grunts as he grabs Eren; Eren reacts by making a shocked sound before screaming when the doors shut. EREN (screaming) Let go of me!! We cant leave mom!!! Damnit!! I-I dont wanna leave her behind! Sounds of massive mechanical destruction behind them as a rocket sounds, indicating the pod has left the ship. Erens crying softly as he stays next to Mikasa. EREN (CONTD) (quietly, through tears) Mom.... I... I wont forget you... BACK TO NARRATION.






NARRATOR 8,000 lives were destroyed that day... whether through death or witnessing devastation..... Humanity.. would never again forget the terror of the Titans. ARK ROSE (3 years later) After the dramatic opening scene, this is a conversation between the three protagonists in a small room within Ark Rose. We hear the low hum of the ship, but beyond that, its just the characters voices.



MIKASA Eren... are you alright? EREN (waking up) ...hmm? MIKASA I asked if youre alright. Youve been staring at the floor since you got up. EREN Oh... MIKASA So... everything okay? EREN (rubbing his eyes) Y-yeah.. MIKASA You still seem sleepy.. Im guessing you just need more rest. EREN N-no.. Im fine. Just.. (shakes his head) I dont know.. It probably was just the dream. (A beat.) MIKASA

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Mom? EREN ...(breathing out as he responds) yeah. MIKASA (sighs) Thats alright. Another pause as she moves to rub his shoulder. A buzz at the door. MIKASA (CONTD)


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Who is it? JEAN (O.C.) (behind the door) Its Jean. Are the two of you up? MIKASA Well be out in a sec.




JEAN Yall better hurry. Theyre getting ready for the assembly. MIKASA (to the door) Okay. She turns back to Eren.



MIKASA (CONTD) Eren, look at me. EREN (finally woken up) Mikasa, Im fine, really. MIKASA (lovingly) Eren.. You really are a terrible liar. EREN (chuckles softly) MIKASA I know we both havent been the same since mom died... and then when dad vanished a few weeks ago... but none of that matters now. Together, well keep ourselves alive. Always. EREN Yeah. Always. EXT. ASSEMBLY HALL, DECK 5 OF ARK ROSE Command School from the Enders Game Soundtrack is playing



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INSTRUCTOR SHADIS Well, you shits finally showed up. Good. At least my words wont be wasted for nothing! Pay attention. You are all lucky to have reached the age of maturity, for you are now on the final path in the course of your life choices. After over two years of basic training, you are ready to begin the graduation exam. This.. will determine your placement.


WE MOVE TO THE CROWD ASSEMBLED. SASHA (whispering) Ugh, this is taking forever. MIKASA (whispering) 68 69 Shh! INSTRUCTOR SHADIS Hey! There will be NO talking during my announcement! Silence from the crowd. 70 INSTRUCTOR SHADIS (CONTD) Now... youve heard about the exam, yes, but you have yet to be told how it is managed. Our resident systems expert will explain. HANJI ZOE (giddy) Just look at all your happy faces!! INSTRUCTOR SHADIS 72 73 Hanji... HANJI ZOE Oh, right. She clears her throat. 74 HANJI ZOE (CONTD) For your exam, you will be seated in a small room. Just you and the computer. This will ensure no cheating and that only your true abilities are recorded. The system youll be working with will be the Automated Response Mechanical Interface Network. But, heh, we shorten it to A.R.M.I.N. Lil Armin here will take your answers to these complex questions and determine where youll work the rest of your time here. Hehehe, I hope you all get to join me in the Survey Corps! (more giddy laughter)




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INSTRUCTOR SHADIS (to Hanji) Alright, alright, I think they understand. (back to the cadets) Now! Find your interface station and line-up! We dont have all day! We hear some movement in the crowd as we switch back to people in it.


EREN Mikasa... You remember what the last questions supposed to be, right? MIKASA Yeah. (beat) There wont be any convincing you, will there? EREN (soft)


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No. MIKASA (sighs) Alright... then Ill just have to say the same thing. EREN W-wait.. Are you serious? I really wont need your-MIKASA Dont argue. Just get in line. EREN (groaning) Ughh, alright. WE TAKE A SHORT BREAK TO HEAR SOME EXPLANATION.


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NARRATOR The cadets--like all teenagers without exception--were required to use the ARMIN system to determine where they would best be suited. While /all/ of them had learned the basic maneuvering on the devices that allowed them to move outside in space, only the Galactic Survey Corps utilized them on a daily basis. Otherwise, the three other divisions were far larger and received massive interest. (MORE)

10. NARRATOR (CONT'D) Not least of which because of the safety of being in them. The divisions were: the Police Coordinate, the Civilian Councils, the Engineering Department, and the Galactic Survey Corps. Each was necessary in maintaining the stability of the Arks. But each.. was with its own dangers.

85 INT. THE COMPUTER BOOTH A basic hum is heard as computer sounds play around as Eren comes in. ARMIN (happy) Hello! Im Armin, and Ill be administering your test today. Please hold your hand over the screen so I can read your identity. Eren shifts, pulling his hand up. A few beeps of recognition from the computer (I can get the sound from star trek probably). 87 ARMIN (CONTD) Ah. Eren Yeager. Male, Age 15. Formerly a resident of the Maria Ark, has no siblings besides the adopted-EREN (interrupting) Alright!! Stop, I know you get who I am, can we just get on with the test? ARMIN Oh, of course, Eren. EREN Youre calling me by my first name? ARMIN Of course I am. It would be rude not to, right? EREN But youre a computer.



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ARMIN 93 94 95 So? EREN (beat) Nevermind. ARMIN (chuckles) Aww, please dont stress. I promise these questions arent that bad. Theyre really just to see how youre best able to help your friends and family! Youll do great. EREN 96 97 Thanks... ARMIN Lets get started, shall we? Computer noises. Eren sighs. 98 ARMIN (CONTD) Scenario one. Youre on the engineering decks and oversee thirty people. An incident causes the engines to malfunction and only a manual fix will work. The ability of the entire Ark is in jeopardy. What do you do? EREN Only a... manual fix would work? ARMIN 100 101 Yes. EREN Wait... d-do you mean I would have to send someone in? ARMIN Correct again. EREN ... is it dangerous? ARMIN Absolutely. They would die if you sent them. EREN But theyd have the skills to fix the problem?


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ARMIN (if he was human, hed be smiling widely) Haha, yes! EREN I... Armin... I... I dont know. ARMIN Your body heat indicates a faster pulse but I see no mental obstructions from my vantage point. EREN Thats- not what I mean! ARMIN Then what /do/ you mean, Eren? Remember, all I care about is what you think. You need to talk to me. EREN I.... Dont think I could do it. ARMIN What if they volunteered? EREN Volunteered to kill themselves? ARMIN Change isnt possible without great sacrifice. EREN Maybe... I dont feel I can just give a generic answer to any possible scenario like that, okay? But.. If they somehow wanted to do that... I.. guess Id be fine making the order. ARMIN Wonderful. Next question. EREN Wait! Y-youre not even gonna tell me how I did? ARMIN How you /did/? Besides the logic and calculus questions, there are no right answers. (MORE)

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13. ARMIN (CONT'D) Your thought process, your answer, and the way your body responds is what helps me make my decision.

EREN 119 120 I see... ARMIN So, are you ready for the next question? EREN Yeah, sure. Read it out. MUSIC BREAK TO INDICATE WERE SHIFTING AWAY FROM THIS SCENE TO THE LAST ONE FOR THIS EPISODE. EXT. ARMIN MONITORING BAY Recon Corps officials are milling about around representatives of other divisions as they watch the testing. 122 123 LEVI Whats it look like, Commander? ERWIN SMITH Youll be happy to hear our projections seem spot-on. Looks like well gain eleven or twelve this year, if things keep up as they are. LEVI (sighs) Great. More brats to deal with. HANJI ZOE Aww dont look so glum, Levi! Any new cadet is always exciting! If the ARMIN says they should belong to us then god-damnit theyre perfect! ERWIN SMITH Couldnt agree more, Hanji. LEVI (groans in annoyance) Petra walks over.




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PETRA RALL 128 Commander. They all turn to her. 129 130 LEVI Petra? What is it? PETRA RALL I... think youre going to want to see this. They make a few steps over to a computer screen. 131 ERWIN SMITH Explain what Im looking at, Ensign. PETRA RALL (a bit shaky/uncertain) There.. appears to be a cadet who uh... has already made the computer jump crazily. HANJI ZOE 133 134 135 Oh my. ERWIN SMITH What does she mean, Hanji? HANJI ZOE (beat) This is incredible... the ARMINs giving this kid a 99% selection rating for joining the Survey Corps. ERWIN SMITH Has it ever been that high? HANJI ZOE No... whoever this is... whoever this /Eren Yaeger/ is... a thousand years of computing technology is telling us hes perfect for our work. Absolutely.. Perfect. ERWIN SMITH Well then, theres no time to waste. Lets meet Cadet Yaeger. FADE OUT TO MUSIC!


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