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Tiempos Verbales
Los tiempos verbales son formas flexivas de los verbos o frases verbales que se utilizan para expresar distinciones de tiempo en la oracin gramatical. La tabla siguiente define la estructura de algunos tiempos verbales comunes. El trmino gramatical "perfecto" expresa una accin o estado concluido en el momento de hablar o en el momento de que se habla. Un tiempo "continuo" o "progresivo" indica una accin en curso.
Simple Present <V1s>|<V2s>|<V3s>| <V1p>|<V2p>|<V3p> John studies everyday. They study everyday. Present Continuous (Present progressive) Simple Past <Vpast> Mary studiedyesterda y. Simple Future "will" <Vinf> ("am"|"are"|"is") "going" "to" <Vinf> John will help you tomorrow. Mary is going to help you tomorrow. Future Continuous (Future progressive) "will" "be" <Ving> ("am"|"are"|"is") <Ving > John is studying now. ("was"|"were") <Ving ("am"|"are"|"is") "going" "to" "be" <Vin > f> John was studyingyesterday. Past Perfect Mary will be studying tomorrow. Mary is going to be studying tomorrow. Future Perfect

Past Continuous (Past progressive)

Present Perfect

(Pluperfect) ("have"|"has") <Vpastp> John has studied for three years. "had" <Vpastp> "will" "have" <Vpastp> She had studiedEnglish before By December, she will have studied for coming here. three years. Past Perfect Continuous (Past perfect progressive) (pluperfect progressive) "had" "been" <Ving> "will" "have" "been" <Ving> Mary had been studying for three days when she got sick. By midnight, John will have been studying for over three hours.

Present Perfect Continuous (Present perfect progressive) ("have"|"has") "been" <Ving> She has been studyingfor three years.

Future Perfect Continuous (Future perfect progressive)

En Ingls el sujeto (la persona o cosa de la que queremos hablar) siempre es necesario escribirlo, poniendo su nombre o pronombre personal, ya que en Ingls los adjetivos o verbos no tienen gnero ni nmero. Los pronombres personales son los siguientes: - I -------------------------------------- Yo - You (singular y plural) --------- T o Ustedes - He ------------------------------------ l - She ---------------------------------- Ella - It ------------------------------------- Eso - We ----------------------------------- Nosotros/as -They ---------------------------------- Ellos/as Recuerden que los pronombres se utilizan para reemplazar nombres ya mencionados,

excepto el "I" del cual es obvio de quin hablamos

Las estrucuturas de oracin a continuacin son simples, de los tiempos verbales simples, como ser Presente Simple o Pasado Simple.

Estructura de oracin simple AFIRMATIVA: SUJETO + VERBO PRINCIPAL + OBJETO DIRECTO Ej: I lived in Buenos Aires. (Vivo en Bs As) (Oracin en Pasado Simple) Ej: You are beautiful. (Eres hermoso/a) (Oracin en Presente Simple) Ej: Helen loves Michael. (Helen ama a Michael) (Oracin en Presente Simple)

Estructura de oracin NEGATIVA [Para verbos que necesitan el verbo auxiliar de negacin Don't/Doesn't (Do + not / Does + not) para poder negarse]: SUJETO + VERBO AUX NEGACION + VERBO + OBJETO DIRECTO Ej: I don't live in USA. (No vivo en EEUU) Ej: You aren't ugly. (No eres feo/a) Ej: Helen does'nt heat Michael. (Helen no odia a Michael)

Estructura de PREGUNTA [Para verbos que necesitan el verbo auxiliar de pregunta Do/Does para poder preguntar]: AUXILIAR + SUJETO + VERBO + OBJETO DIRECTO + ?

Ej: Did you need a book? (Necesitabas un libro?) Ej: Does he love you? (l te ama?) Ej: Do they play footbal? (Juegan ellos ftbol?)

Si quiseramos preguntar algo mas especfico, necesitamos utilizar las "Question Words" ubicndolas siempre primero en la estructura de la pregunta.

Espero les haya gustado y puedan entenderlo

Cualquier consulta, respodere con

mucho gusto

See you T!

Present perfect I have visited France many times. Theyve worked in San Francisco since 2005 Michaels studied French, Italian and Portuguese. I havent done my homework lately. They havent eaten anithing since they arrived here. Karl hasnt been a good son. Have you ever done your homework by yourself? Has Mara told you the latest news? Have your parents ever grounded you? Past Perfect I had already arrived home when she called you. We had had dinner by the time mom woke up. Daniel had gone to Spain three times by the time he turned 9.

I hadnt recognized you when you waved me hello. If I hadnt helped her, she would have never finish her homework. They had never felt so ashamed like that day. Had you called your girlfriend by 10 am? Had you ever seen such a beautiful baby? Had Monique spoken to Mr. Smith before? Future with going to: Im going to do my homework by myself next time. Theyre going to work with us. Annas going to get a promotion next year. Im not going to use Yahoo Answers to have somebody else do my homework again. Robert isnt going to eat with her tonight. My neighbors are going to throw a party next week. Are you going to give me the 10 points? Is he going to get married to Jazmin? Are your brothers going to play soccer tonight? I will do my homework by myself next time. They will work with us. Anna will get a promotion next year. I wont use Yahoo Answers to have somebody else do my homework again. Robert wont eat with her tonight. My neighbors will throw a party next week. Will you give me the 10 points? Will he get married to Jazmin? Will your brothers play soccer tonight? Past progressive. She was watching TV when her father called her. I was doing nothing while another person was doing the homework I was supposed to do. Kathleen was jogging when the accident happened. I wasnt paying attention to my teacher when she called on me. My dog and my cat werent fighting. None of my students were focused on the subject matter. Were you taking a shower? Was Ayleen studying yesterday? What were you eating when I said hello to you?

Simple past: I had a terrible day. Mark sent the package yesterday. Louis ruined the party. Francis didnt talk in the meeting. This person didt do his homework. They didnt eat anything yesterday. Did you watch the game? Did the teachers go the the trip? Did Harry go swimming with you? Fuente(s): English Teacher


aux I You He She It We You

verbo will will will will will will will talk get need have go write have do to somebody. something. something. something. somewhere. something. something. something. Hablar con alguien. Cogers algo. (t) Necesitar algo. (l) Tomar algo. (ella) Ir a algn sitio. Escribiremos algo. (nosotros) Tomareis algo.(vosotros) Harn algo. (ellos)

They will

Nota: Con el futuro simple se utiliza el auxiliar modal (verbo modal) junto con la forma bsica del verbo principal (el infinitivo). Nota: En el futuro simple el verbo no cambia de forma cuando se utiliza "he, she, it" o cuando se habla en "tercera persona."
La estructura bsica del negativo del futuro simple: suj aux verbo

I You He She It We You They

won't won't won't won't won't won't won't won't

talk get need have go write have do

to somebody. something. something. something. anywhere. something. something. something.

No hablar con alguien No cogers algo. (t) No necesitar algo. (l) No tomar algo. (ella) No ir a ningn sitio. No escribiremos algo. No tomareis algo. No harn algo. (ellos)

Nota: Forma contrada: "won't" = "will not". Nota: En las oraciones negativas en futuro simple el verbo va en infinitivo y se utiliza el auxiliar "won't".
La estructura bsica del interrogativo del futuro simple: (anywhere = alguna o cualquier parte, anybody = cualquiera, alguien, anything = cualquier cosa, algo) aux Will Will Will Will Will Will Will Will sujeto I you he she it we you they verbo need help write go work? read get like anything? somebody? anything? anywhere? something? anything? anybody? Necesitar algo? Ayudars a alguien? Escribir algo? Ir a algn sitio? Funcionar? Leeremos algo? Cogereis algo? Les caer bien alguien?

Nota: Para hacer la pregunta en el futuro simple interrogativo simplemente se intercambia el verbo modal "will" con el sujeto .

Nota: La palabra "some" y "any" a veces significan lo mismo. La principal diferencia es que "some" se suele utilizar para afirmativas y "any" para negativas y interrogativas.

La estructura bsica de las respuestas cortas del futuro simple: Afirmativo Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I will. you will. he will. she will. it will. we will. you will. they will. Negativo No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, I won't. (will not) you won't. (will not) he won't. (will not) she won't. (will not) it won't. (will not) we won't. (will not) you won't. (will not) they won't. (will not)

Verbos en ingles
Gramatica ingles
PRESENTE SIMPLE Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to + Complemento En tercera persona se le aade s o es Ejemplo: I read my book / He reads his book

Interrogativa: Do/Does + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to + Complemento Ejemplo: Do you read the book? / Does he read the book

Negativa: Sujeto + dont / doesnt + verbo en infinitivo sin to Ejemplo: I dont read the book / He doesnt the book

PASADO SIMPLE Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo (2columna o ed) + Complemento

Ejemplo: I bought flowers

Interrogativa: Did + Sujeto + Verbo en infinitivo sin to + Complemento Ejemplo: Did I buy flowers in the shop?

Negativa: Sujeto + didnt + Verbo en infinitivo sin to PRESENTE CONTINUO Afirmativa: Sujeto + To be + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I am playing football

Interrogativa: To be + Sujeto + Verbo ing Ejemplo: Am I playing football?

Negativa: Sujeto + To be + not + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I am not playing football

PASADO CONTINUO Afirmativa: Sujeto + was/were + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I was playing football

Interrogativa: Was/were + Sujeto + Verbo ing

1 Ejemplo: Was I playing football?

Negativa: Sujeto + wasnt/werent + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I wasnt playing football

Se usa:

1. Para hablar de acciones que estaban ocurriendo en un momento determinado del pasado. 2. Cuando hay dos acciones, el continuo expresa la accin de mayor duracin. 3. Cuando hay dos acciones paralelas

SUELE IR WHILE . mientras

PRESENTE PERFECTO Afirmativa: Sujeto + Have + Verbo (3Columna o ed) En tercera persona es "has". Ejemplo: I have been in New York

Interrogativa: Have/has + Sujeto + Verbo (3Columna o ed) Ejemplo: Have I been in New York?

Negativa: Sujeto + Havent/hasnt + Verbo (3Columna o ed) Ejemplo: I havent been in New York Se usa: 1. Cuando la accin comenz en el pasado y continua en el presente. 2. Cuando no sabemos cuando ocurri la accin 3. Cuando el perodo de tiempo que nos dan como referencia no ha terminado an Adverbios que acompaan al Presente perfecto: just . acaar de yet? . Interrogativa . ya? Already . Afirmativa . ya For . desde, hace Since . desde

PRESENTE PERFECTO CONTINUO Afirmativa: Sujeto + Have/has + Been + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I have been playing football.

Interrogativa: Have/has + Sujeto + Been + Verbo ing Ejemplo: Have you been playing football?.

Negativa: Sujeto + Havent/hasnt + Been + Verbo ing Ejemplo: I havent been playing football.

Se usa:

1. Cuando la accinse ha repetido a lo largo de un periodo de tiempo. 2. Cuando hablamos en general de lo que hemos estado haciendo, sin especificar cuando. 3. Cuando el efecto de lo que ha estado ocurriendo, se puede apreciar en el presente.

Afirmativa: Sujeto + had + Verbo (3columna o ed) Ejemplo: I had been in New York

Interrogativa: Had + Sujeto + Verbo (3columna o ed) Ejemplo: Had you been in New York?

Negativa: Sujeto + hadnt + Verbo (3columna o ed) Ejemplo: I hadnt been in New York Es el pasado del pasado es una accin anterior a una pasada

1 accin pasado perfecto 2 accin pasado simple PREGUNTA SOBRE EL OBJETO

Tom visited Mary Who did Tom visit? A quien visit Tom

Tom visited Mary 3 Who visited Mary?

Quin visit a Mary?

Cuando who o what son del sujeto de la pregunta, no se pone auxiliar y el verbo se deja en 3 persona singular afirmativa. PROBABILIDAD

May ( puede que ) Might ( podra) + improbable que may

CONDICIONALES 1 condicional

If + present simple, will + infinitive OR will + infinitive, if + present simple

2 condicional

If + past simple, would + infinitive+ OR would + infinitive + if + past simple


Es un futuro de intencin.
Afirmativa: TO BE + going to + infinitivo. Negativa: Sujeto + is/am/are + not + going to + infinitivo Interrogativa: Is/are/am + sujeto + going to + infinitivo Se usa:

Cuando hemos decidido hacer algo con antelacin.

Cuando vemos que algo va a ocurrir en un futuro inmediato

FUTURO SIMPLE Afirmativa: Sujeto + will + infinitivo Negativa: Sujeto + will not + infinitivo

Interrogativa: Will + sujeto + infinitivo? Se usa:

Cuando se decide hacer algo en el momento de hablar Cuando algo va a ocurrir en un futuro lejano Con peticiones Con pronsticos Con promesas Cuando nos negamos a hacer algo

Consiste en repetirlo dicho por alguien es decir se pasa de 1 a 3 persona

Directo Indirecto

Presente simple Pasado simple Presente continuo Pasado continuo Pasado simple Pasado perfecto Presente Perfecto Pasado perfecto Futuro simple Would + infinitivo is/are going to was/were going to

Can Could Should Should Ought out Ought out Must Had to May Might 1 condicional 2 condicional 2 condicional 2 condicional Today That day Tomorrow The day after 5 Yesterday The day before Tonight That night Ago Before Next The following Last The previous The day before yesterday Two days before The day after tomorrow Two days later This That These Those

a little. poco economical. econmico a bit. un poco expensive. caro

slightly. ligeramente fast. rpido quite. bastante slow. lento fairly. bastante comfortable. cmodo rathen. bastante dangerous. peligroso pretty. bonita reliable. fiable very. muy safe. seguro extremelly. extremadamente apply for. solicitar listen to. escuchar look at. mirar wait for. esperar belong to. pertenecer laugh at. burlarse shout at. gritar 6 write to. escribir a ask for. pedir plastic. plstico cotton. algodn leather. cuero paper. papel glass. cristal

wooden. madera rubber. goma woollen. lana steel. metal turn down.bajar volumen turn up. subir volumen turn on. encender turn off. apagar give back. devolver give up. dejar carry on. seguir slow down. reducir pick up. recoger

Tiempos verbales

Presente Simple Presente Continuo Presente Perfecto Pasado Simple Pasado Continuo Pasado Perfecto

Futuro Simple Futuro de Intencin Futuro Continuo Futuro Perfecto Condicional Simple Condicional Perfecto

1. Presente Simplesubir
El presente simple corresponde a el presente imperfecto de indicativo y subjuntivo en espaol. Se utiliza para hablar de acciones que se realizan periodicamente. Dependiendo de si la oracin es afirmativa, negativa o interrogativa y de si el sujeto est en tercera persona del singularo no, se construye de una forma u otra: Si el sujeto no est en tercera persona, se contruye: Afirmativa: Sujeto + base verbal + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + don't(do+not) + base verbal + objeto Interrogativa: Do + sujeto + base verbal + objeto + ? Ej.:T tocas el piano. Afirmativa: You play the piano. Negativa: You don't play the piano. Interrogativa: Do you play the piano? Si el sujeto est en tercera persona del singular, hay que aadirle una S a la base verbal: Afirmativa: Sujeto + base verbal + S + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + doesn't(does+not) + base verbal + objeto Interrogativa: Does + sujeto + base verbal + objeto + ? Ej.:l toca el piano.

Afirmativa: He plays the piano. Negativa: He doesn't play the piano. Interrogativa: Does he play the piano?

2.Presente Continuosubir
El presente continuo corresponde a una perfrasis verbal: estar + gerundio. Se utiliza para hablar de una accin que ocurre es el mismo momento en el que hablamos. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + To be en presente + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + To be en presente + not + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto Interrogativa: To be en presente + sujeto + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto +? Ej.:T ests tocando el piano. Afirmativa: You are playing the piano. Negativa: You are not playing the piano. Interrogativa: Are you playing the piano?

3.Presente Perfectosubir
El presente perfecto corresponde al pretrito perfecto compuesto. Se utiliza para hablar de una accin finalizada en un tiempo no finalizado y de una accin que empez en el pasado y sigue ocurriendo. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + To have en presente + participio del verbo + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + To have en presente + not + participio del verbo + objeto Interrogativa: To have en presente + sujeto + participio del verbo + objeto + ? Ej.:T has tocado el piano.

Afirmativa: You have played the piano. Negativa: You have not played the piano. Interrogativa: Have you played the piano? Ej.:T tocas el piano desde que eras un nio. Afirmativa: You have played the piano since you were a child. Negativa: You have not played the piano since you were a child. Interrogativa: Have you played the piano since you were a child?

1.Pasado Simplesubir
El pasado simple corresponde a el pretrito imperfecto y al pretrito perfecto simple en espaol. Se utiliza para hablar de acciones pasadas en un tiempo finalizado. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + Verbo en Pasado + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + didn't(did+not) + Verbo en Presente + objeto Interrogativa: Did + sujeto + Verbo en Presente + objeto + ? Ej.:T tocaste el piano ayer. Afirmativa: You played the piano yesterday. Negativa: You didn't played the piano yesterday. Interrogativa: Did you play the piano yesterday? Ej.:T tocabas el piano. Afirmativa: You played the piano. Negativa: You didn't played the piano. Interrogativa: Did you play the piano?

2.Pasado Continuosubir
El pasado simple corresponde a una perfrasis verbal: estar + gerundio en pasado. Se utiliza para hablar de una accion que ocurre en un momento determinado del pasado. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + To be en pasado + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + To be en pasado + not + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto Interrogativa: To be en pasado + sujeto + gerundio del verbo(verbo + ing) + objeto +? Ej.:T estabas tocando el piano. Afirmativa: You were playing the piano. Negativa: You were not playing the piano. Interrogativa: Were you playing the piano?

3.Pasado Perfectosubir
El pasado perfecto corresponde al pretrito pluscuamperfecto. Se utiliza para hablar de una accin finalizada en un tiempo ya finalizado y de una accin que empez en el pasado y sigue ocurriendo. Se suele utilizar con otra oracin anterior. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + To have en pasado + participio del verbo + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + To have en pasado + not + participio del verbo + objeto Interrogativa: To have en pasado + sujeto + participio del verbo + objeto + ? Ej.:T habas tocado el piano. Afirmativa: You had played the piano. Negativa: You had not played the piano. Interrogativa: Had you played the piano? Ej.:Cuando te pregunt, l ya haba hecho los deberes. Afirmativa: When I asked you, he had already done his homework. Negativa: When I asked you, he hadn't done his homework yet.

Interrogativa: When I asked you, had he done his homework yet?

1.Futuro Simplesubir
El futuro simple corresponde al futuro imperfecto en espaol. Se utiliza para describir acciones que se van a desarrollar en el futuro sin necesidad de aclarar en que momento se producirn. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + will + verbo + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + will not (won't) + verbo + objeto Interrogativa: Will + sujeto + verbo + objeto + ? Ej.:Maana ir al colegio Afirmativa: Tomorrow he will go to school. Negativa: Tomorrow he won't go to school. Interrogativa: Will he go to school tomorrow?

2.Futuro de Intencinsubir
El futuro de intencin o going to corresponde a una perfrasis verbal en espaol, ir + a + infinitivo. Se utiliza para describir acciones planeadas para el futuro. Se construye de la siguiente forma: Afirmativa: Sujeto + To Be en presente(afirmativo) + going to + verbo + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + To Be en presente(negativo) + going to + verbo + objeto Interrogativa: To Be en presente + sujeto + going to + verbo + objeto + ?

3.Futuro Continuosubir
El futuro continuo corresponde a una perfrasis verbal en espaol, estar(futuro) + gerundio. Se utiliza para describir acciones que estarn ocurriendo en un momento del futuro y seguirn ocurriendo. Se construye de la siguiente forma:

Afirmativa: Sujeto + Will Be + verbo (gerundio) + objeto Negativa: Sujeto + Will not(won't) Be + verbo + objeto
Interrogativa: Will + sujeto + Be + verbo (gerundio)+ objeto + ?

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