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Ellen Corkrum-Melvin Johnson Replies Presidents State of The Nation




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Laveli Supuwood Unveils His Formula for Winning Montserrado Senatorial Race

BUYING WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2014 TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014 WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2014 L$85.00/US$1 L$80.00/US$1 L$80.00/US$1

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These are indicative rates based on results of daily surveys of the foreign exchange market in Monrovia and its environs. The rates are collected from the Forex Bureaux and the commercials banks. The rates are not set by the Central Bank of Liberia.

VOL 8 NO.524




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Thursday, January 30 , 2014

at the Public Works Ministry On the issue of the Public works Ministry I am very disappointed, I wonder the Executive Code of conduct give them the right to do what they are doing. To see the deputy Minister and the Minister Proper in fist fight and insulting each other indirectly affects our people. The lawmaker believes the ministry is one of the government Ministries that is a big joke institution in Liberia. I say this because as a representative of the people, the presence of Public Works is not felt in all the counties; we still have feeder roads undone. Continued Brown: If you look at our National budget the Public works, Education and health are the three ministries of government that receive huge money from government to carry out projects. With so much anticipation from Liberians, especially people of our constituency to see their roads being completed, to see two ministers opening boxing ring, degrades this country. It is worth considering as a jungle justice and I feel, under the watch and civilized eyes of Madam President; this should not be allowed, Brown lamented. CBL vs Finance Ministry It is no secret that the Liberian economy is experiencing its worst form in years with the exchange rate reaching as high as 86 before the CBL physical intervention by visiting Money Exchange Bureaus and demanding that the rate be lowered to 80 LD to 1 USD, helping to curtail the situation. Prices quoted in Liberian dollars continue to rise, as temper flares with inquires from ordinary Liberians struggling to cope. Whether the CBL or Ministry of Finance, the exchange rate fluctuation has led to trading and shifting of blames between the two financial functionaries of the Government of Liberia. Many economists say the situation is a double edge sword and requires the concerted effort of both the Central Bank of Liberia and the chief collector of revenue, the Ministry of Finance. Instead of the two entities along with other functionaries of government strategizing on how to tackle the national problem, they took to the public to explain their side of the story and entrapping the other. Surrogates from both sides have been taking the airwaves to discredit each other and provide their own versions of why the economy is in a state of disarray. Minister Konneh quizzed by members of the House of Representatives in the state of the nation's economy and the current confusion surrounding the exchange rate, said that there was no need to panic about the state of the economy. Inflation is not out of Control, we are de-dollarizing the Economy there is money here. Lets not scare our people, he said. Says Konneh The only reason we see inflation and the depreciation of the Liberian dollar to its counterpart is because the Central Bank has pumped in eight billion Liberian dollars into the countrys Economy. The CBL on the other hand defended that decisions describing Minister Konnehs statement as misunderstanding of the facts.

Monrovia resident Ellen Johnson Sirleafs ninth State of the Nation address Monday exposed the aging status of the Liberian leader to handle a complex government with officials drawn from the Diaspora and at home, many of whom have either not closely interacted in the past or simply have not come to terms with understanding the importance of working together for the good of country. The 75-year-old female president stuttered and shivered as she delivered her State of the Nation address at some point lacking utterance for seconds before recollecting her thoughts. It was the first state of the nation address in nine years where the president, known as the Iron lady was not composed as usual. This time; she lacked control over the two-and-a-half-hours long message. Sources confided in FPA that the preparation of this years state of the nation address lasted up to Sunday when the President was expected to deliver on Monday. Just as the presentation was dismal, so too was the message embedded in the address as the Liberian leader could not provide substantial or noted known progress made during the course of 2013 with the exception of the West African Power pool availability of electricity in Ganta and other parts of Nimba county, even though the West African power program has been in the pipeline for several years now. Not only was the Presidents message a signal of the level of disorganization taking place within the ranks and files of her administration, the impact of disagreements that is now becoming common amongst heads of ministries and agencies and other senior officials of government. Heads of security agencies including the Executive Protection Service (EPS), the Liberian National Police and the Ministry of National Defense are often found entangled in disagreements and undermining of one another, in the quest to prove supremacy in the security sector. Othello Warrick, head of the EPS has been accused of using his closeness of the EPS to the president to deny fellow security officials access to the Liberian leader. At the other end, internal crisis is hampering the ability of the Ministry of Public Works to function properly, while the Central bank of Liberia and the Ministry of Finance are also providing conflicting information to the public on the causes of the current economic impasse facing the country. Behind the scene, Lands, Mines and Energy Minister Patrick Sendolo and Finance Minister Amara Konneh are tussling over who should take the glory for the commencement of work on the rehabilitation of the Mount Coffee Hydro Plant. To the detriment of Liberia, much of the unfolding events are hindering the ability of government to deal with substantive national issues. Battleground at Public Works On the infrastructure front, there are huge challenges facing the sector of the country as many roads and bridges across Liberia are impassable, but the Ministry of Public Works which is leading the infrastructural development drive of the country, has become a battleground with senior officials of the ministry at each others throat. Sirleafs first visit to the Ministry following the takeover of new Minister Antoinette Weeks was frustrating as the President spend half of her working day trying to meet up with the minister to no avail. The President has since visited the Ministry at least two times over the past two months trying to mend fences and ensure that the Ministry is up to the task to handle the challenges of getting infrastructural projects around the country back on track following the rainy season. However, visits by the Liberian leader has yielded no results as on Tuesday, the embattled Minister Antoinette Weeks and Deputy Minister for Technical Services, Victor Smith reportedly got involved in a fistfight in the ministrys

compound. The two officials rained insults o each other before another deputy, Christian Herbert pull them apart. It is unclear what triggered the argument which eyewitnesses spurred a shouting match between the pair which drew onlookers on the scene as officials traded nasty insults which included cursing each others parents. Since taking over the ministry last September, Minister Weeks has reportedly refused to use her official office and has instead shared office with Dep. Minister Smith, the Deputy for Technical Services. The fight between the pair comes in the wake of mounting tension pitting the minister at odds with her principal deputies, prompting allegations that Weeks has been micromanaging the ministry with very little input from senior staff toward agenda items/issues. Some of Weeks peers say she is oppressive and dominates all meetings; intolerant, does not allow for competing views and opinions and lacks a clear plan-of-action for the Ministry. Some employees point to Weeks poor working relationship as a key reason for the problems which hit boiling point.

Their argument was intense with each cursing each the other ma and pa (mother and father invectives) and in the end, Deputy Minister Smith told the Minister to (bleep) her job and drove out of the ministrys compound one eyewitness told FPA. Weeks has also been taken to task over her callous use language; profusely abusive, insulting and accusative toward others and engaging in physical interaction with some personnel while being condescending to and disdainful of the senior staff. In recent weeks, sources say Weeks has falsely accused some senior staff and employees of leaking information to the press and lately to Clemenceau Urey about his relative Henri Ureys contract not being renewed. On Wednesday, Representative Byron Brown (Grand Bassa County, Liberty Party) expressed disappointment over the events

The assertion is not only wrong, but also shows the lack of understanding of movements in monetary aggregates and their interpretation, said the CBL in the release issued on Thursday afternoon in Monrovia. The bank stated that monetary aggregates change over time and reflects developments in an economy. The CBL said as any economy expands, as reflected in the growth of GDP; money supply will expand to facilitate economic transaction, which does not necessarily mean pumping of excess Liberian dollars into the economy. The currency in circulation at a point in time is a stock arising from the accumulation of changes over several years, said the

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Thursday, January 30 , 2014

bank. The bank said that at the end of December 2006the Liberian dollars in circulation was L$2. 81 billion and L$8. 6 billion at the end of November 2013. So, the first point to be made is that the CBL did not pump L$8.0 billion into the economy in 2013. We must be emphatic about this, said the CBL. The second point is that monetary policy in 2013 was not expansionary, evidenced by the issuance of CBL bills during the last half of 2013 and up to January of 2014. War-of-words hurting economic outlook The trading of words over the current financial mess facing the country is just one of many instances pointing to the divided nature of the current government where instead of efforts been focused on problem solving, institutions are fighting. Analysts say the ongoing confusion between the two institutions is troubling and unlikely to get the economy back on track. Having listened and read some newspapers on the reaction of the Central Bank of Liberia to the Finance Minister shows that there is a great division and this division places the country into serious Economic crisis because the two institutions are exclusively set aside to make sure that the monetary policy of this country is taken care of, the lawmakers observed. Representative Brown says if for any reason the Minister of Finance and Governor of the CBL are at loggerheads, the economy of Liberia will not grow and as such there is a need for the president to act quickly to bring the matter to an end. Representative Ben Fofana(Unity Party, Margibi), Chairman of the House Public Accounts Committee says there is a need for the two government officials (CBL and Finance) to work together. There is a need for the two officials of government to work together because I think it is because of the lack of cooperation that is causing the inflation in the foreign exchange rate between the US dollars and the Liberian dollars and in the prices of basic commodities. Representative Fofana averred: Evidence of this is the abrupt decrease in the exchange rate if the cause of inflation was Economy than why did it happen so abruptly it could have taken long to decrease the US rate to the Liberian dollars but to prove that this is a problem between the two officials where someone try to flex muscle it was done in 24 hours without consulting each other. Konneh Vs Sendolo The wave of disagreements amongst officials of government continue to deepen, expanding to crucial areas of development like the Mount Coffee Hydro plant which is about to undergo massive revamping to provide electricity to Monrovia and environs. Last weekend yet another feud ensued between the Lands, Mines and Energy Minister Patrick Sendolo and Finance Minister Konneh. The two were believed to be entangled over the handling of the program marking the official groundbreaking ceremony for the reconstruction of the hydro plant. The Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy that presided over the program failed initially to include the Minister of Finance in the program sheet. One highly placed source confided in FPA that the Liberia Electricity Corporation prepared the draft program and included the name of Minister Konneh and forwarded same to the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy for input. At the Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Minister Sendolo, the source indicated removed the name of Minister Konneh and forwarded the program back to the NEC for finalization. The LEC, the source indicated alerted Minister Konneh that his name was not included in the program, at which juncture, Minister Konneh is said to have angrily reacted to the omission of his name


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from the program causing exchanges between him (Minister Konneh) and Minister Sendolo. Due to the rigmarole reading the placement of Ministers Konneh name in the program, the Minister was seen visibly unhappy during the course of the program. Sendolo, according to sources, insists that Konneh did not deserve a speaking spot at the program because it was not the Finance Ministrys area or responsibility. Konneh was not happy to be a bystander during the historic occasion and had to settle for speaking without a prepared notes. President Sirleaf broke ground for the Mount Coffee project Saturday, January 25. Konneh who has been a strong voice in the push for the rehabilitation of the hydro had previously promised that providing electricity will be one of his majority priorities. Appearing on local radio program a while ago, Minister Konneh outlined the energy program of the country, explaining means that will be devised to supplement the gap that will be created by the inability of the Mount Coffee Hydro to provide electricity to all parts of Montserrado. Security division-Warrick Vs Massaquoi, Samukai The security front has also taken a hit over the last few years. Defense Minister Brownie Samukais encounter with the EPS at the Monrovia City Hall where he was subjected to search before entering the hall and Police Director Chris Massaquois humiliation at the Monrovia Central prison are amongst some of the division within the security sector. Defense Minister Samukai first received maltreatment from the EPS when he was subjected to search before entering the hall. Some Defense sources say Warrick reportedly ordered the pat down of the minister to get back at him based on past differences they had when Warrick served as Deputy Minister under Samukai at the Ministry of Defense. Warrick is also said to have humiliated Samukai to probably gain favor with Sirleaf, with an eye on replacing Samukai as Defense Minister. The City Hall incident was said to be a security briefing discussion and an angry Samukai reportedly rejected the search by EPS and left the meeting. Police Director Massaquoi was the next in line of Warricks action as he was prevented from getting closer to President Sirleaf during

a visit to the Central Prison. Initial reports suggested that the President gave the Police Director the shove when he tried to greet her while she was performing her annual ritual to grant pardons and share a brief holiday moment with prisoners during the close of the year. Others suggested that the President wanted nothing to do with Massaquoi and made him know as much by snubbing his gestures to greet her at the prison. Police sources at the time indicated that the incident was the result of an overzealous Executive Protection Service Officer who ordered Director Massaquoi to take his hands from his pocket before greeting the President, triggering an altercation between Director Massaquois officers and officers of the EPS. Several police sources accused the EPS officers acting on Warricks instructions. Earlier in 2013, Warrick reportedly ordered the police and other security officers at the observance of Independence Day celebration in Bomi County to stand down and succumb to the EPS, a move which was rejected by the police, according to eyewitnesses. In December, 2013, the EPS boss reportedly ordered his men to prevent Public Works Minister Antoinette Weeks, who had arrived late to the premises of the ministry during a surprise visit by the President, from entering the premises for keeping the president waiting. The lingering tension within the government is raising concerns among ordinary citizens. Arthur Peabody, a resident of Sinkor says the internal wrangling and undermining is hurting progress especially in the financial sector. I think Minister Konneh overstepped his bound. Why did Minister Konneh announce that eight billion Liberian dollars is circulating in the economy without consulting his peers at the central Bank but what I think minister Konneh is overly zealous to serve the Liberian people at such you sometimes fall into problem. President to blame, Liberians say Peabody says Minister Konneh needs to acknowledge that when the central bank is to be blamed for fail policies it means that the Ellen government he serves in has failed. Peabody also asserts that CBL Governors rumored presidential quest is also a problem. Dr. Mills Jones political ambition is killing the economy so I see no reason why he had to respond to Minister Konneh when he is fully aware of what is happening to the economy. Instead of responding to the Finance Ministry the CBL should be more serious in responding to the problem that the economy is facing. James Kollie, resident of Paynesville says the problem between government officials can be attributed to the president. Madam Sirleaf is treating her Ministers differently. Those from America with Congo background are given preferential treatment with this there will always be confusion. Kollie says some of the Ministers do what they feel and know that the president will not do anything. Why will Minister Weeks go to a ministry and feel that she is better than everybody when in fact she has not served as a Minister before, but I think the cause is people come from America with the notion that everybody do not know what they are doing and that is false, there are many intelligent and smart young people in Liberia. Samuel Weah, a resident of Bushrod Island says he does not see why people are making issue out the tension in the government. Do you think the Minister of Finance will not have problem with other ministers, of course he will because he is the one controlling the fiscal aspect of the government so he put stop to certain transaction that may hamper the working of a Minister who May not know budget trend. At Public Works what I can say, since I do not know much about madam Weeks but she has to acknowledge, that she cannot achieve without her co-workers and she should understand that serving that position is a privilege and does not make you better than everybody else.


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Thursday, January 30 , 2014




President Ellen Johnson-Sirleafs Assertion in her ninth State of the Nation Address Illustrates why her administration has lost the war against Corruption
PRESIDENT ELLEN Johnson-Sirleafs declaration during her ninth State of the Nation Address Monday that her administration is looking forward to a reorganized and re-energized General Auditing Commission that is media shy and committed to a good governance process which ensures the highest level of integrity and a commitment to uphold the public trust, validates from our perspective the fear many local and international stakeholders have been harboring for some time now, that the administration has been paying lip-service in the fight against graft all along and that GAC was being weakened to silence it. THE STATEMENT further illustrate why the UP-led government have lost the war against corruption it vowed to eliminate en route to capturing state power. Because of high level official corruption, major countries like USA and Britain have not provided direct budgetary support to the Government of Liberia as they are doing in Tanzania, Ghana and several other countries in Africa. IT SADDENS US that the administration in its bid to appease the international community, continues to put up a face that it is sincere in the fight against graft but does a 360 when it comes to backing up its words with action. WHILE WE welcome the Presidents declaration that her administration is willing to work the Joint Public Accounts Committee of the national legislature which has initiated public hearings on the reports of the GAC, this is not enough, especially when the administration is totally against the publication of audits in the media. CONTRARY TO SIRLEAFS assertions that her administration has made improvements on key corruption indicators, the fact remains that donor nations remain skeptical about the administrations declaration. For example, the British governments Department for International Development (DFID) has made it clear corruption in both Liberia and Sierra Leone takes many different forms. It ranges from the everyday, such as demanding bribes to use basic services, to the larger scale misuse of public goods for private gain by public officials. In Sierra Leone this is a major challenge, with data on the control of corruption showing the country to be well below the sub-Saharan African average. A 2010 survey by the Sierra Leone Anti-Corruption Commission showed that the majority of Sierra Leoneans have experienced some form of corruption, with 94 per cent rating it as a problem. BOTH COUNTRIES lie in the bottom 40% of the World Banks Control of Corruption Index, with Sierra Leone in the bottom 25%. In its Corruption Barometer, Transparency International ranked Liberia as the most corrupt country in 2013, with such reports making the headlines on major local and international papers including Americas largest selling national paper, USA TODAY. DFID HAS made it quite clear that it will follow the British governments policy of value for money by supporting strategic management and greater transparency in the minerals sector, ensuring tightened contract management and controls in the UKs support to infrastructure and work closely with the government and the donor community to monitor and support the implementation of the governments anti-corruption strategy. IT IS IRONIC that Liberia the benefactor, resists transparency and accountability but one of its key donors, DFID which is committed to transparency, results and value for money is now making it easier for taxpayers and citizens in its partner countries to follow the money by publishing details of all its new programmes and of all transactions over 500 on the DFID website. YET PRESIDENT SIRLEAF continues to trumpet the fact that her administration is anti-naming and shaming, which many believe is the only remedy in helping to curb graft in a nation emerging from war. A reorganized General Auditing Commission (GAC) has initiated 57 audits for 2013, giving us an opportunity to break from the lethargy of inaction on past reports that were challenged. Our Constitution and laws are clear on accountability in the use of public resources. We will therefore require that work plans of the GAC go beyond the Executive to include the other two branches of government. WE ARE AFRAID that if the Sirleaf administration continues down this path, Liberia and the international community will remain trapped in repeated refrains of godzillion agencies set up to fight corruption with much more of the same practices. IT IS A FOREGONE conclusion that the UP-led governments failure to prosecute corrupt officials by protecting them from audits and baby-sitting those crying foul to the very anti-corruption agencies, the government is looking to have its cake and eat it, at the expense of the Liberian people.


Olusegun Obasanjo, and Bob Geldof
Financing from international and regional financial institutions could be put to good use by guaranteeing and underwriting equity investors who invest in small enterprises. And we need to make Africas stock markets accessible to small and international actors. Farmers also need well-regulated commodity exchanges so they can sell their products at global market rates, rather than to monopoly buyers who squeeze the prices. Should governments just get out of the way and let the private sector sort these questions out by itself? Absolutely not. If the past five years of global crisis have taught us anything, it is that markets work best when they are well regulated for the benefit of society. Governments need to ensure, for example, that smallholder farmers especially women can access new sources of credit and equity, and that they are not squeezed out by large agribusiness. Governments can encourage the creation of cooperatives, provide technical support and training, help with the development of new seed varieties, invest in roads and water systems, and protect against predatory investors. Africa needs large, commercial farms as well as small ones. But it doesnt need foreign investors who appropriate Africas land and water to supply food and biofuels to other countries, while creating few jobs and driving populations off the land. Only strong and principled policies by responsible governments can ensure the right balance between large and small, foreign and local. Such a balance is already being struck in some countries. Nigerias agriculture minister has launched an ambitious plan to add 20 million metric tons of food to the domestic supply, while creating 3.5 million new jobs. This is a continuation of previous program which has made Nigeria reach over 75 percent of its job creation target and has met the first Millennium Development Goal, cutting hunger by half, three years ahead of schedule. Other countries are making similar strides. Such success stories exist all over Africa. If we scale these up, the continent can rid itself of hunger within a decade, create jobs and generate inclusive growth in Africa and far beyond. Mr. Obasanjo is a former President of Nigeria. Mr. Geldof is a musician, businessman, founder and chair of Band Aid, Live Aid and Live8. Both are Members of the Africa Progress Panel


Addis Ababa frican agriculture is about to flourish. Africa is one of the most fertile regions on Earth, with 60 percent of the worlds uncultivated arable land. While one in four Africans still go hungry, and the continent still imports 40 percent of its food needs, we believe recent developments all across Africa shows tremendous promise; so much so that we are now investing significant amounts of our own money in African agriculture ventures. Africa's huge potential is an opportunity far beyond the continent itself. It could be a driver of global growth and food security. Over the past decade, the continent has harbored some of the fastest growing economies in the world, to a large extent linked to oil, gas, and mining. Growth like that draws investors looking for further opportunities and African agriculture has abundant opportunities: in equipment, transport, irrigation and infrastructure; investment for farmers to go from subsistence to commercial farming; and investment in training, research and support for smallholders as well as small and medium enterprises. Such investments could deliver manifold returns; for the investors, yes, but also in terms of jobs, food security and better incomes for small farmers. Yet, Africa still lacks viable ways of channeling investment money to the millions of dynamic entrepreneurs with viable business ideas in sectors such as farming, aquaculture and agroprocessing. Indeed, Africa is losing potential investments each year worth huge amounts of money. This loss has knock-on effects for jobs and economic growth. The challenge is to remove the obstacles that prevent this investment money from reaching African opportunities. Chaired by former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, the Africa Progress Panel will this year explore ways of meeting this challenge. Its report will focus on how African farmers and fishing communities can access the money they need to create green and blue revolutions in Africa. One crucial priority is to reduce the cost of money. Real interest rates on loans to agricultural projects (and to small shops and industry ventures, for that matter) exceed 20% in many African countries. No business can thrive if it has to borrow at such rates. It should be possible to get these rates well below 10% even in so-called frontier markets if we simplify banking, reduce perceptions of risk, and introduce functioning insurance. Venture capital and equity must also be made more available.

You can read the full commentary on www.

Commission. The Presidents statement suggests that she wants the current GAC to deviate from this best practice standard, although she also commented that she has drafted a new GAC new law that will bring GAC on par with other supreme audit institutions. This contradiction. BECAUSE OF THE LIMA DECLATIONS INTERNATIONAL BEST PRACTICE STANDARDS, in 2008, the British Government through DFID demanded that the Government of Sierra Leone removed all laws prohibiting the publication of audit reports and the prevention of the Auditor General from communicating audit information to the media, civil society and the people of Sierra Leone. DFID threatened to withhold all direct budgetary support to the Government of Sierra Leone until the Audit Act of 1978 was amended to remove the restrictions. The Government of Sierra Leone obliged and in 2009, the Auditor General of Sierra Leone began publishing audit reports and also created a website to finally publish more than 10 years of audit reports. DURING her Monday, 24th January 2011 which was the last during the tenure of former Auditor General Morlu, President boasted, For our part as a government, the first stage in fighting corruption was to expose and uncover it. To do so, we needed a strong and independent audit mechanism. This is why, while serving as Chairman of the Governance Reform Commission in the Transitional Government, I personally prepared the Act that made the General Auditing Commission (GAC) an independent institution, operating without fear from the powers that be. This led to the creation and the activation of the General Auditing Commission, which has been unwavering in its commitment and dedication to the fulfillment of its mandate. INTERESTINGLY, President Sirleaf credited the GAC for uncovering and exposing corruption, which was done through the media. Today, she is crying for a media shy GAC.

NO GOVERNMENT, especially one emerging from a war started as a result of the very vices now eating at its core, can expect taxpayers from foreign governments to continue throwing funding their way for corrupt officials to pocket. WE TAKE note of the Presidents statement that she has a new draft bill to bring GAC on par with other Supreme Audit institutions but her statement on Monday calling for a media shy GAC contradicts her quest to bring GAC on par. IN THE TERMS OF REFERENCE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF AN AUDITOR GENERAL FOR THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, signed off by the President of Liberia and the international community under GEMAP, one of the responsibilities of the Auditor General of Liberia is Enhance the effectiveness of public accountability through the release of relevant and timely audit reports to stakeholders (including the media and civil society) to actively promote and follow up the recommendation of said audit reports. Part of the European Union funding to the GAC was to promote and coordinate GAC activities with the media and civil society. PUBLIC FINANCE MANAGEMENT ACT, OF 2009 (6) stipulates that, the Auditor General shall publish the audit report in the Official Gazette and make it available to the Legislature and the public within one month of the completion of said audit report. At 11: 15 AM, August 26, 2009, the President signed into law the Public Financial Management Act, making it binding on the Auditor General to publish audit reports within one month of completion. ONE OF THE CARACTERISTICS OF AN EFFECTIVE SAI according to INTOSAI Lima Declaration) is that the Auditor General can report directly to the media. The Lima Declaration is the international best standard for all Supreme Audit Institutions, such as the General Auditing


Thursday, January 30 , 2014


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GEORGE SLUE This is what you get when you have people who don't know what they do or pretend to not know what they are doing in trusted positions. Sack every one of them - replace them with tribal chiefs - better than so called corrupt educated dummies. GEORGE ALONZO KAMARA George Slue My dear friend did I heard you well "sack everyone of them?" HAHAHA if this president ever decide to function in this great way, expect to see/hear a lot of thing that was in hidden. Just move your heart cause it will never happen. maybe you want her to exchange them. JOHN WILLIAMS If this really happened then it is surely a disgrace to the government and a disservice to the country and its people. If Massaquoi is no longer trusted then sack him. But to publicly disgrace and belittle a Police Director says a lot about security in the country. Does he still command respect in his office? Why is he still holding on, despite what appears to be total disregard for me? Factions within the security sector could be disastrous for Liberia. For the good of the country, I suggest that certain things be considered - Ellen should publicly/ privately demonstrate or spread the information that Massaquoi still enjoys her confidence or just relieve him of his position. Or Massaquoi should just resign to help preserve the unity and respectability of the police and security sector in general. JAY WION So you miss my eulogy to Nelson Mandela and the fske African leaders who attended his funeral but are scolded/ lectured by Obama. Here my hour long rebuke to the corrupt, and some murderous leaders of Africa, including our own Ellen Sirleaf of Liberia. It is on CD and get your copy while supplies last..Call the Liberian African News Service, LANS--518-5561343. Jay Wehtee-Maotee Wion. PONSFORD ANTHONY HANSON I personally think Chris should have resign his post after Ellen C expos him but I don't know who's giving advise. He did what he did in good faith but his part of a Government-if he know what I mean. HELLENOLDEN I just cannot understand what is going on with Madam President regarding this her Police Chief. In as mush as I will not hesitate to publicly rebuke the Police Chief for his unprofessional conduct, I disagreed with the Prison Chief to say he can order the arrest of the Police Boss of the Republic of Liberia. Who the hell was he talking about? The Police Chief? He was out of his mind so to speak. What did he do wrong on the ground of the prison ground? GEORGE ALONZO KAMARA What do we expect when power drunk is ruling the nation after we have boasted upon our Havard highest educated, world bank economist, united nations ex employees. With all of these, leadership change to ruling ship. lock of development has the lowest power supply but still citizens are unable to benefit, The # one government that is living on international nations taxes hold for functions, now the most west part police director/ defense minister who should has the knowledge of protecting the country is selling their mouth for Ellen C Bude. I think I will have to fly in there to purchase this nation from these most corrupt leadership that Liberia ever has. I has the knowledge that Musa will agree to sell this country to me.


C. D. B. Kings Building Broad and Gurley Streets Monrovia, Liberia January 28, 2014 The Honorable Supreme Court of Liberia Temple of Justice Capitol Hill Monrovia, Liberia Your Honors, I have the honor to extend New Year Greetings and best wishes for the upcoming year as the esteemed Supreme Court of Liberia lays down its decisions that will guide and determine the future of our Beloved Liberia - Mama Liberia. In this regard I have followed the press and your decisions on the suspension of the Minister of Justice --Christiana Tah. Not being a lawyer, I am writing you in the capacity of a private and senior citizen today, who, some 35 yrs ago, as a young professional and technocrat, found herself amongst the leadership (Ernestine and Clara Cassell, Lotte Mae Phelps, myself and some then senior Liberian women citizens) of Liberian women who recognized the need to speak out and voice our concern as we took a stand and reacted formally--thru a petition to the national legislature ---on their decision regarding the removal of Liberia's first woman circuit court judge--Her Honor, Judge Emma Shannon Walser through a Joint Resolution of the Liberian Legislature, that removed her from the judgeship. Accordingly, Your Honors, this comes to plea for consideration of a lighter punishment for the Minister than the six months suspension of her license to practice law. I am aware that the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), and others have given their opinions on the Minister of Justice issue and the dismissal by your distinguished body of the Minister's request for re-argument. Notwithstanding, as a woman and a senior citizen, I cannot just sit here and hold my peace. You are our Supreme Court, from whom there is no judicial appeal. However, we the citizens of Liberia, whom you so ably serve, can appeal to you. I am therefore asking/pleading for your good selves to have some mercy and grant a lighter punishment. The entire Liberian government is being affected by this decision. A short while ago the world focused on Liberia about our educational system and the failure of the students applicants to pass the University of Liberia exams; then there was the transparency international designation of Liberia as amongst the most corrupt nations; then the corruption 101 publication' and now we are in the news again with this suspension of our Minister of Justice -a woman - in the government of Africa's first woman president .The world is asking -- what is happening in Liberia? As a former public official and a former Minister of Foreign Affairs I am equally as concerned as Your Honorable body is, about the image of our country. I am also very concerned, as a former cabinet minister, about the ability of the Minister of Justice to function if she does not have her law license. Her hands are tied, she is being prevented from effectively acting in our (the citizens') best interest. As Minister of Justice, she is also in charge of our national security, and as this year we have national elections for senior senators, which as usual elections are accompanied with many security issues, she needs to be fully functional to stabilize the peace of this nation. These are my focus of this senior citizen's appeal. I trust that this intervention by me does not prove cause for contempt as I am simply making an appeal for leniency. Though I am not a Lawyer to address the esteem Supreme Court, I come to the Honorable body as a senior citizen and former member of a cabinet of the Republic of Liberia in good standing, who is a patriot and passionate about this our nation, as is this Court, and the future that we are leaving for the next generation. Indeed the Legacy of this generation of Liberians to future generations is something that concerns us all and hence this appeal. I trust that this private citizen appeal will be received in the same spirit of patriotism and national concern, that it is being given. With considerations of my highest esteem, Respectfully Submitted, Olubanke King-Akerele, Senior Citizen of Liberia; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Dean of Cabinet of the Republic of Liberia; Former Minister of Commerce and Industry (RL)

The displacement of people without immediate impact and the distribution of poverty by harsh policy, are what the president knows well.....I listened to her saying expansion is expected to take place soon on the Tubman boulevard and other roads around the country, as such people will be victimized in the process. Let it be cleared emphatically that I do not oppose the expansion of roads that made increase trade and other economy activities. But however, I see this as a mere bluff talk owing to the fact that homes of Liberians were in similar case, destroyed few years ago by the same government on the Somalia drive, up to now, the Somalia drive road still remains narrow and there has being no expansion contrary to the promise that was made. Interestingly, Liberians were displaced in their own home land in the absent of war and nature disaster.Hundreds of poor Liberians some of whom that were already frustrated on the difficulty of Life in Liberia,were made homeless in central Monrovia and its surroundings by similar policy when the popular hard-working unethical Mary Broh was the city Mayor of Monrovia....The behavior of this Government has forced me to believed that it is not civilize. A civilize Government is the government that creates suitable conditions and alternatives for its people before carrying out such a policy, a civilize government is a government that breaks people homes with an immediate plan of doing what is expected.These are things that President Jerry John Rawlings of Ghana, President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva of Brazil and other reform leaders around the world did. Doing so reduces the tension of those you are leading including the victims.....such a mature approach accords you respect even if not 100%. Also,going into other issues in her address, I heard the President boosting on the most talk about Mount Coffee Hydro dam in Harrisburg and that we are expected to get current by December 2015. That sounds very comical in my hears and I am convinced that we may not get current by the time specific and even beyond because that was the same mood and tone she spoke in, in 2006 that Monrovia will have been electrified within six(6) months. As a historian who studied the past, analysis the present and predict the future; I see the electricity issue as an orchestrated plan intended to scrape money from donors and the international community. Let me at this critical juncture appreciate the government on her foreign policy at the same time encourage her to do more domestically to effect the lives of Liberians....We too deserve good life...... Randall M. Dobayou II.


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Sports Reporter, A. Macaulay Sombai,macaulay.sombai@, 077217428 COUNTY NEWS TEAM Grand Bassa, Alpha Daffae Senkpeni, 0777432042 Bong County, Selma Lomax, selma.lomax@, 0886-484666 Sinoe County, Leroy N.S Kanmoh, leroy.kanmoh@ 0886257528 BUSINESS/ADVERTISING Kadi Coleman Porte, 0886-304-178/ 0777832753, advertise@

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Buchanan, County -

Grand Bassa



Thursday, January 30 , 2014

Grand Bassa CEO Raises Concern Over Government Teachers Deserting Their Post

midst already numerous problems affecting public schools in Grand Bassa County, the County Education Officer (CEO) says some government teachers in the county are deserting their assignments, thereby, creating serious constrains for other teachers. Mr. Edward G. Kwakpae said the exact number of teachers is unknown but his office is studying the situation and will shortly go public with more information. The situation is grave, so what we think we should do now is to gather information and see how best we can make suggestions or recommendations to our head office (MOE), so as to employ or send people to these various areas (schools), said Mr. Kwakpae. The CEO said in rural and urban-rural areas, teachers are leaving the classrooms and they are not giving any substantiate reason for their action. Grand Bassa County has five education districts with 865 teachers attending to 187 public schools. Recently, FrontPageAfrica reported about an observation report by the Education authorities in the county

which revealed that lack of logistics and roads, deplorable school buildings and teachers deserting their posts are some of the problems impeding the sectors progress. Mr. Kwakpae assumed the CEO responsibilities for Grand Bassa during the latter stage of last year following a renew MOE objective to enhance the rationalization of the structure at its central and locals offices and developed financial management policy and staff

handbook which will ensure an effective system of financial and human management in the countrys education sector. He said the current situation is not healthy for teachers especially when most rural teachers do not have a professional qualification. We realized it is serious in the sense that the load for one or two teachers teaching more than 200 to 300 students from grades one to six becomes extremely strenuous for those

teachers when these teachers abandon classes, the CEO stressed. Rural public schools teachers in Grand Bassa County have often complained about the porous working condition in the areas they work. Some have said the lack of social services makes it improbable for professional teachers to take on assignments in these areas, while others are desirous of obtaining higher education so they move to urban areas. The

Grand Bassa County Education Officer acknowledge that some teachers are abandoning their post in other to acquire higher education but said the education authority in the county must be aware of these actions in other to sanction it. H e also agreed that some teachers have complained about being under pay, some work without pay while other replacement teachers are yet to start receiving salaries. With these already

existing problems, parents are becoming wary of teachers abandoning their posts and have became complaining about the number of teachers attending to students, the CEO noted during an interview with FPA. By MOEs directives, Mr. Kwakpae said his office is carrying out a survey to keep effective record of the system which will help curtail the situation.


Laveli Supuwood Unveils His Formula for Winning Montserrado Senatorial Race
Henry Karmo (0886522495)
experience in working in several capacities in government including Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Minister of Labor, and Minister of Justice as well as Solicitor General as something that gives him an added advantage over other candidates. The lawyer also boasted of being the author of some legislation some of which he named as the human trafficking and a key advocate of Decree 88-A which was intended to imprison journalist who write and publish articles that were not in government interest. My constituency in Montserrado County as compared to other candidates in the race does not even match. I have the largest constituency in this County. Though there is past history about some of those names such as Ambassador George Weah but for me working in the Judiciary and Executive branches of government is an added advantage he said. Cllr. Supuwood claimed that he has the confidence of several current lawmakers that are willing and waiting to tap on his expertise and experience to build a better legislature. The work of the senate is very heavy, this is not a play boy thing, this is not sport but for the purpose of a postwar government and Natural resource management in the context of the Legislature we think we need serious people to demonstrate to the world that Liberia is ready to move forward. Quizzed whether his current decision to contest as Senator in Montserrado is backed by his standard bearer Prince Johnson, who is also fighting to be re-elected by the people of Nimba County and whether he will represent the National Union for Democratic Progress (NUDP) in Montserrado County he said, he still enjoys the confidence of the Party, but refused to comment on whether or not he will be contesting on the partys ticket. Cllr. Supuwood said, serving as a lawyer in Liberia he has pleaded in many cases involving individuals and entities to give them justice some of whom he said, include; Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf now President of Liberia during her days of advocacy, Mr. Dusty Wolokollie former running mate to Prof. Dew Mason standard Bearer of the National Democratic Coalition, and Anthony Kilby. We have use our own means without public funds to make positive impact on the lives of the Liberian people, we are the pioneers of Civil rights advocacy now considered human rights advocacy reference to this is the Catholic Justice of the Peace Commission, I drafted the proposal for its establishment, he added. On the question of money to run a campaign in populous Montserrado, Cllr. Supuwood said, little is much when God is in it I trust that God will make others to help my campaign but to say I have cash somewhere and ready to dish it I say no and the only reason I dont have cash is because we have throughout our lives treaded the path of civil advocacy our only professional career is being dependent on the struggle for democracy. The National Union for Democratic Progress (NUDP) of Senator Prince Johnson and his running mate Lavela Supuwood emerged 3rd runner-up in the 2011 presidential Election to the ruling Unity Party of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf with over thirty- five thousand votes (35,000).



Monrovia -

hile all eyes are set on the declaration by Liberias most popular politician at the moment, CDC political leader George Weah quest for the senatorial seat of Montserrado County, others have a different formula in the impending race. A former Vice presidential candidate in the 2011 election, Cllr. Laveli Supuwood says he is the best candidate for the upcoming Montserrado senatorial election. Cllr. Supuwood who served as vice running mate to Nimba County Senator Prince Johnson in the 2011 Presidential and general Elections has described himself as the best candidate to

represent Montserrado County at the level of the Senate. As one of several candidates in a crowded political field in Montserrado, Supuwood told FrontPageafrica in an interview that he has all the charisma to be a senator. Says Cllr. Supuwood: I can be a better senator because if we look at the issue of the Senate, it is about seriousness. Lets not look at the money the candidate has or the popularity he enjoys from other activities such as sports. Let us look at the function of the candidate in deciding the candidate. Liberians are tired of voting for people who goes to public offices without adequate knowledge of that office. Cllr. Supuwood boasted of his

Thursday, January 30 , 2014


pair who in a harsher response said that many are tired of empty promises that have been made by the Sirleaf-led administration in the past eight years. We are tired of speeches with no action, said the pair. Minister Samukai's Exposure of Corruption

Ellen Corkrum-Melvin Johnson Replies Presidents State of The Nation Address




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ssertions made by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf during Mondays State of The Nation Address before the Legislature in which she blamed Ellen Corkrum former head of the Roberts International Airport for the slow pace of the rework to the airports infrastructure, has been met with an angry response. The President alleges that the pair- Corkrum and her fianc Melvin Johnson, who is a former United States Judge, were on a smear campaign to damage the reputation of individuals in government instead of focusing on the task given. A major setback in efforts for the development of the airport resulted from an unscrupulous and conspiring newly recruited Managing Director, who returned kindness and deference with entrapment and intriguing accusations to damage the credibility of several individuals and the image of the country, President Sirleaf told the nation on Monday. But the Presidents comments have not been taken kindly by the

The pair termed their indictment by the Liberian government as bogus and accused the GoL of only charging them with allegedly taking US$259,000 and asserts that it has been over a year since they left Liberia; hence the amount in question allegedly taken from a Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) plus budget over a year ago cannot be a major setback to the airport's development. The actual major setback to the airport and Liberia's (as a whole) development is the corruption inflicted upon our people (as Charles Taylor did) by President Johnson Sirleaf and her regime, said Corkrum and Johnson in a joint statement. The Defense Minister, Brownie Samukai, stated that there were several high ranking government officials, namely Finance Minister Amara Konneh, Minister of State For Presidential Affairs Edward McClain, Deputy Minister For State Gyude Moore, Board Chairman Musa Bility, who told Minister Samukai that they plotted to get rid of and sign the death warrant of Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson because these government officials wanted unfettered access to $130 Million. Police Directors Recording The pair asserted that in the series recordings they released, Police Director Chris Massaquoi, and the airport security boss, one Mr. Subah (whose first name the pair didnt mention) is heard describing the vandalism and other illegal activities at the airport carried out by government officials. Although Police Director Chris Massaquoi was ordered to

illegally capture Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson, he refused to, in part based on the unlawful activities of the government and the fact that no explanation of any illegal activities on the part of Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson were explained to him, he said. The pair alleged in their statement that vandalism, theft, and other illegal activities at the airport, something they said is sanctioned the President without any investigation or explanation are the real major setbacks to development. The behavior as described by these security officials qualify as unscrupulous and damaging to Liberia's credibility, the pair said. The President on Monday said that efforts were underway to bring the pair to trial either at home or abroad. This matter is under review by counsel in the United States for legal redress, including extradition, said President Sirleaf. She said the government is currently negotiating financing with the European Investment Bank, the Saudi Fund for Development and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa to begin the first phase of rehabilitation of the airport this year. The President noted that the airport is taking far more than what it used to take postwar and there was a need for expansion. Far from the early days when only one or two airlines flew into Roberts International Airport (RIA), the Airport now services 11 regular international airlines, she said. Passenger numbers have increased on an average of 25,000 a year. With numerous airlines providing services to regional capitals and destinations in Asia, North America and Africa, ticket prices have become so competitive that it is possible to fly round-trip to Accra for less than US$300 more than a 100 percent decrease in airfare from as little as four years ago. The war of war between the President and the pair continues as many wait to see if efforts to prosecute them will materialise.


Introduction The Liberian people have now heard nine (9) such State of the Nation speeches with no effect. We are tired of speeches with no action. The President in her first of such speech said that the fighting of corruption would be her number one (1) objective. The evidence now reveals otherwise. As in the Charles Taylor's regime, Liberia is ranked number one (1) worldwide for corruption after eight (8) years of Ellen Johnson Sirleaf leadership. Some even argue that the effects of corruption upon Liberia under President Johnson Sirleaf is worse than it was under President Charles Taylor. Specifics To Her Speech (Blaming Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson) I. Major Setback to the airport development; Unscrupulous and Conspiring; Damage of Credibility 1. Minister Brownie Samukai's Exposure of Corruption - The BOGUS Indictment only charges Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson with allegedly taking $259k. It has been over a year since Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson left Liberia; hence $259k allegedly from a Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000.00) plus budget over a year ago cannot be a major setback to the airport's development. The actual major setback to the airport and Liberia's (as a whole) development is the corruption inflicted upon our people (as Charles Taylor did) by President Johnson Sirleaf and her regime. The Defense Minister, Brownie Samukai, stated that there were several high ranking government officials, namely Finance Minister Amara Konneh, Minister of State For Presidential Affairs Edward McClain, Deputy Minister For State Gyude Moore, Board Chairman Musa Bility, who told Minister Samukai that they plotted to get rid of and sign the death warrant of Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson because these government officials wanted unfettered access to $130 Million. Minister Samukai explained that the officials told him "they can put their heads on a chopping board" that neither Ellen Corkrum nor Judge Johnson took any money. To date there has been no explanation or investigation into these crimes from the President. Such sanctioned behavior should be termed as a major setback, unscrupulous and damaging to the credibility of our nation. 2. Police Director Chris Massaquoi's Recording - In the surfaced recordings of Police Director Chris Massaquoi, the airport security boss, Mr. Subah is heard describing the vandalism and other illegal activities at the airport by government officials. Although Police Director Chris Massaquoi was ordered to illegally capture Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson, he refused to, in part based on the unlawful activities of the government and the fact that no explanation of any illegal activities on the part of Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson were explained to him. Again, vandalism, theft, and other illegal activities at the airport sanctioned by President Johnson Sirleaf without any investigation or explanation are the real major setbacks to development. The behavior as described by these security officials qualify as unscrupulous and damaging to Liberia's credibility. 3. NACO Recordings Revelations - The NACO recordings clearly shows that there are millions of dollars unaccounted for and untraceably leaving the airport coffers. When approached on the matter, both the President and Ministry of State For Presidential Affairs pretended to be unaware but falsely promise an investigation. To date, no investigation or explanation provided. This is a major setback to the airport development. This is yet another example of unscrupulous and credibility damaging promises made by President Johnson Sirleaf. 4. Marc Amblard's Payment - The Marc Amblard's revelations showed that the former Police Director who was fired for failure to provide security was paid at least $150,000.00 to "provide security at the airport." Minister Eugene Nagbe, Minister McClain and Minister Konneh with the President's approval all


conspired and paid this money corruptly. Marc Amblard presented NO proposed Contract, Statement Of Work, never appeared at the airport, the airport Board was completely unaware, no bidding was conducted in violation of PPCC laws, etc., and yet he was paid. This is a major setback to the airport development. Such conspiracies to steal from our people damages the credibility of a country. 5. Unaccounted For $10 Million Dollars Plus Budget During the entire year since the departure of Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson, there has been an allotted $10 Million plus budget. Recently both the Finance Minister Amara Konneh and the airport's boss Richelieu Williams have been quoted in all of the media as pointed fingers at each other regarding the whereabouts of the monies. Minister Konneh claims that he gave the monies to Mr. Williams and of course Mr. Williams says that he never received any such monies to develop the airport. Such continuing corruption saga (like Charles Taylor's) is clearly the major setup to the airport's development, not Ellen Corkrum and Judge Johnson. Conclusion Liberians are tired of empty speeches and promises by President Johnson Sirleaf. As with the Charles Taylor's regime, Liberia is ranked number one (1) worldwide for corruption. This is unacceptable. Liberia ranks highest in the region for Infant Mortality, Illiteracy, Unemployment, Underemployment, Malnutrition, Diseases, Poor Schools, Poor Roads, Poor Hospitals, Lack Of Electricity, Lack Of Water, Total Lack of all infrastructure. The rampant corruption as exemplified by this President and her government is the major setback to development not just at the airport, but the nation as a whole. The President and her government officials caught on tapes shows that they are unscrupulous and conspirators in corruption.

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Monrovia Justice could perhaps come too late for the father of Little Angel Tokpah, as the trial for her death has been hanging in the balance for years and family members are now fearing the worst that the ailing father could not be around to witness the end of the legal journey he long yarned for in search of justice for his daughters death. While awaiting justice on the final judgment of the late Angels case, the late Angels father Mr. Namuinue S. Togba is sick with a liver disease that may cost him his life if not flown out of Liberia to seek advanced medical treatment. His wife, Sue Togba laments: The ailment of my husband started since last October, when he started complaining about stomach aches. His condition has been deteriorating since then, and in fact, what is keeping him up, is the Bioform medication from the Norway doctors. Sue continues: When he was taken to JFK, we were told that the grease or fat had covered his liver and they could not do anything about the sickness in Liberia unless he seeks medical attention outside of Liberia. The late Angel Togbas father who may not even be alive to witness the final judgment for the death of his daughter, is currently experiencing both physical and psychological pains. Legal redress for the death of

Thursday, January 30 , 2014



Mae Azango

his daughter has been hanging in limbo since 2008, when Mr. Hans Williams, the defendant lawyer took an appeal after his client Hans Williams and fiance Madea Kpekue were sentenced to death by hanging, but nothing has be heard of the

case since the pronouncement about the appeal. Mrs. Togba said the family has spoken with a family doctor in India and was told that most important thing right now is to get Mr. Togba to India as soon as possible to be tested before

discussion. The Doctor said how the medical bill is going to be paid is not important right now and can be discussed later, but the first thing is to get my husband over to India as soon as possible.

Mr. Togba, 62, showed sign of poor memory during interaction with reporter a condition Mrs. Togba blames on his ailment. When asked as who would look after the rest of Angels siblings if she escorts her husband to India, Mrs. Togba said all of their six children are grown, besides the youngest girl, who is sixteen at the moment and a 12th grade student. A round trip ticket to India is US$1,200 and we dont have any money to buy the first ticket, as someone has to escort him to India, because he cannot travel alone. So if anyone can help us in any way, we will appreciate whole heartedly. Therefore we are asking kind hearted individuals, organizations, to help us in any way through cash or kind, God will replenish your resources Mrs. Togba appeals. The Togba family is appealing that individuals wanting to help Mr. Togba, can do so by depositing any amount

to bank account number (0320201535301) International Bank Liberia Limited or call Mrs. Togba at contact number (0886899416). The late Angel Togba who lived with her Aunty Madea Kpakue and her fianc Hans Williams, was only 13 when she allegedly hanged herself. She was discovered dead in the bathroom of her guidance, hanging from the shower rope at their Old Road residence in 2007. The public sentiments heightened after three autopsies were carried out pointing to different causes of death. With the case in court, students, market women, Youth and womens groups, protested and demanded that Mr. Williams and his fianc be brought to justice as quickly as possible. Defendants William and Kpakue were found guilty and ordered hanged to death by George Blamo Dixon. However, Liberia is a signatory to the treaty against capital punishment such as hanging to death. The case is still lingering in the Supreme Court.





Mr. William K. Kruah, former Comptroller, GAC The General Public is hereby informed that Mr. William K. Kruah is no longer in the employ of the General Auditing Commission, (GAC). Any individual, group of individuals or institutions doing business with Mr. Kruah in the name of the GAC will be doing so at their own risk. Signed: The Administration General Auditing Commission

Monrovia - The Foday Kamara. Jerry C. Brown and Chesson families of Brewerville announce the death of Mrs Lillian Brown Kamara commonly called Darling or Darm, a resident of Brewerville city who died on Saturday January 25, 2014 at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Monrovia, Liberia. She is survived by her husband, Foday Kamara, Son, Foday Suma Kamara in the United States, Fornessa Salamatu Kamara Knuckles. Her sisters, Cllr. Pearl Brown Bull and Cerue Brown Banks of Brewerville, Musu Brown Sando and Joyce Pinchu Brown Armah of the United States and Brother, Jerry C. Brown of Atlanta, Georgia, USA and a host of other relatives and friends. Funeral Services will be announced later. For inquires contact the following: Foray S. Kamara 231-880513077 Mrs. Fornessa Salamatu Knuckles - 0016784680731 Mr. Foday S. Kamara, Jr 0016784680731 Mrs. Joyce Pinchu Armah - 0016186088142 Mr. Jerry C. Brown 001-770-444-3222 Cllr. Pearl Brown Bull 0886 578 981



Thursday, January 30 , 2014


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January 21, 2014

For Immediate Release

The Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) in collaboration with its Independent Administrator (Ernst & Young Ghana/MGI Monbo & Company) is reconciling all payments from the oil, mining, agriculture and forestry sectors to the Government of Liberia from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. As part of its mandate, the LEITI requested all entities operating in these sectors to submit reporting templates of payments made to the government for the period under review and in support of its 5th Reconciliation Report. It is important to note that after series of extension in deadlines from November 22, December 20, 2013 and January 15, 2014 the below listed companies have not submitted reporting templates as required. LEITI is therefore constrained to enforce the Multi-Stakeholder Steering Group (MSG) Regulation of 2009 which in part calls for Public Censure. Failure to submit reporting templates may lead to additional sanction by the LEITI MSG. The companies concerned are: Agriculture 1. Liberia Agriculture Development Corp 2. Liberia Forest Product 3. LIBINC Oil Palm 4. Sime Darby 5. The Liberia Company Forestry 1. B&V Timber Company 2. Bargor & Bargor Enterprise 3. Ecowood Incorporated 4. Euro Liberia Logging Inc 5. Geblo Logging Inc 6. International Consultant Capital 7. Liberia Hard Wood Corp 8. Thunder Bird International Mining 1. Acquarian Commercial Holdings Inc 2. Amlib United Minerals Ltd 3. Ascension Resources Ltd 4. Bukon Jeddeh Resources Ltd 5. Investment Development Corporation 6. Konblo Bumi Inc 7. Liberia Development Initiative 8. Middle Island Resources 9. Mount Belle Resources Liberia Ltd 10. Planet Minerals Limited 11. Shankil Resources Inc. 12. Southern Cross 13. Thacket Mining Inc. 14. Viola International Inc. Signed: ______________________________ LEITI Secretariat

Thursday, January 30 , 2014


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t least 11 senators from Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan's

party have quit to join the opposition, the latest in a series of defections. The senators signed a letter

that cited "factionalisation" in the governing People's Democratic Party (PDP), without specifying further.

The PDP still has a Senate majority but needs opposition help to pass bills. Analysts say many in the PDP

are upset because they believe Mr Jonathan intends to stand for a second term. The PDP has won every national election since the end of military rule in 1999. But some 37 members of the house of representatives defected last year, wiping out the party's majority in the lower house. Several state governors have also defected to the APC, and the BBC'sSola Odunfa in Lagos says that many more may be waiting to do so. The senators and the representatives joined the All Progressives Congress (APC), which now has 33 senators in the 109-member chamber. The APC has called on its members to block all legislation, including the 2014 budget. The party said it wanted the "rule of law" restored in oilrich Rivers state and "Nigeria in general".

r Machar, who is on the run, said he hoped mediators in the crisis would ensure the release of four of his imprisoned allies. Analysts say the issue threatens a ceasefire signed last week. Officials announced earlier that seven politicians were being charged over an alleged coup attempt in December. It was initially a political dispute between President Salva Kiir and his former deputy Mr Machar on 15 December. Since then, violence has spread into a full-scale conflict, with reports of ethnic killing. Continue reading the main story Analysis James CopnallSouth Sudan analyst This release of several of the detainees will probably not remove an obstacle to the negotiations. The rebels want all of the men released - and so do the US and other countries mediating in this crisis. The idea is that all these heavyweight figures should take part in talks on resolving the political crisis that triggered this conflict. Outside South Sudan, at least,


President Salva Kiir has not been able to convince many people that his former deputy Riek Machar and the remaining detainees were involved in an attempted coup. The families of the prisoners say they are concerned about their safety. Attention now focuses on President Kiir, who has hinted that after a trial the men could receive an amnesty. However, it is difficult to see how court proceedings could be completed before the restart date for negotiations, in early February. That could force a delay.

Eleven officials, who are prominent political figures from a faction of the governing SPLM party, were arrested at the time of the alleged coup. Four have been charged with treason and seven have now been released to the authorities in Kenya, where they appeared at a news conference on Wednesday with Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta. 'Fragile ceasefire' On Tuesday evening, South Sudan's justice minister said the treason charges would be brought against four men who were already in custody, plus

three men on the run. "I personally have not planned a coup and my colleagues who are under detention have not planned a coup with me so I see no reason why we would face such charges," Mr Machar told the BBC's Focus on Africa radio programme. "The government should differentiate between the alleged coup and the current rebellion." With peace talks expected to begin in February, Mr Machar said he hoped the regional mediators would "live [up] to their commitment" and free the

four men still in detention. "These comrades are important in the peace process," he said. Mr Machar, who was sacked as Mr Kiir's deputy last July, has been on the run since 15 December and has refused to say where he is hiding. Before Thursday's ceasefire, he said he had come under attack several times from South Sudanese and Ugandan soldiers, who are fighting alongside government forces. Both sides say they are committed to the ceasefire, but there is still fighting in some areas, and the United Nations has described the situation as "fragile". Aid groups say up to 10,000 people have been killed in the conflict. The UN says more than 646,000 people have been displaced inside South Sudan and more than 123,400 people have fled to neighbouring countries. The UN's aid chief Valerie Amos has wrapped up a threeday visit to the country with a trip to Malakal, where she said some people were afraid to return home despite the truce and had "completely lost faith'' and wanted to be relocated to other parts of South Sudan, or even out of the country.

Mark. The PDP has been hit by a string of defections in recent months "This action and decision is as a result of the division and factionalisation" in the PDP, it said. The letter contains the names of 16 senators in total but only carries 11 signatures. The defections are the latest in a long list of problems confronting Mr Jonathan, whose leadership has recently come in for high-profile criticism from within the PDP. Former President Olusegun Obasanjo, political benefactor of Mr Jonathan and a strong influence within the party, wrote a damning letter last month cataloguing alleged personal shortcomings of the president and his style of governance. Mr Jonathan took over after his predecessor died in office, and went on to win a presidential election in 2011. The party usually alternates between leaders from the mainly Muslim north and the south, where most people are Christian. Mr Jonathan is a southerner, so party grandees from the north may well believe it is the turn of a northerner to stand, analysts say.

he defectors announced their decision in a letter to Senate leader David


housands of people were left stranded overnight on motorways, in schools and churches as a snow storm spawned traffic chaos in the US deep South. Airports and roads were closed as five states declared emergencies. Military vehicles were deployed to aid stranded motorists and to reach those in need of food and water. Barely 3in (7.6cm) of snow caused havoc in a warmweather region where many cities do not even have snow ploughs or fleets of salt trucks. Hundreds of road accidents were reported, a number of them involving lorries jackknifing on highways. Despite ample weather warnings, school officials waited until the middle of Tuesday when snow was already falling to send students home on routes where traffic was grinding to a halt.

Thursday, January 30 , 2014



11 Page 15


By: A. Macaulay Sombai, 0777217428

drunken Manchester City starlet went the wrong way down a one-way street before smashing his Range Rover Sport into two cars on January 19.

that he had been drinking and was put into the back of a police car where he took a breath test. He was arrested after the sample gave a reading of 70 micrograms of alcohol in 100 milliliters of breath the limit is 35. Nimely, who signed for the Blues in 2008, had swerved in a bid to avoid hitting a car coming the correct way along Jackson Row, Geelan said. Gwyn Lewis, defending, said Nimely, currently on loan at Crystal Palace, hadnt planned to get behind the wheel but a friend who he hoped would drive had drunk too much. The court heard he had managed to avoid the oncoming car but struck a parked vehicle which had rolled and collided with another car. Lewis said Nimely was in a financial position to pay his fine and costs immediately.

Alex Nimely, 22, was trying to park his posh motor when he collided with a parked car which was shunted into another vehicle. The striker was found to be double the drink limit and was fined 600 (US$994.44) and disqualified for 18 months at Manchester magistrates court on January 24. Nimely, of Romana Square, Altricham, admitted driving with excess alcohol at 2:35AM in London on January 12. He was made to pay 85 (US$140.92) costs and a 60 (US$99.47) surcharge. Prosecutor Dominic Geelan said the two parked cars had suffered minor damage and Nimely admitted responsibility for the accident. While being quizzed about the incident it was noticed

He added: He only wanted to park his car safely. Unfortunately he did not know the area very well and crashed going the wrong way up a one-way street. My client is still a young man and I hope he will learn his lesson it was a learning curve for him. The court offered Nimely the Drink Drivers Rehabilitation Scheme which if completed successfully would reduce the ban by 25 per cent. Meanwhile, Nimely arrived in Monrovia on January 26 to bury his father, Alex Nimely, Sr., who died on January 22. A wake-keeping will take place at the deceaseds residence outside Monrovia on January 31 while the funeral service takes place at the Agape Ministry Church in New Kru Town on February 1. Editors note: Stan Miller of the Manchester Evening News largely contributed to this article while Danesius Marteh added the piece on the death of Nimelys father.


ergio Aguero turned in David Silva's pass for his 50th Premier League goal but limped off before the break. The City onslaught continued when Danny Rose was sent off for tripping Edin Dzeko with Yaya Toure converting the resulting penalty. Dzeko made it 3-0 before Etienne Capoue's reply but Stevan Jovetic and Vincent Kompany added further goals.

ibya beat Zimbabwe and Ghana beat Nigeria in penalty shootouts to clinch their places in the African Nations Championship final. Ghana won 4-1 on spot-kicks, having overcome Kwabena Adusei's red card in the 64th minute to hold Nigeria to a 0-0 draw after extra-time. And Libya beat Zimbabwe 5-4 shootout after they had also played out a goalless draw in their semi-final. Libya and Ghana will contest the final on Saturday in Cape Town at 1800 GMT. Ghana did well to resist the Super Eagles, who had a man advantage for more than an hour but could not make it count. The closest Nigeria came was in added time at the end of extra-time when Imenger Barnabus had a close-range header superbly tipped over. Barnabus also squandered two earlier chance in extratime, missing from six yards and dragging another shot just wide. Nigeria proved similarly profligate with their penalties, missing two of their first three, while Ghana scored each of their four kicks to secure victory. Earlier in the day, Libya rode their luck in a goalless 120 minutes with Zimbabwe, who failed to take the better of the game's few chances. In the first half the Warriors threatened through Ali Sadiki's 25-yard shot and a Simba Sithole header either side of Mohamed Ghanudi's headed effort for Libya. After the break, neither side were able to find their rhythm and the lone opportunity came seven minutes from the end when Zimbabwe's Kudakwashe Mahachi smashed over from inside the box. Extra-time was a cagey affair but Libya might have snatched victory when Elmutasem Abushnaf struck a shot between the legs of keeper George Chigova only for the ball to drift wide. It took Javier Clemete's side three attempts to win on penalties - they missed their fifth and seventh spot-kicks after Zimbabwe had fallen behind with misses of their own - before goalkeeper Mohamed Abdaula scored his side's eighth kick to earn victory.

VOL 8 NO.524




THE WRONG PLACARD? When one Adults Mistake Embarasses a Child


Spot News






breaking ceremony of the Mt. Coffee Power project held in Harrisburg, a group of school

children were assembled by their teachers with placards bearing different inscriptions. But on one placard which landed in the hand of the wrong children, there was an incription but it was not funny.

The placard read: Mother President, Please pity my condition, I am a handicap. A visitor upon reading this tried to find out what was wrong with the kids holding it. First the visitor felt they were deaf and dumb but as she would later find out, they were perfectly ok, but they were only holding the wrong placard.



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