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Read the following text.
There are few established organisations dealing specifically with temporary work in Britain. You
are advised to check carefully any details relating to your employment, particularly rates of pay and
insurance. Employment agencies are prohibited from demanding a fee from any worker for finding or
seeking to find him or her employment. Please do not forget that you will also need to find
accommodation unless you have applied for a catering job.
If you come from an E.U. country, you do not need a work permit to take up employment in this
country. Nationals of other countries must have such a permit, and may be refused entry to Britain if they
cannot produce one at the port of entry. However, for temporary employment on international voluntary
work-camps and farm camps as well as for au pair posts you do not require a work permit, but must bring
with you a letter of invitation from the camp or employer. This letter of invitation does not entitle you to
take paid work of any other kind during your visit.
International work-camps in the United Kingdom generally last for two or four weeks between
April and October, and some organisations arrange short camps around Christmas and Easter. Projects
may involve social work, manual work such as repairs, decorating, building of childrens playgrounds,
etc., or a combination of both. There are now a number of international nature conservation projects in
addition to the normal types of work-camp. Most international work-camps are organised on a non-profit
making basis.
Young Visitors to Britain (abridged)

A Find words in the text that mean the following:

1. especially = ____________________

3. need

= ____________________

2. forbidden = ____________________

4. usually

= ____________________

B Complete the sentences according to the ideas in the text:

1. Temporary employment ___________________________________________________________
2. Almost all international work-camps _________________________________________________

C Answer the questions:

1. What are you advised to check?
2. Who must have a work permit?
3. How long do international work-camps in the U.K. usually last?

A Complete this text using for, during or while:
Elvis Presley worked as a truck driver (1)_______________ three years before making his first record in
1954. (2)_______________ 1956 he made four records and all were No. 1 hits. He then went into the
army (3)_______________ two years. (4)_______________ he was in the army, he continued to make
records. (5)_______________ the nine years that followed he made thirty films. (6)_______________ he
was making these films, he was also making records. In 1969 he gave his first live concert in Las Vegas.
He continued to give concerts (7)_______________ eight years until he died of a drug overdose in 1977.

B Choose the correct caption as well as the appropriate punctuation mark from the box:

declarative affirmative


declarative negative


strong imperative

1. I dont like ice-cream very much

____ __________________________________

2. What a lovely day

____ __________________________________

3. What is going on

____ __________________________________

4. Dont talk while Im speaking

____ __________________________________

5. Isabella lives in Liverpool

____ __________________________________

C Rewrite the following sentences using the Possessive Case.

1. I broke the window of the bedroom.
2. Yesterday morning Peter lost the key of the garage.
3. The aerial of my car was broken by vandals.
4. One of these days Stephanie will spend some holidays in the house of her grandparents in Ireland.
5. The garden of the new park is of a very dark green.

Choose one of the following topics and write about 100 words on it.
A Are there a lot of job opportunities in your region? Is unemployment increasing or decreasing in your
region? Is the technological improvement responsible for unemployment?
B Write about your favourite singer / group using some of the following expressions: I like / I love /
Im crazy about / Im very found of / I dont like / I hate / I cant stand / I prefer
C The computer world is immense. It has a lot of difficult areas like the internet. Do you agree or
disagree? Write a comment on it.
Good Luck!!

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