Word (Part of Speech) What The Dictionary Says Synonym/Anton Ym Sentence From The Text

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Name: Oliver Luo Word (Part of Speech)



Date: 12/2/2013 Period: 3rd What The Dictionary Says Synonym/Anton Sentence From The Text ym Vulgar, abusive, The pastor was upset at Ricky for being profane nasty, obscene during a religious discussion at the church. Disrespecting and desecrating a scared object Clean, moral, or place. pure, holy, polite, religious Disregarded, trivial, petty, minor, insignificant Important, major, significant, worthwhile, paramount Cheeky, forward, disrespectful, bold, brazen, brash Respectful, kind, polite Deteriorate, dwindle, fail, faint, weaken Build, develop, grow The sun exploding is anything but a trifling matter.

Trifling Small or unimportant.

The code of conduct does not advocate saucy clothing in school.

Saucy Showy and standing out.

Our war cries helped us turn the tide of the battle and the enemy started to languish in their resolve to win.


To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor.

Name: Oliver Luo

Date: 12/2/2013 Causing great harm; destructive


Period: 3rd Damaging, Having Miley Cyrus become an idol for our young dangerous, generation of children is undoubtedly one of the most hostile, toxic, pernicious mistakes an adult could make. ruinous, harmful, destructive Advantageous, good, harmless, beneficial, healthy

Word (Part of Speech)



What The Dictionary Says Synonym/Anton Sentence From the Text ym Foreboding, The convict in court was definitely anxious and ominous, destined portentous for his sentence. Of the nature of or constituting a portent; Unclear, foreboding unknowing, Amazing, astonishing, astounding, exceptional, phenomenal Common, expected, conventional, normal, plain, ordinary Courageous, fearless, gallant, gutsy, heroic Afraid, cowardly, fearful, meek It is mind boggling how a 9-year-old could be so prodigious and obtain a black belt in taekwondo in just under 3 years.

Prodigious Extraordinary; marvelous

Even though the enemy team had far more players than us, we still managed to beat them with pure valiance and wit.

Possessing valor; brave. Valiant

Name: Oliver Luo

Date: 12/2/2013

Period: 3rd Descendants, family, heirs, lineage, children Parent, past Timothy sometimes wonder if his posterity will remember him when he dies.


Future or succeeding generations

Rash, ardent, impulsive Impetuous Liable to act without consideration. Cautious, calm

The tank driver was impetuous and nearly went over a mine field before the commander told him to pull back.

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