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HSEP0602 Health safety and environment (HSE) induction process

In this Procedure:
1.0Context of training.................................................................................................2 2.0Objectives of the HSE training..............................................................................2 3.0Process flowchart.................................................................................................3 Deliver !o"es.............................................................................................# #.0$raining !etho"olog ...........................................................................................# #.1HSE in"%ction instr%ctors........................................................................# #.2HSE in"%ction assess!ent &rocess........................................................# #.3'anagers an" contract a"!inistrators....................................................( #.#'onthl in"%ction "a ..............................................................................( #.(H "ro $as!ania) high ris* an" restricte" area........................................+ (.0S%!!ar ...............................................................................................................+ +.0Definitions............................................................................................................., ,.0-in*s......................................................................................................................, ..0/evision histor ....................................................................................................,

Hydro Tasmania Work Instruction $itle Health) safet an" environ!ent 1HSE2 in"%ction &rocess 3 wor* 4ersion 1 0 instr%ction 0 Doc%!ent Owner0 Safet $ea! Date Create"0 'arch 2011 5&&rover0 'ic* C%&&ari Date 'a 2011 5&&rove"0 Date Effective0 'a 2011

Health) Safet 6 Environ!ent 7 HSEP0+02 3 HSE in"%ction &rocess

!"#I$%: Printe" Doc%!ent is 8ncontrolle"

/evision 1 Print Date0 309019201#


onte(t of trainin)

$he HSE in"%ction g%i"e is to &rovi"e infor!ation to e!&lo ees) contractors an" s%bcontractors of H "ro $as!ania:s safet an" environ!ental &osition. ;t "etails the !ini!%! re<%ire!ents for all wor*sites that H "ro $as!ania contractors an" e!&lo ees are re<%ire" to wor* or interact with. $he infor!ation containe" in this g%i"e is so%rce" fro! H "ro $as!ania:s safe wor* &ractices "oc%!entation an" H "rosafe &roce"%res.


$*+ectives of the HSE trainin)

$he HSE in"%ction has fo%r !ain objectives0 $o o%tline the %ni<%e safet an" environ!ental as&ects of H "ro $as!ania wor*sites. $hese will be "ealt with in "etail thro%gho%t this in"%ction. ;n s%!!ar H "ro $as!ania is an electrical generating b%siness an" &rovi"er of &rofessional services thro%gh its cons%lting b%siness across 5%stralia an" internationall ) an" has high energ ha=ar"s an" challenging ris*s across !an of its wor*sites. H "ro $as!ania is &art of the national electricit s%&&l in"%str an" %ses s&ecial wor* &ractices an" &roce"%res to facilitate safe access an" o&eration of H "ro $as!ania:s generating &lant) an" controlle" sites. $o o%tline the !ain safet an" environ!ent &olicies) &roce"%res an" reso%rces in &lace at H "ro $as!ania. $o enable o% to !eet o%r res&onsibilit for the health an" safet for o%rself an" others on the wor*site. $o intro"%ce o% to the safet an" environ!ental &lanning tools an" &roce"%res %se" at H "ro $as!ania.

2. 3. #.

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Process flo-chart

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.elivery modes
H "ro $as!ania staff will be &rovi"e" with classroo! base" training an" assess!ent. Contractors are re<%ire" to &rint a co& an" st%" this "oc%!ent. 5n assess!ent will be arrange" as &art of the on7site in"%ction &rior to the co!!ence!ent of the contracte" wor*. $he "eliver of this training !a ta*e &lace at0 > toolbox !eetings > !anage!ent !eetings > staff co!!%nication sessions > &re7in"%ction &rogra!s > o%tages an" constr%ction in"%ction


#rainin) methodolo)y

$he training !etho"s to be %se"0 ?or new e!&lo ees an" contractors) the training nee"s to cover all as&ects incl%"ing content an" H "ro $as!ania occ%&ational health an" safet 1OH6S2 c%lt%re. @enerall ) this will ta*e a&&roxi!atel one ho%r to co!&lete. ?or e!&lo ees an" contractors re<%iring a refresher 1ever two ears2) the training nee"s to cover less on the content an" !ore on the H "ro $as!ania OH6S c%lt%re. $he content co!&onent nee"s to cover an s*ill ga& or significant changes that !a exist fro! when the last co!&lete" the assess!ent. @enerall this will ta*e a&&roxi!atel 30 !in%tes to co!&lete. ?or e!&lo ees an" contractors with lang%age an" rea"ing "iffic%lties) consi"eration will nee" to be !a"e b increasing the training ti!e. $his training will var "e&en"ing on the level of literac an" !a re<%ire the &resenter to rea" an" ex&an" where re<%ire" on each of the <%estions given.




HSE induction instructors

'anager to their "irect re&orts. Project) contract an" o%tage !anagers to contractors an" s&ecialist services as re<%ire". $echnical an" O&eration technicians , an" .) or above. Contract a"!inistrators 3 internal an" external Ahere sche"%le") H "ro $as!ania training or OH6S staff.

HSE training is "elivere" b the0


HSE induction assessment process

$his is an o&en boo* assess!ent. $i!e allowe" 7 as s&ecifie" b the instr%ctor. 8se the answer sheet to recor" o%r answers 3 this will be &rovi"e" b 5ll <%estions sho%l" be atte!&te". o%r instr%ctor.

$he r%les of assess!ent &rocesses incl%"e that0

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$he objective of this assess!ent is to !eas%re o%r level of *nowle"ge an" %n"erstan"ing of H "ro $as!ania:s health) safet an" environ!ent &olicies an" &roce"%res. /ea" the <%estions 9 state!ents caref%ll ) there !a be !ore than one correct answer. /et%rn o%r answer sheet to o%r instr%ctor on co!&letion. 5 100B gra"ing is re<%ire" for co!&etence. Co%r instr%ctor will go thro%gh an <%estions that !a have answere" incorrectl to clarif the correct answer. Dote0 ;t is i!&ortant that &ersons %n"erta*ing this assess!ent are clear on what is ex&ecte" fro! H "ro $as!ania an" are f%ll aware of these re<%ire!ents an" car"inal r%les as the answer sheet !a be %se" as evi"ence that &ersons were !a"e aware of these) in the event there is a non7 co!&liance. 5 recor" of o%r assess!ent res%lt will be recor"e" b the training tea!.

Note: Following the assessment the instructor and or manager must take into consideration if the behaviours of staff and contractor inductees is appropriate and meets the expectations of Hydro Tasmania. If it is deemed to not meet Hydro Tasmania behavioural standards an escalation to their appropriate manager is necessary to determine a suitable outcome. !n example may be that they think that a "ero alcohol and drug policy is not fair.


0ana)ers and contract administrators

'anagers an" contract a"!inistrators are res&onsible for ens%ring that all staff an" their contractors are health) safet an" environ!ent in"%cte" an" re7in"%cte" &rior to the two earl ex&ir "ate.


0onthly induction day

E exce&tion onl 0 HSE in"%ction assess!ents can be "elivere" b the safet tea!) for staff an" contractors) at H "ro $as!ania !onthl training "a . Note: ! Hydro Tasmania manager must book these# $his "a will offer the0 HSE in"%ction assess!ent for wor*ing at H "ro $as!ania 3 a&&roxi!atel "%ration. one ho%r

Easic isolation training an" the %se of &ersonal loc*s 3 FH "ro $as!ania instr%cte" &erson 1;P2: a&&roxi!atel 30 !in%te "%ration. G/eci&ientH s&ecific to high ris* restricte" areas an" recognise" b H "ro $as!ania) 5%rora an" $ransen" an" !eeting the electricit in"%str co!&etenc stan"ar" 3 a&&roxi!atel one ho%r "%ration.

Person in charge training for s%&ervisors an" !anagers who ta*e charge of H "ro $as!ania wor*sites an" are the signator to H "ro $as!ania:s &er!it to wor* s ste! 3 a&&roxi!atel three ho%rs "%ration. ! manager$s endorsement form and %&I administration forms will be re'uired before validation of instructed person or person in charge training ( go to and follow the )&&* training links to these documents. +Note, persons re'uiring some or all this training may attend at the ga"etted time slot for the component re'uired or all. - this process is still being defined internally at Hydro Tasmania.

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Hydro #asmania2 hi)h ris3 and restricted area

?or &ersons re<%iring access to high ris* restricte" areas s%ch as &ower stations an" switch ar"s) training !eeting the electricit in"%str co!&etenc stan"ar" an" !eeting the $as!anian &ower s ste! safet r%les 1PSS/2) instr%cte" &erson shall be re<%ire" as well as H "ro $as!ania:s health) safet an" environ!ent in"%ction. ?or all other environ!ents s%ch as civil) constr%ction an" lan" an" facilities) the HSE in"%ction !a be the !ini!%! re<%ire!ent. Persons re<%iring access to an H "ro $as!ania wor*site sho%l" confir! with their H "ro $as!ania re&resentative what their !ini!%! re<%ire!ents are &rior to co!ing to site.



;nstr%ctors: sho%l" ens%re that the &ersons to be in"%cte" have access to a co& of the health) safet an" environ!ent g%i"e an" have wor*e" thro%gh the review <%estions &rior to the face to face assess!ent. $he training &resentation has been "evelo&e" to assist in the "eliver of the HSE in"%ction assess!ent an" is an o&tion that can be %se" for the "eliver of this training. $his &resentation covers the re<%ire!ents of the HSE in"%ction. +Note, depending on the audience a selection of slides may be re'uired. $he assess!ent is a !%lti&le choice assess!ent with an acco!&an ing answer sheet to assist with !ar*ing. $he answer sheet is onl accessible to H "ro $as!ania staff an" !anagers on H "roSafe. On s%ccessf%l co!&letion of the HSE in"%ction assess!ent) the electrical s%&&l in"%str 1ES;2 &ass&ort will be signe" b the H "ro $as!ania re&resentative with an ex&ir "ate of two ears fro! the "a of training. ;f the &erson "oes not have an ES; &ass&ort an" re<%ires one to wor* in the o&erational areas of H "ro $as!ania an interi! a%thorisation will be &rovi"e". $his will enable the &erson to wor* %ntil a &ass&ort can be arrange". Note: for work in high risk restricted areas such as power station and switchyard. full passport training and authorisation will be re'uired meeting the %&I standard. *ecognition for )rior /earning *)/ will be given for persons re'uiring access to these areas from other generating companies. ?or e!&lo ees an" contractors that will not wor* in the o&erational areas of the b%siness the will not re<%ire a &ass&ort. Contractors base" in an office base" environ!ent e.g. Hobart) 'elbo%rne) an" Erisbane etcI will onl receive their contractor i"entification car" after s%ccessf%l co!&letion of the -evel 1) 2 an" 3 in"%ctions as a !ini!%!. $his car" will certif that the are in"%ction co!&liant fro! the "ate of iss%e. /efreshers are re<%ire" ever two ears) with iss%e of new car") to re!ain co!&liant. $he instr%ctor nee"s to scan assess!ent res%lts to<%estsJh "!.a% . $he res%lts along with na!e an" co!&an "etails will be recor"e" in H "ro $as!ania:s training !anage!ent s ste!. $his infor!ation) incl%"ing the ex&ir "ate) will be visible in the in"ivi"%al:s &rofile in a s&rea" sheet in F! h "ro:. Note: This spread sheet in not a replacement for having a %&I passport to present on site and is purely for compliance and planning only. Contractor "etails will be entere" into a s&rea"sheet accessible thro%gh the H "ro $as!ania internal website) H "roSafe 3Note ( this process is still being determined internally by Hydro Tasmania.

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ESI HSE induction PSS4

Electrical s%&&l in"%str H "ro $as!ania:s health) safet an" environ!ent in"%ction. Power s ste! safet r%les.

5'0 7'0
4evisio n num*e r 0

6in3s 4evision history

.ate approved 'arch 2011 .etailed revision description .ocument o-ner Kohn Laragianna *is .ocument revie-er Kohn Laragianna *is .ocument approver

/efer to HSE training &age.

Develo&e" 3 new "oc%!ent 8&"ate" to reflect c%rrent &rocess7 $echnical an" o&erations tea! have han"e" over the HSE in"%ction &rocess to the safet tea!. Aor* instr%ction %&"ate" to incl%"e &rocess flowchart an" c%rrent &rocess.


1M 'a 2011

'ic* C%&&ari

Er%ce Hill

'ic* C%&&ari

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