Assignment No. 1: 1 What Are The Objectives of Psychology? Answer

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Assignment No.

1. What are the Objectives of Psychology? Answer: The Objectives of Psychology are: 1. to understand human behavior, 2. to predict human behavior by means of observation and experiment, and 3. to influence or alter the behavior of individual or group in desirable ways so that he can achieve the goal he desires. 2. Enumerate the Importance of Psychology in the following: a. At Home People and the places where they reside are engaged in a continuing set of exchanges; they have determinate, mutual effects upon each other because they are part of a single, interactive system ,your psychology, and your consciousness and your subjectivity dont really depend on the place where you livethey come from inside from inside your brain, or inside your soul or inside your personality. With many communities a home isnt just where you are, its who you are. b. School School Psychology is a general practice and health service provider specialty of professional psychology that is concerned with the science and practice of psychology with children, youth, families; learners of all ages; and the schooling process. The basic education and training of school psychologists prepares them to provide a range of psychological diagnosis, assessment, intervention, prevention, health promotion, and program development and evaluation services with a special focus on the developmental processes of children and youth within the context of schools, families and other systems. c. Circle of Friends When approaching the notion of friendship, our first problem is, as Graham Allan (1996: 85) has commented, that there is a lack of firmly agreed and socially acknowledged criteria for what makes a person a friend. In one setting we may describe someone as a friend, in another the label may seem less appropriate. We may have a very thin understanding of what friendship entails. For example, Bellah et. al. (1996: 115), drawing upon Aristotle, suggest that the traditional idea of friendship has three components: Friends must enjoy each others company, they must be useful to one another, and they must share a common commitment to the good. In contemporary western societies, it is suggested, we tend to define friendship in terms of the first component, and find the notion of utility a difficult to place within friendship. d. Industry The main importance of Industrial psychology is that it attracts good job opportunities, enhances and grows the creativity aspect of an individual. It also creates job opportunities for others.

3. Name some methods of Psychological research and describe each. Answer: 1. Instrospection Method This is a subjective method of observation which was introduced by St. Augustine. In this method, the psychologist studies himself, record his own feelings and experiences and later interprets them. 2. Observation Method is a visual and oral method of examining, describing and interpreting the reactions of individuals and groups in a laboratory, classroom, or out of- school situations. The most widely used method in the study of behavior is observation. There are several kinds of observation: a. Uncontrolled or Informal This method of observation does not follow any particular scope of behavior to be observed. b. Naturalistic Observation An observation of things as they naturally happen is the naturalistic observation method. c. Contolled or Formal observation follows certain rules, in gathering materials in order to draw the best conclusions. 3. Life History Method Psychological research makes use of life history method, which involve extensive studies of individuals by tracing the development of a particular form of behavior. Three Basis Form a. The Day Book Method b. The Clinical Method c. The Biographical Method 4. Survey Method or Group Method - Through written questionnaires or interviews, data are obtained from a large group particular that group which will constitute a representative sample. 5. Experimental Method - This is used to study behavior which can be brought and studied under controlled conditions. 4. Meaning of Personality? Answer: The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual descriptive character. 5. What are the aspects of Personality, Give the meaning of each aspects? Answer: 1. The Physical Aspect The entire physiological system is determined by heredity and environment. 2. Mental Aspect How the person talks, the range of ideas he express, and the things he talks about, as well as his values and mental alertness give evidence of his intellectual capacity. The mental aspect depends upon the intelligence of the individual, the better the education, the better the personality. 3.The Emotional Aspect A persons emotional makeup is shown by his likes and dislikes, wether he is aggressive or docile, how he responds when things become difficult, how quickly he is given to anger, wether he can take a job or not, what kind of sense of humor he posseses, and the like.

4. The Social Aspect This has to do with social contact. It is how well a person conducts himself with other people and how well he observes the rules of etiquette that govern society. 5. The Spiritual Aspect This is the consciousness of the higher values in life, Religion expresses spiritual value. It includes the persons faith, beliefs, philosophy and the like. 6. The Moral Aspect This has to do with a persons awareness of the difference between what is wrong or right, his positive or negative adherence to the dos and donts of the society.

Assignment No. 2
1. What is Personality? Answer: The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual descriptive character. 2. What are the Aspects of Personality? Answer: 1. The Physical Aspect The entire physiological system is determined by heredity and environment. 2. Mental Aspect How the person talks, the range of ideas he express, and the things he talks about, as well as his values and mental alertness give evidence of his intellectual capacity. The mental aspect depends upon the intelligence of the individual, the better the education, the better the personality. 3.The Emotional Aspect A persons emotional makeup is shown by his likes and dislikes, wether he is aggressive or docile, how he responds when things become difficult, how quickly he is given to anger, wether he can take a job or not, what kind of sense of humor he posseses, and the like. 4. The Social Aspect This has to do with social contact. It is how well a person conducts himself with other people and how well he observes the rules of etiquette that govern society. 5. The Spiritual Aspect This is the consciousness of the higher values in life, Religion expresses spiritual value. It includes the persons faith, be liefs, philosophy and the like. 6. The Moral Aspect This has to do with a persons awareness of the difference between what is wrong or right, his positive or negative adherence to the dos and donts of the society 3. Explain the different earmarks of Personality? Answer: 1. A mature person accepts responsibilities; he does not shrink from duties. 2. He accepts an unpleasant task, considering it as a normal or ordinary experience which shapes his life. 3. He does not nurse grudges, Instead, he tries to understand others and does not insist on being understood by them. 4. He is amiable and enjoys the company of many different persons. He tries to remember every person not by his imperfections but by the desirable qualities he finds in him. Thus his friendship is long lasting. 5. He does not expect his fellowmen to be perfect since he knows that everyone is subject to human frailties. 6. A mature individual has lots of patience and perseverance towards work since he is aware of the fact that it requires time b efore he can profit from them. 7. He can accept, weven enlist, help, considering, this not sign of weakness but of maturity. 8. He is tolerance, Laird et al. (1975) define tolerance as the capacity to listen ot another persons point of view and to try to understand his values. He allows others to enjoy the expression of their opinions and beliefs.

9. He profits from constructive criticism. He takes criticisms as an ordinary outlet for improving his qualities or discarding those unpleasantness that the majorty see in him. 10. He knows that he cannot always be dependent upon his parents for support. Earning will be his next step to be able to run his own life. A mature individual then tends to increase his responsibility specially at the time he has his own family. 11. He works with a long- range plan. Erlich (1967) expresses the view that a person who has a mature personality is one whose work is motivated by a longrange plan. For instance, a young married couple is said to be working with a long-range plan if they take steps toward having their own house and save money for the future of their children. 12. Experts are one in their view that a mature person has courage to do right when others around him are doing wrong. He has a strong determination not to do a thing he fully knows will destroy him and others. 4. Explain the Reasons for developing Personality? Answer: 1. For social acceptance, 2. for self satisfaction, 3. for self confidence, and 4. to keep ourselves on the job.

5. Explain the different suggestions for Personality, Improvement? Answer: 1. Be conscious of the other person. Talk about the subject that interests him, and he will regard you as a person with an interesting personality. 2. Assume that people like you. If you show that you want people to talk to you, they will respond warmly. 3. Admit your defects. 4. Admire your friends. 5. Associate with people who are successful and happy. Seek the company of others who can give you new points of view and thoughts, new hopes and new life. 6. Attend social gatherings. 7. Change your environment occasionally. Take a vacation and rest in a new place. Change your home and house atmosphere whenever you can.

Assignment No. 3
1. Meaning of Performance Appraisal? Answer: is the process of measuring an individual's or a group's work behaviors and outcomes against the expectations of the job.Performance appraisal is frequently used in promotion and compensation decisions, to help design and validate personnel selection procedures, 2. What are the purposes of Performance Appraisal? Answer: The over all purpose of performance appraisal is to provide an accurate measure of how well a person is perfume the job. * Validation of selection criteria * Training requirement * Employee improvement * Promotions, wages, and transfers * Reduction in force 3. What are the different techniques of performance appraisal? Answer: There are two categories of performance : Those for production Jobs and those for non productin jobs some sample performance measures for both kinds of work are listed below: Production Jobs: 1. Quantity of Output The number of units assembled or produced in a given period of time. 2. Quality of Output Assessed by inspection standards or the number of faulty units produced. 3. Accidents Accident record of the worker. 4. Salary Earnings history of the worker, rate and frequency of increases. 5. Absenteeism Number of days lost from work. 6. Rate of Advancement Record of promotion. Accidents, Salary, Absenteeism, and Advancement may also be used in assessing performance on non production jobs. Non Production Jobs: 1. Assessment of supervisors Appraisal of level of proficiency. 2. Assessment of Peers Co workers; jugdement of performance level 3. Self Assessment Appraisal of ones own performance level. 4. What is the meaning of Stress? Answer: Stress is defined as the process by which the individuals responds to environmental and psychological events that are perceived as threatening or challenging. 5. What are the different causes of stress? Answer: Headaches Sweating Cold hands and feet Changes in appetite Stomach problems, heart burn

2. Mental Lack of concentration More frequent mistakes Forgetfulness/ absent mindedness Poor judgement 3. Emotional Irritation/ short temper Nervousness Depression/silence Emotional outburst/crying 4. Behavioral Insomia Increased drinking/ smoking/eating Absenteeism Clumsiness

Assignment No. 4
1. Differentiate the Job Description from Job Specification? Answer: A job description describes a job. By contrast, a job specification describes a person says Job description According to H. T. Graham in Human Resource Management, it is a broad description of the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities of a particular job. The key components of the job description will include: Job title, job location, job summary, reporting relationships and job duties. Job Specification describes what the incumbent must possess to get the job done successfully. It is embodied in statements that describe the human characteristics of the person. The elements of the job specification include: knowledge, skills, abilities, and other personal attributes. The physical demands of the job and the work environment are also included within the job specification. It can be influenced by prevailing labor laws or collective agreements in force, so care needs to be taken how they are written. And they should not exclude any specific groups in the society. 2. What are the different sources of Error in Interview Judgements? Explain each Error. Answer: 1. Error of a Halo effect This error is the tendency to rate an individual either high or low in many traits based on the raters impression of some particular trait. 2. Lack of Rapport Rapport means the establishment of a relationship of mutual confidence or friendly atmosphere. Without the communication problems develop between th interviewer and the intervievwee ant the result of the interview becomes less reliable. 3. What are the factors affecting Worker performance? Answer: Three Factors Affecting Worker performance 1. Increase salary or high pay 2. Improve working conditions 3. Social climate scholarship offerings to deserving workers or employee and giving opportunities to attend seminars were ranked low. 4. What are the Qualities of a desirable workers? Answer: 1. Being a team player 2. Fully focused on satisfying customers 3. Motivate and engage others in their jobs 4. Success in achieving your critical few objectives 5. Work smart 6. Work hard 7. Add value to the organization 8. Contribute to improving the bottom line

5. Explain each Trait? Answer: 1. Being a team player - Being part of a team has taken on a higher priority since many companies are still operating with leaner workforces. 2. Fully focused on satisfying customers- Employees should share complimentary letters and emails they receive with their bosses. Dont assume that he or she already knows about your excellent customer service. Just do it in a discreet way. 3. Motivate and engage others in their jobs - In a challenging economy, employers appreciate when their employees reach out and keep each other motivated and engaged. 4. Success in achieving your critical few objectives - These are the top one or two reasons you were hired in the first place. Accomplishing these will count more than any other contributions. 5. Work smart - This includes being up on the latest technology, keeping your skills current and continually searching for improvements in productivity, efficiency and profitability. 6. Work hard- Although companies for years have preferred working smart to working hard, they still want to see that you are dedicated to your job, put in an extra effort and volunteer to fill in gaps, when needed. 7. Add value to the organization - Retention rewards are a recognition of your value. Track and document the specific ways you have added value to your employer. 8. Contribute to improving the bottom line- There are various ways to do this, including helping to increase sales, cut costs and reduce turnover.

GROUP 7 De Sierra, John Lester Du, Kim Nalog, Arale Jun Paredes, Rose Ann G. Senobio, Donatello

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