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Layla Film m, contact: : Mmin Bar r Sonnena allee 72, 120 045, Berlin GERMANY 96224, mail: phone: 0049152569 0 m

20 min n / Docud drama/ 20 012 / Language: K Kurdish w with Englis sh Subtit tle


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DIRECTORS STATEMENT | Nasnameye ek Hn is a realistic film m about the everyday liv ves
of two re efugees livin ng in Berlin. At A its core, Nasnameyek N k Hn reflec cts the way how two refugees s try to deal with w the ide ea of not be eing able to return to th heir homelan nds forever again in n two very different pers spectives. The story is actually a a rea al-life story which w make es my film a d docudrama. I didnt rea ally try to write a story but only wrot te a script fr rom the stor ry my friend told me. Bo oth of my ers and their dramas are real. When my friend to old me the s story of himself and frie end characte of him, i realized tha at i have a jew wel in my ha and and i tri ied to do my y best to sho ow and pres sent it to the world. w I also o knew its a great oppurtunity for m me to try a n new style of filmmaking which I tried to combine docum mentary and fiction toge ether with th he modern a art values su uch malism. as minim In n Nasnamey yek Hn, as its my first film f after my y MA Film T Theory Studi ies, I tried to o create a film f which not n only tells s a story to the t audienc ce but also g gives someth hing deeper r and makes th he audience feel and thi ink about it, , too. This is the first tim me I tried to g give a theor ritical backgrou und to a film m of mine an nd I believe I was succes ssful. re and expe Directing D Nas snameyek Hn H was a great g pleasur erience for m me, my cast a and for my cr rew. I hope you y enjoy watching w this s film as mu ch as we did d in creating g it.

MMIN BA ARI Direct tor of Nasn nameyek H Hn

SHORT SYNOPSIS S | Two men with a Blue (refugee) pas ssport livin ng in Berlin n try dea of not being able to go ba ack to their homelan nd forever. to deal with the id

S e middle of o capitalism. The cap pital of Ge ermany. Be erlin. | In the LONG SYNOPSIS Modern nism. Alien nation. Lon neliness. Home. Abdul (66) trie es to make e music to forget the t realitie es of life an nd works in n the ceme etery to ea arn his life. . Reid (25) is in love with w birds but only with w the ones who a are from Tu urkey, a co ountry that t he has nev ver seen be efore. He orders o bird ds from Turkey with t the money y he earns s from se elling poem ms in UBah hn. They liv ve in the sa ame house e with the e same problem m: longing g for heim mat. They are a both alienated in n the capit tal of German ny, have almost no conversatio c on with the people a around. Bo oth Adul and Resid ar re the pass sengers of f different dreams go oing throu ugh the sam me path, a at the sam me time.

PRE-PRO ODUCTION | For 1 mo onth, the dire ector and th he cameram man worked on creating a storyboa ard. At this tim me, Reid was w scouting location in Berlin for th he outdoor s shootings. A After the storyboa ard is done, Mmin M and Cristoph we ent to visit A Abdl, the o older actor at t his house where th he indoor shooting was done. There wa as no casting g for the film m. Mmin already knew w whom to w work with. As s it is a real l life story, the e actors tried d to act them mselves. The ere was no r rehearsal in the pre-pro oduction because Mmin beli ieved that it t wont make e any sense.. There wa as no dialogue written in the script. . All the dialogues are re esults of imp provisation. From the e very begin nning, Mmi in knew how w to make th he film: long g takes, silen nces, everyday life, natural actings which w can be seen as th he influences s from direc ctors such as s Yasijuro Oz zu and Andrey Tarkovsky. CTION | Nasnameyek Hn was sh hot in one w week. Mmin n Bar was f fortunate to o PRODUC work wit th a very har rd-working team t in the winter of Be erlin to mak ke the film po ossible. The film was shot wi ith Sony PMW W-F3L Supe er 35mm Ful ll-HD at 25fp ps. The aspe ect ratio was s chosen 35mm 3 16:9 to t give the movie m a cine ematic look a and achieve e the picture es in the directors mind. Nasnam meyek Hn was w shot wit th very minim mal 2 small light to keep the reality y of the atmosph here during indoor shoo otings. POST-PR RODUCTION | The edit ting of the film f was don ne with App ple Final Cut Pro by the talented editor Leve ent elebi. The color gra ading was al so done by him with Co olor. The soun nd mix and mastering m was w done in Dual Studio os Berlin by Y Yavuz Akbul lut. There w was no artific cial sound or r song was used u during the whole f film.


MMN M BAR RI (DIRECT TOR): Nas snameyek H Hn is his s se econd short film afte er Vergenz za which h he shot in Pr rague with h Super16m mm. He wa as born in 1984 in Ki ircaali/Bulg garia. Beca ause of po olitical reas sons he and hi is family ha ad to imm migrate to Istanbul w when he wa as 7 ye ears old. He lived in I Istanbul fo or 17 years s, studied en nvironmen ntal engine eering in Istanbul Te echnical University. Then T he go ot accepte ed to the fi ilm school AMU in Pra ague as a f film directing studen nt. After FA st tudying film m directing there, he e studied M MA Film St tudies in King's K Colle ege Londo on.

CRISTOPH LEMME EN (DIRECT TOR OF PH HOTOGRAPHY): He w was born in n 1976 in Munich h. He had worked w wit th almost every e kind d of camera a in variou us position ns. He stud died first so ociology and politics s at LMU M Munich. Th hen he stud dies film and televisio on documentary at HFF H filmsc chool Munich. Finally y he had a diploma in cinematography at HFF "Ko onrad Wolf f" filmscho ool Potsdam-Babelsb berg.

REID BALLIKAYA B A (SCRIPTW WRITER, AC CTOR): Rei id is a young script w writer who o had wo orked acted d in many theaters before. b Thi s film is his s first step p into film industry y.

CRED DITS | Nasnameyek H n (The e Blue Id dentity)

Main Roles: Abd l Hamid, Re eid Ballkay ya Color Gradin ng: LevQ aka a Levent elebi Editor/C gel Sound: Simon Brg Sound Mix & Ma astering: Yav vuz Akbulut t ssistant of Ca amera: Erdo oan Yldz As toph Lemm Directo or of Photog graphy: Crist men Directo or: Mmin Ba ar Screenpla ay: Reid Bal llkaya lay yla film, 201 2

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