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Combined federal and provincial personal income tax rates - 20131

Taxable income Alberta Eligible Lower limit $ 11,039 17,594 43,562 87,124 135,055 Upper limit to $ 11,038 to 17,593 to 43,561 to 87,123 to 135,054 and up $ Basic tax2 983 7,475 21,415 38,670 Rate on excess 0.00% 15.00% 25.00% 32.00% 36.00% 39.00% dividend income3 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 9.63% 15.15% 19.29% Marginal rate on Other dividend income3 0.00% 2.08% 10.21% 18.96% 23.96% 27.71% Capital gains4 0.00% 7.50% 12.50% 16.00% 18.00% 19.50%

1. The tax rates reflect budget proposals and news releases to 30 June 2013. Where the tax is determined under the alternative minimum tax provisions (AMT), the above table is not applicable. AMT may be applicable where the tax otherwise payable is less than the tax determined by applying the relevant AMT rate to the individuals taxable income adjusted for certain preference items. 2. The tax determined by the table should be reduced by the applicable federal and provincial tax credits (see chart below), other than the basic personal tax credits, which have been reflected in the calculations. 3. The rates apply to the actual amount of taxable dividends received from taxable Canadian corporations. Eligible dividends are those paid by public corporations and private companies out of earnings that have been taxed at the general corporate tax rate (the dividend must be designated by the payor corporation as an eligible dividend). Where the dividend tax credit exceeds the federal and provincial tax otherwise payable on the dividends, the rates do not reflect the value of the excess credit that may be used to offset taxes payable from other sources of income. This assumption is consistent with prior year rates. 4. The rates apply to the actual amount of the capital gain. The capital gains exemption on qualified farm and fishing property and small business corporation shares may apply to eliminate the tax on those specific properties.

Federal and provincial personal tax credits - 2013

Federal credit Amount of credits: Basic personal credit (see note 2 above) Spousal credit (reduced when spouses income over $0)1 Equivalent-to-spouse credit (reduced when dependants income over $0)1 Infirm dependant aged 18 or over (reduced when dependants income over $6,548 (federal) and $6,728 (provincial)) Caregiver credit (reduced when the particular persons income is over $15,334 (federal) and $16,192 (provincial))1 Age credit (65 and over)2 Disability credit Pension income (maximum) Education and textbook per month Canada employment credit Child tax credit per child under 181 Child fitness and arts credits3 Credits as a percentage of: Tuition fees Public transit passes Medical expenses4 Charitable donations First $200 Remainder CPP contributions5 EI premiums 1,656 980 674 1,028 1,155 300 70 168 335 150 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 15.00% 29.00% 15.00% 15.00% 1,759 1,018 1,019 490 1,357 136 68 10.00% 10.00% 10.00% 21.00% 10.00% 10.00% $ 1,656 1,656 $ 1,759 1,759 Provincial credit

1. A federal family caregiver tax credit of $306 may be available in respect of a spouse, dependant or child who is dependent on the individual by reason of mental or physical infirmity. 2. The maximum federal age credit of $1,028 occurs at $34,562 of net income and declines to nil as net income rises to $80,256. The maximum provincial age credit of $490 occurs at $36,497 and declines to nil as net income rises to $69,184. 3. Additional amounts may be available for a child with a disability. 4. The federal credit applies to eligible medical expenses that exceed the lesser of $2,152 and 3% of net income. The provincial credit applies to eligible medical expenses that exceed the lesser of $2,273 and 3% of net income. 5. One-half of CPP paid by self-employed individuals is deductible in computing taxable income.

Source: Ernst & Young Electronic Publishing Services Inc.

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