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Reg. No. : ....oo.......o..........r.o......

M 19926


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- Including Part-Time Degree B.Tech.(Supplementary) VIII Semester Examination,October2011 (2007Admn.) PT2K6|2K6ME S05(E): QUALITY ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMEI
Max.Marks: 100

Time : 3 Hours Instructions : I ) Answer all questions. 2) Use of SQC Tablespermitted.

3) Missing data if any, mtry be assumedsuitably. of total quality approach. I. 1) List the characteristics 2) Distinguishbetweenquality control andquality assurance. 3) Explain preventioncosts. 4) Explain scatterdiagrams. variablesandattributes. 5) Distinguishbetween 6) What arethe activitiesinvolved in a typical reliability program? 7) " X and R chartsalways go hand in hand". Elaborate. samplingplans. 8) Explain ATI with regardto acceptance (5x8-40


M 19926


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6 9

for total quality. II. A) 1) Explain the enablers 2) ExPlainSWOT analYsis' OR are developedfor an B) l) How the vision ind mission statements ? organisation 2) Explain "The Duming CYcle".


m. A) 1 )

by Taguchito carry out experimentalstudies. 8 Explain the stepssuggested

2) Explain the benefitsof ISO 9000 certification.


B) 1 ) Exptain the structureof the QFD matrix and QFD process.

2) Write a note on the Kaizen approach.

5 3

rV. A)

1 ) What is meant bY CP and CPK ? 2) Explain the stepsinvolved in the constructionand interpretationof X
and R charts. OR


of centraltendencyand dispersion? B) l) What are the measures 2) Control chart for np has been maintained on the production of certain electricalpart. I}}%inspection of electricalpart revealedthat a total of 600 items were defectivein the first 50 lots of 300 each' 1) Computethree sigma control limits for the np chart for this process. ii) If the processaveragepnp remainsunchangedwhat is the probability that 5 1'tlot will havemorethan 14defectives. by 3, what is the probability that iii) If the processaveragepnp increases 10 in the 5l't lot ? will be detected average this shift in the process

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M 19926

V. A) 1) Explain the significanceof O.C. curve. planhasn,: 150,c,:2,fr2:300, cr:4. Compute sampling 2) A double of a 1.5%defectivelot. Assumelot sizeis the probability of acceptance I with samplesize. largein comparison OR B) 1) With a neat sketchexplain the equipmentfailure pattern (Bath tub curve). 2) After an initial burn-in period of 50 hours,one hundredelectricalunits are placedon test for 600 hours.Threeunits failed at230,300 and 420hours respectivelY. l) Estimatethe meanlife 0 for this unit, where failed units arenot replaced,assuminga constantfailure rate. ii) What is the probability thatone of theseunits will survive for a required200, 300 and 400 hoursof operation?

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