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Foliation and Lineation Definitions

Foliation is any mesoscopically penetrative parallel alignment of planar fabric elements in a rock, usually a metamorphic rock. Primaryform in lava, magma or wet sediment before the rock becomes solid

Flow banding in rhyolite or granite Flow foliation in dikes or other intrusives uta!itic structurecompaction of pumice fragments and gas bubbles in ash flow tuffs "chlierenwispy dark bands of segregated minerals in a magma

uta!itic "tructure in #ertiary $sh Flow

Primary %gneous Foliation in &hyolite

"econdary foliationthe result of microscopically penetrative deformation and distortion of sedimentary, volcanic, or intrusive igneous rocks, usually under metamorphic conditions #ypical foliations in metamorphic rocks

"laty cleavage Phyllitic structure "chistosity 'neissic structure (igmatite Flattened pebbles

)anded 'neiss )anded 'neiss * (igmatite Flattened Pebbles (ylonitic Foliations

Fault rocks in which the grain si+e has been reduced by intense shearing

'rain si+e reduction is by ductile or mi!ed brittle,ductile deformation 'enerally occurs in a very high strain environment 'enerally occurs under elevated temperatures and pressures (ylonites are hard implying some recrystalli+ation

(ylonitic Foliations

-an be really planar in monomineralic rocks .ften a combination of lenses and anastomosing ribbons
/uart+ tends to flow like butter

Feldspar tends to behave more brittlely

0omenclature depends on grain si+e

Protomylonite1 234 fine,grained matri! (ylonite23 to 534 fine,grained matri! 6ltramylonite7534 matri!, 1834 relict grains

(ylonitic 'ranitic 'neiss Lenticular grains

$ugeneye,shaped grains from the protolith Porphyroclastsrelict grains from the protolith Porphyroblastslarger crystals that grew during metamorphism

(icroscopic (ylonitic #e!ture 6ltramylonite $ugen (ylonite Lineation

#he subparallel to parallel alignment of elongate, linear fabric elements in a rock body, commonlyh penetrative at the outcrop and9or hand specimen scales of observation Primary lineations

Parting lineationfine linear grain on bedding surfaces that records current direction &opy lava structure :pahoehoe; &ipple a!es

"econdary lineations form during deformation and9or metamorphism

Foliation vs. lineation #ypes of Lineation

%ntersection lineationsformed by the intersection of any two foliations

)edding and cleavage :parallel to the fold a!is; -leavage and a second cleavage

-renulation lineationsbundles of closely spaced fold hinges (ineral lineations

$ligned needle shaped grains :hornblende; "treaked or smeared mineral fibers Long a!es of platy minerals like micas

#ypes of Linear "tructures

"tretched pebble conglomerate

&odding (ullions Pencil structure )oudin

&ectangular and rhombic )arrel,shaped Fish,head Pinch and swell structure -hocolate tablet or mattress structure

)oudinage )oudinage )oudinage * %soclinal Fold )oudinage * Folds -oding Foliations * Lineations

Foliations or ",surfaces
"3 is bedding "8 is oldest a!ial plane foliation "< is ne!t oldest a!ial plane foliation

L3 is a primary lineation L8 is the oldest secondary lineation L< is ne!t oldest lineation

%ntersection Lineations
L $=) where
$ is the older foliation ) is the younger foliation

-oding Foliations * Lineations

Periods of folding
F8 is the oldest fold a!is F< is the ne!t oldest fold a!is

D8 is the oldest deformation D< is the ne!t oldest

Deformations are placed in order by cross cutting relationships Folds are often correlated on orientation and >fold style? "tructural events are not always the same age across a broad region

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