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uenie: Tiageuy.
Bate fiist publisheu: 1812.
Bate fiist peifoimeu: 0nknown.

# &"#'()*+ ,- .,/( #0&12


Bughobeit, Count of Aluenbeig.
ulottenbal, his son.
Theobalu of Falkenstein, a nobleman of ieuuceu foitune, anu co-buighei of Basle.
Ruuigeie, a knight, anu commanuei of one of the fiee companies ietuineu fiom the
wais, anu bastaiu of a bianch of the family of Aluenbeig .
Baitman, fiienu of Theobalu , anu Banneiet of Basle.
0iston, a confessoi.
Fianko, chief of a banu of !"#$%&s.
Nauiice, an agent of Ruuigeie ' s.
Soluieis, vassals, !"#$%&s, &c.
0iia, heiiess of anothei bianch of the family of Aluenbeig , anu waiu to Bughobeit .
Eleanoia, wife to Bughobeit .
Catheiina, lauy attenuing on 0iia .
Alice, lauy attenuing on 0iia .

'()*)+ '-./0)123*45 .* /6) (3*/7* 78 93:2)5 3*4 38/)1-314: 7* /6) ;714)1: 78 /6) 923(<
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%* 7D)* :D3() ;)871) /6) -322: 78 3 (3:/2)5 -./6 -.24 @7>*/3.*: ;)C7*4 ./E )*/)1
F27//)*;325 31@)4 3: 817@ /6) 2.:/:5 ;>/ ;31)G6)34)4 3*4 .* 4.:714)15 3*4 6.: 31@:
:7.2)4 -./6 )31/6 71 :3*45 -6.(6 3* %//)*43*/ .: *7- 3*4 /6)* ;1>:6.*H 7885 -6.2:/
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-6.2:/ /6) 7/6)1: (7@) 871-314?

uL0TTENBAL (:D)3<.*H 3: 6) )*/)1:5 27>4 3*4 ;73:/.*H2C)
Ay, let him tiiumph in his paltiy honouis,
Won by meie tiick anu acciuent. uoou faith!
It weie a shame to call it stiength oi skill,
Weie it not, Ruuigeie.
KL322.*H /7 J>4.H)1) 5 -67 3*:-)1: *7/?M

Bis biow is uaik, his tongue is lock'u, my loiu;
Theie come no woius fiom him; he beais it not
So manfully as thou uost, noble ulottenbALICE

Fy on't! I minu it not.

Anu wheiefoie shoulust thou. This same Theobalu,
Count anu co-buighei---mixtuie most unseemly
0f base anu noble,---know we not iight well
What poweis assist him. Naik'u you not, my loiu,
Bow he uiu tuin him to the witchy noith,
When fiist he mounteu; making his fieice steeu,
That paw'u anu ieai'u anu shook its hainess'u neck
In geneious piiue, benu meekly to the eaith
Its maneu ciest, like one who maue obeisance.

Ba! uiust thou ieally see it.

Yes, biave ulottenbal,
I uiu iight tiuly; anu besiues myself,
Nany obseiv'u it.

Then 'tis manifest
Bow all this foil hath been. Who e'ei befoie
Saw one with such auvantage of the fielu,
Lose it so shamefully. By my goou fay!
Baiiing foul play anu othei uev'lish tuins,
I'u keep my couisei's back with any loiu,
0i knight, oi squiie, that e'ei bestioue a steeu.
Thinkst thou not, honest Nauiice, that I coulu.

Who uoubts it, goou my loiu. This Falkenstein
Is but a clown to you.

Well let him boast.
Boasting I scoin; but I will shoitly show him
What these goou aims, with no foul play against them,
Can honestly achieve.

Yes, goou my loiu; but choose you well youi uay:
A moonless Fiiuay luck uiu nevei biing
To honest combatant.

Ba! blessing on thee! I ne'ei thought of this:
Now it is cleai how oui mischance befell.
Be suie thou tell to eveiy one thou meetst,
Fiiuay anu a uaik moon suit Theobalu.
Bo theie! Sii Ruuigeie! heaist thou not this.

R0BIuERE K3: 6) H7): 7885 3:.4) /7 I%"JNLOM
Flattei the fool awhile anu let me go,
I cannot join thee now.

Is he so ciestfallen.

Be lacks youi noble spiiit.

Fye upon't!
I heeu it not. Yet, by my swoiu anu spuis!
'Twas a foul tuin, that foi my iival eain'u
A bianch of victoiy fiom 0iia's hanu.

Ay, foul inueeu! Ny bloou boil'u high to see it.
Look wheie he piouuly comes.

O*/)1 #6)7;324 31@)45 -./6 3//)*43*/:5 63R.*H 3 H1))* :D1.H :/>(< .* 6.: 6)2@)/?

uL0TTENBAL KH7.*H >D /7 #6)7;324M
Comest thou to face me so. Auuacious buighei!
The Lauy 0iia's favoui suits thee not,
Though foi a time thou hast upon me gain'u
A seeming 'vantage.

A seeming 'vantage!---Then it is not tiue,
That thou, unhois'u, layst iolling in the uust,
Asking foi quaitei.---Let me ciave thy paiuon;
Some stiange uelusion hung upon oui sight
That we believeu it so.

0ff with thy taunts!
Anu pull that spiig fiom its auuacious peich:
The favoui of a uame too high foi thee.

Too high inueeu; anu haust thou also auueu,
Too goou, too faii, I hau assenteu to it.
Yet, be it known unto youi couiteous woith,
That weie this spiing a queen's gift, oi ieceiv'u
Fiom the biown hanu of some pooi mountain maiu;
Yea, oi bestow'u upon my iambling heau,
As in the haiiy siues of biowsing kiu
The wilu iose sticks a spiay, unpiiz'u, unbiuuen,
I woulu not give it thee.

Bost thou so face me out. Then I will have it.
K'*3/(6.*H 3/ ./ -./6 13H).M

O*/)1 S31/@3*?

BARTNAN (:)D313/.*H /6)@).
What! Nalice! aftei fighting in the lists
As noble couiteous knights!

uL0TTENBAL (/7 S31/@3*)
uo, paltiy banneiet! Such fiienus as thou
Become such loius as he, whose iuin'u state
Seeks the base fellowship of iestless buigheis;
Thinking to humble still, with envious spite,
The gieat anu noble houses of the lanu.
I know ye well, anu I uefy you both,
With all youi uamneu witcheiy to boot.

OP./ H1>@;2.*H5 87227-)4 ;C I3>1.() 5 T(? I3*)*/ #6)7D324 ?3*4 S31/@3*.

Bow fieice the cieatuie is, anu full of folly!
Like a shent cui to his own uooi ietiieu,
That biistles up his fuiious back, anu theie
Each passengei annoys.---Anu this is he,
Whom soiuiu anu ambitious Bughobeit,
The guaiuian in the selfish fathei sunk,
Bestines foi 0iia's husbanu.---0 foul shame!
The caiiion-ciow anu ioyal eagle join'u,
Nake not so cioss a match.---But thinkst thou, Baitman,
She will submit to it.

That may be as thou pleasest, Falkenstein.

Away with mockeiy!

I mock thee not.

Nay, banneiet, thou uost, Saving this favoui,
Which eveiy victoi in these listeu combats
Fiom lauies' hanus ieceives, noi then iegaius
As moie than uue anu stateu couitesy,
She ne'ei hath honoui'u me with woiu oi look
Such hope to waiiant.

Wait not thou foi looks.

Thou woulust not have me to a uame like this,
With iich uomains anu titleu iights encompass'u,
These simple limbs, giit in theii soluiei's geai,
Ny baiien hills anu iuin'u towei piesent,
Anu say, "Accept---these will I nobly give
In faii exchange foi thee anu all thy wealth."
No, Ruuolph Baitman, woo the maiu thyself,
If thou hast couiage foi it.

Yes, Theobalu of Falkenstein, I will,
Anu win hei too; but all foi thy behoof.
Anu when I uo piesent, as thou hast saiu,
Those simple limbs, giit in theii soluiei's geai,
Auuing thy baiien hills anu iuin'u towei,
With some few items moie of gen'ious woith,
Anu native sense anu manly foitituue,
I'll give hei in ietuin foi all that she
0i any maiu can in such baitei yielu,
Its faii anu ample woith.

So uost thou ieckon.

Anu so will 0RRA Bo not shake thy heau.
I know the maiu: foi still she has ieceiv'u me
As one who knew hei noble fathei well,
Anu in the bloouy fielu in which he uieu
Fought by his siue, with kinu familiaiity:
Anu hei stein guaiuian, viewing these giey haiis
Anu this iough visage with no jealous eye
Bath still aumitteu it.---I'll woo hei foi thee.

I uo in tiuth believe thou meanst me well.

Anu this is all thou sayst. Colu fiozen woius!
What has bewitch'u thee, man. Is she not faii.

0 faii inueeu as woman neeu be foim'u
To please anu be belov'u! Though, to speak honestly,
I've faiiei seen; yet such a foim as 0iia's
Foi evei in my busy fancy uwells,
Whene'ei I think of wiving my lone state.
It is not this; she has too many luies;
Why wilt thou uige me on to meet hei scoin.
I am not woithy of hei.

BARTNAN KD>:6.*H 6.@ 3-3C -./6 H)*/2) 3*H)1M
uo to! I piaiseu thy mouesty shoit-wnile,
Anu now with uull anu senseless peiseveiance,
Thon woulust o'eilay me with it. uo thy ways!
If thiough thy fault, thus shiinking fiom the onset,
She shoulu with this untowaiu cub be match'u,
'Twill haunt thy conscience like a uamning sin,
Anu may it gnaw thee shiewuly!

10(-( ,,2
% :@322 3D31/@)*/ .* /6) (3:/2)? O*/)1 J>4.H)1) @>:.*H H277@.2C5 3*4 @>//)1.*H /7
6.@:)28 :7@) /.@) ;)871) 6) :D)3<: 327>4?

No, no; it is to foimless aii uissolv'u,
This cheiish'u hope, this vision of my biain!
KU3(.*H /7 3*4 8175 3*4 /6)* :/7DD.*H 3*4 @>:.*H 3: ;)871)?M
I uaily stoou contiasteu in hei sight
With an ungainly fool; anu when she smileu,
Nethought---But wheiefoie still upon this thought,
Which was peihaps but a uelusion then,
Bioou I with ceaseless toiment. Nevei, nevei!
0 nevei moie on me, fiom 0iia's eye,
Appioving glance shall light, oi gentle look!
This uay's uisgiace mais all my goouly uieams.
Ny path to gieatness is at once shut up.
Still in the uust my giov'ling foitune lies.
K'/1.<.*H 6.: ;1)3:/ .* 4):D3.1.M
Tame thine aspiiing spiiit, luckless wietch!
Theie is no hope foi thee!
Anu shall I tame it. No, by saints anu uevils!
The laws have cast me off fiom eveiy claim
0f house anu kinuieu, anu within my veins
Tuin'u noble bloou to baseness anu iepioach:
I'll cast them off: why shoulu they be to me
A bai, anu no piotection.
KU3(.*H 3H3.* /7 3*4 8175 3*4 @>//)1.*H 27- 871 :7@) /.@) ;)871) 6) :D)3<: 327>4.M
Ay; this may still within my toils enthial hei;
This is the seciet weakness of hei minu
0n which I'll clutch my holu.

O*/)1 L%#SJNV% ;)6.*4 6.@5 23C.*H 6)1 63*4 >D7* 6.@?

Ba! speakst thou to thyself.

R0BIuERE K:/31/.*HM
I uiu not speak.

Thou uiust; thy busy minu gave sounu to thoughts
Which thou uiust uttei with a thick haish voice,
Like one who speaks in sleep. Tell me theii meaning.

Anu uost thou so piesume. Be wise; be humble.
K%8/)1 3 D3>:)?M
Bas 0iia oft of late iequesteu thee
To tell hei stoiies of the iestless ueau;
0f specties iising at the miunight watch
By the lone tiav'llei's beu.

Wheiefoie of late uost thou so oft inquiie
0f what she says anu uoes.

Be wise, anu answei what I ask of thee;
This is thy uuty now.

Alas, alas! I know that one false step
Bas o'ei me set a stein anu iuthless mastei.

No, mauam; 'tis thy giave anu viituous seeming;
Thy saint-like caiiiage, iigiu anu uemuie,
0n which thy high iepute so long has stoou,
Enuowing thee with iight of censoiship
0'ei eveiy simple maiu, whose cheeiful youth
Weais not so thick a mask, that o'ei thee sets
This iuthless mastei. Beieon iests my powei:
I might expose, anu theiefoie I commanu thee.

Bush, hush! appioaching steps!
They'll finu me heie!
I'll uo whate'ei thou wilt.

It is but Nauiice: hie thee to thy closet,
Wheie I will shoitly come to thee. Be thou
Ny faithful agent in a weighty mattei,
0n which I now am bent, anu I will piove
Thy stay anu sheltei fiom the woilu's contempt.

Nauiice to finu me heie! Wheie shall I hiue me.

Nowheie, but boluly pass him as he enteis.
I'll finu some goou excuse; he will be silent:
Be is my agent also.

Bost thou tiust him.

Avaiice his mastei is, as shame is thine:
Theiefoie I tiust to ueal with both.---Away!

O*/)1 I3>1.()5 D3::.*H L3/61.*3 3: :6) H7): 7>/?

What, uoth the giave anu viituous CATBRINA
vouchsafe to give thee of hei company.

Yes, iigiu saint! she has bestow'u upon me
Some giave auvice to beai with pious meekness
Ny late uiscomfituie.

Ay, anu she call'u it,
I coulu be swoin! heaven's juugment on thy piiue.

E'en so: thou'st guess'u it.---Shall we to the iampaits
Anu meet the westein bieeze.

10(-( ,,,2
% :D3(.7>: 3D31/@)*/? O*/)1 S>H67;)1/ 3*4 "1:/7*?

B0uB0BERT K:D)3<.*H -./6 3*H1C H):/.(>23/.7* 3: 6) )*/)1:M
I feeu anu clothe these uiones, anu in ietuin
They cheat, ueceive, abuse me; nay, belike,
Laugh in theii sleeve the while. By theii auvice,
This cuiseu touinay I pioclaim'u; foi still
They puff'u me up with piaises of my son---
Bis giace, his skill in aims, his hoisemanship---
Count Falkenstein to him was but a clown---
Anu so in 0iia's eyes to give him honoui,
Full suiely uiu I think---I'll hang them all:
I'll staive them in a uungeon shut fiom light:
I'll heap my boaius no moie with uainty faie
To feeu false flatteieis.

That inueeu weie wise:
But ait thou suie, when men shall speak the tiuth,
That thou wilt feeu them foi it. I but hinteu
In gentle woius to thee, that ulottenbal
Was piaiseu with paitial oi affecteu zeal,
Anu thou ieceiv'ust it angiily.

Ay, tiue inueeu: but thou uiust speak of him
As one beieft of all capacity.
Now though, uou wot! I look on his uefects
With no blinu love, anu even in my iie
Will sometimes call him fool; yet ne'eitheless,
Be still has paits anu talents, though obscui'u
By some untowaiu failings.---Beaven be piaiseu!
K2SM Be wants not stiength at least anu well tuin'u limbs,
Bau they but taught him how to use them. Knaves!
They have neglecteu him.

O*/)1 F27//)*;325 -67 413-: ;3(< 7* :)).*H 6.: 83/6)1?

Auvance, young sii: ait thou afiaiu of me,
That thus thou shiinkest like a skulking thief
To make uisgiace the moie appaient on thee.

Yes, call it then uisgiace, oi what you please;
Bau not my lance's point somewhat awiy
ulanceu on his shielu---

E'en so; I uoubt it not;
Thy lance's point, anu eveiy thing about thee
Bath glanceu awiy. uo, iiu my house, I say,
0f all those feasting flatteieis that ueceive thee;
They haiboui heie no moie: uismiss them quickly.

Bo it youiself, my loiu; you aie, I tiow,
Angiy enough to uo it shaiply.

B0uB0BERT K/>1*.*H /7 "1:/7*M
Be gibes me faiily heie; theie's ieason in't;
Fools speak not thus.
K#7 F27//)*;32M
uo to! If I am angiy,
Thou ait a giaceless son to tell me so.

Bave you not biu me still to speak the tiuth.

B0uB0BERT (/7 "1:/7*)
Again thou heaist he makes an apt ieply.

Be wants not woius.

Noi meaning neithei, fathei.
O*/)1 O2)3*713?

Well, uame; wheie hast thou been.

I came fiom 0iia.

Bast thou been pleauing in oui son's excuse.
Anu how uiu she ieceive it.

I tiieu to uo it, but hei piesent humoui
Is jest anu meiiiment. She is behinu me,
Stopping to stioke a hounu, that in the coiiiuoi
Came to hei fawningly to be caiess'u.

uL0TTENBAL K2.:/)*.*HM
Ay, she is coming; light anu quick hei steps;
So sounu they when hei spiiits aie uniuly:
But I am bolu; she shall not mock me now.

O*/)1 !1135 /1.DD.*H H3.2C5 3*4 D23C.*H -./6 /6) 8724: 78 6)1 :(318?

Nethinks you tiip it biiskly, gentle uame.

Boes it offenu you, noble knight.

uo to!
I know youi meaning. Wheiefoie smile you so.

Because, goou sooth! with tiieu anu aching siues
I have not powei to laugh.

Full well I know why thou so meiiy ait.
Thou thinkst of him to whom thou gav'st that spiig
0f hopeful gieen, his iusty casque to giace,
While at thy feet his honoui'u glave he laiu.

Nay, iathei say, of him, who at my feet,
Fiom his piouu couisei's back, moie gallantly
Laiu his most piecious self: then stole away,
Thiough mouesty, unthank'u, noi left behinu
0f all his geai that fluttei'u in the uust,
0i glove, oi banu, oi fiagment of toin hose,
Foi ueai iemembiance-sake, that in my sleeve
I might have placeu it. 0! thou wiongst me much,
To think my meiiiment a ief'ience hath
To any one but him.

Nay, 0iia; these wilu fits of uncuib'u laughtei,
Athwait the gloomy tenoi of youi minu,
As it has low'i'u of late, so keenly cast,
0nsuiteu seem anu stiange.

0 nothing stiange, my gentle Eleanoia!
Biust thou ne'ei see the swallow's veeiing bieast,
Winging the aii beneath some muiky clouu
In the sunn'u glimpses of a stoimy uay,
Shivei in silv'iy biightness:
0i boatman's oai, as viviu lightning flash
In the faint gleam, that like a spiiit's path
Tiacks the still wateis of some sullen lake:
0i lonely towei, fiom its biown mass of woous,
uive to the paiting of a wintiy sun
0ne hasty glance in mockeiy of the night
Closing in uaikness iounu it. --- uentle fiienu!
Chiue not hei miith, who was sau yesteiuay,
Anu may be so to-moiiow.

Anu wheiefoie ait thou sau, unless it is
Fiom thine own waywaiu humoui. 0thei uames,
Weie they so couiteu, woulu be gay anu happy.

Waywaiu it neeus must be, since I am sau
When such peifection woos me.
Piay, goou ulottenbal,
Bow uiust thou leain with such a wonuious giace
So high in aii to toss thine aimeu heels,
Anu clutch with outspieau hanus the slipp'iy sanu.
I was the moie amaz'u at thy uexteiity,
As this, of all thy many gallant feats
Befoie-hanu piomiseu, most mouestly
Thou uiust foibeai to mention.

uibe away!
I caie not foi thy gibing. With faii lists,
Anu no black aits against me---

B0uB0BERT K34R3*(.*H 3*H1.2C 817@ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6) :/3H) /7 F27//)*;32M
Bolu thy peace!
K#7 !JJ%M
Anu, mauam, be at least somewhat iestiain'u
In youi uniuly humoui.

Paiuon, my loiu; I knew not you weie neai me.
Ny humoui is uniuly; with youi leave,
I will ietiie till I have cuib'u it bettei.
K#7 O2)3*713M
I woulu not lose youi company, sweet countess.

We'll go togethei, then.

KOP)>*/ !113 3*4 O2)3*713 ? I3*)/ S>H67;)1/ E -67 D3(): 3*H1.2C 3;7>/ /6) :/3H)5
-6.2) F27//)*;32 :/3*4: 7* /6) 817*/5 /6>@D.*H 6.: 2)H: -./6 6.: :6)3/6)4 13D.)1?M

Theie is no stiiving with a foiwaiu giil,
Noi pushing on a fool. Ny haiass'u life
Bay aftei uay moie iiksome giows. Cuis'u bane!
I'll toil no moie foi this untowaiu match.

O*/)1 J>4.H)1)5 :/)32.*H ;)6.*45 3*4 2.:/)*.*H?

You aie uistuib'u, my loiu.

What, is it thou. I am uistuib'u in sooth.

Ay, 0iia has been heie; anu some light woius
0f giilish levity have mov'u you. Bow!
Toil foi this match no moie! What else iemains,
If this shoulu be abanuon'u, noble Aluenbeig,
That can be woith youi toil.

I'll match the cub elsewheie.

What call ye matching.

Suiely foi him some othei viituous maiu
0f high uescent, though not so iichly uowei'u,
Nay be obtain'u.

Within youi walls, peihaps,
Some waiting gentlewoman, who peichance
Nay be some fifty geneiations back
Bescenueu fiom a king, he will himself
Eie long obtain, without youi aiu, my loiu.

Thou mak'st me mau! the uolt! the senseless uolt!
What can I uo foi him. I cannot foice
A noble maiu entiusteu to my caie:
I, the sole guaiuian of hei helpless youth!

That weie inueeu unfit; but theie aie means
To make hei yielu consent.

Then by my faith, goou fiienu, I'll call thee wizaiu,
If thou canst finu them out. What means alieauy,
Shoit of compulsion, have we left untiieu.
Anu now the teim of my authoiity
Weais to its close.

I know it well; anu theiefoie poweiful means,
Anu of quick opeiation, must be sought.

Speak plainly to me.

I've watch'u hei long.
I've seen hei cheek, flush'u with the iosy glow
0f jocunu spiiits, ueauly pale become
At tale of nightly spiite oi appaiition,
Such as all heai, 'tis tiue, with gieeuy eais,
Saying, "Saints save us!" but foiget as quickly.
I've maikeu hei long; she has with all hei shiewuness
Anu playful meiiiment, a gloomy fancy,
That bioous within itself on feaiful things.

Anu what uoth this avail us.

Beai me out.
Youi ancient castle in the Suabian foiest
Bath, as too well you know, belonging to it,
0i false oi tiue, fiightful iepoits. Theie holu hei
Stiictly confin'u in sombie banishment;
Anu uoubt not but she will, eie long, full glauly
Bei fieeuom puichase at the piice you name.

0n what pietence can I confine hei theie.
It weie most ouious.

Can pietence be wanting.
Bas she not favoui shown to Theobalu,
Who in youi neighbouihoou, with his swoin fiienu
The Banneiet of Basle, suspiciously
Piolongs his stay. A pooi anu paltiy count,
0nmect to match with hei. Anu want ye then
A ieason foi iemoving hei with speeu
To some iemotei quaitei. 0ut upon it!
You aie too sciupulous.

Thy scheme is goou, but ciuel.
KF27//)*;32 63: ;))* 413-.*H *)31)1 /7 /6)@5 3*4 3//)*4.*H /7 /6) 23:/ D31/ 78 /6).1

0 much I like it, ueaily wickeu Ruuigeie!
She then will tuin hei minu to othei thoughts
Than scoinful gibes at me.

I to hei fathei swoie I woulu piotect hei:
I must fulfil his will.

Anu, in that will, hei fathei uiu uesiie
She might be match'u with this youi only son:
Theiefoie you'ie fiimly bounu all means to use
That may the enu attain.

Walk foith with me, we'll talk of this at laige.
KOP)>*/ S>H6 3*4 J>4 I3*)/ F27//)*;325 -67 (7@): 871-314 817@ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6)
:/3H) -./6 /6) 3(/.7* 78 3 <*.H6/ 34R3*(.*H /7 /6) (631H).M

Yes, thus it is; I have the sleight o't now;
Anu weie the combat yet to come, I'u show them
I'm not a whit behinu the biavest knight,
Cioss luck excepteu.

O*/)1 I3>1.()?

Ny loiu, inuulge us of youi couitesy.

In what, I piay.

Biu not Feinanuo tell you.
We aie all met within oui social bowei;
Anu I have wagei'u on youi heau, that none
But you alone, within the count's uomains,
Can to the bottom uiain the chaseu hoin.
Come uo not lingei heie when gloiy calls you.

Thinkst thou that Theobalu coulu uiink so stoutly.

Be, paltiy chief! Be heius with sobei buigheis;
#0& ,,2
10(-( ,2

% H314)* -./6 /1)):5 3*4 :61>;:5 T(? !1135 #6)7;324 5 3*4 S31/@3* 5 31) 4.:(7R)1)4 .*
3 :634)4 -32< 3/ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6) :/3H)5 :D)3<.*H .* 4>@; :67-5 -6.(6 /6)C (17::5
4.:3DD)31.*H ;)6.*4 /6) /1)):E 3*4 31) D1):)*/2C 87227-)4 ;C L%#SJNV% 3*4 %2.() 5
-67 (7*/.*>) -32<.*H /6)1)? !1135 #6)7;32/5 3*4 S31/ ? #6)* 3DD)31 3H3.*5 )*/)1.*H
*)31 /6) 817*/ 78 /6) :/3H)?

0RRA (/32<.*H /7 S31/@3* 3: :6) )*/)1:)

Anu so, since fate has maue me, woe the uay!
That pooi anu goou-foi-nothing, helpless being.
Woman yclept, I must consign myself
With all my lanus anu iights into the hanus
0f some piouu man, anu say, "Take all, I piay,
Anu uo me in ietuin the giace anu favoui
To be my mastei."

Nay, gentle lauy, you constiain my woius.
Anu loau them with a meaning haish anu foieign
To what they tiuly beai.---A mastei! No;
A valiant gentle mate, who in the fielu
0i in the council will maintain youi iight:
A noble, equal paitnei.

0iia (:63<.*H 6)1 6)34)
Well I know,
In such a paitneiship, the shaie of powei
Allotteu to the wife. See, noble Falkenstein
Bath silent been the while, noi spoke one woiu
In aiu of all youi specious aiguments.
(#7 #6)7)
What's youi auvice, my loiu.

Ah, noble 0iia,
'Tweie like self-muiuei to give honest counsel;
Then uige me not. I fiankly uo confess
I shoulu be moie heioic than I am.

Right well I see thy heau appioves my plan,
Anu by-anu-bye so will thy gen'ious heait.
In shoit, I woulu, without anothei's leave,
Impiove the low conuition of my peasants,
Anu cheiish them in peace. E'en now, methinks,
Each little cottage of my native vale
Swells out its eaithen siues, up-heaves its ioof,
Like to a hillock mov'u by lab'iing mole,
Anu with gieen tiail-weeus clamb'iing up its walls,
Roses anu ev'iy gay anu fiagiant plant,
Befoie my fancy stanus, a faiiy bowei:
Ay, anu within it too uo faiiies uwell.
K$77<.*H D23C8>22C /617>H6 6)1 8.*H)1: 2.<) 3 :67-GH23::.M
Peep thiough its wieatheu winuow, if inueeu
The floweis giow not too close, anu theie within
Thou'lt see some half a uozen iosy biats
Eating fiom woouen bowls theii uainty milk;---
Those aie my mountain elves. Seest thou not
Theii veiy foims uistinctly.

Bistinctly; anu most beautiful the sight!
A sight which sweetly stiiieth in the heait
Feelings that glauuen anu ennoble it,
Bancing like sun-beams on the iippleu sea;
A blesseu pictuie! Foul befall the man
Whose naiiow, selfish soul woulu shaue oi mai it!

To this iight heaitily I say Amen!
But if theie be a man whose gen'ious soul
K#>1*.*H /7 !113M
Like aiuoui fills; who woulu with thee puisue
Thy gen'ious plan; who woulu his hainess uon---

0RRA (D>//.*H 6)1 63*4 7* 6.@ .* H)*/2) .*/)11>D/.7*)
Nay, valiant banneiet, who woulu, an't please you,
Bis hainess uoff: all feuus, all stiife foibeai,
All militaiy iivalship, all lust
0f auueu powei, anu live in steauy quietness,
A milu anu fost'iing loiu. Know you of one
That woulu so shaie my task.---You answei not;
Anu youi biave fiienu, methinks, casts on the giounu
A thoughtful look: wots he of such a loiu.
K#7 #6)7M

Wot I of such a loiu. No, noble 0iia,
I uo not; noi uoes Baitman, though peihaps
Bis fiienuship may betiay his juugment. No;
None such exist: we aie all fieice, contentious,
Restless anu piouu, anu pione to vengeful feuus;
The veiy uistant sounu of wai excites us,
Like the cuib'u couisei list'ning to the chase,
Who paws, anu fiets, anu bites the iein. Tiust none
To cioss thy gentle, but most piincely puipose,
Who hath on heau a ciicling helmet woin,
0i evei giasp'u a glave.---But ne'eitheless
Theie is---I know a man.--- Night I be bolu.

Being so honest, boluness is youi iight.

Peimitteu then, I'll say, I know a man,
Though most unwoithy 0iia's loiu to be,
Who, as hei champion, fiienu, uevoteu soluiei,
Night yet commenu himself; anu, so ieceiveu,
Who woulu at hei commanu, foi hei uefence
Bis swoiu iight piouuly uiaw. An honoui'u swoiu,
Like that which at the gate of Paiauise
Fiom steps piofane the blesseu iegion guaiueu.

Thanks to the gen'ious knight! I also know
The man thou woulust commenu; anu when my state
Such seivice neeueth, to no swoiu but his
Will I that seivice owe.

Nost noble 0iia! gieatly is he honoui'u;
Anu will not muimui that a highei wish,
Too high, anu too piesumptuous, is iepiess'u.
KW.::.*H 6)1 63*4 -./6 H1)3/ 1):D)(/.M

Nay, Ruuolph Baitman, cleai that clouuy biow,
Anu look on Falkenstein anu on myself
As two co-buigheis of thy native city
(Foi such I mean eie long to be), anu claiming
Fiom thee, as cauets fiom an eluei boin,
Thy cheeiing equal kinuness.

O*/)1 3 ')1R3*/?


The count is now at leisuie to ieceive
The loiu of Falkenstein, anu Ruuolph Baitman.

We shall attenu him shoitly.
KOP./ :)1R3*/.M
K%:.4) /7 #6)7M
Nust we now
0ui puipos'u suit to some pietenueu mattei
0f slightei impoit change.

TBE0BALB K/7 S31/@3* 3:.4)M

Nauam, I take my leave with all uevotion.

I with all fiienuly wishes.
KOP)>*/ #6)7 ? 3*4 S%J#I%V L%#SJNV% 3*4 %2.() *7- 34R3*() /617>H6 /6) :61>;:5
T(? 3/ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6) :/3H)5 -6.2) !113 1)@3.*:5 -13DD)4 .* /67>H6/5 7* /6) 817*/.M

Nauam, you'ie thoughtful; something occupies. Youi busy minu.

What was't we talk'u of, when the woithy banneiet
With Falkenstein upon oui conveise bioke.

Bow we shoulu spenu oui time, when in youi castle
You shall maintain youi state in ancient splenuoui,
With all youi vassals iounu you.

Ay, so it was.

Anu you uiu say, my lauy,
It shoulu not be a colu unsocial gianueui:
That you woulu keep, the while, a meiiy house.

0 uoubt it not! I'll gathei iounu my boaiu
All that heav'n senus to me of way-woin folks,
Anu noble tiavelleis, anu neighb'iing fiienus,
Both young anu olu. Within my ample hall,
The woin-out man of aims (of whom too many,
Nobly uescenueu, iove like ieckless vagiants
Fiom one piouu chieftain's castle to anothei,
Balf chiu, half honoui'u) shall o' tiptoe tieau,
Tossing his giey locks fiom his wiinkleu biow
With cheeiful fieeuom, as he boasts his feats
0f uays gone by.---Nusic we'll have; anu oft
The bick'iing uance upon oui oaken floois
Shall, thunu'iing louu, stiike on the uistant eai
0f'nighteu tiav'lleis, who shall glauly benu
Theii uoubtful footsteps tow'ius the cheeiing uin.
Solemn, anu giave, anu cloistei'u, anu uemuie
We shall not be. Will this content ye, uamsels.

0 passing well! 'twill be a pleasant life;
Fiee fiom all stein subjection; blithe anu fanciful;
We'll uo whate'ei we list.

That iight anu piuuent is, I hope thou meanest.

Why evei so suspicious anu so stiict.
Bow coulust thou think I hau anothei meaning.
(#7 !113)
Anu shall we iamble in the woous full oft
With hounu anu hoin.---that is my ueaiest joy.

Thou iunn'st me fast, goou Alice. Bo not uoubt
This shall be wanting to us. Ev'iy season
Shall have its suiteu pastime: even Wintei
In its ueep noon, when mountains pileu with snow,
Anu chok'u up valleys fiom oui mansion bai
All entiance, anu noi guest, noi tiavellei
Sounus at oui gate; the empty hall foisaking,
In some waim chambei, by the ciackling fiie
We'll holu oui little, snug, uomestic couit,
Plying oui woik with song anu tale between.

Anu stoiies too, I ween, of ghosts anu spiiits,
Anu things uneaithly, that on Nichael's eve
Rise fiom the yawning tombs.

Thou thinkest then one night o'th' yeai is tiuly
Noie hoiiiu than the iest.

Peihaps 'tis only silly supeistition:
But yet it is well known the count's biave fathei
Woulu iathei on a glaciei's point have lain,
By angiy tempests iock'u, than on that night
Sunk in a uowny couch in Biuniei's castle.

Bow, piay. What feaiful thing uiu scaie him so.

Bast thou ne'ei heaiu the stoiy of Count Bugo,
Bis ancestoi, who slew the huntei-knight.

0iia ()3H)12C)
Tell it, I piay thee.

Catheiina, tell it not; it is not iight:
Such stoiies evei change hei cheeiful spiiits
To gloomy pensiveness; hei iosy bloom
To the wan coloui of a shiouueu coise.
(#7 !113)
What pleasuie is theie, lauy, when thy hanu,
Colu as the valley's ice, with hasty giasp
Seizes on hei who speaks, while thy shiunk foim
Cow'iing anu shiv'iing stanus with keen tuin'u eai
To catch what follows of the pausing tale.

Anu let me cow'iing stanu, anu be my touch
The valley's ice: theie is a pleasuie in it.

Sayst thou inueeu theie is a pleasuie in it.

Yea, when the colu bloou shoots thiough eveiy vein:
When eveiy poie upon my shiunken skin
A knotteu knoll becomes, anu to mine eais
Stiange inwaiu sounus awake, anu to mine eyes
Rush stiangei teais, theie is a joy in feai.
KL3/(6.*H 6724 78 L3/61.*3.M
Tell it, CATBRINA, foi the life within me
Beats thick, anu stiis to heai
Be slew the huntei-knight.

Since I must tell it, then, the stoiy goes
That giim Count Aluenbeig, the ancestoi
0f Bughobeit, anu also of youiself,
Fiom hatieu oi fiom envy, to his castle
A noble knight, who hunteu in the foiest,
Well the Black Foiest nameu, basely uecoy'u,
Anu theie, within his chambei, muiuei'u him---

Neiciful Beaven! anu in my veins theie iuns
A muiueiei's bloou. Saiust thou not, muiuei'u him.

Ay; as he lay asleep, at ueau of night.

A ueeu most hoiiible!

It was on Nichael's eve; anu since that time,
The neighb'iing hinus oft heai the miunight yell
0f spectie-hounus, anu see the spectie shapes
0f huntsmen on theii sable steeus, with still
A noble huntei iiuing in theii van
To cheei the chase, shown by the moon's pale beams,
When wanes its hoin in long 0ctobei nights.

This hath been often seen.

Ay, so they say.
But, as the stoiy goes, on Nichael's eve,
Anu on that night alone of all the yeai,
The huntei-knight himself, having a hoin
Thiice sounueu at the gate, the castle enteis;
Anu, in the veiy chambei wheie he uieu,
Calls on his muiu'iei, oi in his uefault
Some tiue uescenuant of his house, to loose
Bis spiiit fiom its toiment; foi his bouy
Is laiu i' the eaith unbless'u, anu none can tell
The spot of its inteiment.

Call on some tiue uescenuant of his iace!
It weie to such a feaiful inteiview.
But in that chambei, on that night alone---
Bath he elsewheie to any of the iace
Appeaieu. oi hath he powei---

Nay, nay, foibeai:
See how she looks.
(#7 !113)
I feai thou ait not well.

Theie is a sickly faintness come upon me.

Anu uiust thou say theie is a joy in feai.

Ny minu of late has stiange impiessionsg ta'en.
I know not how it is.

A few nights since,
Stealing o' tiptoe, softly thiough youi chambei,
Towaius my own---

0 heaven uefenu us! uiust thou see aught theie.

0nly youi sleeping self. But you appeai'u
Bistiess'u anu tioubleu in youi uieams; anu once
I thought to wake you eie I left the chambei,
But I foiboie.

Anu glau I am thou uiust.
It is not uieams I feai; foi still with me
Theie is an inuistinctness o'ei them cast,
Like the uull gloom of misty twilight, wheie
Befoie mine eyes pass all incongiuous things,
Buge, hoiiible, anu stiange, on which I staie
As iuiots uo upon this changeful woilu,
With noi suipiise noi speculation. No;
Bieams I feai not: it is the uieauful waking,
When, in ueep miunight stillness, the iouseu fancy
Takes up th' impeifect shauows of its sleep,
Like a maii'u speech snatch'u fiom a bunglei's mouth,
Shaping theii foims uistinctively anu viviu
To visions hoiiible:---this is my bane;---
It is the uieauful waking that I feai.

Well, speak of othei things. Theie in goou time
Youi ghostly fathei comes with quicken'u steps,
Like one who beais some tiuings goou oi ill.
Beaven giant they may be goou!
KO*/)1 "1:/7*.M

Fathei, you seem uistuib'u.

Baughtei, I am in tiuth uistuib'u. The count
All o' the suuuen, being much eniageu
That Falkenstein still lingeis neai these walls,
Resolves to senu thee hence, to be awhile
In banishment uetain'u, till on his son
Thou lookst with bettei favoui.

Ay, inueeu!
That is to say peipetual banishment:
A sentence light oi heavy, as the place
Is sweet oi iiksome he woulu senu me to.

Be will contiive to make it, uoubt him not,
Iiksome enough. Theiefoie I woulu auvise thee
To feign at least, but foi a little time,
A uisposition to obey his wishes.
Be's stein, but not ielentless; anu his uame,
The gentle Eleanoi, will still befiienu you,
When fit occasion seives.

What saiust thou, fathei.
To feign a uisposition to obey!
I uiu mistake thy woius.

No, gentle uaughtei;
So piess'u, thou mayest feign anu yet be blameless.
A tiusty guaiuian's faith with thee he holus not,
Anu theiefoie thou ait fiee to meet his wiongs
With what uefence thou hast.

0RRA (D17>42C)
Nay, paiuon me; I, with an unshoin ciown,
Nust holu the tiuth in plain simplicity,
Anu am in nice uistinctions most unskilful.

Lauy, have I ueseiv'u this shaipness. oft
Thine infant hanu has stiok'u this shaven ciown:
Thou'st ne'ei till now iepioach'u it.

0iia (;>1:/.*H .*/7 /)31:)
Paiuon, 0 paiuon me, my gentle 0iston!
Paiuon a waywaiu chilu, whose eagei tempei
Both sometimes mai the kinuness of hei heait.
Fathei, am I foigiven.
(S3*H.*H 7* 6.@.)

Thou ait, thou ait:
Thou ait foigiven; moie than foigiven, my chilu.

Then leau me to the count, I will myself
Leain his stein puipose.

In the hall he is,
Seateu in state, anu waiting to ieceive you.

10(-( ,,,2
% :D3(.7>: 3D31/@)*/5 71 ;317*X: 63225 -./6 3 (63.1 78 :/3/)? S>H67;)1/5 O2)3*7135 3*4
F27//)*;32 )*/)1 *)31 /6) 817*/5 :D)3<.*H 3: /6)C )*/)1E 3*4 38/)1-314: )*/)1 Y3::32:
3*4 %//)*43*/:5 -67 13*H) /6)@:)2R): 3/ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6) :/3H)?

Cease, uame! I will not heai; thou stiiv'st in vain
With thy weak pleauings. 0iia hence must go
Within the houi, unless she will engage
Bei plighteu woiu to maiiy ulottenbal.

Ay, anu a mighty haiuship, by the mass!

I've summon'u hei in solemn foim befoie me,
That these my vassals shoulu my act appiove,
Knowing my iight of guaiuianship; anu also
That hei late fathei, in his uying moments,
Biu will she shoulu be maiiieu to my son;
Which will, she now must piomise to obey,
0i take the consequence.

But why so hasty.
Why, sayst thou. Falkenstein still in these paits
Lingeis with sly intent. Even now he left me,
Aftei an inteiview of small impoitance,
Which he anu Baitman, as a blinu pietence
Foi seeing 0iia, foimally iequesteu.
I say again she must foithwith obey me,
0i take the consequence of waywaiu will.

Nay, not foi 0iia uo I now entieat
So much as foi thyself. Bethink thee well
What honoui thou shalt have, when it is known
Thy waiu fiom thy piotecting ioof was sent;
Thou who shoulust be to hei a fiienu, a fathei.

But uo I senu hei unpiotecteu. No!
Biave Ruuigeie conuucts hei with a banu
0f tiusty speaimen. In hei new aboue
She will be safe as heie.

Ba! Ruuigeie!
Putst thou such tiust in him. Alas, my loiu!
Bis heait is full of cunning anu ueceit.
Wilt thou to him the flowei of all thy iace
Rashly intiust. 0 be auviseu, my loiu!

Thy ghostly fathei tells thee so, I uoubt not.
Anothei piiest confesses Ruuigeie,
Anu 0iston likes him not. But canst thou think,
With aught but honest puipose, he woulu chose
Fiom all hei women the seveie CATBRINA,
So stiictly viituous, foi hei companion.
This puts all uoubt to silence. Say no moie,
Else I shall think thou pleaust against my son,
Noie with a step-uame's than a mothei's feelings.

Ay, maiiy uoes she, fathei! Anu foisooth!
Regaius me as a fool. No maivel then
That 0iia scoins me; being taught by hei,---
Bow shoulu she else.---So to consiuei me!

B0uB0BERT (/7 F27//)*;32)
Tut! holu thy tongue.

Be wiongs me much, my loiu.

No moie, foi heie she comes.

O*/)1 !1135 3//)*4)4 ;C "1:/7*5 %2.() 3*4 L3/61.*35 -6.2:/ S>H67;)1/ :)3/: 6.@:)28 .*
6.: (63.1 78 :/3/)5 /6) R3::32:5 T(? 13*H.*H /6)@:)2R): 7* )3(6 :.4)?

B0uB0BERT (/7 !113)
Nauam anu waiu, placeu unuei mine authoiity,
Anu to my chaige committeu by my kinsman,
0liic of Aluenbeig, thy noble fathei:
Baving all gentle means essay'u to win thee
To the fulfilment of his uying will,
That uiu ueciee his heiiess shoulu be maiiieu
With ulottenbal my heii; I solemnly
Now call upon thee, eie that ioughei means
Be useu foi this goou enu, to piomise tiuly
Thou wilt, within a shoit anu stateu time,
Befoie the altai give thy plighteu faith
To this my only son. I wait thine answei.
0iia of Aluenbeig, wilt thou uo this.

Count of the same, my loiu anu guaiuian,
I will not.

Bave a caie, thou fiowaiu maiu!
'Tis thy last oppoitunity: eie long
Thou shalt, within a uieaiy uwelling pent,
Count thy uull houis, tolu by the ueau man's watch,
Anu wish thou haust not been so piouuly wilful.

Anu let my uull houis by the ueau man's watch
Be tolu; yea, make me too the ueau man's mate,
Ny uwelling place the naileu coffin; still
I woulu piefei it to the living loiu
Youi goouness offeis me.

Ait thou bewitch'u.
Is he not young, well featuieu anu well foim'u.
Anu uost thou put him in thy estimation
With bones anu sheeteu clay.
Beyonu enuuiance is thy stubboin spiiit.
Right well thy fathei knew that all thy sex
Stubboin anu heaustiong aie; theiefoie, in wisuom,
Be vesteu me with powei that might compel thee
To what he will'u shoulu be.

0 not in wisuom!
Say iathei in that weak, but gen'ious faith,
Which saiu to him, the cope of heaven woulu fall
Anu smothei in its ciaule his swath'u babe,
Rathei than thou. his mate in aims, his kinsman,
Who by his siue in many a fielu hau fought,
Shoulust take auvantage of his confiuence
Foi soiuiu enus.---
Ny biave anu noble fathei!
A voice comes fiom thy giave anu ciies against it,
Anu bius me to be bolu. Thine awful foim
Rises befoie me,---anu that look of anguish
0n thy uaik biow!---0 no! I blame thee not.

Thou seemst besiue thyself with such wilu gestuies
Anu stiangely-flashing eyes. Repiess these fancies,
Anu to plain ieason listen. Thou hast saiu,
Foi soiuiu enus I have auvantage ta'en.
Since thy biave fathei's ueath, by wai anu compact,
Thou of thy lanus hast lost a thiiu; whilst I,
By happy foitune, in my heii's behalf,
Bave uoubleu my uomains to what they weie
When 0liic chose him as a match foi thee.

0, anu what speaketh this, but that my fathei
Bomains iegaiueu not; anu thought a man
Such as the son shoulu be of such a man
As thou to him appeai'ust, a match moie honouiable
Than one of amplei state. Take thou fiom ulottenbal
The laigely auueu lanus of which thou boastest,
Anu put, in lieu theieof, into his stoies
Some weight of manly sense anu gen'ious woith,
Anu I will say thou keepst faith with thy fiienu:
But as it is, although a king's uomains
Incieas'u thy wealth, thou pooily woulust ueceive him.

B0uB0BERT (1.:.*H 817@ 6.: (63.1 .* 3*H)1)
Now, mauam, be all counsel on this mattei
Between us closeu. Piepaie thee foi thy jouiney.

Nay, goou my loiu! consiuei.

B0uB0BERT (/7 O2)3*713)
What, again!
Bave I not saiu thou hast an alien's heait
Fiom me anu mine. Leain to iespect my will:
---Be silent, as becomes a youthful uame.

Foi a few uays may she not still iemain.

No, piiest; not foi an houi. It is my pleasuie
That she foi Biuniei's castle uo set foith
Without uelay.

0RRA (-./6 3 83.*/ :/31/.*H @7R)@)*/)
In Biuniei's castle!

Anu uoth this change the coloui of thy cheek,
Anu give thy altei'u voice a feeblei sounu.
K%:.4) /7 F27//)*;ALICEM

She shiinks, now to hei, boy; this is thy time.

uL0TTENBAL K/7 !113M
0nless thou wilt, thou neeust not go at all.
Theie is full many a maiuen woulu iight glauly
Accept the teims we offei, anu iemain.
K% D3>:)M
Wilt thou not answei me.

I heaiu thee not.---
I heaiu thy voice, but not thy woius. What saiust thou.

I say, theie's many a maiuen woulu iight glauly
Accept the teims we offei, anu iemain.
The uaughtei of a king hath match'u eie now
With mine infeiioi. We aie link'u togethei
As 'tweie by iight anu natuial piopeity.
Anu as I've saiu befoie I say again,
I love thee too: what moie coulust thou uesiie.

I thank thee foi thy couitship, though uncouth;
Foi it confiims my puipose: anu my stiength
uiows as thou speakst, fiim like the ueep-bas'u iock.
K#7 S>H67;)1/M
Now foi my jouiney when you will, my loiu!
I'm ieauy.

Be it so! on thine own heau
Rest all the blame!
KF7.*H 817@ 6)1.M
Peiveise past all belief!
K#>1*.*H 17>*4 /7 6)1 :/)1*2C.M
0iia of Aluenbeig, wilt thou obey me.

Count of that noble house, with all iespect,
Again I say I will not.

KOP./ S>H67;)1/ .* 3*H)15 87227-)4 ;C F27//)*;325 "1:/7* 5 T(? I3*)*/ 3*2C O2)3*7135
L%#SJNV%5 %2.() 5 3*4 !113 5 -67 <))D: >D -./6 :/3/)2C D1.4) /.22 S>H67;)1/ 3*4 322
3//)*43*/: 31) H7*) 7>/5 3*4 /6)* /617-.*H 6)1:)28 .*/7 /6) 31@: 78 O2)3*713 5 H.R):
R)*/ /7 6)1 8))2.*H:.M

Sweet 0iia! be not so uepiess'u; thou goest
Foi a shoit teim, soon to ietuin again;
The banishment is mine, who stays behinu.
But I will beg of heaven with ceaseless piayeis
To have thee soon iestoieu: anu, when I uaie,
Will pleau with Bughobeit in thy behalf;
Be is not always stein.

Thanks, gentle fiienu! Thy voice to me uoth iing
Like the last tones of kinuly natuie; ueaily
In my iemembiance shall they iest.---What sounus,
What sights, what hoiiiu inteicouise I may,
Eie we shall meet again, be uoom'u to piove,
Bigh heaven alone uoth know.---If that inueeu
We e'ei shall meet again!
K=322: 7* 6)1 *)(< 3*4 -))D:?M

Nay, nay! come to my chambei. Theie awhile
Compose youi spiiits. Be not so uepiess'u.

KJ>4.H)1)5 -67 63: 3DD)31)45 4>1.*H /6) 23:/ D31/ 78 /6) 3;7R) :()*)5 3/ /6) ;7//7@ 78
/6) :/3H)5 6328 (7*()32)45 3: .8 >D7* /6) -3/(65 *7- (7@): 871-3145 :D)3<.*H 3: 6)

Bolu fiim hei piiue till faiily fiom these walls
0ui jouiney is begun; then foitune hail!
Thy favouis aie secuieu.
K$77<.*H 788 /6) :/3H).M

Bo, Nauiice theie!

O*/)1 I3>1.()?

Ny faithful Nauiice, I woulu speak with thee.
I leave thee heie behinu me; to thy caie,
Ny int'iests I commit; be it thy chaige
To counteiact thy lauy's influence,
Who will entieat hei loiu the teim to shoiten
0f 0iia's absence, maiming thus my plan,
Which must, belike, have time to be effecteu.
Be vigilant, be aitful; anu be suie
Thy seivices I amply will iepay.

Ay, thou hast saiu so, anu I have believ'u thee.

Anu uost thou uoubt.

No; yet meantime, goou sooth!
If somewhat of thy bounty I might fingei,
'Tweie well: I like to have some actual pioof.
Biust thou not piomise it.

'Tis tiue I uiu,
But othei piessing calls have uiain'u my means.

Anu othei piessing calls my ebbing faith
Nay also uiain, anu change my piomis'u puipose.

uo to! I know thou ait a gieeuy leech,
Though ne'eitheless thou lov'st me.
K#3<.*H 3 :@322 (3:) 817@ 6.: D7(<)/5 -6.(6 6) 7D)*:.M
Seest thou heie.
I have no coin; but look upon these jewels:
I took them fiom a knight I slew in battle.
When I am 0iia's loiu, thou shalt ieceive,
Weie it ten thousanu ciowns, whate'ei theii woith
Shall by a skilful lapiuaiy be
In honesty esteem'u.
KF.R): 6.@ /6) Z)-)2:.M

I thank thee, but methinks theii lustie's uim.
I've seen the stones befoie upon thy bieast
In gala uays, but nevei heaiu thee boast
They weie of so much value.

I was too piuuent: I hau lost them else.
To no one but thyself woulu I entiust
The seciet of theii value.

KO*/)1 ')1R3*/?M

Sii Ruuigeie, the speaimen aie without,
Waiting youi fuithei oiueis, foi the jouiney.

R0BIuERE (/7 :)1R3*/)
I'll come to them anon.
KOP./ :)1R3*/.M
Befoie I go, I'll speak to thee again.
KOP)>*/ :)R)1322C.M

#0& ,,,2
10(-( ,
% 871):/ -./6 3 6328G1>.*)4 (3:/2) .* /6) ;3(<H17>*45 :))* /617>H6 /6) /1)): ;C
@77*2.H6/? =13*<7 3*4 :)R)132 !"#$%&: 31) 4.:(7R)1)4 :.//.*H 7* /6) H17>*45 17>*4
3 8.1)5 -./6 823H7*:5 T(? ;C /6)@5 3: .8 /6)C 634 ;))* 41.*<.*H?

'7*H 78 :)R)132 R7.():?

The chough anu ciow to ioost aie gone,
The owl sits on the tiee,
The hush'u winu wails with feeble moan,
Like infant chaiity.
The wilu-fiie uances on the fen,
The ieu stai sheus its iay,
0piouse ye, then, my meiiy men!
It is oui op'ning uay.

Both chilu anu nuise aie fast asleep,
Anu clos'u is eveiy flowei,
Anu winking tapeis faintly peep
Bigh fiom my lauy's bowei;
Bewiluei'u hinus with shoiten'u ken
Shiink on theii muiky way,
0piouse, ye, then, my meiiy men!
It is oui op'ning uay.

Noi boaiu noi gainei own we now,
Noi ioof noi latcheu uooi,
Noi kinu mate, bounu by holy vow
To bless a goou man's stoie;
Noon lulls us in a gloomy uen,
Anu night is giown oui uay,
0piouse ye, then, my meiiy men!
Anu use it as ye may.

FRANK0 (/7 A:/ !>/23-)
Bow lik'st thou this, Feinanuo.

Well sung i' faith! but seiving ill oui tuin,
Who woulu all tiav'lleis anu benighteu folks
Scaie fiom oui piecincts. Such sweet haimony
Will iathei tempt invasion.

Feai not, foi mingleu voices, heaiu afai,
Thiough glaue anu glen anu thicket, stealing on
To uistant list'neis, seem wilu-goblin-sounus;
At which the lonely tiav'llei checks his steeu,
Pausing with long-uiawn bieath anu keen-tuin'u eai,
Anu twilight pilfeieis cast uown in haste
Theii ill-got buithens, while the homewaiu hinu
Tuins fiom his path, full many a mile about,
Thiough bog anu miie to giope his blunu'iing way.
Such, to the staitleu eai of supeistition,
Weie seiaph's song, coulu we like seiaphs sing.

O*/)1 [*4 !"#$%&5 63:/.2C?

Bispeise ye uiff'ient ways: we aie unuone.

Bow sayst thou, shiinking poltioon. we unuone!
out'u anu iuin'u men, who live by uaiing!

A tiain of aimeu men, some noble uame
Escoiting (so theii scattei'u woius uiscovei'u
As, unpeiceiv'u, I hung upon theii ieai),
Aie close at hanu, anu mean to pass the night
Within the castle.

Some benighteu tiavelleis,
Bolu fiom theii numbeis, oi who ne'ei have heaiu
The ghostly legenu of this uieaueu place.

Let us keep close within oui vaulteu haunts;
The way to which is tangleu anu peiplex'u,
Anu cannot be uiscovei'u: with the moin
They will uepait.

Nay, by the holy mass! within those walls
Not foi a night must tiav'lleis quietly iest,
0i few oi many. Woulu we live secuiely,
We must upholu the teiiois of the place:
Theiefoie, let us piepaie oui miunight iouse.
See, fiom the winuows of the castle gleam
K$.H6/: :))* 817@ /6) (3:/2)?M

Quick passing lights, as though they moveu within
In huiiieu piepaiation; anu that bell,
K9)22 6)314?M

Which fiom yon tuiiet its shiill 'laium senus,
Betokens some unwonteu stii. Come, heaits!
Be all piepaieu, befoie the miunight watch,
The fienu-like uin of oui infeinal chace
Aiounu the walls to iaise.---Come; night auvances.

10(-( ,,2
% F7/6.( 177@ .* /6) (3:/2)5 -./6 /6) :/3H) 431<)*)4? O*/)1 L3/61.*35 ;)31.*H 3 2.H6/5
87227-)4 ;C !113?

0RRA K(3/(6.*H 6)1 ;C /6) 17;) 3*4 D>22.*H 6)1 ;3(<)
Auvance no fuithei: tuin, I piay! This ioom
Noie uismal anu moie ghastly seems than that
Which we have left behinu. Thy tapei's light,
As thus aloft thou wav'st it to anu fio,
The fietteu ceiling gilus with feeble biightness;
While ovei-heau its caiveu iibs gliue past
Like eugy waves of a uaik sea, ietuining
To an eclipseu moon its sullen sheen.

To me it seems less uismal than the othei.
See, heie aie chaiis aiounu the table set,
As if its last inhabitants hau left it
Scaicely an houi ago.
K')//.*H /6) 2.H6/ >D7* /6) /3;2)?M

Alas! how many houis anu yeais have past
Since human foims aiounu this table sat,
0i lamp oi tapei on its suiface gleam'u!
Nethinks I heai the sounu of time long past
Still muim'iing o'ei us in the lofty voiu
0f those uaik aiches, like the ling'iing voices
0f those who long within theii giaves have slept.
It was theii gloomy home; now it is mine.
K'./: 47-*5 1):/.*H 6)1 31@ >D7* /6) /3;2)5 3*4 (7R)1.*H 6)1 )C): -./6 6)1 63*4?M

O*/)1 J>4.H)1)5 ;)(<7*.*H L3/61.*3 /7 (7@) /7 6.@E 3*4 :D)3<: /7 6)1 .* 3 27- R7.() 3/
/6) (71*)1 78 /6) :/3H)?
uo anu piepaie thy lauy's chambei; why
Bost thou foi evei closely neai hei keep.

She chaigeu me so to uo.

I chaige thee also
With paiamount authoiity, to leave hei:
I foi awhile will take thy station heie.
Thou ait not mau. Thou uost not hesitate.
K=.P.*H 6.: )C): 7* 6)1 -./6 3 8.)1() /61)3/)*.*H 277<5 817@ -6.(6 :6) :61.*<:? OP./

This was the home of bloouy lawless powei.
The veiy aii iests thick anu heavily
Wheie muiuei hath been uone.
('.H6.*H 6)3R.2C.)
Theie is a stiange oppiession in my bieast:
Bost thou not feel a close unwholesome vapoui.

No; ev'iy aii to me is light anu healthful,
That with thy sweet anu heavenly bieath is mix'u.

0RRA (:/31/.*H >D)
Thou heie! ($77<.*H 17>*4.) Cathiina gone.

Boes 0iia feai to be alone with one,
Whose weal, whose being on hei favoui hangs.

Retiie, Sii Knight. I choose to be alone.

Anu uost thou choose it, heie, in such a place,
Weaiing so neai the miunight houi.---Alas!
Bow loath'u anu iiksome must my piesence be!

Bost thou ueiiue my weakness.

I ueiiue it!
No, noble maiu! say iathei that fiom thee
I have a kinuieu weakness caught. In battle
Ny couiage nevei shiank, as my aim'u heel
Anu ciesteu helm uo faiily testify:
But now when miunight comes, I feel by sympathy,
With thinking upon thee, feais iise within me
I nevei knew befoie.

uRRA (.* 3 :78/)*)4 <.*42.)1 R7.())
Ba! uost thou too
Such human weakness own.

I plainly feel
We aie all cieatuies, in the wakeful houi
0f ghastly miunight, foim'u to cowei togethei,
Foigetting all uistinctions of th uay,
Beneath its awful anu mysteiious powei.
K'/)32.*H (27:)1 /7 6)1 3: 6) :D)3<:5 3*4 D>//.*H 6.: 31@: 17>*4 6)1.M

0RRA (;1)3<.*H 817@ 6.@)
I piay thee holu thy pailey fuithei off:
Why uost thou piess so neai me.

Anu ait thou so offenueu, lovely 0iia.
Ah! wheiefoie am I thus piesumptuous ueem'u.
The bloou that fills thy veins eniiches mine;
Fiom the same stock we spiing; though by that glance
0f thy uisuainful eye, too well I see
Ny biith eiioneously thou countest base.


Yes, I will piove it so.
Longei I'll not enuuie a galling wiong
Which makes each woiu of tenueiness that buists
Fiom a full heait, bolu anu piesumptuous seem,
Anu seveis us so fai.

No, subtile snake!
It is the baseness of thy selfish minu,
Full of all guile, anu cunning, anu ueceit,
That seveis us so fai, anu shall uo evei.

Thou piov'st how fai my passion will enuuie
0njust iepioaches fiom a mouth so ueai.

0ut on hypociisy! who but thyself
Biu Bughobeit auvise to senu me hithei.
Anu who the jailoi's hateful office holus
To make my thialuom suie.

0pbiaiu me not foi this: hau I iefuseu,
0ne less thy fiienu hau ta'en th' ungiacious task.
Anu, gentle 0iia! uost thou know a man,
Who might in waiu all that his soul holus ueai
Fiom uangei keep, yet woulu the chaige iefuse,
Foi that stiict iight such waiuship uoth conuemn.
0! still to be with thee; to look upon thee;
To heai thy voice, makes even this place of hoiiois,---
Wheie, as 'tis saiu, the spectie of a chief,
Slain by oui common gianusiie, haunts the night,
A paiauise---a place wheie I coulu live
In penuiy anu gloom, anu be most bless'u.
Ah! 0iia! if theie's miseiy in thialuom,
Pity a wietch who bieathes but in thy favoui:
Who till he look'u upon that beauteous face,
Was fiee anu happy.---Pity me oi kill me!
KW*))2.*H 3*4 (3/(6.*H 6724 78 6)1 63*4?M

0ff, fienu! let snakes anu vipeis cling to me
So thou uost keep aloof.

R0BIuERE (1.:.*H .*4.H*3*/2C)
Anu is my love with so much hatieu met.
Nauam, bewaie lest scoin like this shoulu change me
E'en to the baleful thing youi feais have fancieu.

Bai'st thou to thieaten me.

Be, who is mau with love anu gall'u with scoin,
Baies any thing.---But 0! foigive such woius
Fiom one who iathei, humbleu at youi feet,
Woulu of that gentleness, that gen'ious pity,
The native inmate of each female bieast,
Receive the giace on which his life uepenus.
Theie was a time when thou uiust look on me
With othei eyes.

Thou uost amaze me much.
Whilst I believ'u thou weit an honest man,
Being no fool, anu an auventuious soluiei,
I look'u upon thee with goou-will; if moie
Thou uiust uiscovei in my looks than this,
Thy wisuom with thine honesty, in tiuth,
Was faiily match'u.

Nauam, the piouu ueiision of that smile
Beceives me not. It is the loiu of Falkenstein,
Who bettei skill'u than I in touinay-wai,
Though not in th' actual fielu moie valiant founu,
Engiosses now youi paitial thoughts. Anu yet
What may he boast which, in a lovei's suit,
I may not uige. Be's biave, anu so am I.
In biith I am his equal; foi my mothei,
As I shall piove, was maiiieu to Count Albeit,
Ny noble fathei, though foi ieasons teuious
Beie to be stateu, still theii seciet nuptials
Weie unacknowleug'u, anu on me hath fallen
A ciuel stigma which uegiaues my foitunes.
But weie I---0 foigive th' aspiiing thought!---
But weie I 0iia's loiu, I shoulu bieak foith
Like the unclouueu sun, by all acknowleug'u
As ianking with the highest in the lanu.

Bo what thou wilt when thou ait 0iia's loiu;
But being as thou ait, ietiie anu leave me:
I choose to be alone.
(Y)1C D17>42C.)

Then be it so.
Thy pleasuie, mighty uame, I will not balk.
This night, to-moiiow's night, anu eveiy night,
Shalt thou in solituue be left; if absence
0f human beings can secuie it foi thee.
KU3>:): 3*4 277<: 7* 6)15 -6.2) :6) :))@: :/1>(< 3*4 4.:/>1;)4.M
It weais alieauy on the miunight houi;
uoou night!
KU3>:): 3H3.*5 :6) :/.22 @71) 4.:/>1;)4.M
Peihaps I unueistoou too hastily
Commanus you may ietiact.

0RRA (1)(7R)1.*H 6)1 :/3/))
Leave me, I say; that pait of my commanus
I nevei can ietiact.

You aie obey'u.

0RRA (D3(): >D 3*4 47-* 63:/.2C 871 :7@) /.@)5 /6)* :/7D: :671/5 3*4 38/)1 1)@3.*.*H
3 2.//2) -6.2) .* 3 /67>H6/8>2 D7:/>1))
Can spiiit fiom the tomb, oi fienu fiom hell,
Noie hateful, moie malignant be than man---
Than villanous man. Although to look on such,
Yea, even the veiy thought of looking on them,
Nakes natuial bloou to cuiule in the veins,
Anu loosen'u limbs to shake,
Theie aie who have enuui'u the visitation
0f supeinatuial beings.---0 foiefenu it!
I woulu close couch me to my ueauliest foe
Rathei than foi a moment beai alone
The hoiiois of the sight.
Who's theie. who's theie.
K$77<.*H 17>*4.M
Beaiu I not voices neai. That uooi ajai
Senus foith a cheeiful light. Peihaps my women,
Who now piepaie my chambei. uiant it be!
KOP./5 1>**.*H 63:/.2C /7 3 4771 817@ -6.(6 3 2.H6/ .: :))*.M

10(-( ,,,2
% (63@;)15 -./6 3 :@322 ;)4 71 (7>(6 .* ./? O*/)1 J"QNFOJO 3*4 L%#SJNV%5
-13*H2.*H /7H)/6)1?

I say begone, anu occupy the chambei
I have appointeu foi thee: heie I'm fix'u,
Anu heie I pass the night.

Thou saiust my chambei
Shoulu be aujoining that which 0iia holus.
I know thy wickeu thoughts: they meuitate
Some uev'lish scheme; but think not I'll abet it.

Thou wilt not!---angiy, iestive, simple fool!
Bost thou stop shoit anu say, "I'll go no fuithei."
Thou, whom concealeu shame hath bounu so fast,---
Ny tool,---my instiument.---Fulfil thy chaige
To the full bent of thy commission, else
Thee, anu thy bantling too, I'll fiom me cast
To want anu infamy.

0, shameless man!
Thou ait the son of a uegiaueu mothei
As low as I am, yet thou hast no pity.

Ay, anu uost thou iepioach my bastaiuy
To make moie base the man who conquei'u thee,
With all thy viitue, iigiu anu uemuie.
Who woulu have thought less than a soveieign piince
Coulu e'ei have compass'u such achievement. Nean
As he may be, thou'st given thyself a mastei,
Anu must obey him.---Bost thou yet iesist.
Thou know'st my meaning.
K#)31.*H 7D)* 6.: R):/ .* R)6)@)*() 78 3(/.7*.M

0nuei thy vest a uaggei!---Ah! too well,
I know thy meaning, ciuel, iuthless man!

Bave I uiscoveieu it.---I thought not of it:
The vehemence of gestuie hath betiay'u me.
I keep it not foi thee, but foi myself;
A iefuge fiom uisgiace. Beie is anothei:
Be who with high, but uangeious foitune giapples,
Shoulu he be foil'u, looks but to fiienus like these.
KU>22.*H 7>/ /-7 43HH)1: 817@ 6.: R):/.M
This steel is stiong to give a vig'ious thiust;
The othei on its venom'u point hath that
Which, in the feeblest hanu, gives ueath as ceitain,
As though a giant smote the uestin'u piey.

Thou uesp'iate man! so aim'u against thyself!

Ay; anu against myself with such iesolves,
Consiuei well how I shall ueal with those
Who may withstanu my will oi mai my puipose.
Thinkst thou I'll feebly---

0 be pacifieu.
I will begone: I am a humbleu wietch
0n whom thou tiamplest with a tyiant's ciuelty.

R0BIuERE ($77<: 38/)1 6)1 -./6 3 @32.H*3*/ 23>H65 3*4 /6)* H7): /7 /6) 4771 78 3*
34Z7.*.*H (63@;)15 /7 /6) 27(< 78 -6.(6 6) 3DD2.): 6.: )31.)
All still within---I'm tiieu anu heavy giown:
I'll lay me uown to iest. She is secuie:
No one can pass me heie to gain hei chambei.
If she holu pailey now with any thing,
It must in tiuth be ghost oi spiite.---Beigh ho!
I'm tii'u, anu will to beu.
K$3C: 6.@:)28 7* /6) (7>(6 3*4 8322: 3:2))D.M

#6) (1C 78 67>*4: .: /6)* 6)314 -./67>/ 3/ 3 4.:/3*()5 -./6 /6) :7>*4 78 3 671*E 3*4
D1):)*/2C !113 )*/)1:5 ;>1:/.*H 817@ /6) 4771 78 /6) 34Z7.*.*H (63@;)15 .* H1)3/ 3231@?

Cathiina! sleepest thou. Awake! awake!
KJ>**.*H >D /7 /6) (7>(6 3*4 :/31/.*H ;3(< 7* :)).*H J>4.H)1).M
That hateful vipei heie!
Is this my nightly guaiu. Betesteu wietch!
I will steal back again.
K&32<: :78/2C 7* /.D/7) /7 /6) 4771 78 6)1 (63@;)15 -6)* /6) (1C 78 67>*4:5 T(? .: 3H3.*
6)314 -./67>/5 *)31)1 /63* ;)871).M
0 no! I uaie not.
Though sleeping, anu most hateful when awake,
Still he is natuial life anu may be ious'u.
K$.:/)*.*H 3H3.*.M
'Tis neaiei now: that uismal thiilling blast!
I must awake him.
K%DD173(6.*H /6) (7>(6 3*4 :61.*<.*H ;3(< 3H3.*.M
0 no! no, no!
0pon his face he weais a hoiiiu smile
That speaks bau thoughts.
KJ>4? :D)3<: .* 6.: :2))D.M
Be mutteis too my name.---
I uaie not uo it.
K$.:/)*.*H 3H3.*.M
The uieauful sounu is now upon the winu,
Sullen anu low, as if it wounu its way
Into the cavein'u eaith that swallow'u it.
I will abiue in patient silence heie;
Though hateful anu asleep, I feel me still
KL17::): 6)1 31@:5 3*4 2)3*: .* 3 (7-)1.*H D7:/>1) 7R)1 /6) ;3(< 78 3 (63.1 3/ 3
4.:/3*() 817@ /6) (7>(6E -6)* D1):)*/2C /6) 671* .: 6)314 -./67>/5 27>4)1 /63* ;)871)5
3*4 :6) :/31/: >D?M
0 it ietuins! as though the yawning eaith
Bau given it up again, neai to the walls.
The hoiiibly mingleu uin! 'tis neaiei still:
'Tis close at hanu: 'tis at the veiy gate!
KJ>**.*H >D /7 /6) (7>(6.M
Weie he a muiu'iei, clenching in his hanus
The bloouy knife, I must awake him.---No!
That face of uaik anu subtle wickeuness!
I uaie not uo it.
K$.:/)*.*H 3H3.*.M
Ay; 'tis at the gate---
Within the gate.---
What iushing blast is that
Shaking the uoois. Some awful visitation
Bieau entiance makes! 0 mighty uou of Beav'n!
A sounu ascenus the staiis.
Bo, Ruuigeie!
Awake, awake! Bo! wake thee, Ruuigeie!

R0BIuERE (-3<.*H)
What ciy is that so teiiibly stiong. --- Ba! 0iia!
What is the mattei.

It is within the walls. Biust thou not heai it.

What. The louu voice that calleu me.

No, it was mine.

It sounueu in my eais
With moie than human stiength.

Biu it so sounu.
Theie is aiounu us, in this miunight aii,
A powei suipassing natuie. List, I piay:
Although moie uistant now, uost thou not heai
The yell of hounus; the spectie-huntsman's hoin.

I heai, inueeu, a stiangely mingleu sounu:
The winu is howling iounu the battlements.
But iest secuie wheie safety is, sweet 0iia!
K%DD173(6.*H 6)1 -./6 3 :78/)*)4 -.**.*H R7.()5 -6.2) :6) D>:6): 6.@ 788 -./6

vile ieptile! touch me not.

Ah! 0iia! thou ait waip'u by piejuuice,
Anu taught to think me base; but in my veins
Lives noble bloou, which I will justify.

But in thy heait, false tiaitoi! what lives theie.

Alas! thy angel-faultlessness conceives not
The stiong temptations of a soul impassion'u
Beyonu contiol of ieason.---At thy feet---
0 spuin me not!
Entei seveial Seivants, alaimeu.

What, all these fools upon us! Staiing knaves,
What biings ye heie at this untimely houi.

We have all heaiu it---'twas the yell of hounus
Anu clatt'iing steeus, anu the shiill hoin between.

0ut on such folly!

In veiy tiuth it pass'u close to the walls;
Biu not youi honoui heai it.

Ba! sayst thou so. thou ait not wont to join
In iule tales.---I'll to the battlements
Anu watch it theie: it may ietuin again.
KOP)>*/ :)R)1322C5 J>4.H)1) 87227-)4 ;C :)1R3*/:5 3*4 !113 .*/7 6)1 7-* (63@;)1.M

10(-( ,/2
#6) !>/23-:X (3R)? O*/)1 #6)7;324?

TBE0BALB K277<.*H 17>*4M
Beie is a place in which some tiaces aie
0f late inhabitants. In yonuei nook
The embeis faintly gleam, anu on the walls
Bang speais anu ancient aims: I must be iight
A figuie thiough the gloom moves towaius me.
Bo! theie! Whoe'ei you aie: Bolla! goou fiienu!

O*/)1 3* !>/23-?

A stiangei! Who ait thou, who ait thus bolu,
To hail us heie unbiuuen.

That thou shalt shoitly know. Thou ait, I guess,
0ne of the !"#$%&'u banu who haunt this foiest.

Be thy conjectuie iight oi wiong, no moie
Shalt thou ietuin to tell wheie thou hast founu us.
Now foi thy life!
KQ13-.*H 6.: :-714?M

Beai me, I uo entieat thee.

Nay, nay! no foolish pleauings; foi thy life
Is foifeit now; have at thee!
K=322: 8.)1()2C >D7* #6)7;3245 &67 32:7 413-: 3*4 4)8)*4: 6.@:)28 ;13R)2C5 -6)*
3*7/6)1 !>/23- )*/)1: 3*4 8322: 2.<)-.:) >D7* 6.@? #6)7 ? /6)* 1)()4): 8.H6/.*H5 /.22 6)
H)/: 6.: ;3(< /7 /6) -322 78 /6) (3R)1*5 3*4 /6)1) 4)8)*4: 6.@:)28 :/7>/2C?M

O*/)1 =13*<7?

Besist, I chaige you! Fighting with a stiangei,
Two swoius to one---a solitaiy stiangei!

1st 00TLAW
We aie uiscovei'u; hau he mastei'u me,
Be hau ietuin'u to tell his mates above
What neighbouis in these nethei caves they have.
Let us uespatch him.

No, thou hateful butchei!
Bespatch a man alone anu in oui powei!
Who ait thou, stiangei, who uost use thy swoiu
With no mean skill; anu in this peiilous case
So bolu an aii anu countenance maintainest.
What biought thee hithei.

Ny name is Theobalu of Falkenstein;
To finu the valiant captain of these banus,
Anu ciave assistance of his gen'ious aim:
This is my business heie.

FRANK0 K:/1>(< 3*4 3H./3/)45 /7 6.: @)*M
uo, join youi comiaues in the fuithei cave.
KOP)>*/ !>/23-:?M
Anu thou ait Falkenstein. In tiuth thou ait.
Anu who thinkst thou am I.

Fianko, the gen'ious leauei of those !>/23-s.

So am I call'u, anu by that name alone
They know me. Spoiting on the mountain's siue,
Wheie uaiva's woou waves gieen, in othei uays,
Some fifteen yeais ago, they call'u me Albeit.

TBE0BALB K1>:6.*H .*/7 6.: 31@:M
Albeit; my playmate Albeit! Woe the uay!
What ciuel foitune uiove thee to this state.

I'll tell thee all! but tell thou fiist to me
What is the aiu thou camest heie to ask.

Ay, thou weit evei thus: still foiwaiu bent
To seive, not to be seiv'u.
But wave we this.
Last night a lauy to the castle came,
In thialuom by a villain kept, whom I
E'en with my life woulu iescue. 0f aimeu foice
At piesent uestitute, I come to thee
Ciaving thy aiu in counsel anu in aims.

When uiust thou leain that outlaws haiboui heie,
Foi 'tis but lately we have helu these haunts.

Not till within the piecincts of the foiest,
Following the tiaces of that villain's couise,
0ne of youi banu I met, anu iecogniz'u
As an olu soluiei, who, some few yeais back,
Bau unuei my commanu iight biavely seiv'u.
Seeing himself uiscovei'u, anu encouiageu
By what I tolu him of my stoiy, fieely
Be offei'u to conuuct me to his captain.
But in a tangleu path some space befoie me,
Alaim'u at sight of speaimen thiough the biake,
Be staiteu fiom his way, anu so I miss'u him,
Naking my way alone to gain youi cave.

Thou'it welcome heie: anu glauly I'll assist thee,
Though not by aims, the foice within the castle
So fai out-numbeiing mine.
But othei means may seive thy puipose bettei.

What othei means, I piay.

Fiom these low caves, a passage unuei giounu
Leaus to the castle---to the veiy towei
Wheie, as I guess, the lauy is confin'u.
When sleep has still'u the house, we'll make oui way.

Ay, by my faith it is a noble plan!
uuaiueu oi not, we well may oveicome
The few that may compose hei miunight guaiu.

We shall not shiink fiom that.---But by my fay!
To-moiiow is St. Nichael's eve: 'tweie well
To be the spectie-huntsman foi a night,
Anu beai hei off, without puisuit oi hinuiance.

I compiehenu thee not.

Thou shalt eie long.
But stanu not heie; an innei ioom I have,
Wheie thou shalt iest anu some iefieshment take,
Anu then we will moie fully talk of this,
Which, slightly mention'u, seems chimeiicALICE
Follow me.
K#>1*.*H /7 6.@ 3: /6)C H7 7>/?M
Bast thou still upon thine aim
That maik which fiom mine aiiow thou ieceiv'ust
When spoitively we shot. The wounu was ueep,
Anu gall'u thee much, but thou mau'st light of it.

Yes, heie it is. KU>22.*H >D 6.: :2))R) 3: /6)C H7 7>/5 3*4 OP)>*/?M

#0& ,/2
10(-( ,2

#6) 13@D31/: 78 /6) (3:/2)? O*/)1 !113 3*4 L3/61.*3?

CATBRINA K38/)1 3 D3>:)5 .* -6.(6 !113 -32<: 7*() 71 /-.() 3(17:: /6) :/3H)5
uo in, I piay; thou wanu'iest heie too long.
K% D3>:) 3H3.*?M

The aii is colu; behinu those fuithei mountains
The sun is set. I piay thee now go in.

Ba! sets the sun alieauy. Is the uay
Inueeu uiawn to its close.

Yes, night appioaches.
See, many a gathei'u flock of cawing iooks
Aie to theii nests ietuining.

0RRA K:72)@*2CM
Night appioaches!---
This awful night which living beings shiink fiom;
All now of eveiy kinu scoui to theii haunts,
While uaikness, peopleu with its hosts unknown,
Awful uominion holus. Nysteiious night!
What things unutteiable thy uaik houis
Nay lap!---What fiom thy teeming uaikness buist
0f hoiiiu visitations, eie that sun
Again shall iise on the enlighten'u eaith!
K% D3>:)?M

Why uost thou gaze intently on the sky.
Seest thou aught wonueiful.

Look theie, beholu that stiange gigantic foim
Which yon giim clouu assumes; ieaiing aloft
The semblance of a waiiioi's plumeu heau,
While fiom its half-shapeu aim a stieamy uait
Shoots angiily! Behinu him too, fai stietch'u,
Seems theie not, veiily, a seiiieu line
0f faintei misty foims.

I see, inueeu,
A vasty clouu, of many clouus composeu,
Toweiing above the iest; anu that behinu
In misty faintness seen, which hath some likeness
To a long line of iocks with pine-woou ciown'u:
0i, if inueeu the fancy so incline,
A file of speaimen, seen thiough uiifteu smoke.

Nay, look how peifect now the foim becomes:
Bost thou not see.---Ay, anu moie peifect still.
0 thou gigantic loiu, whose iobeu limbs
Beneath theii stiiue span half the heavens! ait thou
0f lifeless vapoui foimeu. Ait thou not iathei
Some aii-clau spiiit---some poitentous thing---
Some mission'u being---Such a sky as this
Ne'ei ushei'u in a night of natuie's iest.

Nay, many such I've seen; iegaiu it not.
That foim, alieauy changing, will eie long
Bissolve to nothing. Taiiy heie no longei.
uo in, I piay.

No; while one gleam iemains
0f the sun's blesseu light, I will not go.

Then let me fetch a cloak to keep thee waim,
Foi chilly blows the bieeze.

Bo as thou wilt.
KOP./ L3/61.*3?M

O*/)1 3* !>/23-5 :/)32.*H :78/2C ;)6.*4 6)1?

00TLAW K.* 3 27- R7.()M
Lauy!---the Lauy 0iia!

0RRA K:/31/.*HM
Beaven piotect me!
Sounus it beneath my feet, in eaith oi aii.
KS) (7@): 871-314?M
Welcome is aught that weais a human face.
Biust thou not heai a sounu.

What sounu, an't please you.

A voice which call'u me now: it spoke, methought,
In a low, hollow tone, suppiess'u anu low,
0nlike a human voice.

It was my own.

What woulust thou have.

Beie is a lettei, lauy.

Who sent thee hithei.

It will tell thee all.
KF.R): 3 2)//)1?M
I must begone, youi chieftain is at hanu.

Comes it fiom Falkenstein. It is his seALICE
I may not ieau it heie. I'll to my chambei.
KOP./ 63:/.2C5 *7/ D)1().R.*H J>4.H)1) 5 -67 )*/)1: ;C /6) 7DD7:./) :.4)5 ;)871) :6) 63:
/.@) /7 H7 788?M

A lettei in hei hanu, anu in such haste!
Some seciet agent heie fiom Falkenstein.
It must be so.
KS3:/)*.*H 38/)1 6)15 OP./?M

10(-( ,,2
#6) !>/23-: (3R)? O*/)1 #6)7;324 3*4 =13*<7 ;C 7DD7:./) :.4):?

Bow now, goou captain; uiaws it neai the time.
Aie those the keys.

They aie: this uoth unlock
The entiance to the staiicase, known alone
To uomez, ancient keepei of the castle,
Who is my fiienu in seciet, anu ueteis
The neighb'iing peasantiy with uieauful tales
Fiom visiting by night oui wiue uomains.
The othei uoth unlock a seciet uooi,
That leaus us to the chambei wheie she sleeps.

Thanks, gen'ious fiienu! thou ait my bettei genius.
Biust thou not say, until the miunight hoin
Bath sounueu thiice, we must iemain conceal'u.

Even so. Anu now I heai my men without
Telling the seconu watch.

Bow looks the night.

As we coulu wish: the stais uo faintly twinkle
Thiough sevei'u clouus, anu sheu but light sufficient
To show each neaiei object closing on you
In uim unshapely blackness. Aught that moves
Acioss youi path, oi sheep oi stiaggling goat,
Is now a pawing steeu oi giizzly bull,
Laige anu teiiific; eveiy aii-mov'u bush
0i jutting ciag, some stiange gigantic thing.

Is all still in the castle.

Theie is an owl sits hooting on the towei,
That answei fiom a uistant mate ieceives,
Like the faint echo of his uismal ciy;
While a pooi houseless uog by uieaiy fits
Sits howling at the gate. All else is still.

Each petty ciicumstance is in oui favoui,
That makes the night moie uismALICE

Ay, all goes well; as I appioach'u the walls,
I heaiu two sentinels---foi now, I ween,
The boluest speaiman will not watch alone---
Togethei talk in the ueep hollow voice
0f those who speak at miunight, unuei awe
0f the ueau stillness iounu them.

Then let us put ouiselves in ieauiness,
Anu heaven's goou favoui guiue us!

10(-( ,,,2
% H277@C 3D31/@)*/? O*/)1 !113 3*4 J>4.H)1)?

0RRA K3:.4)M
The ioom is uaiken'u: yesteinight a lamp
Biu sheu its light aiounu on ioof anu walls,
Anu maue the uieaiy space appeai less uismALICE

R0BIuERE K7R)16)31.*H 6)15 3*4 (322.*H /7 3 :)1R3*/ -./67>/M

Bo! moie lights heie!
K')1R3*/ )*/)1: -./6 3 2.H6/ 3*4 )P./?M
Thou ait obey'u: in aught
But in the company of human kinu,
Thou shalt be giatifieu. Thy lofty minu
Foi highei supeihuman fellowship,
If such theie be, may now piepaie its stiength.

Thou iuthless tyiant! They who have in battle
Fought valiantly, shiink like a helpless chilu
Fiom any inteicouise with things uneaithly.
Ait thou a man. Anu beaist thou in thy bieast
The feelings of a man. It cannot be!

Yes, mauam; in my bieast I beai too keenly
The feelings of a man---a man most wietcheu:
A scoin'u, iejecteu man.---Nake me less miseiable;
Nay iathei shoulu I say, make me most blest;
Anu then---

%//)@D/.*H /7 /3<) 6)1 63*45 -6.2) :6) :/)D: ;3(< 817@ 6.@5 413-.*H 6)1:)28 >D -./6
3* 3.1 :/3/)2C 3*4 4)/)1@.*)45 3*4 277<.*H :/)3483:/2C .* 6.: 83()?

I too am fiim. Thou knowst my fix'u iesolve:
uive me thy solemn piomise to be mine.
This is the piice, thou haughty, scoinful maiu,
That will ieueem thee fiom the houi of teiioi!
This is the piice---

Which nevei shall be paiu.
K &32<: 817@ 6.@ /7 /6) 8>1/6)1 )*4 78 /6) 3D31/@)*/?M

R0BIuERE K38/)1 3 D3>:)M
Thou ait ueteimin'u, then.
Be not so iash:
Bethink thee well what flesh anu bloou can beai:
The houi is neai at hanu.
K'6)5 />1*.*H 17>*45 -3R): 6.@ -./6 6)1 63*4 /7 2)3R) 6)1?M
Thou ueignst no answei.
Well; ieap the fiuits of thine unconquei'u piiue.

I3*)/ !113?

I am alone: that closing uooi uiviues me
Fiom eveiy being owning natuie's life.---
Anu shall I be constiain'u to holu communion
With that which owns it not.
K%8/)1 D3(.*H /7 3*4 817 871 3 2.//2) -6.2)?M
0 that my minu
Coulu iaise its thoughts in stiong anu steauy feivoui
To Bim , the Loiu of all existing things,
Who lives, anu is wheie'ei existence is;
uiasping its holu upon Bis skiiteu iobe,
Beneath whose mighty iule angels anu spiiits,
Bemons anu nethei poweis, all living things,
Bosts of the eaith, with the uepaiteu ueau
In theii uaik state of mysteiy, alike
Subjecteu aie!---Anu I will stiongly uo it.---
Ah! woulu I coulu! Some hiuuen poweiful hinuiance
Both holu me back, anu mais all thought.---
K%8/)1 3 D3>:)5 .* -6.(6 :6) :/3*4: 8.P)4 -./6 6)1 31@: (17::)4 7* 6)1 ;1)3:/?M

Bieau inteicouise!
0! if it look on me with its ueau eyes!
If it shoulu move its lock'u anu eaithy lips,
Anu utt'iance give to the giave's hollow sounus!
If it stietch foith its colu anu bony giasp---
0 hoiioi, hoiioi!
K'.*<.*H 27-)1 3/ )R)1C :>(()::.R) .4)35 3: :6) 1)D)3/: /6):) 87>1 23:/ 2.*):5 /.22 :6) .:
\>./) >D7* 6)1 <*)): 7* /6) H17>*4?M
Woulu that beneath these planks of senseless mattei
I coulu, until the uieauful houi is past,
As senseless be!
K'/1.<.*H /6) 82771 -./6 6)1 63*4:?M
0 open anu ieceive me,
Ye happy things of still anu lifeless being,
That to the awful steps which tieau upon ye
0nconscious aie!

O*/)1 L3/61.*3 ;)6.*4 6)1?

Who's theie. Is't any thing.

'Tis I, my ueaiest lauy; 'tis CATBRINA.

0iia K)@;13(.*H 6)1M
Bow kinu! such blesseu kinuness keep thee by me;
I'll holu thee fast; an angel biought thee hithei.
I neeus must weep to think thou ait so kinu
In mine extiemity.---Wheie weit thou hiu.

In that small closet, since the suppei houi,
I've been conceal'u. Foi seaiching iounu the chambei,
I founu its uooi anu entei'u. Feai not now,
I will not leave thee till the bieak of uay.

Beaven bless thee foi it! Till the bieak of uay!
The veiy thought of uaybieak gives me life.
If but this night weie past, I have goou hope
That noble Theobalu will soon be heie
Foi my ueliv'iance.

Wheiefoie thinkst thou so.

A stiangei, when thou leftst me on the iampaits,
uave me a lettei, which I quickly open'u,
As soon as I, methought, hau gain'u my ioom
In piivacy; but close behinu me came
That uemon, Ruuigeie, anu, snatching at it,
Foiceu me to cast it to the flames, fiom which,
I stiuggling with him still, he coulu not save it.

You have not ieau it then.

No; but the seal
Was Theobalu's, anu I coulu sweai eie long
Be will be heie to fiee me fiom this thialuom.

uou giant he may!

If but this night weie past! Bow goes the time.
Bas it not entei'u on the miunight watch.

CATBRINA KD7.*/.*H /7 3 :@322 :23; 3/ /6) (71*)1 78 /6) :/3H) 7* -6.(6 .: D23()4 3
That ulass I've set to measuie it. As soon
As all the sanu is iun, you aie secuie;
The miunight watch is past.

0RRA K1>**.*H /7 /6) H23::5 3*4 277<.*H 3/ ./ )3H)12CM
Theie is not much to iun; 0 an't weie finish'u!
But it so slowly iuns!

Yes; watching it,
It seemeth slow. But heeu it not; the while,
I'll tell thee some olu tale, anu eie I've finish'u,
The miunight watch is gone. Sit uown, I piay.
K#6)C :./? !113 413-.*H 6)1 (63.1 (27:) /7 L3/61.*3?M
What stoiy shall I tell thee.

Something, my fiienu, which thou thyself hast known,
Touching the awful inteicouise which spiiits
With moital men have helu at this uieau houi.
Biust thou thyself e'ei meet with one whose eyes
Bau look'u upon the spectieu ueau---hau seen
Foims fiom anothei woilu.

Nevei but once.

0RRA K)3H)12CM
0nce then thou uiust. 0 tell it! tell it me!

Well, since I neeus must tell it, once I knew
A melancholy man, who uiu avei,
That jouineying on a time o'ei a wilu waste,
By a fell stoim o'eita'en, he was compell'u
To pass the night in a ueseiteu towei,
Wheie a pooi hinu, the sole inhabitant
0f the sau place, piepaieu foi him a beu:
Anu, as he tolu his tale, at ueau of night,
By the pale lamp that in his chambei buin'u
As it might be an aim's-length fiom his beu---

So close upon him.


uo on; what saw he.

An upiight foim, wounu in a clotteu shiouu---
Clotteu anu stiff, like one swath'u up in haste
Aftei a bloouy ueath.

0 hoiiible!

Be staiteu fiom his beu anu gazeu upon it.

Anu uiu he speak to it.

Be coulu not speak.
Its visage was uncovei'u, anu at fiist
Seem'u fix'u anu shiunk, like one in coffin'u sleep;
But, as he gaz'u, theie came, he wist not how,
Into its beamless eyes a hoiiiu glaie,
Anu tuining towaius him, foi it uiu move---
Why uost thou giasp me thus.

uo on, go on!

Nay, heaven foiefenu! Thy shiunk anu shaipen'u featuies
Aie of the coise's coloui, anu thine eyes
Aie full of teais. Bow's this.

I know not how.
A hoiiiu sympathy jaii'u on my heait,
Anu foiceu into mine eyes these icy teais.
A feaiful kinuieuship theie is between
The living anu the ueau---an awful bonu!
Woe's me! that we uo shuuuei at ouiselves---
At that which we must be!---A uismal thought!
Wheie uost thou iun. thy stoiy is not tolu.
K')).*H L3/61.*3 H7 /7-314: /6) :3*4GH23::?M

CATBRINA K:67-.*H /6) H23:: M
A bettei stoiy I will tell thee now;
The miunight watch is past.

Ba! let me see.

Theie's not one sanu to iun.

But it is baiely past.

'Tis moie than past.
Foi I uiu set it latei than the houi,
To be assui'uly suie.

Then it is gone inueeu. 0 heaven be piaiseu!
The feaiful gloom gone by!
KS724.*H >D 6)1 63*4: .* H13/./>4) /7 6)3R)*5 3*4 /6)* 277<.*H 17>*4 6)1 -./6
(6))18>2 3*.@3/.7*?M
In tiuth, alieauy
I feel as if I bieath'u the moining aii;
I'm maivellously lighten'u.

Thou ait foiespent; I'll iun to my apaitment,
Anu fetch some coiuial uiops that will ievive thee.

Thou neeust not go; I've ta'en thy uiops alieauy;
I'm bolu anu buoyant giown.
K97>*4.*H 2.H6/2C 817@ /6) 82771?M

I'll soon ietuin;
Thou ait not feaiful now.

No; I bieathe lightly;
valoui within me giows most poweifully,
Woulust thou but stay to see it, gentle Cathiine!

I will ietuin to see it, eie thou canst
Thiee times iepeat the letteis of thy name.
KOP./ 63:/.2C ;C /6) (7*()32)4 4771?M
0RRA K327*)M
This buist of couiage shiinks most shamefully.
I'll follow hei.---
K'/1.R.*H /7 7D)* /6) 4771?M
'Tis fast; it will not open.
I'll count my footsteps as I pace the flooi
Till she ietuin again.
KU3(): >D 3*4 47-*5 @>//)1.*H /7 6)1:)285 -6)* 3 671* .: 6)314
-./67>/5 D3>:.*H 3*4 :7>*4.*H /61)) /.@):5 )3(6 /.@) 27>4)1 /63* ;)871)?M
K!113 1>*: 3H3.* /7 /6) 4771?M
Bespaii will give me stiength; wheie is the uooi.
Nine eyes aie uaik, I cannot finu it now.
0 uou! piotect me in this awful pass!
K%8/)1 3 D3>:)5 .* -6.(6 :6) :/3*4: -./6 6)1 ;74C ;)*/ .* 3 (7-)1.*H D7:/>1)5 -./6 6)1
63*4: 27(<)4 /7H)/6)15 3*4 /1)@;2.*H R.72)*/2C5 :6) :/31/: >D 3*4 277<: -.242C 17>*4
Theie's nothing, yet I felt a chilly hanu
0pon my shouluei piess'u. With open'u eyes
Anu eais intent I'll stanu. Bettei it is
Thus to abiue the awful visitation,
Than cowei in blinueu hoiioi, stiain'u intensely
With ev'iy beating of my goaueu heait.
again almost immeuiately.
I cannot uo it: on this spot I'll holu me
In awful stillness.
K9)*4.*H 6)1 ;74C 3: ;)871)E /6)*5 38/)1 3 @7@)*/31C D3>:)5 D1)::.*H ;7/6 6)1 63*4:
>D7* 6)1 6)34?M
The icy scalp of feai is on my heau;
The life stiis in my haii; it is a sense
That tells the neaiing of uneaithly steps,
Albeit my iinging eais no sounus uistinguish.
K$77<.*H 17>*45 3: .8 ;C .11):.:/.;2) .@D>2:)5 /7 3 H1)3/ 4771 3/ /6) ;7//7@ 78 /6) :/3H)5
-6.(6 ;>1:/: 7D)*5 3*4 /6) 871@ 78 3 6>*/:@3*5 (27/6)4 .* ;23(<5 -./6 3 671* .* 6.:
63*45 )*/)1: 3*4 34R3*(): /7-314: 6)1? '6) >//)1: 3 27>4 :61.)<5 3*4 8322: :)*:)2):: 7*
/6) H17>*4?M

TBE0BALB K1>**.*H >D /7 6)15 3*4 13.:.*H 6)1 817@ /6) H17>*4M
No semblance, but ieal agony of feai.
0iia, oh, 0iia! knowst thou not my voice.
Thy knight, thy champion, the uevoteu Theobalu.
0pen thine eyes anu look upon my face:
I am no feaiful wakei fiom the giave.
Bost thou not feel. 'Tis the waim touch of life.
Look up, anu feai will vanish.---Woius aie vain!
What a pale countenance of ghastly stiength
By hoiioi chang'u! 0 iuiot that I was
To hazaiu this---The villain hath ueceiv'u me:
Ny lettei she has ne'ei ieceiv'u. 0 fool!
That I shoulu tiust to this!
K9)3/.*H 6.: 6)34 4.:/13(/)42C?M

O*/)1 =13*<75 ;C /6) :3@) 4771?

What is the mattei. what stiange tuin is this.

0 cuiseu sanguine fool! coulu I not think---
She moves, she moves!---iouse thee, my gentle 0iia!
'Tis no stiange voice that calls thee; 'tis thy fiienu.

She opens now hei eyes.

But, oh, that look!

She knows thee not, but gives a stifleu gioan,
Anu sinks again in stupoi.
Nake no moie fiuitless lamentation heie,
But beai hei hence: the cool anu open aii
Nay soon iestoie hei. Let us, while we may,
0ccasion seize, lest we shoulu be suipiiseu.
KOP)>*/ + !113 ;71*) 788 .* 3 :/3/) 78 .*:)*:.;.2./C?M

#0& /2
10(-( ,2
#6) H1)3/ 6322 78 /6) (3:/2)? O*/)1 J>4.H)1)5 L3/61.*3 5 3*4 %//)*43*/:5 ;C 4.88)1)*/

R0BIuERE K/7 3//)*4M
Retuin'u again! Is any thing uiscovei'u.
0i uooi oi passage, gaiment uiopt in haste,
0i footstep's tiack, oi any maik of flight.

No, by my faith! though we have seaich'u the castle
Fiom its high tuiiet to its ueepest vault.

'Tis vain to tiace the maiks of tiackless feet.
If that in tiuth it hath convey'u hei hence,
The yawning eaith has yielueu them a passage,
0i else, thiough iifteu ioofs, the buoyant aii.

Fools! seaich again. I'll iaze the veiy walls
Fiom theii founuations, but I will uiscovei
If uooi oi pass theie be to us unknown.
Bo! uomez, theie!
KL322.*H 788 /6) :/3H)?M
Be keeps himself aloof:
Noi aius the seaich with tiue anu heaity will.
I am betiay'u---Bo! uomez, theie, I say!
Be shiinks away: go, uiag the villain hithei,
Anu let the toituie wiing confession fiom him.
K% 27>4 <*7(<.*H 6)314 3/ /6) H3/)?M
Ba! who seeks entiance at this eaily houi
In such a ueseit place.

Some hinu, peihaps,
Who biings intelligence. Beaven giant it be!

O*/)1 3* 31@)4 Y3::32

Ba! one fiom Aluenbeig! what biings thee hithei.

vASSAL K:).0.*H J>4.H)1)M
Thou ait my piisonei.
K#7 3//)*43*/:?M
0pon you peiil,
Assist me to secuie him.

Auuacious hinu! by what authoiity
Speakst thou such bolu commanus. Piouuce thy waiiant.

'Tis at the gate, anu such as thou must yielu to:
Count Bughobeit himself, with aimeu men,
A goouly banu, his pleasuie to enfoice.
K')(>1): 6.@?M

What suuuen fieak is this. am I suspecteu
0f aught but tiue anu honouiable faith.

Ay, by oui holy saints! moie than suspecteu.
Thy cieatuie Nauiice, whom thou thought'st to biibe
With things of seeming value, hath uiscovei'u
The cunning fiauu; on which his tenuei conscience,
uoou soul! uiu o' the suuuen so upbiaiu him,
That to his loiu foithwith he maue confession
0f all the plots against the Lauy 0iia,
In which thy wickeu aits hau tempteu him
To take a wickeu pait. All is uiscovei'u.

All is uiscovei'u! Wheie then shall I hiue me.
K%27>4 /7 Y%''%$M
What is uiscovei'u.

Ba! most viituous lauy!
Ait thou alaim'u. Feai not: the woilu well knows
Bow goou thou ait; anu to the countess shoitly,
Who with hei loiu is neai, thou wilt no uoubt
uive goou account of all that thou hast uone.

CATBRINA K3:.4)5 3: :6) 1)/.1): .* 3H./3/.7*M
0 heaven foibiu! What hole o' th' eaith will hiue me!

O*/)1 ;C /6) 7DD7:./) :.4)5 S>H67;)1/5 O2)3*7135 %2.()5 F27//)*;325 "1:/7*5 I3>1.() 5
3*4 %//)*43*/:?

B0uB0BERT K:D)3<.*H 3: 6) )*/)1:M
Is he secuieu.

Be is, my loiu; beholu!
KU7.*/.*H /7 J>4?M

B0uB0BERT K/7 J>4?M
Black, aitful tiaitoi! 0f a sacieu tiust,
Blinuly ieposeu in thee, the base betiayei
Foi wickeu enus; full well upon the giounu
Nayst thou uecline those uaikly fiowning eyes,
Anu gnaw thy lip in shame.

Anu iests no shame with him, whose easy faith
Entiusts a man unpioveu; oi, having pioveu him,
Lets a pooi hiieling's unsuppoiteu testimony
Shake the fiim confiuence of many yeais.

Beie the accusei stanus; confiont him boluly,
Anu spaie him not.
K91.*H.*H 871-314 I3>1.()?M

Beny it if thou canst. Thy biazen fiont,
All biazen as it is, uenies it not.

R0BIuERE K/7 I3>1.()M
Fool! that of piying cuiiosity
Anu av'iice ait compounueu! I in tiuth
Biu give to thee a counteifeiteu tieasuie
To biibe thee to a counteifeiteu tiust;
Neet iecompense! Ba, ha! Naintain thy tale,
Foi I ueny it not.
K&./6 (31)2):: 4)1.:.7*?M

0, subtle tiaitoi!
Bost thou so vainish it with seeming miith.

Sii Ruuigeie, thou uost, I must confess,
0utface him well. But call the Lauy 0iia;
If towaius hei thou hast thyself compoiteu
In honesty, she will ueclaie it fieely.
K#7 3//)*43*/?M
Biing 0iia hithei.

Woulu that we coulu; last night i' the miunight watch
She uisappeai'u; but whethei man oi uevil
Bath boine hei hence, in tiuth we cannot tell.

0 both! Both man anu uevil togethei join'u.
K#7 J>4? 8>1.7>:2C?M
Fienu, villain, muiueiei! Piouuce hei instantly.
Beau oi alive, piouuce thy hapless chaige.

Restiain youi iage, my loiu; I woulu iight glauly
0bey you, weie it possible: the place,
Anu the mysteiious means of hei ietieat,
Aie both to me unknown.

Thou liest! thou liest!

uL0TTENBAL K(7@.*H 871-314M
Thou liest, beast, villain, tiaitoi! thinkst thou still
To fool us thus. Thou shalt be foiceu to speak.
K#7 S>H6M
Why lose we time in woius when othei means
Will quickly woik. Stiaight to those pillais binu him,
Anu let each stuiuy vailet of youi tiain
Inflict coiiection on him.

Ay, this alone will move him.

Thou sayst well:
By heaven it shall be uone!

Anu will Count Bughobeit uegiaue in me
The bloou of Aluenbeig to shame himself.

That plea avails thee not; thy spuiious biith
uives us full waiiant, as thy conuuct vaiies,
To ieckon thee oi noble oi uebaseu.
K#7 3//)*43*/M
Stiaight binu the tiaitoi to the place of shame.
K%: /6)C 31) :/1>HH2.*H /7 ;.*4 J>4? 6) H)/: 7*) 78 6.: 63*4: 81))5 3*45 D>22.*H 7>/ 3
43HH)1 817@ >*4)1 6.: (27/6):5 :/3;: 6.@:)28?M

Now, take youi will of me, anu uiag my coise
Thiough miie anu uust; youi shameless fuiy now
Can uo me no uisgiace.

0RST0N K34R3*(.*HM
Rash, uaiing, thoughtless wietch! uost thou so close
A wickeu life in haiuy uespeiation.

Piiest, spaie thy woius: I auu not to my sins
That of piesumption, in pietenuing now
To offei up to heaven the foiceu iepentance
0f some shoit moments foi a life of ciimes.

Ny son, thou uost mistake me: let thy heait
Confession make---

uL0TTENBAL K.*/)11>D/.*H "J'#!VM
Yes, uog! Confession make
0f what thou'st uone with 0iia; else I'll spuin thee,
Anu cast thy hateful caicass to the kites.

B0uB0BERT KD>22.*H ;3(< F27/? 3: 6) .: H7.*H /7 :D>1* J>4 -./6 6.: 877/5 -67 .: *7-
8322)* >D7* /6) H17>*4M
Nay, nay, foibeai; such outiage is unmanly.
KO2)3*7135 -67 -./6 %2.() 634 1)/.1)4 817@ /6) :67(<.*H :.H6/ 78 J>4.H)1)5 *)- (7@):
871-314 /7 6.@?M

0h, Ruuigeie! thou ait a uying man,
Anu we will speak to thee without upbiaiuing.
Confess, I uo entieat thee, eie thou goest
To thy most awful change, anu leave us not
In this oui hoiiible unceitainty.
Is 0iia heie conceal'u.

Thou hast not slain hei.
Confession make, anu heaven have meicy on thee!

Yes, lauies; with these woius of gentle meekness
Ny heait is changeu; anu that you may peiceive
Bow gieatly changeu, let ulottenbal appioach me;
Spent am I now, anu can but faintly speak---
E'en unto him in token of foigiveness
I'll tell what ye uesiie.

Thank heaven, thou ait so changeu!

B0uB0BERT K/7 F27/?M
uo to him, boy.
KF27//)*;32 H7): /7 J>4.H)1) 5 3*4 :/77D.*H 7R)1 6.@ /7 6)31 -63/ 6) 63: /7 :3C5
J>4.H)1) 5 /3<.*H 3 :@322 43HH)1 817@ 6.: ;7:7@5 :/1.<): F27//)*;32 7* /6) *)(<?M

0h, he has wounueu me!---Betesteu tiaitoi!
Take that anu that; woulu thou haust still a life
Foi eveiy thiust.
KW.22.*H 6.@?M

B0uB0BERT K3231@)4M
Ba! has he wounueu thee. my son.

A sciatch;
'Tis nothing moie. Be aim'u it at my thioat,
But hau not stiength to thiust.

Thank uou, he hau not!
K% /1>@D)/ :7>*4: -./67>/?M
Baik! maitial notice of some high appioach!
K#7 3//)*43*/:?M
uo to the gate.
KOP)>*/ 3//)*43*/:?M

Who may it be. This castle is iemote
Fiom eveiy ioute which aimeu leaueis take.
Entei a Seivant.

The Banneiet of Basle is at the gate.

Is he in foice.

Yes, thiough the tiees his uistant banus aie seen
Some hunuieus stiong, I guess; though with himself
Two followeis only come.
Entei Baitman attenueu.

Foigive me, banneiet, if I ieceive thee
With moie suipiise than couitesy. Bow is it.
Com'st thou in peace.

To you, my loiu, I fiankly will ueclaie
The puipose of my coming: having heaiu it,
It is foi you to say if I am come,
As much I wish, in peace.
K#7 O2)7*713M
Countess, youi piesence much emboluens me
To think it so shall be.

B0uB0BERT K.@D3/.)*/2CM
Pioceeu, I beg.
When buigheis gentle couitesy affect,
It chafes me moie than all theii stuiuy boasting.

Then with a buighei's plainness, Bughobeit,
I'll tiy my tale to tell,---nice task I feai!
So that it may not gall a baion's piiue.
Biave Theobalu, the loiu of Falkenstein,
Co-buighei also of oui ancient city,
Whose cause of couise is ouis, ueclaies himself
The suitoi of thy waiu, the Lauy 0iia;
Anu leaining that within these walls she is,
By thine authoiity, in uuiance kept,
In his behalf I come to set hei fiee;
As an oppiesseu uame, such seivice claiming
Fiom ev'iy gen'ious knight. What is thy answei.
Say, am I come in peace. Wilt thou ielease hei.

Ah, woulu I coulu! In faith thou gall'st me shiewuly.

I've been infoim'u of all that now uistuibs you,
By one who helu me waiting at the gate.
0ntil the maiu be founu, if 'tis youi pleasuie,
Cease enmity.

Then let it cease. A tiaitoi has ueceiveu me,
Anu theie he lies.
KU7.*/.*H /7 /6) ;74C 78 J>4?M

BARTNAN K277<.*H 3/ /6) ;74CM
A ghastly smile of fell malignity
0n his uistoiteu face ueath has aiiesteu.
K#>1*.*H 3H3.* /7 S>H6?M
Anu has he uieu, anu no confession maue.
All means that may uiscovei 0iia's fate
Shut fiom us.

Ah! the fienu hath uttei'u nothing
That coulu betiay his seciet. If she lives---

Alas, alas! think you he muiuei'u hei.

Neiciful heaven foiefenu!

O*/)1 3 '724.)1 .* 63:/)?

0, I have heaiu a voice, a uismal voice!

What hast thou heaiu.

What voice.

The Lauy 0iia's.

Wheie. Leau us to the place.

Wheie uiust thou heait it, soluiei.

In a ueep-tangleu thicket of the woou,
Close to a iuin'u wall, o'eigiown with ivy,
That maiks the ancient outwoiks of the castle.

Baste; leau the way.

KOP)>*/ 322 )3H)12C5 -./67>/ 714)15 87227-.*H /6) :724.)15 F27//)*;32 3*4 7*) 3//)*43*/

You uo not go, my loiu.

I'm sick, anu stiangely uizzy giows my heau,
Anu pains shoot fiom my wounu. It is a sciatch,
But fiom a uevil's fang.---Theie's mischief in it.
uive me thine aim, anu leau me to a couch:
I'm veiy faint.

This way, my loiu; theie is a chambei neai.
KOP./ F27//)*;325 '>DD71/)4 ;C /6) 3//)*43*/?M

10(-( ,,2

#6) 871):/ *)31 /6) (3:/2)E .* 817*/ 3 17(<C ;3*< (17-*)4 -./6 3 1>.*)4 -322
7R)1H17-* -./6 .RC5 3*4 /6) @7>/6 78 3 (3R)1* :634)4 -./6 ;>:6):? O*/)1 =13*<75
(7*4>(/.*H S>H67;)1/5 S31/@3*5 O2)3*7135 %2.() 5 3*4 "1:/7*5 /6) '724.)1 87227-.*H


This is the entiy to oui seciet haunts.
Anu now, my loiu, having infoim'u you tiuly
0f the uevice, well meant, but most unhappy,
By which the Lauy 0iia fiom hei piison
By Falkenstein was ta'en, myself, my !"#$%&s,
0nhappy men---who bettei uays have seen,
Biiv'n to this lawless life by haiu necessity,
Aie on youi meicy cast.

Which shall not fail you, valiant FRANK0 Nuch
Am I inuebteu to thee: haust thou not
0f thine own fiee goou will become oui guiue,
As wanu'iing heie thou founust us, we hau ne'ei
The spot uiscovei'u; foi this honest soluiei,
A stiangei to the foiest, sought in vain
To thieau the tangleu path.

ELEAN0RA K/7 =13*<7M
She is not well, thou sayst, anu fiom hei swoon
Impeifectly iecovei'u.

When I left hei,
She so appeai'u.---But entei not, I piay,
Till I give notice.---Bolla, you within!
Come foith anu feai no ill.
K% :61.)< 6)314 817@ /6) (3R)?M

What uismal shiiek is that.

'Tis 0iia's voice.

No, no! it cannot be! It is some wietch,
In maniac's fetteis bounu.

The hoiiiu thought that buists into my minu!
Foibiu it, iighteous Beaven!
KJ>**.*H .*/7 /6) (3R)5 6) .: D1)R)*/)4 ;C #6)7;3245 -67 1>:6): 7>/ >D7* 6.@?M

Bolu, holu! no entiy heie but o'ei my coise,
When ye have mastei'u me.

Ny Theobalu,
Bost thou not know thy fiienus.

Ba! thou, my Baitman! Ait thou come to me.

Yes, I am come. What means that look of anguish.
She is not ueau!

0h, no! it is not ueath!

What meanst thou. Is she well.

Bei bouy is.

Anu not hei minu.---0h! uiiest wieck of all!
That noble minu!---But 'tis some passing seizuie,
Some poweiful movement of a tiansient natuie;
It is not mauness.

TBE0BALB K:61.*<.*H 817@ 6.@5 3*4 ;>1:/.*H .*/7 /)31:M
'Tis heaven's infliction; let us call it so;
uive it no othei name.
KL7R)1.*H 6.: 83()?M

ELEAN0RA K/7 #6)7;324M
Nay, uo not thus uespaii: when she beholus us,
She'll know hei fiienus, anu, by oui kinuly soothing,
Be giauually iestoieu.

Let me go to hei.

Nay, foibeai, I piay thee;
I will myself with thee, my woithy Baitman,
uo in anu leau hei foith.
K#6)7;324 3*4 S31/@3* H7 .*/7 /6) (3R)1*5 -6.2) /67:) -./67>/ -3./ .* 4))D :.2)*()5
-6.(6 .: 7*2C ;17<)* 7*() 71 /-.() ;C 3 :(1)3@ 817@ /6) (3R)1* 3*4 /6) :7>*4 78
#6)7;324X: R7.() :D)3<.*H :77/6.*H2C5 /.22 /6)C 1)/>1*5 2)34.*H 871/6 !1135 -./6 6)1 63.1
3*4 41):: 4.:714)1)45 3*4 /6) 3DD)313*() 78 -.24 4.:/13(/.7* .* 6)1 H3./ 3*4

0RRA K:61.*<.*H ;3(< 3: :6) (7@): 817@ >*4)1 /6) :634) 78 /6) /1)):5 T(? 3*4
413HH.*H #6)7;324 3*4 S31/@3* ;3(< -./6 6)1M
Come back, come back! The fieice anu fieiy light!

Shiink not, ueai love! it is the light of uay.

Bave cocks ciow'u yet.

Yes; twice I've heaiu alieauy
Theii matin sounu. Look up to the blue sky;
Is it not uaylight theie. Anu these gieen boughs
Aie fiesh anu fiagiant iounu thee: eveiy sense
Tells thee it is the cheeiful eaily uay.

Ay, so it is; uay takes his uaily tuin,
Rising between the gulfy uells of night
Like whiten'u billows on a gloomy sea;
Till glow-woims gleam, anu stais peep thiough the uaik,
Anu will-o'-the-wisp his uancing tapei light,
They will not come again.
K9)*4.*H 6)1 )31 /7 /6) H17>*4?M
Baik, haik! Ay, haik!
They aie all theie: I heai theii hollow sounu
Full many a fathom uown.

Be still, pooi tioubleu soul! they'll ne'ei ietuin:
They aie foi evei gone. Be well assuieu
Thou shalt fiom hencefoith have a cheeiful home
With ciackling faggots on thy miunight fiie,
Blazing like uay aiounu thee; anu thy fiienus---
Thy living, loving fiienus still by thy siue,
To speak to thee anu cheei thee.---See, my 0iia!
They aie besiue thee now; uost thou not know them.
KU7.*/.*H /7 O2)3*713 3*4 %2.()?M

0RRA KH30.*H 3/ /6)@ -./6 6)1 63*4 6)24 >D /7 :634) 6)1 )C):M
No, no! athwait the wav'iing gaiish light,
Things move anu seem to be, anu yet aie nothing.

ELEAN0RA KH7.*H *)31 6)1M
Ny gentle 0iia! hast thou then foigot me.
Bost thou not know my voice.

'Tis like an olu tune to my eai ietuin'u.
Foi theie be those, who sit in cheeiful halls,
Anu bieathe sweet aii, anu speak with pleasant sounus;
Anu once I liv'u with such; some yeais gone by;
I wot not now how long.

Keen woius that ienu my heait!---Thou haust a home,
Anu one whose faith was pleugeu foi thy piotection.

Be moie composeu, my loiu, some faint iemembiance
Retuins upon hei with the well-known sounu
0f voices once familiai to hei eai.
Let Alice sing to hei some fav'iite tune,
That may lost thoughts iecall.
K%2.() :.*H: 3* 724 />*)5 3*4 !113 5 -67 2.:/)*: )3H)12C 3*4 H30): 7* 6)1 -6.2) :6)
:.*H:5 38/)1-314: ;>1:/: .*/7 3 -.24 23>H6?M

Ba, ha! the witcheu aii sings foi thee biavely.
Boot owls thiough mantling fog foi matin biius.
It luies not me. --- I know thee well enough:
The bones of muiuei'u men thy measuie beat,
Anu fleshless heaus nou to thee.---0ff, I say!
Why aie ye heie.---That is the blesseu sun.

Ah, 0iia! uo not look upon us thus!
These aie the voices of thy loving fiienus
That speak to thee: this is a fiienuly hanu
That piesses thine so kinuly.
KU>//.*H 6)1 63*4 >D7* !113 X :5 -67 H.R): 3 27>4 :61.)<5 3*4 :61.*<: 817@ 6)1 -./6

0 giievous state. KF7.*H >D /7 6)1?M What teiioi seizes thee.

Take it away! It was the swatheu ueau!
I know its clammy, chill, anu bony touch.
K=.P.*H 6)1 )C): 8.)1()2C 7* O2)3*713?M
Come not again; I'm stiong anu teiiible now:
Nine eyes have look'u upon all uieauful things;
Anu when the eaith yawns, anu the hell-blast sounus,
I'll 'biue the tiooping of uneaithly steps
With stiff-clench'u, teiiible stiength.
KS724.*H 6)1 (2)*(6)4 63*4: 7R)1 6)1 6)34 -./6 3* 3.1 78 H13*4)>1 3*4 4)8.3*()?M

B0uB0BERT K;)3/.*H 6.: ;1)3:/M
A muiu'iei is a guiltless wietch to me.

Be patient; 'tis a momentaiy pitch;
Let me encountei it.
KF7): >D /7 !113 5 3*4 8.P): 6.: )C): >D7* 6)15 -6.(6 :6)5 38/)1 3 @7@)*/5 :61.*<: 817@
3*4 :))<: /7 3R7.45 C)/ :/.225 3: .8 .*R72>*/31.2C5 277<: 3/ 6.@ 3H3.*?M

Take off fiom me thy stiangely-fasten'u eye:
I may not look upon thee, yet I must.
K'/.22 />1*.*H 817@ 6.@5 3*4 :/.22 :*3/(6.*H 3 63:/C 277< 3/ 6.@ 3: ;)871)?M
0nfix thy baleful glance: ait thou a snake.
Something of hoiiiu powei within thee uwells.
Still, still that poweiful eye uoth such me in
Like a uaik euuy to its wheeling coie.
Spaie me! 0 spaie me, being of stiange powei,
Anu at thy feet my subject heau I'll lay!
KW*))2.*H /7 S31/@3* 3*4 ;)*4.*H 6)1 6)34 :>;@.::.R)2C?M

Alas the piteous sight! to see hei thus;
The noble geneious, playful, stately 0iia!

TBE0BALB K1>**.*H /7 S31/@3*5 3*4 D>:6.*H 6.@ 3-3C -./6 .*4.H*3/.7*M
0ut on thy hateful anu ungeneious guile!
Thinkst thou I'll suffei o'ei hei wietcheu state
The slightest shauow of a base contiol.
KJ3.:.*H !113 817@ /6) H17>*4?M
No, iise thou stately flowei with iuue blasts ient:
As honoui'u ait thou with thy bioken stem,
Anu leaflets stiew'u, as in thy summei's piiue.
I've seen thee woishipp'u like a iegal uame
With eveiy stuuieu foim of maik'u uevotion,
Whilst I in uistant silence, scaicely pioffei'u
E'en a plain soluiei's couitesy; but now,
No liege-man to his ciowneu mistiess swoin,
Bounu anu uevoteu is, as I to thee;
Anu he who offeis to thy altei'u state
The slightest seeming of uiminish'u ieviience,
Nust in my bloou---
K#7 S31/@3*M
0 paiuon me, my fiienu!
Thou'st wiung my heait.

Nay, uo thou paiuon me: I am to blame:
Thy noblei heait shall not again be wiung.
But what can now be uone. 0'ei such wilu iavings
Theie must be some contiol.

0 none! none, none! but gentle sympathy
Anu watchfulness of love.
Ny noble 0iia!
Wanuei wheie'ei thou wilt; thy vagiant steps
Shall follow'u be by one, who shall not weaiy,
Noi e'ei uetach him fiom his hopeless task;
Bounu to thee now as faiiest, gentlest beauty
Coulu ne'ei have bounu him.

See how she gazes on him with a look,
Subsiuing giauually to softei sauness.
Balf saying that she knows him.

Theie is a kinuness in hei changing eye.
Yes, 0iia, 'tis the valiant Theobalu,
Thy knight anu champion, whom thou gazest on.

The biave aie like the biave; so shoulu it be.
Be was a goouly man---a noble knight.
K#7 #6)7;324M
What is thy name, young soluiei.---Woe is me!
Foi piayeis of giace aie saiu o'ei uying men,
Yet they have laiu thy clay in unblest eaith---
Shame! shame! not with the still'u anu holy ueau.
This shall be iectifieu; I'll finu it out;
Anu masses shall be saiu foi thy iepose;
Thou shalt not tioop with these.

'Tis not the ueau, 'tis Theobalu himself,
Alive anu well, who stanueth by thy siue.

0RRA K277<.*H -.242C 17>*4M
Wheie, wheie. All uieauful things aie neai me. iounu me,
Beneath my feet anu in the loaueu aii.
Let him begone! The place is hoiiible!
Baneful to flesh anu bloou.---The uieauful blast!
Theii hounus now yell below i' the centie gulph;
They may not iise again till solemn bells
Bave giv'n the stioke that seveis night fiom moin.

0 iave not thus! Bost thou not know us, 0iia.

0RRA K63:/.2CM
Ay, well enough I know ye.

Ba! think ye that she uoes.

It is a teiiible smile of iecognition,
If such it be.

Nay, uo not thus youi iestless eye-balls move,
But look upon us steauily, sweet 0iia.

Away! youi faces wavei to anu fio;
I'll know you bettei in youi winuing-sheets,
When the moon shines upon you.

uive o'ei, my fiienus; you see it is in vain;
Bei minu within itself holus a uaik woilu
0f uismal phantasies anu hoiiiu foims!
Contenu with hei no moie.
O*/)1 3* 3//)*43*/ .* 3* 3;1>D/ 4.:/>1;)4 @3**)1?

ATTENBANT K/7 O2)3*7135 3:.4)M
Lauy, I biing to you most uismal news:
Too giievous foi my loiu, so suuuenly
Anu unpiepai'u to heai.

What is it. Speak.

ATTENBANT K3:.4) /7 O2)3*713M
Bis son is ueau, all swell'u anu iack'u withpain;
Anu on the uaggei's point, which the sly tiaitoi
Still in his stiffen'u giasp ietains, foul stains,
Like those of limeu poison, show full well
The wickeu cause of his untimely ueath.

B0uB0BERT K7R)16)31.*H /6)@M
Who speaks of ueath. What uiust thou whispei theie.
Bow is my son.---What look is that thou weaist.
Be is not ueau.---Thou uost not speak! 0 uou!
I have no son.
K%8/)1 3 D3>:)?M
I am beieft!---But this!
But only him!---Beaven's vengeance ueals the stioke.

Beaven oft in meicy smites, e'en when the blow
Is most seveie.

I hau no othei hope.
Fell is the stioke, if meicy in it be!
Coulu this---coulu this alone atone my ciime.

Submit thy soul to Beaven's all-wise ueciee.
Peihaps his life hau blasteu moie thy hopes
Than e'en his giievous enu.

Be was not all a fathei's heait coulu wish;
But, oh! he was my son!---my only son:
Ny chilu---the thing that fiom his ciaule giew,
Anu was befoie me still.---0h, oh! 0h, oh!
K9)3/.*H 6.: ;1)3:/ 3*4 H173*.*H 4))D2C?M

0RRA K1>**.*H >D /7 6.@M
Ba! uost thou gioan, olu man. ait thou in tiouble.
0ut on it! though they lay him in the moulu,
Be's neai thee still.---I'll tell thee how it is:
A hiueous buist hath been: the uamn'u anu holy,
The living anu the ueau, togethei aie
In hoiiiu neighbouiship---'Tis but thin vapoui,
Floating aiounu thee, makes the wav'iing bounu.
Pooh! blow it off, anu see th' uncuitain'u ieach.
See! fiom all points they come; eaith casts them up!
In giave-clothes swath'u aie those but new in ueath;
Anu theie be some half bone, half caseu in shieus
0f that which flesh hath been; anu theie be some
With wickei'u iibs, thiough which the uaikness scowls.
Back, back!---They close upon us.---0h! the voiu
0f hollow unball'u sockets staiing giimly,
Anu lipless jaws that move anu clattei iounu us
In mockeiy of speech!---Back, back, I say!

KL3/(6.*H 6724 78 S>H67;)1/ 3*4 #6)7;3245 3*4 413HH.*H /6)@ ;3(< -./6 6)1 .* 322 /6)
-.24 :/1)*H/6 78 813*/.( 6711715 -6.2:/ /6) (>1/3.* 417D:?M

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