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1. Flowing a nephrectomy ,a patients urine output was 25mls in hour. What action would you do? A.

Change patients position 2 hourly. B. Give the patient 250 mls of water every 2 hours. C. Increase the flow rate of the intravenous fluids for the patient. D. Notify the doctor that the patients urine output is very low. 2. Mr.Rony has chronic renal failure. His urine showed presence of albumin. What caused Mr.Rony to have albuminuria? A. Increased of urea retention B. Less fluid intake C. Increased glomerular permeability. D. Decreased glomerular filtration 3. The important nursing intervention in preparing a client for an intravenous pyelogram is A. B. C. D. Insert an intravenous line Keep the client nil by mouth for 72 hours. Insert an indwelling catheter. Ensure client has no allergy to seafood.

4. Madam Sal age 65 years old has urinary incontinence and is advised to perform bladder training for the purpose of A. Strengthen the pelvic floor muscles B. Stimulating action of detrusor muscle. C. Strengthening the urethral sphincter muscles. D. Recovery of bladder function to retain urine, 5. Ali, 12 years suffered from acute glomerulonephritis and is admitted to the ward with generalized oedema and hypertention. The type of diet to him is A. B. C. D. low sodium high protein. low sodium low protein. low sodium low calorie. high protein low calorie.

6. Mr.Lee 70 years, complaints of frequent micturation, straining during micturition and weak stream urine. He is most probably suffering from A. B. C. D. Cystitis. Urethritis. Renal calculi. Benign prostate hyperplasia

7. Madam Fatimah, 25 years, is newly married and has been diagnosed with urinary tract infection. She is afraid to inform her husband about her condition. How should the nurse respond in order to reduce her anxiety? A. B. C. D. Provide divertional therapy Inform her husband on her behalf. Spend time her to allow verbalization of her concerns. Suggest to the doctor to inform her husband.

8. Mr.Ali 40 years had a nephrectomy done yesterday. On the 1st post operation day which of the following finding below should be reported to the doctor immediately? A. B. C. D. Body temperature 37.5c. Slight blood stain at dressing. Pain score 4 at the operation site. Urine output less than 20 mls/hour

9. Miss Jeva,15 years has been diagnosed with nephritic syndrome. She is having excessive fluid volume. Nursing intervention to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment is A. B. C. D. encourage high protein diet. monitor body weight daily send urine for albumin administer diuretic as prescribed.

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