Spring Intro

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Overview of the Spring Framework

Ernest Hill ernesthill@earthlink.net

Why the Spring Framework

Design Techniques and Coding Standards for J2EE Projects &ntroducing the Spring(ra$e"ork

http !!""".theser#erside.co$!articles!content!%o dJohnson&nter#ie"!JohnsonChapter'.pdf http !!""".theser#erside.co$!resources!article.js p)l*Spring(ra$e"ork

What is the Spring Framework?

+ open source project "hose $ain goals are to

,- .ake J2EE easier to use /0 pro#iding a la0ered architecture that is internall0 consistent 2- Pro$ote good progra$$ing practices.

How does it achieve it's goal?

10 pro#iding a set of $odules that can /e used in concert or indi#iduall0

Spring Overview

Full-Fledged Spring Web pplication !sage

"iddle #ier

#ransparent $emote ccess

%&' bstraction (ayer

Spring )ore

Designed for "orking "ith Ja#a1eans 2ia 1ean(actor0

'ean Factory

3ight "eight container 3oads 1ean Definitions Ena/les o/ject to /e retrie#ed /0 na$e &nstantiates one or $ore instance of a /ean .anages relationships /et"een o/jects

'ean *efinition

Defines the /ean class The /ean identifiers To singleton or not Properties and colla/orators Constructor argu$ents &nitiali4ation $ethod Destruction $ethod

+nversion of )ontrol, *ependency +n-ection

1eans do not do a lookup to resol#e depen5 dencies The container injects the dependenc0 T"o $ajor #ariants
Setter5/ased dependenc0 injection Constructor5/ased dependenc0 injection

Setter-based dependency in-ection

Container calls setters on the /ean after in#oking an argu$entless constructor 1eans /ased on setter5/ased dependenc0 are true Ja#a1eans 6se of setter5/ased dependenc0 is ad#ocated /0 Spring

%.ample of Setter 'ased +n-ection

<bean id=exampleBean class=examples.ExampleBean> <property name=beanOne><ref bean=anotherBean/></property> <propetry name=beanTwo><ref bean=someBean /></propery> <property name="integerProperty">1</property> </bean> <bean id=anotherBean class=examples.AnotherBean /> <bean id=someBean class=examples.someBean />

public class ExampleBean { pri#ate +nother1ean /ean7ne8 pri#ate so$e1ean /eanT"o8 pri#ate int i8 pu/lic #oid set1ean7ne9+nother1ean /ean7ne- : this./ean7ne * /ean7ne8 ; pu/lic #oid set1eanT"o9So$e1ean /eanT"o - : this./eanT"o * /eanT"o8 ; ; pu/lic #oid set&ntegerPropert09int i - : this.i * i8 ;

)onstructor-based *ependency +n-ection

%eali4ed /0 in#oking a constructor "ith a nu$/er of argu$ents .a0 /e prefered as $eans of insuring that /eans can not /e constructed in an in#alid state

%.ample of )onstructor 'ased +n-ection

<bean id=exampleBean class=examples.ExampleBean> <constructor-arg><ref bean=anotherBean/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg><ref bean=someBean/></constructor-arg> <constructor-arg>1</constructor-arg> </bean> <bean id=anotherBean class=examples.AnotherBean /> <bean id=someBean class =examples.SomeBean/>

Public class ExampleBean { private AnotherBean beanOne; private SomeBean beanTwo; private int i; public ExampleBean ( AnotherBean anotherBean, SomeBean someBean, int i ) { this.beanOne = anotherBean; this.beanTwo = someBean; this.i = i; } }

dvantages of *ependency +n-ection

Co$ponents are si$pler to "rite Co$ponents are easier to test 7/jects do not depend on the container +P& 7/jects can run outside the container

%.ample of 'eanFactory !sage

InputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(beans.xml); BeanFactory factory = new XMLBeanFactory(inputStream); // Check if a bean definition exists by the name exampleBean if ( factory.containsBean(exampleBean) { // exampleBean definition exists } // Can throw NoSuchBeanDefinition ExampleBean eb = (ExampleBean) factory.getBean(exampleBean); // Can throw BeanNotOfRequiredTypeException ExampleBean eb = (ExampleBean) factory.getBean(exampleBean, ExampleBean.class ); // Can throw NoSuchBeanDefinition if ( factory.isSingleton(exampleBean ) { // this bean is a singleton } String[] aliasas = factory.getAliases(exampleBean);

/roperty %ditors

Con#enient to represent a propert0 in a hu5 $an reada/le for$ and con#ert it /ack to o/ject Propert0 Editors $ust i$ple$ent ja5 #a./eans.Propert0Editor

'uilt-in /roperty %ditors

Standard Ja#a Propert0 Editors Standard Spring Custo$ Spring

1ool< 10te< Color< Dou/le< (loat< (ont< &nt< 3ong< Short< String Class< (ile< 3ocal< Properties< String+rra0< 6%3 Custo$1oolean< Custo$Date< Custo$=u$/er< StringTri$$er

pplication )onte.t

1ean(actor0 functionalit0 in a $ore fra$e5 "ork5st0le can /e created declarati#el0 using for e>5 a$ple a Conte>t3oader

dded functionality of the pplication)onte.t

.essageSource< pro#iding access to $es5 sages in< i,?n5st0le +ccess to resources< like 6%3s and files E#ent propagation to /eans i$ple$enting the +pplication3istener interface 3oading of $ultiple conte>ts< allo"ing so$e of the$ to /e focused and used for e>a$ple onl0 /0 the "e/5la0er of an application

!sing the "essageSource

+pplicationConte>t interface e>tends an in5 terface called .essageSource @hen an +pplicationConte>t gets loaded< it auto$aticall0 searches for a .essage5 Source /ean defined in the conte>t na$ed $essageSource &f it canAt find an0 source for $essages< an e$pt0 Static.essageSource "ill /e instan5 tiated

"essage Source +nterface

String get.essage 9String code< 7/jectBC args< String default< 3ocale locString get.essage 9String code< 7/jectBC args< 3ocale locString get.essage9.essageSource%esol#5 a/le resol#a/le< 3ocale locale-

"essage Source +mplementations

%esource1undle.essageSource %eloada/le1undle.essageSource Static.essageSource +ll i$ple$ent Hierachical.essageSource

$esource'undle"essageSource %.ample
<beans> <bean id="messageSource" class="org.springframework.context.support.ResourceBundleMessageS ource"> <property name="basenames"> <list> <value>format</value> <value>exceptions</value> <value>windows</value> </list> </property> </bean> </beans>

/ropagating %vents

Pro#ided #ia the +pplicationE#ent class and +pplication3istener interface Standard 7/ser#er Pattern

'uilt-in %vents

Conte>t%efreshedE#ent Conte>tClosedE#ent %equestHandledE#ent


E#ent pu/lished "hen the +pplicationCon5 te>t is initiali4ed or refreshed. &nitiali4ed here $eans that all /eans are loaded< sin5 gletons are pre5instantiated and the +pplica5 tionConte>t is read0 for use


E#ent pu/lished "hen the +pplicationCon5 te>t is closed< using the close9- $ethod on the +pplicationConte>t. Closed here $eans that singletons are destro0ed


+ "e/5specific e#ent telling all /eans that a HTTP request has /een ser#iced 9i.e. this "ill /e pu/lished after the request has /een finished-. =ote that this e#ent is onl0 appli5 ca/le for "e/ applications using SpringAs DispatcherSer#let

)ustom %vents

+ll 0ou need to do is call the pu/lishE#ent9$ethod on the +pplicationConte>t

)ustom %vent %.ample pplication )onte.t

<bean id="emailer" class="example.EmailBean"> <property name="blackList"> <list> <value>black@list.org</value> <value>white@list.org</value> <value>john@doe.org</value> </list> </property> </bean> <bean id="blackListListener" class="example.BlackListNotifier"> <property name="notificationAddress"> <value>spam@list.org</value> </property> </bean>

)ustom %vent %.ample ctual 'eans

public class EmailBean implements ApplicationContextAware { private List blackList; public void setBlackList(List blackList) { this.blackList = blackList; } public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) {this.ctx = ctx;} public void sendEmail(String address, String text) { if (blackList.contains(address)) { BlackListEvent evt = new BlackListEvent(address, text); ctx.publishEvent(evt); return; } } } public class BlackListNotifier implement ApplicationListener { private String notificationAddress; public void setNotificationAddress(String notificationAddress) { this.notificationAddress = notificationAddress; } public void onApplicationEvent(ApplicationEvent evt) { if (evt instanceof BlackListEvent) {// notify appropriate person } }

!sing $esources Within Spring

+pplicationConte>t i$ple$ents %e5 source3oader interface %esource get%esource9 String location(ull0 qualified 6%3s< Dfile C !test.dataE %elati#e (ile Paths< D@E15&=(!test.dataE Classpath psuedo 6%3 Dclasspath test.dataE

e>ists9- 5 Checks if the resource e>ists< re5 turning false if it doesnAt get&nputStrea$9- 5 7pens an &nputStrea$ on the resource and returns it &s7pen9- 5 %eturn "hether this resource represents a handle "ith an open strea$. &f true< the &nputStrea$ cannot /e read $ulti5 ple ti$es< and $ust /e read and closed to a#oid resource leaks. FetDescription9- 5 %eturns a description of the resource< often the full0 qualified file na$e or the actual 6%3 Fet(ile9- 5 %eturn a (ile handle for this re5 source

$esource +nterface

%.tra marker interface

pu/lic interface +pplicationConte>t+"are

#oid set+pplicationConte>t9+pplicationConte>t conte>t-

)reating an pplication)onte.t from a web application

Can /e created declarati#el0 using for e>5 a$ple a Conte>t3oader Can also /e created progra$$aticall0

)onte.t(oader +mplementations

Conte>t3oader3istener Conte>t3oaderSer#let
Ser#let 2.2 Co$pati/le

Ser#let 2.' and possi/le 2.G co$pati/le

)onte.t(oader(istener %.ample
<context-param> <param-name>contextConfigLocation</param-name> <param-value>/WEB-INF/daoContext.xml /WEBINF/applicationContext.xml</param-value> </context-param> <listener> <listenerclass>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener</list ener-class> </listener>

)onte.t(oaderServlet %.ample
<servlet> <servlet-name>context</servlet-name> <servletclass>org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderServlet</se rvlet-class> <load-on-startup>1</load-on-startup> </servlet>

Spring O/

+7P deco$poses progra$s into aspects

O/ )oncepts

+spect Joinpoint +d#ice PointCut &ntroduction Target 7/ject +7P pro>0 @ea#ing


The $odulari4ation a concern that $ight other"ise cut across $ultiple o/jects. Transaction $anage$ent is a good e>a$5 ple Spring i$ple$ents +spects as +d#isors and &nterceptors


+ point during the e>ecution a the progra$< such a "hen a $ethod is in#oked or an e>5 ception is thro"n


The action that is to /e taken at a particular jointpoint. T0pes of ad#ise include

+round 1efore Thro"s +fter %eturning

Sprint $aints a chain of AinterceptorsA around the joinpoint


+ set of joinpoints specif0ing "hen an ad5 #ice should e>ecute


+dding $ethods of fields to an ad#ised class Spring allo"s 0ou to introduce ne" inter5 faces to ad#ised o/jects


7/ject containing the joinpoint +lso referred to as the ad#ised or pro>ied o/ject

O/ /ro.y

The o/ject created /0 the +7P fra$e"ork that includes the ad#ise. Spring "ill create a pro>0 using a JDH d05 na$ic pro>0 or a CF3&1 pro>0.


+sse$/ling the aspects to create an ad5 #ised o/ject. Can /e done at co$pile ti$e like +spectJ. Spring perfor$s "ea#ing at runti$e

Spring O/ )apabilities

&$ple$ented in pure Ja#a Suita/le for use in J2EE container since does not need to control the class loader hi5 erach0 Spring supports interception of $ethods Does not support field interception Pro#ides classes to represent pointcuts and different ad#ise t0pes Spring ad#ises o/ject at instance< rather than class loader le#el

Spring * O

+i$ed at $aking it eas0 to "ork "ith data access technologies like JD1C< Hi/ernate or JD7 +llo"s 0ou to s"itch /et"een the$ fairl0 easil0

)onsistent %.ception Hierarchy

Pro#ides an +P& that $o#es tedious error handling out of the application into the fra$e"ork @raps e>ceptions con#erting the$ fro$ proprietar0 checked e>ceptions to a/stract5 ed runti$e e>ceptions E>a$ines $etadata to ascertain the data/ase uses this kno"ledge to $ap e>5 ception to correct e>ception in hierarch0

)onsistent bstract )lasses for * O Support


%equires a datasource to /e set %equires a Session(actor0 to /e set %equires a Persistence.anager to /e set

Hi/ernateDaoSupport JdoSDaoSupport

Spring Web "1)

Po"erful and highl0 configura/le Designed around a DispatcherSer#let 6nlike Struts "hich forces 0our +ction and (or$ o/ject into concrete inheritance< Spring .2C is entirel0 /ased on interfaces 2ie" agnostic< 0ou donAt get pushed into JSP SpringControllers are configured #ia De5 pendenc0 &njection

Features of Spring Web "1)

Clear separation of roles controller #s #al5 idator #s co$$and o/ject #s for$ o/ject #s $odel o/ject Straightfor"ard configuration of /oth fra$5 "ork and application classes as Ja#a1eans =on5intrusi#e< use "hate#er Controller 0ou need 9 plain< co$$and< for$< "i4ard< $ulti5 action or custo$- instead of +ction!+ction(or$ for e#er0thing

Features of Spring Web "1)

%esua/le /usiness code< no need for dupli5 cation. 6se e>isting /usiness o/jects as co$$ands or for$ o/jects instead of $irror5 ing the$ in special +ction(or$ classes. Handler and #ie" $apping strategies fro$ si$ple to sophisticated instead of one "a0 %elated Projects %ich Client Platfor$
Sprint %CP


Co$$ons5#alidator +ttri/ute /ased


The Spring "e/ site

http !!""".springfra$e"ork.org http !!""".theser#erside.co$!articles!article.tss)l *Spring(ra$e"ork

&ntroducing the Spring (ra$e"ork

E>pert one5on5one J2EE Design and De#el5 op$ent

10 %od Johnson Chapter ' for a#aila/le at http !!""".theser#erside.co$!articles!content!%odJohn


E>pert 7ne5on5one J2EE De#elop$ent "ithout EJ1

10 %od Johnson and Jrgen Hller

De#eloping a Spring (ra$e"ork .2C appli5 cation step5/05step &ntroduction to the Spring (ra$e"ork
10 Eduardo &sso &to

http !!""".springfra$e"ork.org!docs!.2C5step5/05step!Spring5.2C5step5/05step.h

http !!""".springfra$e"ork.org!do"nloads!Eduardo&ssao!Spr

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