Scuba Diver AustralAsia - Singapore's Primary and Best Scuba Diving Magazine!

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Scuba Diver AustralAsia Singapore's Primary and Best Scuba Diving Magazine!

! Scuba Diver - Through The Lens, is the world's first international print underwater photography magazine and Scuba Diver AustralAsia was launched in !" # Together these magazines are published " times a year$ % of each magazine# They are published by Asian &eographic 'agazines (vt# Ltd# with the issues having a readership of !),))) across %" countries, as on April *))!# Scuba Diver AustralAsia is the official publication of the (AD+ Diving Society in the Asia (acific as it reaches out to more than *)),))) newly certified divers a year in the same region, and to appro,imately ,))) (AD+ +nternational -esort . -etailer Associations /+--A0# Since *))1, the magazine has been distributed in 2razil, 3urope, 4apan, 5oumea, (apua 5ew &uinea, South 6orea, Tonga 7anuatu, 8anada, 9i:i, 'auritius, (a;istan, South Africa, Sri Lan;a, and the <nited 6ingdom# +t is also available on board all flights and in the lounges of Singapore Airlines, Sil;Air, Sri Lan;an Airlines and 'alaysian Airlines# =ith over *> years in the business, it has the cumulative e,perience to ma;e it a leader in its category# The Scuba Diver magazine is vibrant and informative, offering all the wants and needs of a modern diver# A Scuba Diver magazine subscription gives divers access to information on e,ploring fascinating oceans and encountering living creatures present in it# 'a:or diving destinations in the (acific ?cean, Australia and beyond are mentioned in the magazine, including diving news, new discoveries, environmental news, natural spectacles, and diverfocused topics# @ou will find that only the best diving news from around the world and articles feature in this magazine to ensure that it is of the highest standards# ?nly the world's best underwater :ournalists, photographers, videographers, and features imagery are allowed to feature in this magazine# Scuba Diver Through The Lens is dedicated to underwater photography and videography# +t is compiled and delivered by Dive(hoto&uide#com, 3dition 9ifty 9athoms, and Scuba Diver AustralAsia# +t has come to be ;nown as AsiaAs premier dive magazineB Dive(hoto&uide#com is a world leader in underwater photography media and 3dition 9ifty 9athoms is a prestigious art photo magazine collectible# The magazine is designed with the purpose to educate the global diving community on techniCues, eCuipment and travel destinationsB the world's leading underwater photographers and videographers are also featured here# The magazine supports and promotes environmental research to foster environmental awareness, e,ploration to increase scientific ;nowledge, and conservation pro:ects with the ob:ective of promoting preservation ethics across Asia and Australia# 2ecause of its Cuality content, a large readership of active and enthusiastic divers are attracted to the magazine# Also, the magazine covers the best dive spots around the world and reaches out to new divers who are loo;ing to spend on new scuba eCuipment, new holiday destinations, and new photo eCuipment, giving them the best advice# 'att =eiss is the publisher and editor of Dive(hoto&uide#comB he ta;es care of the Americas and the 8aribbean region# Dietmar =# 9uchs is the publisher and editor of 3dition 9ifty 9athomsB he ta;es care of the 3uropean and African regions and, +an Seldrup is the contributing editor to the Asian, Australian and (acific regions#

=ith a Scuba Diver digital subscription you can read a copy of Scuba Diver digital magazine, which has the same content and design as the printed magazine, on your i?S, Android, =indows mobile and des;top devices# Some magazines come as (D9 replicas, but some others are available with videos clips, audio clips, lin;s, and other interactive content# &rab a copy of the magazine and gain all ;nowledge and e,perience from this more than informative magazine as you come on-board the go-green movement# About the Author: Scuba Diver is a vibrant and informative magazine, that offers all the wants and needs of a modern diver# &rab a copy of the Scuba Diver digital magazine at http$DDwww#magzter#com, and if it interests you then ta;e out your Scuba Diver digital subscription todayE Summary: Scuba Diver F the magazine designed to educate the global diving community on matters regarding techniCues, eCuipment, and travel destinations# ey!ords: Scuba Diver,Scuba Diver 'agazine,Scuba Diver 'agazine Subscription,Scuba Diver Digital 'agazine,Scuba Diver Digital Subscription#

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