Grade VIII - Syllabus & TT For Year End Examinations PDF

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Syllabus & Time Table for ear E!" E#ami!a$io!s %ra"e &III Dear Parents 28/10/2013 Please find below the syllabus and the time table for the semester I examinations to be held in December 2013. School will ha e normal wor!in" routine. EN%LISH' C(e)*+oi!$ ,' 1. #arrati e elements 2. Sim$le% com$ound & com$lex sentencs. 3. Punctuations 'full sto$% comma% semi( colon% colon% ca$itali)ation*/ $hrases & clauses. C(e)*+oi!$ -' 1.Diary writin" 2. +d ertisements 3. ,ense -. +cti e & $assi e oice .. /reati e writin" 0. Direct & indirect s$eech C(e)*+oi!$ .' 1. 1etter writin" 2. Descri$ti e writin" 3. 2e$ort writin" -. ,ra el writin" .. 2hetorical de ices 0. 3ritin" to $ersuade 4. 3ritin" to inform 8. 3riter5s effect 6. Summary MATH' Ma$( i! fo)us ' )(a+$ers / 0 1 ,, 2 1. 1ines and 1inear e7uation 2. System of linear e7uation 3. 8unction -. Pytha"orean theorem .. ,ransformation 0. /on"ruency and similarity 4. Statistics 8. Probability C(e)*+oi!$ / , & - * 1. Inte"ers% Powers & 2oots 2. 8raction% Decimal & Percenta"e 3. Se7uences -. 9easurement & /onstruction C(e)*+oi!$/ ,,- & . 2 1. S$eed % distance & time 2. Density% 9ass & :olume 3. 2atio & $ro$ortion -. ;earin"s & Drawin"s

BIOLO% ' C(e)*+oi!$ , 1< ,he characteristics of li in" thin"s 2< 9a=or or"an systems 3< /ells -< 9icroor"anisms .< 1i in" thin"s in their en ironment 0< Peo$le and $lanet 4< /lassification and ariation C(e)*+oi!$ 1< >ow $lants "row 2< + healthy diet 3< Di"estion -< ,he circulatory system .< ,he res$iratory system 0< 2e$roduction in humans 4< Diet% dru"s and diseases C(e)*+oi!$ . 1< Photosynthesis 2< 2e$roduction in flowerin" $lants 3< +da$tin" to a habitat -< ?cosystems .< >uman influences on the en ironment 0< /lassification and ariation PH SICS C(e)*+oi!$ , 1. 9easurements 2. 8orces and motion 3. ?ner"y -. ?ner"y ,ransfers .. ?arth and beyond C(e)*+oi!$ 1. Sound 2.1i"ht 3.9a"netism -. S$eed C(e)*+oi!$ . 1. Density 2. Pressure 3. ,urnin" on a $i ot -. ?lectrostatics .. ?lectricity 0. >eat ener"y transfers 4. 3orld ener"y needs

CHEMISTR ' C(e)*+oi!$ S)ie!)e 1 , 1. ,he states of matter 2. Pro$erties of matter and materials 3. +cids and al!alis -. 2oc!s and soil .. 8ind the a"e of earth C(e)*+oi!$ S)ie!)e 1 1. ,he $article theory 2. ?lements and atoms 3. ?lements /om$ounds and mixtures -. 9etals and non metals .. /hemistry in e eryday life. C(e)*+oi!$ S)ie!)e 1 . 1. ,he structure of the atom 2. ,he $eriodic table 3. ?ndothermic and exothermic reactions -. Patterns of reacti ity -. Pre$arin" common salts .. 2ates of reaction

4ri$i!5 a!" S+ea*i!5 1. @u5est ce 7ue tu as fait le wee! end derrier 2. ?cri e une recette 3. DAcri e) ma ille mon illa"e -. @uel tem$s fait il .. 1a semaine $rochaine Hi!"i Oral Commu!i)a$io! ' 1. 2eadin" /om$rehension'Poem%;io"ra$hy% Story* 2. Picture descri$tion/S$eech 3. +udio. 4ri$$e! ' 1. Bnseen $assa"e 2. 9eanin"s in >indi 3. Synonyms -. C$$osites .. 9a!e sentences and 7uestion and answers 0. :arna( iched 4. Sim$le con ersation %rammar 1. Sandhi 2. #ouns 3. +d=ecti es -. :erbs .. +d erbs

0. Dender 4. #umbers 8. /on=unctions 6. Pronouns 10. Prefix and Suffix 11. Cne word substitution 12. Present ,ense and 8uture ,ense. ICT 1. /ommunication be an effecti e online user 2. Problem solution includin" +l"orithm desi"n% $ro"rammin" techni7ues 3. 1o"ic Dates and /ircuits. -. Deneric Software and or"anisation of data. HISTOR 1. Indian #ational 9o ement ($art1%2. 2. Indian /onstitution 3. /ric!et >istory -. Sino(Indo 3ar %EO%RAPH 1. Cur 2esources 2. 1and and Soil resources 3. 3ater 2esources -. >uman 2esources

%ra"e &III Sem I Time Table S'No Da$e Day Time

8orenoon 1 2 3 . 0 4 8 0-/12/13 0./12/13 00/12/13 06/12/13 10/12/13 11/12/13 12/12/13 13/12/13 3ednesday ,hursday 8riday 1<30$m to 3<00$m 9onday ,uesday 3ednesday ,hursday 8riday 6<00am to 11<00am 6<00am to 10< 6<00am to 11<00am 6<00am to 10< 6<00am to 10<00am 9ath Physics 1an"ua"e ;iolo"y >is & Deo 6<00am to 10< 6<00am to 10<00am 6<00am to 10<30am ?n"lish I ?n"lish II /hemistry I/,


2e"ards ,IPS ,?+9

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