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Steps for Basic Installation and Configuration of a REN Server

Taken from

Solution 1) Remove any Existing REN Configuration Information from Database

If you are installing REN server for the first time, you should start fresh by deleting any existing REN configuration information. Do this as follows: a. Log into PeopleSoft application b. First delete the REN Server Cluster Configurations as follows: - Go to PeopleTools-> REN Server Configuration ->REN Server Cluster - Search to see if any REN clusters exist. If so, do the following for each REN cluster: - Set the 'State Flag' to 'Inactive' and save the cluster (state must be 'inactive' in order to delete the cluster) - Then click the 'Delete' button and confirm deletion c. Now delete the REN Server Configurations as follows: - Go to PeopleTools-> REN Server Configuration ->REN Server Definition - Search to see if any REN Servers exist. If so, do the following for each REN Server: - Bring up the REN Server Definition - Then click the 'Delete' button

2) Verify that proper REN permissions are configured

a. Navigate to PeopleTools > Security > Permissions and Roles > Permission Lists. Select the primary permission list that is tied to the user profile that you are testing with. You will also have to grant permissions to the USER ID that is configured for your Process Scheduler database signon settings, if that user is different than the one that you are currently logged in as. (Note that Process Scheduler ID is stored in file psprcs.cfg). Once the permission list is up, go to the PeopleTools tab. Click on the "Realtime Event Notification Permissions" link in the middle of the page. On the next page, verify that the access code for Reporting Window is set to full access. b. Next, go to the Web Libraries tab. Make sure that there is an entry for WEBLIB_RPT. If it is not there, then add the library in. Once that is added, click on the edit link and verify that the access permissions are set to full access. Be sure to save the changes before exiting. c. Next, navigate to PeopleTools > Portal > Node Definitions and click search to bring up all of your nodes. Sort so that your default local node is listed at the top. Click on the name link for the default local node and verify that the Authentication Option is set to password and that a password has been entered. d. Finally, navigate to PeopleTools > Security > Security Objects > Single Signon. Verify that your default local node is listed there.

3) Remove file psrenconfig.txt

Remove or rename file \APPSERV\<domain>\psrenconfig.txt. This file will be rebuilt with default values, the next time you reload the app server configuration.

4) Set the Initial REN Configuration

Each time the REN server is started, the following occurs: a. The app server first checks the database for any existing REN server definitions for the machine/app server domain that is being started. b. If the app server finds an existing entry in the database, for that machine/app server domain, then it uses that information when starting the REN server c. If the app server doesn't find an existing entry in the database, then it checks file psappsrv.cfg to determine how to configure the REN server. It then builds a new entry in the database (using config info from psappsrv.cfg) for the machine/app server domain that it is starting. So since there are no existing REN server configurations in the database, we need to set this information in psappsrv.cfg as follows:

a. Open file psappsrv.cfg for the App Server Domain where the REN server will be installed b. Search 'PSRENSRV' in order to get to the REN server section c. Below are the default settings. At this point, the only value to be concerned with is 'default_http_port'. is set to a port# that isn't already being used.
default_http_port=7180 default_https_port=7143

Be sure this

d. Save the changes Note that you need to do this only once. After the app server is started, it will create database entries (for REN Server and REN Server Cluster) using the information in psappsrv.cfg. So if you want to make additional changes to the REN server configuration, after initial start of the REN server, you would make the changes to the database entries by logging into the PeopleSoft application and bringing up the REN Server configuration.

5) Configure App Server to use REN and Start the Application Server
Configure the application server to start the REN server and load the new configuration. Do this as follows: a. Run psadmin b. Chose option to 'Configure this domain' c. Set the 'Event Notification' option to 'Yes' d. Then load the new configuration and restart the REN server. You will see that process 'PSRENSRV' is started.

6) Validate the new REN Server Cluster definition

After the App Server has been restarted (with 'Event Notificaton' enabled), you can validate your REN Server Cluster configuration as follows: a. Log into PeopleSoft application b. Go to PeopleTools-> REN Server Configuration ->REN Server Cluster You will see that a cluster definition has been created for the App Server Domain that you just started. c. Bring up your REN cluster -You should see that the 'REN Server Cluster URL' and 'REN Server Browser URL' are pointing to your app server and to the REN server port# that you configured. Note that you cannot use ip addresses in the REN server configuration. So keep values set to the REN server name.

7) Set the 'Authentication Domain'

If your web server and app server are on different servers, then you'll need to set the 'authentication domain' for the REN server and the web server. Note that the domain needs to be the same for the web server and app server. For example, you can't have web server on and app server on If you don't have the same domain names for web and app server, you may need to configure a load balancer or reverse proxy server in front the the REN server in order to get a common domain name. Refer to document 1177643.1 which contains details on configuring a load balancer or proxy server. Set Authentication Domain on the REN Server and Web Profile as follows: a. First, verify that the web profile is using an authentication domain: - Navigate to PeopleTools > Web Profile -> Web Profile Configuration - Bring up your Web Profile - Enter value for "Authentication Domain". Example: (Note leading dot character) b. Next, set up an authentication domain for the REN server. - Navigate to PeopleTools > REN Server Configuration > REN Server Cluster > REN Server Cluster tab > Authentication Domain - Enter the authentication domain. Example: (Note there is no leading dot character) c. Note that when you log in to the PeopleSoft application, you'll need to specify the domain name in the login-url. Example:

8) Delete cache

Cache should always be deleted after making any configuration changes to the REN server. Do the following: a. Stop Web Server, Application Server and Process Scheduler b. Delete the cache files for the Web Server under the following location: $PS_HOME/webserv/<domain>/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL/<PIA_Site>/cache c. Delete Application Server cache from: $PS_HOME/appserv/<Domain>/CACHE d. Delete Process Scheduler cache from: $PS_HOME/appserv/prcs/<Scheduler>/CACHE e. Browser cache needs to be removed: Internet Explorer: Tools > Internet Options > Delete Cookies, Delete Files and Delete all offline content Mozilla Firefox: Tools-> Options-Privacy-> Cookies then choose option to clear/delete cookies f. Restart Web Server, Application Server and Process Scheduler

9) Test REN Functionality

a) Start by running a REN Server ping test as follows: -Log into PeopleSoft application -Go to PeopleTools-> REN Server Configuration ->REN Server Cluster. -Then bring up your REN cluster and click the button to run the ping test -When the 'Ping Test' page is displayed, click the 'Run Ping Test' button. -10 Events should be Sent/Received b) Now run a simple report to the REN server (if you have multiple process schedulers, test REN functionality with each process scheduler) - Navigate to PeopleTools -> Process Scheduler -> System Process Requests - Click 'Run' - At top of page, for 'Server Name', choose the scheduler - Then choose report 'Cross Reference Window Listing (XRFWIN)' and choose process type 'SQR Report' - Run to Windows - Click 'OK' - You should now see a new window with a status that changes from 'Queued' to 'Processing' to 'Success'. Then the report output will be displayed in the window.

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