Code - Aster: Operator AFFE - MATERIAU

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Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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Affecter of the materials at geometrical areas of a mesh. Define the command variables (temperature, space, hydration, drying, corrosion,) for numerical computations. Product a data structure of the cham_mater type.

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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chm [cham_mater] = AFFE_MATERIAU ( MAILLAGE !M"#ELE = my , = Mo , / / [mesh] [skeleto ] [mo$el]

% ass&' me t o( the ame o( the mater&al ) AFFE = *_F * / T"UT = + "UI, / - GR"U._MA =l'ma , - /ET =lma , MATER = / 2,2, % ass&' me t o( the comma $ 3ar&a1les) AFFE_4AR5 = *_F * ! / T"UT = + "UI, / - /ET =lma , - GR"U._MA =l'ma , /"M_4AR5 = / chechmate , /l_mat ,

, [l_'r_ma&lle] [l_ma&lle] [s01$0e] [l_mater]

[#EFAUT] [l_ma&lle] [l_'r_ma&lle]

6TEM.7, / 6GE"M7, / 65"RR7, / 6E.8A7, / 69:#R7, / 6IRRA7, / 6M_A5IER7, / 6M_;IR57, / 6/EUT<7, / 6/EUT=7, / 6.T"T7, / 6#I4U7, / 68E597,

!59AM_G#=ch3arc [(&el$] !E4"L=e3o3arc [e3ol_s$aster] !/"M_59AM = osym1, [T>M] !F"/5_I/8T = (& st, [(0 ct&o ] !.R"L_#R"ITE = / 6E>5LU7, [#EFE5T] / 65"/8TA/T7, / 6LI/EAIRE7, !.R"L_GAU59E = / 6E>5LU7, [#EFE5T] / 65"/8TA/T7, / 6LI/EAIRE7, % I( /"M_4AR5 = 6TEM.7 *or 68E5972) 4ALE_REF = 3re(, [R] % 6h&$$e 7 key 4AR5_TEM. = _F 4AR5_GE"M = _F 4AR5_9:#R = _F 4AR5_8E59 = _F A ?or$s) *@@@2, *@@@2, *@@@2, *@@@2,

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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2,2, % ass&' me t o( the 61eha3&or7 o( the m0lt&(&1re 1eams ) ! AFFE_5"M."R = *_F * / T"UT = + "UI, , [#EFAUT] / - GR"U._MA =l'ma , [l_'r_ma&lle] - /ET =lma , [l_ma&lle] 5"M."R 2,2, !I/F" ) = / < /= , [#EFAUT] =compor , [compor]

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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General information
Cette command is used to affect the material characteristics on the finite elements of the model (even if in fact the meshes of the mesh are really affected). hese material characteristics are defined in the materials !hich one affects on the meshes ("ey !ord MATER). #ach material contains a certain number of parameters ($oung modulus, density,). hese parameters can be related to certain variables. %e !ill call these variables of the &command variables'. Currently, the command variables used are( the temperature, space, the hydration, drying, the metallurgical phases, the irradiation, corrosion, outes these command variables must be affected !ith command AFFE_MATERIAU ("ey !ord AFFE_4AR5). )n the case of model for multifibre beams, it is also necessary to affect in this command the &behaviors' defined !ith command #EFI_5"M."R/MULTI_FIBRE *+,.,-../0.


MAILLAGE Note: T.e perati ! 4 assig!2e!t is t.e sa2e !e 4 r t.e 4 a s9e#et ! as 4 r t.e 4 a 2es.) I! t.e % !ti!uati ! 4 t.e / %u2e!t: !e 0i## a#0a3s sa3 2es. t si2p#i43) -.e! !e a44e%ts 2ateria#s ! t.e 4 a s9e#et !: it is !e 0a!ts % 2pute 4 t.e stresses 74 r e;a2p#e8 ! t.e 4 p stpr %essi!g 7% arser8) = my, 1om of the mesh (or the s"eleton) !hich one !ants to affect by characteristics of material.


!M"#ELE = Mo, 1om of the model. his argument (optional) is only used to chec" that the meshes affected in the command form part of the model !ell.


Key word factor AFFE

the "ey !ord factor AFFE ma"es it possible to affect various materials on &pieces' of the mesh.


Notice concernin comp!tations of fract!re mec"anics

)n general, the material characteristics must be "no!n on the finite elements modeli2ing the &matter'( &voluminal' elements (or of structure). he finite elements of &s"in' are there to apply boundary conditions and do not have to "no! the material properties of the sub3acent matter. An e4ception e4ists for the computation of option 5AL5_C_G of operators . 5or these computations,

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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the finite elements modeli2ing the lips of crac" must be affected by the same material as the &voluminal' elements sub3acent.



6es "ey !ord T"UT, GR"U._MA and ME89 ma"es it possible to indicate the group of the meshes !hich !ill be affected. )f a mesh appears e4plicitly (or implicitly) in several occurrences of the "ey !ord factor AFFE, the rule of overload is observed( it is the last assignment !hich precedes *+7..8..90.


Operand MATER
MATER = chechmate, 1om of the material !hich one !ants to affect. )n the general case, each mesh is affected only by one material. :ometimes, it is necessary to indicate a list of materials !hen the nonlinear mechanical behavior is obtained by command #EFI_5"M."R *+,.,-../0.


Key word AFFE_VARC

his "ey !ord factor ma"es it possible to affect fields of command $aria%les on the meshes of the mesh. his "ey !ord can be repeated. )t is necessary to use several occurrences of AFFE_4AR5 to be able to affect several different command variables. ;ut one can also use several occurrences for only one variable. 5or e4ample, on a mi4ed model (-D < beams), one can affect li"e temperature( 8 e3ol_ther calculated on elements -D 8 field of temperature (constant in time) on the beam elements. A command variable is a scalar (real) !hich can influence the material behavior via the parameters !hich are functions (for e4ample a parameter of #EFI_MATERIAU / ELA8_F"). A command variable is a field "no!n %efore computation. his field can be variable in time. he command variables !ere introduced above all for mechanical computations. command variable for mechanical computations is the temperature. he most usual

5or thermal computations, it is possible to use one (or several) command variables, but that relates to only some very rare parameters( 8E59_/A..E / FU/5TI"/ T9ER_F" / LAMB#A T9ER_F" / R9"_5. T9ER_5"DUE_F" / 5"/#_LMM, 5"/#_TMM,A


Op&rande NOM_VARC
/"M_4AR5 = om3arc, 1om of the command variable !hich one !ants to affect (TEM., GE"M, IRRA, 5"RR, 9:#R, 8E59,A).

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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=eaning and role of the various variables( TEM. GE"M 5"RR E.8A 9:#R IRRA M_A5IER steel e0tral /EUT= 8E59 .T"T #I4U temperature directions of space corrosion of steels anelastic strain hydration of concrete )rradiation metallurgical phases of metallurgical =_>)?C phases of & ' 2ircaloy 1#+ 8 variable 8( the material coefficients of the materials according to a parameter &user' (see e4ample - belo!) allo!s to vary &neutral' variable 7 (as /EUT<) drying of concrete :tagnation pressure of fluid in @= (chained resolution) DAformation voluminal in @= (chained resolution)

Certaines command variables are scalars. Bthers are &vectors' including several scalar components. Bne gives in the table belo! the name of the components of command variables TEM. GE"M 5"RR E.8A 9:#R IRRA M_A5IER M_;IR5 /EUT< /EUT= 8E59 .T"T #I4U TEM., TEM._MIL, TEM._8U., TEM._I/F >, :, ; 5"RR E.8A>>, E.8A::, E.8A;;, E.8A>:, E.8A>;, E.8A:; 9:#R IRRA FERRITE, ..ERLITE, .BAI/ITE, .MARTE/8, TAU8TE, TRA/8F, TA5IER AL.9.UR, AL.9BETA, T;IR5, TEM.8 /EUT< /EUT= 8E59 .T"T #I4U

command variable IRRA corresponds to a fluence, i.e. the intAgale in the time of a neutron flu4. )t is used by several constitutive la!s, in specific units( it must be e4pressed in #.A (displacement per atom) for model IRRA#EM (cf *?C..-.7-0)D it must be e4pressed in 1020 n / cm 2 for models 4I85_IRRA_L"G, GRA/_IRRA_L"G, LEMAITRE_IRRA (cf *?C..-..E0).

4.4.2 4.4.3


Ces "ey !ords ma"e it possible to indicate the meshes of the area to be affected.

Operand CHAM_GD
his "ey !ord ma"es it possible to associate !ith the command variable om3arc the field ch3arc. his field is a field of realities (not functions). )t is thus independent of time and !ill be used throughout transient computations. )f the values of the command variable are dependent on time, it is necessary to use "ey !ord E4"L (see belo!). Cham_elem ELGA are authori2ed only if they result from operator .R"F_59AM./ MET9"#E = 68"U8_."I/T7, to assign the values to the subpoints of Fauss of the elements at subpoints.

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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Ces "ey !ords ma"e it possible to associate !ith the command variable om3arc the transient e3o3arc. Gey !ord /"M_59AM ma"es it possible to indicate the symbolic name of the fields of 8#_rGs0ltat to be used. ;y default, the code chooses( NOM_VARC TEM. GE"M 5"RR E.8A 9:#R IRRA M_A5IER M_;IR5 /EUT< /EUT= 8E59 .T"T #I4U NOM_CHAM 6TEM.7 6GE"M7 65"RR7 6E.8A_EL/"7 69:#R_EL/"7 6IRRA7 6META_EL/"7 6META_EL/"7 6/EUT7 6/EUT7 6TEM.7 6#E.L7 6E.8I7

6es fields are real fields (neither comple4es, nor functions). Cham_elem ELGA are authori2ed only if they result from operator .R"F_59AM./ MET9"#E = 68"U8_."I/T7, to assign the values to the subpoints of Fauss of the elements at subpoints. he "ey !ord F"/5_I/8T = (& st ma"es it possible to define a function (time) !hich is used as correspondence bet!een the &time' of the evolution e3o3arc (t_e3o) and the &time' of later computation (t_calc). he function can be a simple &translation' (to hold account o!ing to the fact that the beginning of times of mechanical computation is different from the time of the beginning of thermal computation, but one can ma"e more intricate, for e4ample to impose a mechanical loading (thermal dilation) &cyclic' by computing one cycle of temperature. Bne !ill be able to consult the case test HHHH==Ea to illustrate the use of this "ey !ord. Caution( he function (& st is that !hich transforms t_calc into t_e3o ( t_e3o = (& st *t_calc2 6es "ey !ords .R"L_GAU59E and .R"L_#R"ITE ma"es it possible to specify if one can use the transient e3o3arc before time &min' of the transient (.R"L_GAU59E) andHor after time &ma4' of transient (.R"L_#R"ITE). Ialue 6E>5LU7 !ill cause an error if one see"s to use the transient apart from his field. Ialue 65"/8TA/T7 prolongs the transient by the values at time &min' (or &ma4'). Ialue 6LI/EAIRE7 linearly prolongs the transient starting from the 7 first (or the last) points of the transient.


Operand VALE_REF
his "ey !ord ma"es it possible to define a value of &reference' for the command variable om3arc !hen the aforementioned needs a value of reference. Currently, only t!o command variables reJuire a value of reference( 6TEM.7 and 68E597@ 5or these t!o variables, "ey !ord 4ALE_REF is compulsory. 5or the other variables, this "ey !ord is prohibited. 5or command variable 6TEM.7 in the case of the shells, the reference temperature is supposed to be the same one for the - components. his is !hy it is reKentered only once. 4ALE_REF = Tre( *or cI2 [R]

4.4.*.1 +eference temperat!re , T ref -:

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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Date : 17/04/2013 Page : =/12 (# : U4)43)03 R*isi ! : 10+0,

he reference temperature T ref introduced behind "ey !ord 4ALE_REF is the temperature for !hich there is no thermal strain (cf *?,..9..80). )f the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion (of !hich the value is introduced into command th #EFI_MATERIAU *+,.,-..80) does not depend on the temperature( T = T T ref . )f the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion depends on the temperature the mathematical statement allo!ing the computation of the thermal strain differs according to the specification from the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion in command #EFI_MATERIAU ( the values of the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion (introduced into #EFI_MATERIAU) !ere determined by tests of dilatometry carried out !ith the temperature T ref . )n this case, "ey !ord TEM._#EF_AL.9A should not be specified in command #EFI_MATERIAU and the thermal strain is calculated by the statement(

th T = T T T ref and th T ref =0

!here T is !ell informed under "ey !ord AL.9A (or AL.9A_J) in #EFI_MATERIAU. the values of the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion are determined by tests of dilatometry !hich too" place !ith a temperature T def different from the reference temperature T ref . )t is then necessary to carry out a change of reference in the computation of the thermal strain *?,..9..80.
th th T =th m T m T ref

!h er e

th m is the measured thermal strain (definite compared to the temperature T def ), th is the computed thermal strain (definite compared to the temperature T ref ).

he temperature T def is indicated under "ey !ord TEM._#EF_AL.9A in #EFI_MATERIAU, and the values of the coefficient of thermal e4pansion (definite compared to the temperature T def ) are indicated under "ey !ord AL.9A or (AL.9A_J) in #EFI_MATERIAU. 1otice concerning the @=( I! a 2 /e#i>ati ! T?M: t.e te2perature is ! t a % 22a!/ *aria"#e) ? 0e*er: t.e % e44i%ie!t 4 t.er2a# e;pa!si ! %a! "e a 4u!%ti ! 4 t.e te2perature) T "e a"#e t tra!s4 r2 %ur*e/ alpha (T) 7TEMP_DEF_ALPHA @ A TEMP_REF8: a re4ere!%e te2perature is !e%essar3) is 0.3: as pp se/ t 9! 0! as s3!ta;: it is p ssi"#e t i!4 r2 NOM_VARC='TEMP' B VALE_REF 0it. ut i!4 r2i!g 9e3 0 r/s CHAM_GD r EVOL) Cut use 2ust "e .e#/ 0it. 2 /e#i>ati !s T?M) 4.4.*.2 Dryin of reference , c 0 -: ma"es a mechanical computation (ME5A_8TATIDUE or 8TAT_/"/_LI/E) !ith a loading of type drying. cI must be given in the same units as &drying' (AFFE_MATERIAU/AFFE_4AR5= _F */"M_4AR5=,8E59, A2 for e4ample in L / m 3 ). his unit must be coherent !ith parameter #EFI_MATERIAU/ELA8_F"/C_#E88I5.
-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

c 0 represent the !ater content initial of the concrete. he user must provide this number !hen it

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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Date : 17/04/2013 Page : +/12 (# : U4)43)03 R*isi ! : 10+0,

A this !ater content initial, the shrin"age of desiccation is null since( E.8_r$ = C_#E88I5 (cI K c2.


Key words /"idden0 for t"e assi nment of t"e No!s

command variables sa! ho! the user can affect fields (isolated or coming from s$_res0ltat) li"e command variable for his later computations. ;ut the command variables are named scalars and the associated fields have also named components. he problem is to associate each command variable !ith a component of the field. here e4ists as much of "ey !ord factor &hidden' than of command variables allo!ing these associations. hese "ey !ords &are hidden' because they have values by default (see the table belo!). Bne should use them only !hen one !ishes to do something of a little &special'. 5or e4ample( use variables /EUT_< or /EUT_=, ma"e pass a field of temperature for a field of corrosion, #4pliJuons these "ey !ords factors on t!o e4amples( he user carried out a &thermal' computation !hose solution is actually an evolution evo8 !hose fields contain drying. )n this e3ol_ther, fields called TEM. carry a component called also TEM.. he user !ho !ishes to use such fields as command variable 8E59 !ill be able to !rite( 59MAT=AFFE_MATERIAU *A 4AR_8E59=_F */"M_4AR5=,8E59,, GRA/#EUR=,TEM._R,, 5M._4AR5=,8E59,, 5M._G#=,TEM.,22 %hat one can translate by( &the fields !hich ) !ish to affect as command variable & 8E59' are Juantity TEM._R and the component to be used is &TEM.'. %hen a command variable is a &vector' having several scalar components, for e4ample the variable M_A5IER !hich has L components (&.FERRITE',, &TA5IER'). he user can !rite( 59MAT=AFFE_MATERIAU *A 4AR_M_A5IER=_F */"M_4AR5=,M_A5IER,, GRA/#EUR=,4ARI_R,, 5M._4AR5= *6.FERRITE7, 6.EARLITE7,A, 6TA5IER72, 5M._G#= *64<7, 64=7,A, 64L7222 %hat !ants to say( &the fields !hich ) !ish to affect as command variable &M_A5IER' are Juantity 4ARI_R and the correspondence of the components to be used is( *6.FERRITE7, 64<72, *6TA5IER7, 64L72. he hidden "ey !ords have li"e values by default( NOM_VARC QUANTITY CMP_VARC CMP_GD TEM. GE"M TEM._R GE"M_R TEM. > : ; 8E59 9:#R TEM._R 9:#R_R 8E59 9:#R TEM. > : ; TEM. 9:#R

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

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5"RR IRRA /EUT< /EUT= E.8A>> E.8A:: E.8A;; E.8A>: E.8A>; E.8A>;

5"RR IRRA >< >< E.>> E.:: E.;; E.>: E.>; E.>;








.T"T #I4U

#E.L_R E.8I_R

.T"T #I4U


Key word factor AFFE_COMPOR

his "ey !ord factor ma"es it possible to affect the &behavior multifibre' of the multifibre beam elements. he "ey !ord T"UT, GR"U._MA and ME89 ma"e it possible to indicate the group of the meshes !hich !ill be affected. ;ehind the "ey !ord 5"M."R, the user !ill indicate the name of a concept of the compor type coming from command #EFI_5"M."R/MULTIFIBRE.


Operand MATER
MATER = chechmate, 1om of the material !hich one !ants to affect. )n the general case, each mesh is affected only by one material. :ometimes, it is necessary to indicate a list of materials !hen the nonlinear mechanical behavior is obtained by command #EFI_5"M."R *+,.,-../0.

'xample 1: 1ec"anics wit"o!t t"ermal dilation

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

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chmat = AFFE_MATERIAU * ME89 = my, AFFE = * _F *T"UT = 6"UI7 , MATER = steel2, _F *MAILLE= *6ma<7, 6ma=7, 6maE72, MATER = al0m& 0m,2,2, 2 :ur the group of the mesh (e4cept the meshes( ma<, ma=, maE) are affected the material of name steel. Bn the meshes ma<, ma=, maE are affected the material al0m& 0m. 'xample 2: 1ec"anics wit" t"ermal dilation Affectation on all the mesh of the material MAT !hose certain parameters are functions of the temperature. =oreover the thermal coefficient of thermal e4pansion is defined for this material. he temporal evolution of the temperature is given via the data structure result E4"T9 (of evol_ther type2. he reference temperature (that for !hich dilation is null) is !orth 7. degrees. 59MAT = AFFE_MATERIAU *ME89 = M:, AFFE =_F *T"UT=,"UI7, MATER = 59E59MATE,2, AFFE_4AR5=_F */"M_4AR5=,TEM.,, E4"L =E4"T9, 4ALE_REF==I@ 2, 2 'xample 3: 1ec"anics wit" t"ermal dilation 2 complex modeli3ation Dans the preceding e4ample, the thermal evolution (E4"T9) apply to all the elements of the model. ;ut it can happen that this situation is unrealistic for certain comple4 modeli2ations. :everal times "ey !ord A55#_IA?C should then 1e repeate$//"M_4AR5=,TEM., to affect different thermal evolutions on various parts of the model. )n the follo!ing e4ample, models it is a model -D in !hich are plunged steel reinforcements. A thermal computation !as carried out as a preliminary !ithout ta"ing account of reinforcements. Bne obtained a result !hich one called E4"T9E#. he temperature of the nodes of the elements of reinforcement is then un"no!n. :o in addition, one is able to evaluate the temperature of reinforcements (measurements,) and that this temperature is stored in field (TEM._ARM), one can then ma"e the thermal mechanical computation of dilation !ith the follo!ing material field( 59MAT = AFFE_MATERIAU *ME89 = M:, AFFE =_F *A2, AFFE_4AR5= * _F */"M_4AR5=,TEM.,, GR"U._MA=,4"LUM,, E4"L =E4"T9E#, 4ALE_REF==I@ 2, _F */"M_4AR5=,TEM.,, GR"U._MA=,ARMA,, 59AM_G# =TEM._ARM, 4ALE_REF==I@ 2, 22 'xample 4: 1ec"anics wit" infl!ence of t"e 4ffectation irradiation on all the mesh of the material MAT !hose certain parameters are functions of the irradiation. he temporal evolution of the irradiation is given via the :D result E4"L M FLUE/5. 59MAT = AFFE_MATERIAU *ME89 = M:, AFFE =_F *T"UT=,"UI,, MATER = 59E59MATE,2, AFFE_4AR5=_F */"M_4AR5=,IRRA,, E4"L =FLUE/5,2, 2 'xample *: 1ec"anical comp!tation wit" a field of mod!l!s 5o!n imposed

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

Titre : Oprateur AFFE_MATERIAU Resp !sa"#e : $a%&ues PE''ET

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Date : 17/04/2013 Page : 12/12 (# : U4)43)03 R*isi ! : 10+0,

Dans this e4ample (resulting from the case test ssnv8-.c), one !ants to illustrate the possibility of using a field of modulus $oung !hom one supposes "no!n (59:"U/G). 5or e4ample, this field is read in a file (LIRE_59AM.) or it is the result of a computation. he &astuteness' consists in defining a material for !hich the $oung modulus ("ey !ord ELA8/E) is the function &identity' of variable 6/EUT<7 and one affects field 59:"U/G li"e command variable 6/EUT<7. 59:"U/G=A /U_F=#EFI_5"/8TA/TE *4ALE=I@E2 E_F = #EFI_F"/5TI"/ */"M_.ARA=,/EUT<,, 4ALE= <@EQP,<@EQP22 MA=#EFI_MATERIAU *ELA8_F"=_F *E=E_F, /U=/U_F,2,2R




5M=AFFE_MATERIAU *MAILLAGE=M, AFFE=_F *T"UT= 6"UI7, MATER= M:2, AFFE_4AR5=_F */"M_4AR5=,/EUT<,, 59AM_G#=59:"U/G2, 2

-ar!i!g : T.e tra!s#ati ! pr %ess use/ ! 0e"site is a 1Ma%.i!e Tra!s#ati !1) It 2a3 "e i2pre%ise a!/ i!a%%urate i! 0. #e r i! part a!/ is pr *i/e/ as a % !*e!ie!%e) 'i%e!se/ u!/er t.e ter2s 4 t.e 56U FD' 7.ttp://000)g!u) rg/% p3#e4t/4/#).t2#8

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