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Dan Brown, the eldest of three children, was born and raised in Exeter, New Hampshire, USA

Daniel Brown (19 !"# "$$% &'ne $$, 19 ! (a(e !9% Exeter, New Hampshire U)S) Occupation No*elist Language En(lish Nationality American Alma mater Amherst +olle(e Genres ,hriller, ad*ent're, m-ster-, conspiracDigital Fortress Deception Point Angels & Demons Notable work(s) The Da Vinci Code The Lost Symbol Inferno Spouse(s) Bl-the Newlon Born

&'ne $$, 19 ! (a(e !9%

He c'rrentl- has written six no*el of which ! are of the robert lan(don serires) ,hese are 1 an(els and demons $ the da*inci code . the lost s-mbol ! inferno Brown/s interest in secrets and p'00les stems from their presence in his ho'sehold as a child

he and his siblin(s participated in elaborate treas're h'nts de*ised b- their father on birthda-s and holida-s) 1n +hristmas, for example, Brown and his siblin(s did not find (ifts 'nder the tree, b't followed a treas're map with codes and cl'es thro'(ho't their ho'se and e*en aro'nd town to find the (ifts)

2hile on holida- in ,ahiti in 199.,345 Brown read Sidne- Sheldon/s no*el The Doomsday Conspiracy, and was inspired to become a writer of thrillers

And th's He started writin( his first boo6 Digital Fortress,

Inferno is the fo'rth boo6 in his 7obert 8an(don series, followin( Angels & Demons, The Da Vinci Code and The Lost Symbol)315 ,he boo6 was released on 9a- 1!, $#1. b- Do'bleda-

+haracters in Brown/s boo6s are often named after real people in his life) 7obert 8an(don is named after &ohn 8an(don, the artist who created the ambi(rams 'sed for the Angels & Demons

7obert 8an(don/s editor &onas :a'6man is named after Brown/s real life editor &ason ;a'fman <nferno has an elobrate plot with settin(s in florence,*enice and istanb'l) the plot consists of a har*ard proffesor with amnesia, a bond t-pe female character, assasins,mad scientists and weopan of mass destr'ction is carried in the bac6drop of some of the best historical sites of e'rope) Son- pict'res which has alread- filmed two of the robert lan(don series has dated a film adaptaion to be relaese on december 1=,$#1> with ron howard as director and tom han6s reprisin his role as robert lan(don

ama0on is sellin( harco*er *ersion for dollar 1>).= at >#?disco'nt)alon( with free shippin( for chrism christmas


Dan Brown United States Country United ;in(dom Language En(lish Series 7obert 8an(don @! Genre 9-ster-, :act fiction, +onspirac- fiction, ,hriller Publisher Do'bledaPublication ate 9a- 1!, $#1. !e ia type Arint, e"boo6 Pages !=# pa(es "SBN 94="#".=>">.4=>"= OCLC Number =$!4$..$9 Prece e by The Lost Symbol

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