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LESSON PLAN TEACHER: Simon Katalin DATE: CLASS: 5th SCHOOL: Elekes Vencel Primary School TEXTBOOK: Fountain

RECENT WORK: Vocabulary: Rooms and parts of the house Grammar: Present continuous TOPIC: What are you going to wear Communication: omment on clothes! "ake plans Grammar: Ver# going to for future plans and intentions Vocabulary: lothes! colours LESSON AIMS: to practice $oca#ulary related to clothes and colours to remind the form of Present ontinuous to use going to for future plans and intentions to practice the forms of going to to re$ise the colours to descri#e what the students are wearing%going to wear&

SKILLS: speaking! listening! writing! reading MATERIALS: posters! te't#ook! wordpu((le! sheet of paper TIMING:5) min METHODS: con$ersation! o#ser$ation! e'ercise! reading BIBLIOGRAPHY: *unt Roger! +awley ,im, Fountain, Manual de limba englez pentru clasa a V-a! Editura +ongman! -)). *unt Roger! +awley ,im, Fountain, Wor boo ! "eginners! Editura +ongman! .//0 +awley ,im! 123eil *elen! Fountain #eac$er%s "oo "eginners! Editura +ongman! -)).

ristina 4rescan! Rus 56nde! &nglis$ Wor boo 'or t$e (t$ grade! Editura 7reati$! 58rgu "ure! -))/

ACTIVITY 1 Warm up 9ims: to get Ss in$ol$ed into the topic to use properly the $oca#ulary related to clothes and colours to remind the form of Present ontinuous

PROCEDURE 5he student on duty tells the a#sents: the teacher writes the a#sentees in the catalogue: then 5 checks homework and students correct mistakes! if necessary; Ss are asked se$eral <uestions a#out weather and their mood; 5 corrects their homework =e'ercise 5 page >?@ orally;5hen!5 puts the following headings on the AA : "oys Girls 5 asks Ss to write some clothes which the #oys and girls are wearing Bn pairs they gi$e e'amples; 5eacher asks the students: what kind of clothes are they wearing! Students answer the <uestion; 5he teacher tells students that they will get a word pu((le and they ha$e to work in pairs and find the eight clothes; 5he teacher gi$es the students the sheet of paper! the students find and then read the names of the clothes they found; 5 writes some <uestions on the AA; What are you wearing today& 5hen the S5s answer like this: B am wearing a #lue trousers! a white shirtD;etc;

INTERACTION 5CS frontal pair work

TIMING .) min

5CS Bndi$idual Whole class

.) minutes

SCS Whole class

.) min

ACTIVITY 2 - )ractice 9ims: to use going to for future plans and intentions to practice the form of going to to ask and answer a#out clothes

PROCEDURE INTERACTION 5 elicits and #riefly drills se$eral e'amples of <uestions and answers 5CS form! using the clothes related $oca#ulary; *re you +earing ,eans -orbi. /es, 0 am *re you +earing a blouse Szil1i. -o, 0 am not2 5 reminds the students that Present ontinuous is used for e'pressing the current acti$ities; 5 writes on the AA: F1B3F 51 ; Ss; think that it is a#out the $er# F1; 3ow the 5; e'plains the use of F1B3F 51; Cyou use going to , to talk about what you plan or intend to do in the future. It is usually a personal decision. : 5 asks the students to open their #ooks and look at the pictures! answer the <uestion: What are these people doing& Students answer the <uestions; 5CS Erontal Reading Speaking 5CS Erontal Pair work

TIMING .5 min

ACTIVITY 3 H )reparation 'or $ome+or assignment 9ims: de$eloping writing skills

PROCEDURE 5 gi$es instruction for the homework assignment; Bnstruction: E'ercise -! page >?


TIMING 5 min

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Eind the clothes in the word pu((leJ











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